miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

En este día....


February 9

On Feb. 9, 1943, the World War II battle of Guadalcanal in the southwest Pacific ended with an American victory over Japanese forces.
On Feb. 9, 1910, Jacques Monod, the French Nobel Prize-winning biologist, was born. Following his death on May 31, 1976, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1773William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the United States, was born in Charles City County, Va.
1825The House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams president after no candidate received a majority of electoral votes.
1861The Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America elected Jefferson Davis president and Alexander H. Stephens vice president.
1942Daylight-saving "war time" went into effect in the United States, with clocks turned one hour forward.
1943The World War II battle of Guadalcanal in the southwest Pacific ended with an American victory over Japanese forces.
1964The Beatles made their first live American TV appearance, on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
1971Apollo 14 returned to Earth after man's third landing on the moon.
1984Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov died less than 15 months after succeeding Leonid Brezhnev.
2002Britain's Princess Margaret, the sister of Queen Elizabeth II, died at age 71.
2009New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted he took banned substances from 2001 to 2003.

Current Birthdays

Jim Webb, U.S. senator, D-Va.
Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., turns 65 years old today.
AP Photo/Ron Edmonds
Vladimir Guerrero, Baseball player
Texas Rangers designated hitter Vladimir Guerrero turns 36 years old today.
AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez
1928Roger Mudd, Broadcast journalist, turns 83
1940J.M. Coetzee, Nobel Prize-winning author, turns 71
1942Carole King, Singer, songwriter, turns 69
1943Joe Pesci, Actor, turns 68
1944Alice Walker, Author ("The Color Purple"), turns 67
1945Mia Farrow, Actress, turns 66
1949Judith Light, Actress ("Who's the Boss?"), turns 62
1963Travis Tritt, Country singer, turns 48
1965Julie Warner, Actress, turns 46
1979Ziyi Zhang, Actress ("Memoirs of a Geisha"), turns 32

Historic Birthdays

71Gasparo Angiolini 2/9/1731 - 2/6/1803
Italian choreographer/composer
78Luther Martin 2/9/1748 - 7/10/1826
American lawyer
68William Henry Harrison 2/9/1773 - 4/4/1841
9th President of the United States
72Samuel Tilden 2/9/1814 - 8/4/1886
American lawyer and governor of New York
75Mrs. Patrick Campbell 2/9/1865 - 4/9/1940
English actress
51Amy Lowell 2/9/1874 - 5/12/1925
American critic/lecturer/and poet
67Ronald Colman 2/9/1891 - 5/19/1958
English-bn. American stage and film actor
85Dean Rusk 2/9/1909 - 12/20/1994
American secretary of state under Kennedy and Johnson
71Bill Veeck 2/9/1914 - 1/2/1986
American baseball club owner
41Brendan Behan 2/9/1923 - 3/20/1964
Irish author/political commentator



Sports Bar Menus Change, but Not Too Much

Once go-tos for gloppy nachos and frozen chicken wings, a new breed of sports bar is offering fresh, from-scratch and even locavore foods.

A Southern Chef Doesn't Stray Far

The chef Sean Brock's new restaurant Husk in Charleston, S.C., one of the great eating towns of the region, is devoted to the excellence of Southern ingredients.

Behold the Bobbing Fish Head

A restaurant in Flushing is devoted to Hunan province, whose cuisine is smokier and more assertive than Sichuan.

As Egypt Protest Swells, U.S. Sends Specific Demands

As Egypt Protest Swells, U.S. Sends Specific Demands

Moises Saman for The New York Times
Anti-Mubarak demonstrators shouted slogans against the government during mass protests in Tahrir Square on Tuesday.More Photos »
CAIRO — Pressure intensified on President Hosni Mubarak’s government as the largest crowd of protesters in two weeks flooded Cairo’s streets on Tuesday and the United States delivered its most specific demands yet, urging swift steps toward democracy.

Protesters, some inspired by an emotional interview with an online political organizer on Egypt’s most popular talk show, occupied Tahrir Square, surrounded the Egyptian Parliament and staged sporadic demonstrations and strikes in several Egyptian cities.
At the same time, in a war of attrition with protesters for public opinion, Egyptian officials sought once more to declare the revolt a thing of the past.
Vice President Omar Suleiman, who is leading an American-endorsed “orderly transition” toward elections in September, said Mr. Mubarak had appointed a committee of judges and legal scholars to propose constitutional amendments.
The committee put Egypt “on the path of peaceful and orderly transition of power,” Mr. Suleiman said on state television.
All the members, however, are considered Mubarak loyalists: many senior judges who owe their prominent positions to Mr. Mubarak, two legal scholars who were members of his cabinet and two others who have already expressed support for gradual change that would leave Mr. Mubarak in office.
Although broadly committed to a transition, the Obama administration was trying to influence many of the details. Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. called Mr. Suleiman to ask him to lift the 30-year emergency law that the government has used to suppress and imprison opposition leaders, to stop imprisoning protesters and journalists, and to invite demonstrators to help develop a specific timetable for opening up the political process. He also asked Mr. Suleiman to open talks on Egypt’s political future to a wider range of opposition members.
Mr. Suleiman has said only that Egypt will remove the emergency law when the situation justifies its repeal, and the harassment and arrest of journalists and human rights activists has continued even in the last few days.
Mr. Suleiman warned the protesters, most of whom are opposed to any negotiations while Mr. Mubarak is in power, that the only alternative to talks is a “a coup.”
“And we want to avoid that — meaning uncalculated and hasty steps that produce more irrationality,” he said, according to the official news agency.
“There will be no ending of the regime, nor a coup, because that means chaos,” Mr. Suleiman said. And he warned the protesters not to attempt more civil disobedience, calling it “extremely dangerous.” He added, “We absolutely do not tolerate it.”
On the 15th day of the protests, young organizers guiding the movement from a tent city inside Tahrir Square, or Liberation Square, showed the discipline and stamina that they say will help them outlast Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Suleiman, even if their revolt devolves into a war of attrition.
Many in the crowd, for example, said they had turned out because organizers had spread the word over loudspeakers and online media for demonstrators to concentrate their efforts on just Tuesdays and Fridays, enabling their supporters to rest in between. And while Mr. Mubarak remains in office, they say, there is no turning back.
The independent group Human Rights Watch said that it had confirmed more than 300 fatalities during the protests by visiting hospitals in a few Egyptian cities. “The government wanted to say that life was returning to normal,” said Mahmoud Mustafa, a 25-year-old protester standing in front of Parliament. “We’re saying it’s not.”
Many in the crowd said that they were newly inspired by the interview on Monday night with Wael Ghonim, a Google executive, who had been the anonymous administrator of a Facebook group that enlisted tens of thousands to oppose the Mubarak government by publicizing a young Egyptian’s beating death at the hands of its reviled police force.
In a tearful conversation, Mr. Ghonim told the story of his “kidnapping,” secret imprisonment in blindfolded isolation for 12 days and determination to overturn Egypt’s authoritarian government. And on Tuesday, both Mr. Ghonim and the host, Mona el-Shazly, came to Tahrir Square to cheer on the revolt.
Ahmed Mayer el-Shamy, an executive at the drug company Pfizer, said many of his colleagues had come out for the first time “because of what they saw on TV last night.”
Some protesters said they saw it as a potential turning point in a propaganda war that has so far gone badly against them, with the state-run television network and newspapers portraying the crowds in Tahrir Square as a dwindling band of obstructionists doing the bidding of foreign interests.

