jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

40 Sites & Apps for Creating Presentations



Written by dkapuler on May 29, 2013 12:30 pm
Creating a presentation or slideshow is one of the staples of any 21st Century Classroom.  This is a skill that almost every educator has and is a must known skill for any successful student.  It used to be that only programs such as PowerPoint could create presentations.  However, now there are lots of sites and apps that not only creating stunning presentations but also make it easier then ever.  Below is my list of some of my favorite tools for creating beautiful looking presentations/slideshows.

*This list is in alphabetical order.

40 Sites & Apps for Creating Presentations

  1. 9Slides - A wonderful site and app for adding video/audio narration to a presentation.  Ideal for professional development or teaching a lesson.
  2. Animoto - One of the most popular sites/apps for creating beautiful looking slideshows w/ an educational portal.
  3. AuthorStream - A great way to upload PPT presentations and share them w/ others similar to Slideshare.
  4. Aximedia Slideshow Creator - A wonderful Android app for creating stunning looking slideshows.
  5. Biteslide - A fantastic site for creating interactive presentations that contain all types of media w/ educational portal, where teachers create student accounts.
  6. Electric Slide - Is a nice iOS app that allows users to present all styles of presentations (PPT, Keynote, etc) wirelessly.
  7. eMaze - A nice site that is a cross between Prezi and PP that allows users to zoom around their presentation.  Best of all, a finished presentation can be embedded into a site.
  8. Flixtime - A cool site for mixing photos, videos, and music to create a stunning presentation.
  9. Haiku Deck - A amazing iPad app for creating beautiful looking presentations w/ the ability to upload Creative Commons licensed photos as well as creating charts and graphs.
  10. HelloSlide - A innovative site that allows a user to add narration to their presentations simply by typing in text.
  11. Kizoa - A fun site for creating slideshows or collages w/ a built in photo editor.
  12. Knovio - A nice site for adding video or audio to a powerpoint presentation.  Ideal for Pecha Kucha style presentations.
  13. Magisto - A cool way to create a presentation w/ this video mash-up site/app.
  14. Muvee Cloud - Another nice video mash-up site that creates fun looking movies/presentations by mixing and matching video and music.
  15. Narrable - An innovative site for adding audio to photos to create an engaging slideshow.
  16. Netclick - While Netclick is more of a "student response system" it is a great way to engage an audience through the use of an interactive slideshow.
  17. One True Media - A fantastic video mash-up site for mixing video, audio, and images to creating stunning presentations.
  18. PhotoPeach - One of my favorite sites/apps for creating an interactive slideshow w/ educational portal.  A user can also create a quiz embedded into a slideshow as well.
  19. Photoshow (Roxio) - A nice site for creating slideshows w/ photos, videos, and music, and sharing publicly or privately.
  20. PhotoSnack - A fun site for creating slideshows for blogs, FB, or Twitter.
  21. Popcorn Maker - One of the easiest video mash-ups sites around to creating stunning presentations.
  22. PowToon - Is a new (beta) and wonderful site for creating amazing animated slideshows/presentations.
  23. Present.me - A great site for "flipping" your classroom by adding a video narration side by side to a slideshow.
  24. Reel - A simple site for uploading presentations to garner feedback and self assessment.
  25. Slide.ly - Create a beautiful looking presentation w/ images and music.
  26. Slideful - A fun site for creating beautiful looking slideshows.
  27. Sliderocket - A easy to use site for creating visually engaging slideshows, recently purchased by ClearSlide.
  28. Slideroll - A nice site/app to create slideshows and publish them on the web.
  29. Slideshare - One of the most popular sites around for uploading and sharing presentations in a secure environment.
  30. SlideShark - A nice iOS app for view and editing PPT on the iPhone or iPad.
  31. Slideshow Creator - SSC on Google+ is probably one of the most popular way to create slideshows in a safe environment for students.
  32. Smilebox - A very popular site for creating beautiful looking slideshows, collages, presentations and more.
  33. Soo Meta - A wonderful site for "flipping" a classroom and creating excellent looking presentations that can be embedded into a blog or site.  Also, there are nice features such as: the ability to embed a poll into a presentation, track usages statistics, and more.
  34. Speaker Deck - A great site for uploading a PDF then turning them into a slideshow that can be embedded into a site or blog.
  35. Swipe - A new (private beta) site for creating beautiful looking slideshows that can be used on any device.
  36. TotSplash - An innovative presentation and brainstorming tool for creating engaging presentations that can be embedded into a site/blog.
  37. Vivapitch - A nice plugin for PPT and Android to engage audiences on mobile devices.
  38. Vizlingo - A cool site for making a slideshow out of text.
  39. Vuvox - A great site for creating stunning presentations and slideshows.
  40. WebSlides - A neat way to turn Diigo bookmarks into interactive slideshows.

