viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

En este día...


On This Day: June 24

On June 24, 1997, the Air Force released a report on the so-called "Roswell Incident," suggesting the alien bodies witnesses reported seeing in 1947 were actually life-sized dummies.
On June 24, 1895, Jack Dempsey, the American world heavyweight boxing champion from 1919 to 1926, was born. Following his death on May 31, 1983, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1314The forces of Scotland's King Robert I defeated the English in the Battle of Bannockburn.
1497The first recorded sighting of North America by a European took place as explorer John Cabot, on a voyage for England, spotted land, probably in present-day Canada.
1509Henry VIII was crowned king of England.
1793The first republican constitution in France was adopted.
1908Former President Grover Cleveland died in Princeton, N.J., at age 71.
1940France signed an armistice with Italy during World War II.
1974The Beach Boys' greatest hits album "Endless Summer" was released.
1998AT&T Corp. struck a deal to buy cable television giant Tele-Communications Inc. for $31.7 billion.
2004Federal investigators questioned President George W. Bush for more than an hour in connection with the news leak of a CIA operative's name.
2006Patsy Ramsey, who was thrust into the national spotlight by the unsolved slaying of her daughter JonBenet, died at age 49.
2009After going AWOL for seven days, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford admitted that he had secretly flown to Argentina to visit his mistress.
2010John Isner of the U.S. defeated Nicolas Mahut of France at Wimbledon in the longest-ever professional match: 11 hours, 5 minutes over three days. (Isner won the fifth set 70-68.)

Current Birthdays

Jeff Beck, Rock musician
Rock musician Jeff Beck turns 67 years old today.
AP Photo/Gerald Herbert
Minka Kelly, Actress (“Friday Night Lights”)
Actress Minka Kelly ("Friday Night Lights") turns 31 years old today.
AP Photo/Dan Steinberg
1919Al Molinaro, Actor ("Happy Days"), turns 92
1923Jack Carter, Comedian, turns 88
1942Michele Lee, Actress ("Knot's Landing"), turns 69
1943Georg Stanford Brown, Actor, director ("The Rookies"), turns 68
1944Arthur Brown, Rock singer, turns 67
1945George Pataki, Former governor of New York, turns 66
1947Mick Fleetwood, Rock musician (Fleetwood Mac), turns 64
1960Juli Inkster, Golfer, turns 51
1961Curt Smith, Rock singer, musician (Tears for Fears), turns 50
1967Sherry Stringfield, Actress ("ER"), turns 44
1979Mindy Kaling, Actress, producer ("The Office"), turns 32
1986Solange Knowles, R&B singer, turns 25

Historic Birthdays

86Theodore Beza 6/24/1519 - 10/13/1605
French author, translator, educator and theologian
56Robert Dudley Leicester 6/24/1532 - 9/4/1588
English favorite of Queen Elizabeth I
49Saint John of the Cross 6/24/1542 - 12/14/1591
Spanish mystic and poet
66John Hughes 6/24/1797 - 1/3/1864
Irish-born American religious leader; first Roman Catholic archbishop of New York
73Henry Ward Beecher 6/24/1813 - 3/8/1887
American Congregational minister
63Gustavus Swift 6/24/1839 - 3/29/1903
American business leader; founded Swift & Co.
81Victor Francis Hess 6/24/1883 - 12/17/1964
Austrian-born Nobel Prize-winning physicist (1936)
81Irving Kaufman 6/24/1910 - 2/1/1992
American judge; presided over the Rosenberg case
75Norman Cousins 6/24/1915 - 11/30/1990
American essayist and editor of The Saturday Review
69John Ciardi 6/24/1916 - 3/30/1986
American poet, critic and translator

Resident doctors still work too long: report

(Reuters) - First-year residents may soon get a reprieve from grueling hospital shifts that last more than 24 hours, but that is not enough to prevent an alarming number of medical errors, according to a report released on Friday.
Starting July 1, new rules will require first-year residents to work shifts no longer than 16 straight hours. But that will not spare more experienced residents from working as long as 28 hours at a stretch.
A group of 26 doctors and patient safety experts are calling for limiting all resident physician work to shifts of 12 to 16 hours. Their report was published on Friday in the journal Nature & Science of Sleep journal.
"What started as a good system has evolved into a system where the residents are extremely sleep deprived, caring for some of the sickest patients in the country, and that's a set-up for disaster," Dr. Christopher Landrigan, one of the report's authors, said in an interview.
The report is the product of a conference held last year at Harvard Medical School. It also recommends that residents should be subject to increased supervision by attending physicians and hand off routine work like blood draws or paperwork to other staff.
The group cited U.S. government statistics that show as many as 180,000 patients each year die due to harm resulting from their medical care.
The new resident work rules are based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, which estimated implementation would cost $1.7 billion, mostly to hire additional hospital staff. Landrigan said the costs would be offset by reducing medical errors.
"Few people enter a hospital expecting that their care and safety are in the hands of someone who has been working a double-shift or more with no sleep," said Dr. Lucian Leape, adjunct professor of health policy at the Harvard School of Public Health and a co-author of the report.
"If they knew, and had a choice, the overwhelming majority would demand another doctor or leave," he said in a statement.
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), the body that oversees residency training, issued the new rules for first-years in September 2010. It has said it was committed to examining resident hours "with a goal of making them better."
Landrigan said he does not expect the report to change the rules for other residents anytime soon, because of tradition and costs.
(Reporting by Andrew Seaman; Editing by Michele Gershberg)



Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:02 PM PDT
Los autores del hallazgo creen que la enzima lo hace modificando una proteína conocida como conexina, que forma un puente eléctrico entre células adyacentes del corazón para garantizar que se conduzca la actividad eléctrica en el corazón a modo de onda de excitación Científicos de la Universidad de Manchester han descubierto una importante enzima que podría evitar trastornos cardíacos
Posted: 23 Jun 2011 08:02 PM PDT
Un estudio encuentra que un tipo particular de señales entre dos tipos de células madre podría ser responsable. Los orígenes de las canas podrían encontrarse en un tipo de comunicación particular entre las células madre folículos capilares y melanocitos, las células que producen y almacenan los pigmentos de la piel y el pelo, sugiere un estudio reciente. Usando modelos ratoniles,

Evidencia en pediatría.

¿Son eficaces las revisiones de salud de los niños?
Aunque resulte paradójico, actualmente no hay todavía pruebas científicas concluyentes para poder afirmar que los resultados de las revisiones de salud (RS), en términos de salud, tengan un impacto elevado. La realidad es que las RS deben ser entendidas como un proceso continuado y no como una activ

jueves, 23 de junio de 2011

Manejo de la hiponatremia: proveyendo tratamiento y evitando daño

Manejo de la hiponatremia: proveyendo tratamiento y evitando daño
Management of hyponatremia: providing treatment and avoiding harm.
Vaidya C, Ho W, Freda BJ.
Tufts University School of Medicine, Renal Division, Baystate Medical Center, MA, USA.
Cleve Clin J Med. 2010 Oct;77(10):715-26.
Hyponatremia, in its most severe form, requires urgent infusion of hypertonic saline to correct cerebral edema. However, overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia can cause osmotic demyelination syndrome. The authors review the treatment of hyponatremia in order to provide clinicians with a sound approach in a variety of settings in which severity, symptoms, and underlying disease states influence therapy. Also discussed is the current role of vasopressin antagonists in treatment. 
Cambios electolítricos: un método indirecto para valorar las complicaciones por la absorción del líquido de irrigación durante la resección transuretral de próstata; Un estudio prospectivo
Electrolyte changes: An indirect method to assess irrigation fluid absorption complications during transurethral resection of prostate: A prospective study.
Gupta K, Rastogi B, Jain M, Gupta PK, Sharma D.
Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care, N.S.C.B.Subharti Medical College, Subhartipuram, NH-58, Meerut - 250 004, U.P. India.
Saudi J Anaesth. 2010 Sep;4(3):142-6.
CONTEXT: Fluid absorption is inevitable complication of transuretheral resection of prostate and serum electrolytes changes can indirectly assess the irrigation fluid absorption. AIMS: To monitor the extent of 1.5% glycineirrigation fluid absorption during transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), by measuring the changes of serum sodium and potassium levels peri-operatively. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: This is a randomized prospective cohort observational study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The 86 male patients of ASA grades I to III in the age group of 50 to 80 years, scheduled for elective TURP surgery under central neuraxial block, were studied. Their preoperative and post-operative serum sodium, potassium and calcium levels were measured. When duration of surgery exceeds 60 min, serum sodium and potassium levels were done intra-operatively with venous blood samples by using blood gas analyser. The height of irrigation fluid column was kept constant at 60 cm. These changes were correlated with the volume of irrigating fluid used, duration of procedure and the volume of prostate gland resected. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: The values of pre and postoperative sodium, potassium and calcium serum levels were compared and statistical significance of the difference in values was assessed using Student's paired t test. RESULTS: Statistically significant reduction of serum sodium levels (hyponatremia) and elevation of serum potassium levels (hyperkalemia) were observed post-operatively, which was directly proportional to volume of irrigating fluid used, duration of procedure and volume of prostate gland resected. No significant changes in serum calcium level were observed. CONCLUSIONS: To measure serum electrolytes changes during TURP surgery, it is simple and economical method for indirect assessment of fluid absorption for early identification of TURP syndrome

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


Tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca con síntomas leves 
El agregado de eplerenona al tratamiento recomendado de la insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica con síntomas leves se asocia con la reducción significativa tanto de la tasa de mortalidad de origen cardiovascular y de internaciones por insuficiencia cardíaca, como de los índices de mortalidad y hospitalización por todas las causas.

SLAMVI en el marco de la Copa América 2011
Recomendaciones para viajeros a Argentina 
Recomendaciones de la Sociedad Latinoamericada de Medicina del Viajero para los profesionales de salud . Inmunizaciones, diarreas, accidentes, prevención. Todo en un documento en PDF para su fácil descarga.