“They have killed us with police bullets, they have sent thugs against us, and now they have launched a propaganda campaign against us,” said Sarah Abdel Ghany, 24. “And still millions come.”
Even early in the day, before their numbers had swelled past tens of thousands or their brigades marched to Parliament, the core organizers were already brimming with confidence at what they could accomplish.
“We are actually the government of the country right now,” said Walid Rachid, 27, one of the young online activists who helped kick off the revolt.
Organizers had hinted in recent days that they intended to expand out of the square to keep the pressure on the government. Then, around 3 p.m., a bearded man with a bullhorn led a procession around the tanks guarding the square and down several blocks to the Parliament. Many of the protesters still wore bandages on their heads from a 12-hour war of rocks and stones against Mubarak loyalists a few days before.
Neither the soldiers guarding the perimeter of the square, nor the dozens guarding the Parliament building did anything to stop them. Outside Parliament, one soldier bent down to feed a candy bar to a small boy who was protesting along with his father. Later, when the protesters believed they had discovered a secret-police infiltrator in their midst, the soldiers stepped in to grab him by the arms and lead him away. “Hosni Mubarak is illegitimate,” they chanted, “The Parliament is illegitimate, Omar Suleiman is illegitimate.”
As night fell, and the crowd had dwindled from a few thousand to hundreds, only a few lights remained on in the upper floors of Parliament, and about a dozen men pulled out blankets and said they intended to sleep in the road.
“Parliament is a great pressure point,” said Ahmed el-Droubi, a biologist. “What we need to do is unite this protest and Tahrir, and that is just the first step. Then we will expand further until Mr. Mubarak gets the point.”
Back in Tahrir Square, more members of the Egyptian elite continued to turn up in support of the protestors, including the pop star Shireen Abdel Wahab and the soccer goalkeeper Nader al-Sayed. Brigades of university employees and telephone company employees joined the protests, as did a column of legal scholars in formal black robes.
Zyad el-Alawi, one of the central organizers, said the protesters were counting on rallying other cities and workers around the country to join their movement. There were reports Tuesday of other large demonstrations in Alexandria, Suez and other cities, as well as labor strikes, including one by 6,000 workers at the Suez Canal. Many at the protests buttonholed Americans to express deep disappointment with President Obama, shaking their heads at his ambiguous messages about an orderly transition. They warned that the country risked incurring a resentment from the Egyptian people that could last long after Mr. Mubarak is gon

Some protesters said they saw it as a potential turning point in a propaganda war that has so far gone badly against them, with the state-run television network and newspapers portraying the crowds in Tahrir Square as a dwindling band of obstructionists doing the bidding of foreign interests.

Even early in the day, before their numbers had swelled past tens of thousands or their brigades marched to Parliament, the core organizers were already brimming with confidence at what they could accomplish.
“We are actually the government of the country right now,” said Walid Rachid, 27, one of the young online activists who helped kick off the revolt.
Organizers had hinted in recent days that they intended to expand out of the square to keep the pressure on the government. Then, around 3 p.m., a bearded man with a bullhorn led a procession around the tanks guarding the square and down several blocks to the Parliament. Many of the protesters still wore bandages on their heads from a 12-hour war of rocks and stones against Mubarak loyalists a few days before.
Neither the soldiers guarding the perimeter of the square, nor the dozens guarding the Parliament building did anything to stop them. Outside Parliament, one soldier bent down to feed a candy bar to a small boy who was protesting along with his father. Later, when the protesters believed they had discovered a secret-police infiltrator in their midst, the soldiers stepped in to grab him by the arms and lead him away. “Hosni Mubarak is illegitimate,” they chanted, “The Parliament is illegitimate, Omar Suleiman is illegitimate.”
As night fell, and the crowd had dwindled from a few thousand to hundreds, only a few lights remained on in the upper floors of Parliament, and about a dozen men pulled out blankets and said they intended to sleep in the road.
“Parliament is a great pressure point,” said Ahmed el-Droubi, a biologist. “What we need to do is unite this protest and Tahrir, and that is just the first step. Then we will expand further until Mr. Mubarak gets the point.”
Back in Tahrir Square, more members of the Egyptian elite continued to turn up in support of the protestors, including the pop star Shireen Abdel Wahab and the soccer goalkeeper Nader al-Sayed. Brigades of university employees and telephone company employees joined the protests, as did a column of legal scholars in formal black robes.
Zyad el-Alawi, one of the central organizers, said the protesters were counting on rallying other cities and workers around the country to join their movement. There were reports Tuesday of other large demonstrations in Alexandria, Suez and other cities, as well as labor strikes, including one by 6,000 workers at the Suez Canal. Many at the protests buttonholed Americans to express deep disappointment with President Obama, shaking their heads at his ambiguous messages about an orderly transition. They warned that the country risked incurring a resentment from the Egyptian people that could last long after Mr. Mubarak is gone.