'Novedades en terapia celular'

Blog de la Condroprotección has posted a new item, 'Novedades en terapia

Un equipo español acaba de publicar en la revista Transplantation, de la
asociación americana de trasplantes, un trabajo en el que demuestra la utilidad
del autotrasplante de células madre mesenquimales de adulto para tratar la
artrosis de rodilla, explica el diario El Pais. En el ensayo, con 12 pacientes,
11 manifestaron una gran mejoría en [...]

You may view the latest post at


Efectos tóxicos agudos del éxtasis y compuestos relacionados: revisión de su patofisiología y tratamiento. 
Acute toxic effects of 'Ecstasy' (MDMA) and related compounds: overview of pathophysiology and clinical management.
Hall AP, Henry JA.
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester LE1 5WW, UK. andrew.p.hall@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
Br J Anaesth. 2006 Jun;96(6):678-85. Epub 2006 Apr 4.
Since the late 1980s 'Ecstasy' (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, MDMA) has become established as a popular recreational drug in western Europe. The UK National Criminal Intelligence Service estimates that 0.5-2 million tablets are consumed weekly in Britain. It has been reported that 4.5% of young adults (15-34 yr) in the UK have used MDMA in the previous 12 months. Clinically important toxic effects have been reported, including fatalities. While the phenomenon of hyperpyrexia and multi-organ failure is now relatively well known, other serious effects have become apparent more recently. Patients with acute MDMA toxicity may present to doctors working in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. A broad knowledge of these pathologies and their treatment is necessary for anyone working in an acute medical speciality. An overview of MDMA pharmacology and acute toxicity will be given followed by a plan for clinical management.
Papel del dantroleno en el manejo de los efectos tóxicos agudos del éxtasis 
Role of dantrolene in the management of the acute toxic effects of Ecstasy (MDMA)
J. Moon, J. Cros
Hemel Hempstead, UK
The use of dantrolene in the management of hyperthermia for acute 'Ecstasy' (3,4-methylenedioxymetamphetamine, MDMA) toxicity has been recently reviewed by Hall and Hendry.1 We would like to confirm the efficacy of dantrolene after a recent case that presented to our emergency department.

Hipertermia inducida por MDMA: un sobreviviente de temperatura corporal inicial de 42.9ºC 
MDMA induced hyperthermia: a survivor with an initial body temperature of 42.9 degrees C.
Mallick A, Bodenham AR.
Academic Unit of Anaesthesia, Leeds General Infirmary.
J Accid Emerg Med. 1997 Sep;14(5):336-8.
A young male survived hyperpyrexia (42.9 degrees C) following MDMA ("Ecstasy") ingestion. He developed convulsions, rhabdomyolysis, metabolic acidosis, and respiratory failure. This was successfully managed by assisted ventilation, aggressive fluid therapy, and the early administration of dantrolene, in addition to cooling measures. This is the first report of a survivor with such a severe hyperpyrexia.
Inducción de hipertermia maligna en cerdos susceptibles con 3-4-metilenedioxi metanfetamina (Éxtasis)
Induction of malignant hyperthermia in susceptible swine by 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphetamine ("ecstasy").
Fiege M, Wappler F, Weisshorn R, Gerbershagen MU, Menge M, Schulte Am Esch J.
Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistrasse 52, D-20246 Hamburg, Germany. fiege@uke.uni-hamburg.de
Anesthesiology. 2003 Nov;99(5):1132-6.
BACKGROUND: 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, "ecstasy") can mediate acute toxic effects such as muscle rigidity, metabolic acidosis, and hyperthermia. Because of close clinical similarities, an association between MDMA intoxication and malignant hyperthermia (MH) was suggested. The aim of this study was to investigate whether MDMA is a trigger of MH in susceptible swine. METHODS: MH-nontriggering general anesthesia was performed in six MH-susceptible (MHS) and six MH-normal swine. The animals were exposed to MDMA in cumulative doses of 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 mg/kg. The clinical occurrence of MH was defined by achievement of two of three conditions: central venous Pco2 >/=75 mmHg, central venous pH </= 7.20, and increase of body core temperature >/= 2.0 degrees C. Once MH occurred, a standardized therapy with dantrolene, sodium bicarbonate, and hyperventilation with 100% oxygen was initialized. RESULTS: Administration of 8 mg/kg MDMA triggered MH in all MHS swine. The MH-normal swine also developed clinical signs of hypermetabolism, but even after administration of 12 mg/kg MDMA, changes were moderate compared with the MHS swine. Dantrolene therapy of MDMA-induced MH crisis in the MHS swine partially counteracted the clinical signs of MH immediately. CONCLUSIONS: MDMA induces MH in genetically susceptible swine in relevant doses. Therefore, MHS patients should avoid use of MDMA or related drugs. Patients with a personal or family history of MDMA-induced hyperthermia should be tested for a diagnosis of MH susceptibility. Dantrolene is effective in therapy of MDMA-induced porcine MH.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

martes, 28 de mayo de 2013


Acta Ortopédica Mex >Enero-Febrero, 2013; Volumen 27

Artroscopia y Medicina del Fútbol. Congreso Internacional CMO, México, 2013

¿Ortopedia legal o a la defensiva?

Congreso Internacional de Artroscopia y Lesiones del Fútbol, México 2013





The clock-face method to identify the femoral posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) attachment has poor accuracy and reproducibility. Measurements of clinically relevant anatomic structures would provide more useful surgical guidance. The purpose of this study was to describe the attachments of the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles of the PCL relative to relevant landmarks to assist with arthroscopic anatomic PCL reconstructions. During this study, dissections were performed on twenty non-paired fresh-frozen cadaveric knees. Clinical relevance: The results of the present study can assist with more anatomic tunnel placement during single and double-bundle PCL reconstructions. The results also suggest that two reconstruction tunnels are needed to reconstruct the broad femoral attachment, whereas one reconstruction tunnel should be investigated further for the compact tibial attachment.


Very practical #plantar #fasciitis



Aun quedan lugares en el taller de disección en cadáver de pie y tobillo!



Primer día del Curso. 6 de Junio

Horario: 09:00 a 14:00 hrs.

Profesor: Dr. Antonio Maldonado y Tapia

Región: Tobillo


1.- Disección de las regiones de Tobillo y Pie.

a) Abordaje anatómico

b) Características del tejido celular subcutáneo

c) Elementos anatómicos superficiales (venas, nervios, linfonodos)

d) Fascia superficial

e) Planos musculares.

f) Elementos anatómicos profundos (paquete neurovascular, linfonodos)

g) Elementos articulares características, elementos constitutivos y de refuerzo (cápsula,ligamentos, rodetes, músculos etc.).

Segundo día del Curso. 7 de Junio

Horario: 09:00 a 09:30

Registro y Entrega de Constancias.

Horario: 09:30 a 11:00 hrs.

Profesor Titular: Dra. Patricia Parra Téllez

Profesor adjunto: Dr. Eduardo López Gavito

Región: Tobillo

1.-Abordaje anterior y medial de tobillo

Dra Patricia Parra Téllez

2.-Abordaje postero medial de tobillo.

3.-Disección del Tunel del tarso anterior medio y posterior

Dr. Eduardo López Gavito

Región: Medio pie

Horario: 11:00 a 12:30 hrs.

Profesor Titular: Dra. Patricia Parra Téllez

Profesor adjunto: Dr. Antonio Cisneros

Dr. Jesus Vazquez Escamilla

1.- Retropié.

a) Abordaje medial de retropié

Dr. Antonio Cisneros Fuentes

2.-Abordaje lateral de la articulación astrágalo calcánea

Dr. Antonio Cisneros Fuentes

3.- Abordaje de la articulación de Chopart y Linsfrac

Dr. Jesus Vazquez Escamilla

Región: Antepie

Horario: 12:30 a 14:00 hrs.