Hepagastro, sitio de la cátedra de Gastro de la UNR
El hígado en el paciente séptico 
Como actor, el hígado es el órgano fundamental para la eliminación bacteriana, inactivación de productos bacterianos, eliminación y producción de mediadores inflamatorios.

Arteriografía coronaria
Empleo de bicarbonato de sodio para prevenir la nefropatía por sustancias de contraste 
La nefropatía inducida por medios de contraste se asocia con aumento de las tasas de morbimortalidad. La administración de bicarbonato de sodio más cloruro de sodio antes y después de la arteriografía coronaria disminuyó la incidencia de nefropatía.

Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo
Efecto del tratamiento con bloqueantes ß en pacientes con EPOC 
Los bloqueantes ß pueden reducir la mortalidad, las exacerbaciones y las hospitalizaciones de los pacientes con EPOC, además de agregar beneficios atribuibles a la disminución del riesgo cardiovascular.

Detalle de configuraciones
¿Problemas para chequear su correo @intramed a través del POP3? 
Si usted utiliza Microsof Outlook (cualquiera de sus versiones), Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, IncrediMail o cualquier otro programa de correo electrónico para chequear su cuenta, deberá realizar un cambio en la configuración de su programa.

Resumen práctico (Dr. Leandro Seoane)
¿Qué cambió en las recomendaciones sobre Paro Cardio-Respiratorio? 
Síntesis del documento: "Aspectos destacados de las guías de la American Heart Association de 2010 para reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) y atención cardiovascular de emergencia (ACE)".

Eficacia de la memantina en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demencias 
La memantina es un antagonista con afinidad moderada del receptor de NMDA, que se ha estudiado en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras formas de demencia con resultados muy favorables, sobre todo en combinación con inhibidores de la colinesterasa.

Hiperinsulinismo congénito 
Una enfermedad rara que afecta a recién nacidos provocando severas hipoglucemias que pueden conducir a daños neurológicos irreversibles, entre otras consecuencias.

Una patología aún subdiagnosticada
Actualización sobre anafilaxia 
La anafilaxia es una reacción alérgica grave, que puede ser mortal y debe ser diagnosticada y tratada inmediatamente. La incidencia de anafilaxia de rebote es de hasta el 20%.

En este día...


On This Day: June 23

On June 23, 1947, the Senate joined the House in overriding President Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Act.
On June 23, 1894, Edward VIII, the British monarch who abdicated in 1936 in order to marry American Wallis Simpson, was born. Following his death on May 28, 1972, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1868Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention he called the "Type-Writer."
1892The Democratic convention in Chicago nominated former President Grover Cleveland on the first ballot.
1923Choreographer-director Bob Fosse was born in Chicago.
1931Aviators Wiley Post and Harold Gatty took off from New York on the first round-the-world flight in a single-engine plane.
1947The Senate joined the House in overriding President Harry S. Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Act, which allows the president to intervene in labor disputes.
1956Gamal Abdel Nasser was elected president of Egypt.
1969Warren E. Burger was sworn in as chief justice of the United States.
1992John Gotti, convicted of racketeering charges, was sentenced in New York to life in prison.
1993Lorena Bobbitt of Prince William County, Va., sexually mutilated her husband, John, after he allegedly raped her.
2005Former Ku Klux Klansman Edgar Ray Killen was sentenced to 60 years in prison for the 1964 Mississippi slayings of three civil rights workers.
2009"Tonight Show" sidekick Ed McMahon died at 86.
2010Following Gen. Stanley McChrystal's criticism of the Obama administration in a Rolling Stone magazine profile, President Barack Obama named Gen. David Petraeus to replace the Afghanistan commander.

Current Birthdays

Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court justice
Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas turns 63 years old today.
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
LaDainian Tomlinson, Football player
New York Jets running back LaDainian Tomlinson turns 32 years old today.
AP Photo/Rick Osentoski
1956Randy Jackson, TV personality ("American Idol"), turns 55
1957Frances McDormand, Actress, turns 54
1972Selma Blair, Actress, turns 39
1975KT Tunstall, Rock singer, turns 36
1984Duffy, Rock singer, turns 27

Historic Birthdays

61John Fell 6/23/1625 - 7/10/1686
English Anglican priest, author and typographer
75Giambattista Vico 6/23/1668 - 1/23/1744
Italian philosopher
50Josephine 6/23/1763 - 5/29/1814
French consort of Napoleon and empress of France (1804-10)
85Carl Reinecke 6/23/1824 - 3/10/1910
German pianist, composer, conductor and teacher
67Irvin S. Cobb 6/23/1876 - 3/10/1944
American journalist and humorist
62Alfred Charles Kinsey 6/23/1894 - 8/25/1956
American zoologist; headed Indiana University's Institute for Sexual Research
89Paul Joseph Martin 6/23/1903 - 9/14/1992
Canadian politician and diplomat
88James Edward Meade 6/23/1907 - 12/22/1995
English Nobel Prize-winning economist (1977)
77Jean Anouilh 6/23/1910 - 10/3/1987
French playwright
60Bob Fosse 6/23/1927 - 9/23/1987
American theatre and film choreographer