viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Weight Watchers Finally Recognizes Calorie Counting Doesn't Work - David Kirchoff, president of Weight Watchers, the world's largest diet company, recently said on their website: "Calorie counting has become unhelpful. When we have a 100-calorie apple in one hand ...

MuscleDiabetes - When Megan Johnson was eight weeks pregnant, a nurse told her about a new, free service that would send her customized text messages about her current stage of pregnancy. All she had to do was text...

TechnicalJones - Chimpanzees at a sanctuary in Florida. Geneticists may have discovered why human beings, unlike chimps and other mammals, lack sensory whiskers and spines in their penises. Oh, and why we have bigg...

LATimeshealth - Before it gets too far behind us, I wanted to write briefly about the Health 2.0 Conference, which was held in San Francisco on October 22 and 23rd. The Health 2.0 Conference focuses on the applica...

HighlightHEALTH - Sci. Signal., 8 March 2011Vol. 4, Issue 163, p. pc4[DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.2001924]Marcos González-Gaitán1, Frank Jülicher2, and Annalisa M. VanHook31 Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biol...

sciencemagazine - O Serviço Especial de Saúde de Araraquara (Sesa), pertencente à Faculdade de Saúde Pública (FSP) da USP, distribuirá para prefeituras de todo o país o Sistema Juarez, um sistema integrado de inform...

BVS_EPS - A supermarket’s cereal aisle is loaded with breakfast cereal choices — enough to make your head spin. How do you, as a parent, choose wisely so your kids are eating a healthy breakfast? The key is ...

EverydayHealth - By Frederik Joelving NEW YORK | Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:20pm EST NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The strong painkiller hydrocodone, commonly sold as Vicodin, may be safe in smaller doses for women nursing n...

MedicalNews - New Haven, Conn. — After a brutal winter, many motorcycle enthusiasts will soon be dusting off their rides to take advantage of balmier weather, but they don’t have to brush off their helmets becau...

RWJF_HumanCap - Last month, Susannah Fox and the brilliant folks at the Pew Internet and American Life Project and the California Healthcare Foundation put out a report that quantified with great depth how people ...

TechnicalJones - A série Juventude, saúde e comunicação mostra a importância dos jovens na promoção da saúde em suas comunidades a partir de atitudes saudáveis e do exercício da cidadania.Cinco programas a serem ex...