martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Diario pediátrico en español

Los zumos de frutas envasados son consumidos por una gran cantidad de niños en diferentes momentos del día. Tienen varias ventajas que los padres y los niños reconocen. A nosotros los padres nos re...

Hoy, 25 de abril (y desde que se ratificase en 2007 por la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud) se celebra el Día Mundial de la Malaria, cuya situación a nivel mundial queda bien resumida en esta imagen t...

De Epistemonikos ya hemos hablado en este blog. En esencia es un buscador que resuelve preguntas clínicas basándose para ello en revisiones sistemáticas de calidad que puedan responderlas. Aunque s...

Objetivo: investigar si el tratamiento precoz de la púrpura trombopénica idiopática (PTI) con inmunoglobulinas (Igs) y/o corticoides (Cs) reduce la morbilidad posterior. Diseño: estudio descriptivo...

Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del bupropion de liberación prolongada (bupropion LP), para el tratamiento de la deshabituación tabáquica en adolescentes. Diseño: ensayo clínico, aleatori...

NBIH Button Battery Ingestion Triage and Treatment Guideline Adapted from Litovitz T, Whitaker N, Clark L, White NC, Marsolek M: Emerging battery ingestion hazard: Clinical implications.  Pediatric...

Última actualización de la noticia: 02/03/2011 El abordaje del Estreñimiento en Niños Pequeños El estreñimiento es uno de los motivos más frecuentes de consulta en las unidades de pediatría español...

SourceClinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, San Giacomo Hospital, Monopoli, Via Celentano 42, Bari, Italy. acristinarossi@yahoo.itAbstractBACKGROUND: The optimal mode of delivery for twins is undet...

El otro día estuve viendo en la tele una película sobre una invasión alienígena, unos seres venidos del espacio extraterrestre llegaban a la tierra en un meteorito y se extendían rápidamente por to...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Un estudio halla que el riesgo aumenta cuanto más alejadas estén las 40 semanasMARTES, 19 de abril (HealthDay News/HolaDoctor) -- Un estudio reciente sugiere que el riesgo de que los niños desarrol...

No os perdáis el brillante programa de José Antonio López en Radio 5. En 3 minutos expone lo que todos debemos saber acerca del Citomegalovirus congénito:
Cultura y Espectáculos

EURORDIS 2011 Foto e Video Concorso l concorso foto e video per il quinto EURORDIS si terra dal 1 marzo al 30 aprile.CategorieQuest'anno ci saranno quattro categorie diverse per le inscrizioni phot...

Published online April 25, 2011PEDIATRICS(doi:10.1542/peds.2011-0454) FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICSCOUNCIL ON CLINICAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYThe American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suppo...

2011 EURORDIS Photo and Video ContestThe 5th EURORDIS Photo and Video Contest is open until 30 April 2011. It is an international contest, open to people all over the world who are touched by rare ...

Escrit per totsxtots el 19/4/11 • A la categoria Noms solidaris Coneixem la tasca de Pallapupas, els pallassos d’hospital, que acaben de celebrar, amb molt d’èxit, el TWESTIVAL, una acció internaci...

20511734 story Posted by Soulskill on Monday April 25, @06:53PMfrom the how-quickly-you-get-angry-when-you-lose-at-chess dept. sciencehabit writes "Kids who score higher on IQ tests will, on averag...

2011 Eurordis Concours Photo et Video Le 5ème concours de photo et vidéo d'EURORDIS aura lieu du 1er mars au 30 avril 2011.. CatégoriesCette année il y aura quatre catégoriespour les photos soumise...

El poder secreto del tiempo en los niñosTengo pendiente de leer el libro de Philip Zimbardo sobre el poder secreto del tiempo en el que reflexiona de una forma original sobre el impacto del tiempo ...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Pediatrics / Children's Health NewsEditor's ChoiceMain Category: Pediatrics / Children's Health Also Included In: Immune System / Vaccines;  Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses Article Date: 2...

Concurso de fotos y videos de EURORDIS 2011 El quinto Concurso de foto y Videos de EURODIS tendra lugar del 1marzo hasta el 30 abril .CategoríasEste año habrá cuatro categorías para la presentación...

Manejo efectivo de la cefalea post punción dural

Manejo efectivo de la cefalea post punción dural
31ST MAY 2010
Dr Nicola Jane Campbell FRCA
Specialist Training Registrar in Anaesthesia
Peninsula Deanery
Correspondence to!
"Toward the evening I was forced to take to bed and remained there for nine days, because all the manifestations recurred as soon as I got up. At midnight a violent headache set in that quickly became insupportable."
August Bier 1898- a personal experience of post-dural puncture headache.
Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) was first described by August Bier in 1898 and classically presents as a postural headache following therapeutic or diagnostic interventions of the epidural or spinal space. The incidence of PDPH is estimated to be between 30-50% following diagnostic or therapeutic lumbar puncture, 0-5% following spinal anaesthesia and up to 81% following accidental dural puncture during epidural insertion in the pregnant woman. Although PDPH usually resolves spontaneously, it is unpleasant, it may interfere with a new mothers ability to care for her newborn and it may extend the length of hospital stay. More rarely PDPH may be associated with serious complications such as subdural haematoma, seizures and saggital sinus thrombosis. Effective treatment is limited so measures including the use of suitable needles and acquisition of appropriate skills in spinal and epidural placement are essential to reduce the development of PDPH.

Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Participatory medicine TEDx Maastricht (subtitulado en español)

Fenoterol y niños asmáticos graves

Fenoterol y niños asmáticos graves

En este día...


On This Day: April 26

On April 26, 1986, the world's worst nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl plant in the Soviet Union. An explosion and fire in the No. 4 reactor sent radioactivity into the atmosphere; at least 31 Soviets died immediately.
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On April 26, 1914, Bernard Malamud, the Pulitzer Prize-winning American author, was born. Following his death on March 18, 1986, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1607An expedition of English colonists went ashore at Cape Henry, Va., to establish the first permanent English settlement in the Western Hemisphere. (They later settled at Jamestown.)
1785Naturalist and artist John James Audubon was born in Haiti.
1865John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, was surrounded and killed by federal troops near Bowling Green, Va.
1937Planes from Nazi Germany raided the Basque town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.
1945Marshal Henri Philippe Petain, the head of France's Vichy government during World War II, was arrested.
1964The African nations of Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form Tanzania.
1989Actress-comedian Lucille Ball died at age 77.
1998Auxiliary Bishop Juan Gerardi Conedera, a leading Guatemalan human rights activist, was bludgeoned to death two days after a report he'd compiled on atrocities during Guatemala's 36-year civil war was made public.
2000Vermont Gov. Howard Dean signed the nation's first bill allowing same-sex couples to form civil unions.
2005Syria's 29-year military presence in Lebanon ended as Syrian soldiers completed a withdrawal brought about by international pressure and Lebanese street protests.
2008Police in Austria arrested a man accused of holding his daughter captive in a windowless cellar for 24 years, fathering her seven children and killing one of them. (Josef Fritzl is serving life in a psychiatric ward.)

Current Birthdays

Channing Tatum, Actor
Actor Channing Tatum turns 31 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
Jordana Brewster, Actress
Actress Jordana Brewster turns 31 years old today.
AP Photo/Dan Steinberg
1933Carol Burnett, Actress, comedian, turns 78
1938Duane Eddy, Rock musician, turns 73
1942Bobby Rydell, Singer, turns 69
1960Roger Taylor, Rock musician (Duran Duran), turns 51
1961Joan Chen, Actress, turns 50
1963Jet Li, Actor, turns 48
1967Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Actress ("Without a Trace"), turns 44
1971Jay DeMarcus, Country musician (Rascal Flats), turns 40
1980Marnette Patterson, Actress, turns 31

Historic Birthdays

66John James Audubon 4/26/1785 - 1/27/1851
West Indian-born American ornithologist, artist and naturalist
71Friedrich Flotow 4/26/1812 - 1/24/1883
German-born French composer
75Alfred Krupp 4/26/1812 - 7/14/1887
German industrialist; developed and sold armaments
81Frederick Law Olmsted 4/26/1822 - 8/28/1903
American landscape architect; designed Central Park in New York City
72Harold Rothermere 4/26/1868 - 11/26/1940
English newspaperman; built a journalistic empire in England
53Ma Rainey 4/26/1886 - 12/22/1939
American singer; known as "the mother of the blues"
62Ludwig Wittgenstein 4/26/1889 - 4/29/1951
Austrian-born English philosopher
92Anita Loos 4/26/1889 - 8/18/1981
American novelist and Hollywood screenwriter
89Cass Canfield 4/26/1897 - 3/27/1986
American publisher and editor
83Morris West 4/26/1916 - 10/9/1999
Australian novelist