viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013

Revisión sobre desflurano

Desflurane - revisited.
Kapoor MC, Vakamudi M.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Pushpanjali Crosslay Hospital, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Jan;28(1):92-100. doi: 10.4103/0970-9185.92455.
The search for an ideal inhalational general anesthetic agent continues. Desflurane, which was recently introduced in the Indian market, possesses favorable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and is closer to the definition of an ideal agent. It offers the advantage of precise control over depth of anesthesia along with a rapid, predictable, and clear-headed recovery with minimal postoperative sequelae, making it a valuable anesthetic agent for maintenance in adults and pediatric patients in surgeries of all durations. The agent has advantages when used in extremes of age and in the obese. Its use may increase the direct costs of providing anesthetic care. Methods or techniques, such as low-flow anesthesia, to reduce the overall cost and along with minimal environmental implications must be followed.

Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Obstetricia, nuevo enlace/Obstetrics


Anestesia obstétrica: ¿Hay algo Nuevo bajo el sol? 
Obstetric anaesthesia: Is there anything new under the sun?
Rob Dyer
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2013;19(1):29-32
Recent years have seen considerable sophistication in the practice of obstetric anaesthesia in the developed world. Important areas include regional anaesthesia in labour, regional anaesthesia for caesarean section (CS), categorization of the urgency of CS, and clearer definition of fetal indications for CS. The physiological basis for management of spinal hypotension is now well understood. Regional anaesthesia for patients with preeclampsia is established, and is rapidly developing in those with cardiac co-morbidities. Maternal awareness during general anaesthesia for CS has been considerably reduced. A better understanding of the pharmacology of oxytocic drugs has facilitated the management of obstetric haemorrhage. However, anaesthesia-related maternal morbidity and mortality in South Africa remains unacceptably high, and a major effort, including the development of a Special Interest Group, is necessary to address the specific problems in obstetric anaesthesia in our country. 

Embarazo en el síndrome de ovario poliquístico 
Pregnancy in polycystic ovary syndrome.
Kamalanathan S, Sahoo JP, Sathyapalan T.
Indian J Endocr Metab [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Feb 27];17:37-43.
Polycystic ovary syndrome affects 6 to 15% of reproductive age women worldwide. It is associated with increased risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, preterm delivery, and birth of small for gestational age infant. Many studies on issues relating to pathophysiology and management of these complications have been published recently. These issues are being reviewed here using relevant articles retrieved from Pubmed database, especially from those published in recent past.
Keywords: Early pregnancy loss, metformin, polycystic ovary syndrome, pregnancy  

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas. Alerta


Arteleku acoge un proyecto para reactivar la biblioteca del artista ...
La biblioteca de Espaliú está formada por un heterogéneo conjunto de libros, revistas y otros fondos bibliográficos pertenecientes al artista cordobés Pepe Espaliú (1955-1993), la biblioteca fue donada por el artista a Arteleku-Diputación foral de ...
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Hoy abrirá sus puertas la biblioteca del Guido
Según explicó Rafael Vera, articulador, en diálogo con este medio, el pasado año la atención de labiblioteca era mediante personas becadas, cuyas becas vencieron en el mes de diciembre de 2012, y para este 2013, el objetivo era contar con personal fijo.
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La empresa adjudicataria de la biblioteca de Piedras Blancas ...
La Nueva España
La empresa adjudicataria de las obras de construcción de la biblioteca de Piedras Blancas ha renunciado a proseguir los trabajos, según señaló ayer la alcaldesa de Castrillón, Ángela Vallina. El Principado adjudicó el proyecto en 2010 a la empresa ...
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La Nueva España

El Vaticano digitaliza su biblioteca de incunables
Panorama Diario
EMC anunció que ofrecerá equipamiento por 2.8 Petabytes de almacenamiento para el uso de laBiblioteca Apostólica Vaticana de manera de que se pueda digitalizar en forma completa los manuscritos históricos y documentos incunables (libros o ...
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La biblioteca de Madrona amplía sus fondos
El Ayuntamiento cede a la Junta Vecinal cerca de un centenar de títulos que pasarán a formar parte de la futura biblioteca municipal. El lote está formado por publicaciones recibidas a modo de regalo en el Ayuntamiento y catalogados en el inventario ...
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La Biblioteca del Campus de Albacete celebrará su VII Concurso de ...
La Cerca
La Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) del Campus de Albacete, convoca el VII Concurso de Haiku con motivo del Día Mundial del Libro, el próximo 23 de abril. Los interesados en participar podrán entregar sus trabajos, de ...
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Susto al caer una estructura en la biblioteca del campus
La Crónica de Badajoz
En el silencio que acompaña el estudio y la lectura propios de una biblioteca el estruendo dicen que fue enorme y también el susto. Aunque no hubo que lamentar daños personales, los testigos aseguran que fue "un milagro" que así sucediese. Sobre las 1 ...
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Incendio en biblioteca de la UBA no afecta actividades académicas
Diario El Siglo
Una alarma de fuego se produjo la tarde de este miércoles en la Biblioteca Dr. Emilio Medina en la sede San Joaquín de la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua. Afortunadamente, no hubo heridos por el hecho. Efectivos del cuerpo de Bomberos y Policía de ...
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La Biblioteca celebra su XV aniversario
La Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha ya tiene logotipo para conmemorar su décimoquinto aniversario tras el concurso convocado y que ha ganado un diseñador de Galapagar (Madrid), mientras que el concurso para elegir un personaje de ficción lo ha ...
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Los recortes reducen la dotación de la Biblioteca de Ciencia y ...
El Norte de Castilla
Las instituciones que forman la Asociación Cultural Biblioteca de Ciencia y Artillería (BCA) de Segovia renovaron ayer el Anexo del Acuerdo Marco de Cooperación Interinstitucional que otorga a «la mejorBiblioteca de la Ilustración de España» un ...
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Visitando la biblioteca de San Miguel - Nanny Books
Ayer visité la Biblioteca Popular Municipal "Domingo Fautino Sarmiento" de San Miguel. Aunque no posee un espacio muy grande, es impecable y preciosa.
ESL Conversation Club at Biblioteca Latinoamericana | San Jose ...
The ESL Conversation Club at Biblioteca Latinoamericana meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. Practice your English in a friendly informal group that meets once ...
Digitalizarán Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana | ZENIT - El mundo visto ...
La Biblioteca del Vaticano es una de las bibliotecas más antiguas que sobreviven en el mundo y contiene más de80.000 códices y 1,1 millones de libros...
Biblioteca Urbana | Facebook
Biblioteca Urbana is on Facebook. To connect with Biblioteca Urbana, sign up for Facebook today. Sign UpLog In · Cover Photo · Like · Create a Page · Privacy ...
II Certamen Literario de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Granada
Ayer, 11 de marzo de 2013, se fallaron los Premios del Segundo Certamen Literario de la BibliotecaUniversitaria de Granada. Este Certamen lo convoca ...

Caras Vemos Diagnósticos Conocemos


Estimado Ciberpediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. El día 20 de Marzo 2013 las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia: “Caras Vemos Diagnósticos Conocemos” por el “Dr. Gerardo Cabrera Meza.” Pediatra-Neonatologo de la Cd. de Houston Tx. La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs.
Para entrar a la Sala de Conferencia:
1.- hacer click en la siguiente liga, o cópiala y escríbela en tu buscador

2.- “Entra como Invitado” Escribes tu nombre y apellido en el espacio en blanco
3.- Hacer click en el espacio que dice “Entrar en la Sala”
5.- A disfrutar la conferencia 6.- Recomendamos que dejes tu Nombre Completo, Correo electrónico y que participes.


Dr. Enrique Mendoza López
Webmaster: CONAPEME
Coordinador Nacional: Seminario Ciberpeds-Conapeme
Av La clinica 2520-310
Colonia Sertoma ,Mty N.L. México
CP 64710
Tel-Fax 52 81 83482940 y 52 81 81146053
Celular 8183094806

Recuperación postanestésica/Post-anaesthesia recovery


Guías 2013 para la recuperación postanestésica inmediata 
Guidelines for Immediate post-anaesthesia recovery 2013
Membership of the Working Party: D. K. Whitaker (Chair), H. Booth,3 P. Clyburn,
W. Harrop-Griffiths, H. Hosie,1 B. Kilvington,3 M. MacMahon, P. Smedley2 and R. Verma4
1) Scottish Multiprofessional Anaesthetic Assistants Development Group
2) British Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses Association
3) College of Operating Department Practitioners
4)  Royal College of Anaesthetists
Anaesthesia 2013, 68, 288-297
1. After general, epidural or spinal anaesthesia, all patients should be recovered in a specially designated area (henceforth 'post-anaesthesia care unit', PACU) that complies with the standards and recommendations described in this document.
2. The anaesthetist must formally hand over the care of a patient to an appropriately trained and registered PACU practitioner.
3. Agreed, written criteria for discharge of patients from the PACU to the ward should be in place in all units.
4. An effective emergency call system must be in place in every PACU and tested regularly.
5.  No fewer than two staff (of whom at least one must be a registered practitioner) should be present when there
is a patient in a PACU who does not fulfil the criteria for discharge to the ward.
6. All registered practitioners should be appropriately trained in accordance with the standards and competencies
detailed in the UK National Core Competencies for Post Anaesthesia Care.
7. All patients must be observed on a one-to-one basis by an anaesthetist or registered PACU practitioner until they have regained control of their airway, have stable cardiovascular and respiratory systems and are awake and able to communicate.
8.  All patients with tracheal tubes in place in a PACU should be monitored with continuous capnography. The removal of tracheal tubes is the responsibility of the anaesthetist.
9. There should be a specially designated area for the recovery of children that is appropriately equipped and staffed.
10. All standards and recommendations described in this document should be applied to all areas in which patients recover after anaesthesia, to include those anaesthetics given for obstetric, cardiology, imaging and dental procedures, and in psychiatric units and community hospitals. Only registered PACU practitioners who are familiar with these areas should be allocated to recover patients in them as and when required.
11. Patients' dignity and privacy should be respected at all times but patients' safety must always be the primary concern. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Congreso AMECRA 2013. Los Cabos, México

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

Escenarios patológicos en el Manguito Rotador. Dr Michel Michell Ruiz

Escenarios patológicos en el Manguito Rotador. Dr Michel Michell Ruiz

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La Biblioteca Nacional homenajea el trabajo periodístico de García ...
La Biblioteca Nacional rinde esta tarde homenaje a la faceta periodística del premio Nobel de Literatura Gabriel García Márquez con un encuentro entre dos de sus colaboradores más cercanos, Gerald Martín y Jaime Abello Banfi, y el periodista Juan Cruz.
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Las bibliotecas son más que libros y ebooks | siscopac
Desde la creciente utilización del libro electrónico no se ha parado de hablar del futuro de lasbibliotecas, más concretamente de si las bibliotecas del futuro ...

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013


En la hora del sugamadex

In the hour of Sugammadex.
Chon JY.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2013 Jan;64(1):3-5. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2013.64.1.3. Epub 2013 Jan 21.
Sugammadex is a modified gamma-cyclodextrin which is showing favorable outcomes regarding reversal of neuromuscular blockade, especially by rocuronium. It is designed to encapsulate rocuronium and being considered a new class of drugs as selective relaxant binding agents. It has given countless benefits to the patients at risk of incomplete or delayed recovery after neuromuscular block and has renown for another milestone in anesthesia practice. Recurrence of neuromuscular block has not been reported to be associated with the provided doses of sugammadex that are adequate for selected for reversal. Acceptable profiles are brought to light telling safety of sugammadex. However, some questions related to the twitch characteristics those resembled succinylcholine when reversal, the application for rocuronium anaphylaxis, and the hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis to sugammadex remain and are need of further investigation. It is imperative that potential problems that we need attention may include the patient's history of pulmonary disease and allergic disease for using sugammadex.

¿Necesitamos sugamadex al final de la anestesia general para revertir la acción de los relajantes musculares?
Do we need to use sugammadex at the end of a general anesthesia to reverse the action of neuromuscular bloking agents?
Della Rocca G, Di Marco P, Beretta L, De Gaudio A, Ori C, Mastronardi P.
Della Rocca Giorgio, Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. University of Udine. Udine,Italy
Minerva Anestesiol. 2012 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print]
Sugammadex, the first selective relaxant-binding agent indicated to reverse the neuromuscular blockade induced during general anesthesia, was recently introduced into clinical practice. In the present report, the following issues pertinent to the use of sugammadex in anesthesia practice are discussed: the intraoperative use of NMBAs and the incidence of postoperative residual curarization (PORC); the efficacy and safety of rocuronium plus sugammadex compared to succinylcholine for rapid sequence induction; the availability of sugammadex in hospitals; and, finally, some relevant legal medical aspects. Sugammadex is considerably more expensive than neostigmine, but its use can be advocated based on its safety and efficacy profile as a reversal agent of steroidal neuro muscular blocking agents (NMBAs), and as a mean to prevent PORC. The availability of sugammadex in Italian hospitals may have a beneficial impact on patient safety. This is due to the fact that PORC is a common and dangerous condition that may lead to postoperative inhalational events, hypoxemia, and pneumonia; and at the moment, it is not completely preventable even when advanced neuromuscolar monitoring techniques are applied." In the case of rapid sequence intubation (RSI), rocuronium (1.2 mg/Kg) administration followed by sugammadex represents a better choice in terms of efficacy and safety than succinylcholine. If a new drug is proven to be safer and more efficient than the one it is replacing, hospitals should consider the new drug and make it available, at least for selected patients or in situations at risk of severe complications. It's reasonable to hypothesize that, when discussing informed consent for elective procedures, patients and families may want to know if the admitting facilities have the superior agent available, and that the absence of such agent could create concerns and complains.


Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas. Alerta

Tango en la Biblioteca Municipal
Tribuna de Salamanca
La programación cultural de las bibliotecas municipales continúa el próximo sábado, 14 de marzo, con un espectáculo de tango a cargo de la agrupación Mayol Tango Trío. La cita es a las 20,00 horas en el teatro de la Biblioteca Torrente Ballester. 11.03.
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Mañana se conmemora el Día de la Biblioteca Provincial Dr. Atilio ...
El Intransigente
Del mismo modo, esta misa se oficiará en memoria de la profesora María Inés Garrido de Solá, quien fuera la primera directora de esta Biblioteca, y en cuya formación y puesta en funcionamiento ha tenido una encomiable y fundamental intervención, que ...
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El Intransigente

La nueva Biblioteca del Estado atrajo a más de 6.500 usuarios el ...
La Crónica de Badajoz
En poco más de un mes y desde el mismo día en que se inauguró, el pasado 28 de enero, la nueva sede de la Biblioteca del Estado Bartolomé J. Gallardo de Badajoz se ha convertido en un punto de referencia en la ciudad, para los ya socios y para los que ...
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La Biblioteca Nacional acogerá un debate sobre García Márquez
Noticias de Álava
La Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE) y la Embajada de Colombia rendirán homenaje a Gabriel García Márquez en su faceta como periodista, de la mano de dos personas que han dedicado los últimos veinte años a trabajar al lado del Nobel colombiano.
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Moguer muestra en la biblioteca 'Llamadores de pasión y gloria'
Huelva Información
El patio central de la Biblioteca Municipal Zenobia-Juan Ramón acoge la exposición Llamadores de Pasión y Gloria, del Consejo de Hermandades, una sencilla pero interesante muestra de llamadores de los distintos pasos en los que salen en procesión ...
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En adhesión al mes de la mujer la Biblioteca Municipal presentará ...
El Acontecer Diario
En el marco de actividades en los centros bibliotecarios municipales del departamento, donde además funcionan los Centros MEC y los Centro de Aseso a la Sociedad de la Información (CASI), el viernes 15, habrá un Encuentro Departamental de ...
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El Acontecer Diario

Biblioteca a pie de calle
El Comercio Digital (Asturias)
Programa de ocio. Cada fin de semana se liberan cuatro libros durante las actividades La Noche es Tuya y 'Doce17'. Temática. Los libros se eligen según el público al que van dirigidos o por temática, según las actividades de ese fin de semana.
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Documentalistas cántabros muestran sus trabajos en la Biblioteca ...
En Cantabria hay una cantera de realizadores que destaca por la calidad de sus trabajos documentales. Nueve de estos filmes se podrán contemplar esta semana en la Biblioteca Central en un ciclo que ha organizado la Asociación Cántabra Audiovisual ...
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Mejoran con rehabilitación pulmonar pacientes de vías respiratorias

"Curso Virtual de Actualización en Lactancia Materna" . 22 de Marzo 2013

Reciba un cordial saludo de LACTARED - RED DE LACTANCIA MATERNA

Adjunto encontrará:

1.- PDF con información del Curso Virtual de Actualización en
Lactancia Materna.
2.- Ficha de Inscripción.
3.- PDF con Información de la Certificación Internacional IBCLC.

Si desea información de los costos envíenos sus datos en la ficha y enseguida estamos en contacto para brindarle mayores detalles del curso. Y si tiene alguna colega que se pueda interesar por el curso
reenviarle la información para que puedad participar del mismo, le
agradeceríamos mucho.