Profesor Titular: Dra. Patricia Parra Téllez

Profesor adjunto: Dra. Ana Cristina King Martinez

Profesor adjunto: Dr. Luis Hermida Galindo

Porfesor adjunto: Dr Jesus Vazquez Escamilla

1.-Abordajes de los espacios inter metatarsianos dorsales

Dr. Luis Hermida Galindo

2.-Abordaje dorsal y dorso medial a la articulación metatarso falángica del Hallux

Dra Ana Cristina King

3.-Abordaje dorsal de las articulaciones metatarso falángicas de los dedos, segundo, tercero, cuarto y quinto dedos

Dr. Luis Hermida Galindo

4.-Abordaje plantar del antepie

Dr. Jesus Vazquez Escamilla


Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C.

World Trade Center México, Montecito #38, col. Nápoles, piso 25, oficinas 23 a 27, C.P. 03810, México, D.F., Tel y Fax ( ) (55) 9000 2790 al 94

Actualización en el manejo perioperatorio del infante con asma


Actualización en el manejo perioperatorio del infante con asma
Update on perioperative management of the child with asthma. 
Dones F, Foresta G, Russotto V.
Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care AOUP, University of Palermo, Italy.
Pediatr Rep. 2012 Apr 2;4(2):e19. doi: 10.4081/pr.2012.e19. Epub 2012 Apr 5.
Asthma represents the leading cause of morbidity from a chronic disease among children. Dealing with this disease during the perioperative period of pediatric surgical procedures is, therefore, quite common for the anesthesiologist and other professionalities involved. Preoperative assessment has a key role in detecting children at increased risk of perioperative respiratory complications. For children without an optimal control of symptoms or with a recent respiratory tract infection elective surgery should be postponed, if possible, after the optimization of therapy. According to clinical setting, loco-regional anesthesia represents the desirable option since it allows to avoid airway instrumentation. Airway management goals are preventing the increase of airflow resistance during general anesthesia along with avoiding triggers of bronchospasm. When their use is possible, face mask ventilation and laringeal mask are considered more reliable than tracheal intubation for children with asthma. Sevoflurane is the most commonly used anesthetic for induction and manteinance. Salbutamol seems to be useful in preventing airflow resistance rise after endotracheal intubation. Mechanical ventilation should be tailored according to pathophysiology of asthma: an adequate expiratory time should be setted in order to avoid a positive end-expiratory pressure due to expiratory airflow obstruction. Pain should be prevented and promptly controlled with a loco-regional anesthesia technique when it is possible. Potential allergic reactions to drugs or latex should always be considered during the whole perioperative period. Creating a serene atmosphere should be adopted as an important component of interventions in order to guarantee the best care to the asthmatic child.

Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

La primera biblioteca sin libros del mundo


La primera biblioteca sin libros del mundo


Una biblioteca sin libros suena a chiste, excepto para los que pronto inaugurarán en Texas, Estados Unidos, la que se considera es la primera biblioteca pública sin libros de papel del mundo.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Ankle Ligament Injury Tests & Assessment

Bibliotecas. Alerta

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Europa Press
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Nueva campaña solidaria en la Biblioteca Regional
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La Biblioteca Infantil Universitaria está de fiesta
Sexenio, Extraordinary Life
En la UAQ se fomenta el gusto por la lectura con promedio de 150 niños, quienes conformaron el festejo por el tercer aniversario de la Biblioteca Infantil Universitaria en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, participando en los talleres y espacios de ...
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Una historia de amistad con "Liberen a Willy" en la Biblioteca Popular
El Tribuno.com.ar
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Biblioteca del Terror | Facebook
Biblioteca del Terror. 93691 likes · 33738 talking about this.
Ya existe la primera biblioteca sin libros del mundo: que vaiinilla.
Una biblioteca sin libros suena a chiste, excepto para los que pronto inaugurarán en Texas, Estados Unidos, la que se considera es la primera biblioteca ...
EE.UU. inaugurará primera biblioteca virtual del mundo | MundoFOX
El Estado de Texas inaugurará la primera biblioteca digital del mundo, el proyecto se conoce bajo el nombre de Biblio Tech y contará inicialmente con 100 ...