martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


History of Genetics
Heredity (genes)Gene RegulationGenetic CrossesChromosomes
DNA: structure [2]DNA BasicsDNA DiscoveryDNA-Transcription &Translation [2]Mutations [2]
Gregor Mendel - Genetics 
Mendel, the Father of Genetics [2]Mendel and the Gene Idea
Mendel's Peas 

Gregor Mendel, Father of Genetics
Mendel's Laws of Heredity 
Life Science - Mendel and Peas 
Inheritance - Mendel and Peas 
Mendel and Meiosis
Gregor Mendel - Jeopardy Genetics
Color Blindness
Diabetes insipidus
Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Basic Mendelian Principles

Extensions to Mendelism

Chi-Square Test
Sex-Related Topics
Pedigree Analysis
Mitosis and Meiosis
Chromosome Alterations
Chromosome Structural Changes
Bacterial Genetics
Biochemical Pathways
Quantitative Genetics
Population Genetics 
Gene Regulation
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
Posted: 29 Nov 2008 06:27 PM PST
Posted: 29 Nov 2008 05:59 PM PST

Introduction . . 703 Histology Lab Guide . . Cytology . .

Apoptosis . . Autophagy . . Gap Junction . .

Proteasome . . Last four combined . . Epithelium . .

Worm . . Glands . . Connective Tissue . . Cartilage . .

Bone . . Muscle . . Nervous . . Nervous 2 . . Skin . .

Node of R . . Wound Healing . . Fracture repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Autonomic . . Blood . . Blood coagulation . .

Cranial Nerves . . Cell cycle . . Medical Cytology Module . .

Defense . . Ear - Balance & Hearing . . Ear - Vestibular . .

Ear - Cochlear . . Endocrines . . Eye . . Female . . 

Gametogenesis . . GI . . Kidney . . Liver . . 

Lymphoid . . Male . . Marrow . . Mechanisms specifying cell phenotype . .

Oral . . Placenta . . Respiratory . . Sexual Devel . . 

Vessels . . Urinary . . Adjustments to Lab Guide . .

Dental - 

Alveolar Bone . . Aging . . Cementum . .

Connective Tissue . . Dental Pain . .

Dentine . . Enamel . . Eruption . . 

Facial Dev . . Gingiva . . Malformations . .

Oral . . PDL . . Pulp . . Saliva . . 

Skin . . TMJ . . Tooth . .

THESE SLIDES ARE COPYRIGHTED TO Prof WILLIAM A BERESFORD . Anatomy Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-9128, USA , so they are for personal use , but are not to be incorporated into anything for sale. .
This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Asociación Peruana de Informática Biomédica (APIB)

Bienvenidos a la Página de la Asociación Peruana de Informática Biomédica (APIB). Esta Asociación nace en Marzo del
año 2011 y fomenta las actividades de entrenamiento, investigación y desarrollo en Informática Biomédica en el Perú.

Secuencia rápida de inducción e intubación: controversia actual

Secuencia rápida de inducción e intubación: controversia actual.
Rapid sequence induction and intubation: current controversy.
El-Orbany M, Connolly LA.
Department of Anesthesiology-West, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Medical College of Wisconsin,
 Anesth Analg. 2010 May 1;110(5):1318-25. Epub 2010 Mar 17.
Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA.
The changing opinion regarding some of the traditional components of rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII) creates wide practice variations that impede attempts to establish a standard RSII protocol. There is controversy regarding the choice of induction drug, the dose, and the method of administration. Whereas some prefer the traditional rapid injection of a predetermined dose, others use the titration to loss of consciousness technique. The timing of neuromuscular blocking drug (NMBD) administration is different in both techniques. Whereas the NMBD should immediately follow the induction drug in the traditional technique, it is only given after establishing loss of consciousness in the titration technique. The optimal dose of succinylcholine is controversial with advocates and opponents for both higher and lower doses than the currently recommended 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg dose. Defasciculation before succinylcholine was traditionally recommended in RSII but is currently controversial. Although the priming technique was advocated to accelerate onset of nondepolarizing NMBDs, its use has decreased because of potential complications and the introduction of rocuronium. Avoidance of manual ventilation before tracheal intubation was traditionally recommended to avoid gastric insufflation, but its use is currently acceptable and even recommended by some to avoid hypoxemia and to "test" the ability to mask ventilate. Cricoid pressure remains the most heated controversy; some believe in its effectiveness in preventing pulmonary aspiration, whereas others believe it should be abandoned because of the lack of scientific evidence of benefit and possible complications. There is still controversy regarding the best position and whether the head-up, head-down, or supine position is the safest during induction of anesthesia in full-stomach patients. These controversial components need to be discussed, studied, and resolved before establishing a standard RSII protocol. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor