domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Historia de la anestesia/History of anesthesia

Este mes en la historia de la anestesia: Mayo
This Month in Anesthesia History: May
1734 May 23: Franz Anton Mesmer was born. "Under the protection of Marie Antoinette, this Viennese physician received a grant of 30,000 francs from Louis XVI to study the magnetic influence of the stars on human beings. His Memoire sur la decouverte du magnetisme animal[1779] described cures with magnets and hypnosis." [Accardo, The Medical Almanac] Mesmer died in March, 1815. In the years before ether's anesthetic properties were demonstrated by Morton in 1846, such British surgeons as James Esaile, John Elliotson and James Braid experimented extensively with "mesmerism" as a method of surgical pain relief and published various accounts of their successes. 

Historia de la anestesia en Dräger  
Victoria sobre el dolor 
Victory over pain 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Golf injuries: Play it safe with these tips

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

11° Curso taller de patología quirúrgica (hecho con Spreaker)

Bibliomanazteca, audio

11° Curso taller de patología quirúrgica del pie. México 2013

News - ICRS Linkedin Page & Other Social-Media Presence

News - ICRS Linkedin Page & Other Social-Media Presence

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Plagiarismo en publicaciones científicas/Plagiarism in scientific publishing

Plagiarismo en las publicaciones científicas 
Plagiarism in scientific publishing.
Masic I.
Faculty of medicine, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Acta Inform Med. 2012 Dec;20(4):208-13. doi: 10.5455/aim.2012.20.208-213.Abstract
Scientific publishing is the ultimate product of scientist work. Number of publications and their quoting are measures of scientist success while unpublished researches are invisible to the scientific community, and as such nonexistent. Researchers in their work rely on their predecessors, while the extent of use of one scientist work, as a source for the work of other authors is the verification of its contributions to the growth of human knowledge. If the author has published an article in a scientific journal it cannot publish the article in any other journal h with a few minor adjustments or without quoting parts of the first article, which are used in another article. Copyright infringement occurs when the author of a new article with or without the mentioning the author used substantial portions of previously published articles, including tables and figures. Scientific institutions and universities should,in accordance with the principles of Good Scientific Practice (GSP) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) have a center for monitoring,security, promotion and development of quality research. Establish rules and compliance to rules of good scientific practice are the obligations of each research institutions,universities and every individual-researchers,regardless of which area of science is investigated. In this way, internal quality control ensures that a research institution such as a university, assume responsibility for creating an environment that promotes standards of excellence, intellectual honesty and legality. Although the truth should be the aim of scientific research, it is not guiding fact for all scientists. The best way to reach the truth in its study and to avoid the methodological and ethical mistakes is to consistently apply scientific methods and ethical standards in research. Although variously defined plagiarism is basically intended to deceive the reader's own scientific contribution. There is no general regulation of control of scientific research and intellectual honesty of researchers which would be absolutely applicable in all situations and in all research institutions. A special form of plagiarism is self-plagiarism. Scientists need to take into consideration this form of plagiarism, though for now there is an attitude as much as their own words can be used without the word about plagiarism. If the authors cite their own research facilities already stated then they should be put in quote sand cite the source in which it was published. Science should not be exempt from disclosure and sanctioning plagiarism. In the fight against intellectual dishonesty on ethics education in science has a significant place. A general understanding of ethics in scientific research work in all its stages had to be acquired during the undergraduate course and continue to intensify. It is also important ethical aspect of the publishing industry,especially in small and developing economies,because the issuer has an educational role in the development of the scientific community that aspires to relish so. In this paper author describe his experiences in discovering of plagiarism as Editor-in-Chief of three indexed medical journals with presentations of several examples of plagiarism recorded in countries in Southeastern Europe.


Plagiarismo: ¿Por que es un gran problema para los escritores medicos? 
Plagiarism: Why is it such a big issue for medical writers?
Das N, Panjabi M.
Freelance Medical Writer, Delhi, India.
Perspect Clin Res. 2011 Apr;2(2):67-71. doi: 10.4103/2229-3485.80370.
Plagiarism is the wrongful presentation of somebody else's work or idea as one's own without adequately attributing it to the source. Most authors know that plagiarism is an unethical publication practice. Yet, it is a serious problem in the medical writing arena. Plagiarism is perhaps the commonest ethical issue plaguing medical writing. In this article, we highlight the different types of plagiarism and address the issues of plagiarism of text, plagiarism of ideas, mosaic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and duplicate publication. An act of plagiarism can have several repercussions for the author, the journal in question and the publication house as a whole. Sometimes, strict disciplinary action is also taken against the plagiarist. The article cites examples of retraction of articles, suspension of authors, apology letters from journal editors, and other such actions against plagiarism. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Contra la brecha digital, paciencia y buena letra

Aun quedan lugares en el taller de disección en cadáver de pie y tobillo!

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

#Osteopetrosis makes bones overly dense, but weak & easily fractured


Una clave para reducir la osteoartritis

Artroscopia de Cadera

Las sociedades científicas deberían liderar la creación de un protocolo de actuación en artrosis