Wildemir Carrasco Sanez
Coordinador de Admisión
Cepren-Lactared Red de Lactancia Materna
Telefono : +511-4451978

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013


Fentanilo TTS/TTS fentanyl

Estado de coma que amenaza la vida y quemadura solar en un paciente con fentanil-TTS. Informe de caso  
Life-threatening coma and full-thickness sunburn in a patient treated with transdermal fentanyl patches: a case report.
Sindali K, Sherry K, Sen S, Dheansa B.
Queen Victoria Hospital, Holtye Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3DZ, United Kingdom.
J Med Case Rep. 2012 Jul 26;6(1):220. doi: 10.1186/1752-1947-6-220.
INTRODUCTION: Fentanyl transdermal patches have been widely used in the treatment of chronic pain and in palliative care settings since 1991 in cases where prolonged opioid use is often necessary. Transdermal drug delivery is deemed safe and effective with the advantages of delivering a steady dose of the drug and improving patient compliance due to its ease of use. However, intentional and unintentional misuse and overdose using transdermal opioid patches has been widely reported in the literature. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe the case of a 77-year-old Caucasian woman who developed severe opioid toxicity while sun tanning, likely due to altered fentanyl transdermal patch function in a heated environment. As a result of prolonged sun exposure due to an opioid-induced coma she then sustained hyperthermia and severe burns to her abdomen and lower limbs. This inadvertent fentanyl overdose necessitated initial treatment in intensive care and follow on care in a specialist burn unit. CONCLUSION: Patients who are using fentanyl patches and their relatives should be educated about how to use the patch safely. Healthcare practitioners should warn patients about the possibility of overdosing on transdermally delivered drugs if used incorrectly. They should avoid strenuous activities and external heat sources such as warming blankets, hot water bottles, saunas, hot tubs or sunbathing and should seek medical attention if they develop a fever. Additionally, any burns sustained in the context of altered consciousness levels such as in this case with opioid overdose should raise suspicion about a potential deeper burn injury than is usually observed. 

Estudio clínico multicéntrico sobre la eficacia y seguridad del parche matrix de fentanil transdérmico en el manejo de dolor oncológico moderado severo en 474 pacientes chinos 
Multicenter clinical study for evaluation of efficacy and safety of transdermal fentanyl matrix patch in treatment of moderate to severe cancer pain in 474 chinese cancer patients.
Zhu YL, Song GH, Liu DQ, Zhang X, Liu KF, Zang AH, Cheng Y, Cao GC, Liang J, Ma XZ, Ding X, Wang B, Li WL, Hu ZW, Feng G, Huang JJ, Zheng X, Jiao SC, Wu R, Ren J.
Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Translational Research (Ministry of Education), Department of Breast Oncology, Peking University School of Oncology, Beijing Cancer Hospital & Institute, Beijing 100142, China;
Chin J Cancer Res. 2011 Dec;23(4):317-22. doi: 10.1007/s11670-011-0317-7.
OBJECTIVE: Although a new matrix formulation fentanyl has been used throughout the world for cancer pain management, few data about its efficacy and clinical outcomes associated with its use in Chinese patients have been obtained. This study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of the new system in Chinese patients with moderate to severe cancer pain. METHODS: A total of 474 patients with moderate to severe cancer pain were enrolled in this study and were treated with the new transdermal fentanyl matrix patch (TDF) up to 2 weeks. All the patients were asked to record pain intensity, side effects, quality of life (QOL), adherence and global satisfaction. The initial dose of fentanyl was 25 μg/h titrated with opioid or according to National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines. Transdermal fentanyl was changed every three days. RESULTS: After 2 weeks. The mean pain intensity of the 459 evaluated patients decreased significantly from 5.63±1.26 to 2.03±1.46 (P<0.0001). The total remission rate was 91.29%, of which moderate remission rate 53.16%, obvious remission rate 25.49% and complete remission rate 12.64%. The rate of adverse events was 33.75%, 18.78% of which were moderate and 3.80% were severe. The most frequent adverse events were constipation and nausea. No fatal events were observed. The quality of life was remarkably improved after the treatment (P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The new TDF is effective and safe in treating patients with moderate to severe cancer pain, and can significantly improve the quality of life. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

AOS en pediatría/OSA in pediatrics

Apnea obstructiva del sueño en pediatría y el papel crítico del crecimiento orofacial: evidencias 
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea and the critical role of oral-facial growth: evidences.
Huang YS, Guilleminault C.
Department of Child Psychiatry and Sleep Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and University Taiwan, China.
Front Neurol. 2012;3:184. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00184. Epub 2013 Jan 22.
Aims: Review of evidence in support of an oral-facial growth impairment in the development of pediatric sleep apnea in non-obese children. Method: Review of experimental data from infant monkeys with experimentally induced nasal resistance. Review of early historical data in the orthodontic literature indicating the abnormal oral-facial development associated with mouth breathing and nasal resistance. Review of the progressive demonstration of sleep-disordered-breathing (SDB) in children who underwent incomplete treatment of OSA with adenotonsillectomy, and demonstration of abnormal oral-facial anatomy that must often be treated in order for the resolution of OSA. Review of data of long-term recurrence of OSA and indication of oral-facial myofunctional dysfunction in association with the recurrence of OSA. Results: Presentation of prospective data on premature infants and SDB-treated children, supporting the concept of oral-facial hypotonia. Presentation of evidence supporting hypotonia as a primary element in the development of oral-facial anatomic abnormalities leading to abnormal breathing during sleep. Continuous interaction between oral-facial muscle tone, maxillary-mandibular growth and development of SDB. Role of myofunctional reeducation with orthodontics and elimination of upper airway soft tissue in the treatment of non-obese SDB children. Conclusion: Pediatric OSA in non-obese children is a disorder of oral-facial
Características específicas de los niños con apnea obstructiva del sueño y cor pulmonar 
The specific characteristics in children with obstructive sleep apnea and cor pulmonale.
Lee PC, Hwang B, Soong WJ, Meng CC.
Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Departments of Pediatrics, National Yang-Ming University and Taipei Veterans General Hospital, No 201 Sec 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei 112, Taiwan. pichang
ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:757283. doi: 10.1100/2012/757283. Epub 2012 May 3.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the pediatric population is currently estimated at 1-2% of all children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical and hemodynamic characteristics in pediatric patients with cor pulmonale and OSA. METHODS: Thirty children with the diagnosis of OSA were included. These patients consisted of 26 male and 4 female children with a mean age of 7 ± 4 years old. Five of those children were found to be associated with cor pulmonale, and 25 had OSA but without cor pulmonale. RESULTS: The arousal index was much higher in children with OSA and cor pulmonale. The children with OSA and cor pulmonale had much lower mean and minimal oxygen saturation and a higher incidence of bradycardia events. All 5 patients with OSA and cor pulmonale underwent an adenotonsillectomy, and the pulmonary arterial pressure dropped significantly after the surgery. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that the OSA pediatric patients with cor pulmonale had the different clinical manifestations and hemodynamic characteristics from those without cor pulmonale. The adenotonsillectomy had excellent results in both the OSA pediatric patients with and without cor pulmonale. 

Manejo perioperatorio de los infantes con apnea obstructiva del sueño 
Perioperative management of children with obstructive sleep apnea.
Schwengel DA, Sterni LM, Tunkel DE, Heitmiller ES.
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine, 600 North Wolfe St., Blalock 1412, Baltimore, MD 21287-8711,
Anesth Analg. 2009 Jul;109(1):60-75.
doi: 10.1213/ane.0b013e3181a19e21.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) affects 1%-3% of children. Children with OSA can present for all types of surgical and diagnostic procedures requiring anesthesia, with adenotonsillectomy being the most common surgical treatment for OSA in the pediatric age group. Thus, it is imperative that the anesthesiologist be familiar with the potential anesthetic complications and immediate postoperative problems associated with OSA. The significant implications that the presence of OSA imposes on perioperative care have been recognized by national medical professional societies. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a clinical practice guideline for pediatric OSA in 2002, and cited an increased risk of anesthetic complications, though specific anesthetic issues were not addressed. In 2006, the American Society of Anesthesiologists published a practice guideline for perioperative management of patients with OSA that noted the pediatric-related risk factor of obesity, and the increased perioperative risk associated with adenotonsillectomy in children younger than 3 yr. However, management of OSA in children younger than 1 yr-of-age was excluded from the guideline, as were other issues related specifically to the pediatric patient. Hence, many questions remain regarding the perioperative care of the child with OSA. In this review, we examine the literature on pediatric OSA, discuss its pathophysiology, current treatment options, and recognized approaches to perioperative management of these young and potentially high-risk patients. 


Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor