martes, 26 de junio de 2012

Combating Acid Reflux May Bring Host of Ills

Combating Acid Reflux May Bring Host of Ills

The first time Jolene Rudell fainted, she assumed that the stress of being in medical school had gotten to her. Then, two weeks later, she lost consciousness again.
Blood tests showed Ms. Rudell’s red blood cell count and iron level were dangerously low. But she is a hearty eater (and a carnivore), and her physician pointed to another possible culprit: a popular drug used by millions of Americans like Ms. Rudell to prevent gastroesophageal acid reflux, or severe heartburn.
Advice on money and health.
Long-term use of the drugs, called proton pump inhibitors, or P.P.I.’s, can make it difficult to absorb some nutrients. Ms. Rudell, 33, has been taking these medications on and off for nearly a decade. Her doctor treated her anemia with high doses of iron, and recommended she try to manage without a P.P.I., but that’s been difficult, she said. “I’m hoping I’ll get off the P.P.I. after I complete my residency training,” she said, “but that’s still several years away.”
As many as four in 10 Americans have symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, and many depend on P.P.I.’s like Prilosec, Prevacid and Nexium to reduce stomach acid. These are the third highest-selling class of drugs in the United States, after antipsychotics and statins, with more than 100 million prescriptions and $13.9 billion in sales in 2010, in addition to over-the-counter sales.
But in recent years, the Food and Drug Administration has issuednumerous warnings about P.P.I.’s, saying long-term use and high doses have been associated with an increased risk of bone fractures and infection with a bacterium called Clostridium difficile that can be especially dangerous to elderly patients. In a recent paper, experts recommendedthat older adults use the drugs only “for the shortest duration possible.”
Studies have shown long-term P.P.I. use may reduce the absorption of important nutrients, vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calciumand vitamin B12, and might reduce the effectiveness of other medications, with the F.D.A. warning that taking Prilosec together with the anticlotting agent clopidogrel (Plavix) can weaken the protective effect (of clopidogrel) for heart patients.
Drug company officials dismiss such reports, saying that they do not prove the P.P.I.’s are the cause of the problems and that many P.P.I. users are older adults who are susceptible to infections and more likely to sustain fractures and have nutritional deficits.
But while using the drugs for short periods may not be problematic, they tend to breed dependency, experts say, leading patients to take them for far longer than the recommended 8 to 12 weeks; some stay on them for life. Many hospitals have been starting patients on P.P.I.’s as a matter of routine, to prevent stress ulcers, then discharging them with instructions to continue the medication at home. Dr. Charlie Baum, head of U.S. Medical Affairs for Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America Inc., said its P.P.I. Dexilant is safe when used according to the prescribed indication of up to six months for maintenance, though many physicians prescribe it for longer.
“Studies have shown that once you’re on them, it’s hard to stop taking them,” said Dr. Shoshana J. Herzig of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “It’s almost like an addiction.”
P.P.I.’s work by blocking the production of acid in the stomach, but the body reacts by overcompensating and, she said, “revving up production” of acid-making cells. “You get excess growth of those cells in the stomach, so when you unblock production, you have more of the acid-making machinery,” she said.
Moreover, proton pump inhibitors have not been the wonder drugs that experts had hoped for. More widespread treatment of GERD has not reduced the incidence of esophageal cancers. Squamous cell carcinoma, which is associated with smoking, has declined, but esophageal adenocarcinomas, which are associated with GERD, have increased 350 percent since 1970.
“When people take P.P.I.’s, they haven’t cured the problem of reflux,” said Dr. Joseph Stubbs, an internist in Albany, Ga., and a former president of the American College of Physicians. “They’ve just controlled the symptoms.”
And P.P.I.’s provide a way for people to avoid making difficult lifestyle changes, like losing weight or cutting out the foods that cause heartburn, he said. “People have found, ‘I can keep eating what I want to eat, and take this and I’m doing fine,’ ” he said. “We’re starting to see that if you do that, you can run into some risky side effects.”
Many patients may be on the drugs for no good medical reason, at huge cost to the health care system, said Dr. Joel J. Heidelbaugh, a family medicine doctor in Ann Arbor, Mich. When he reviewed medical records of almost 1,000 patients on P.P.I.’s at an outpatient Veterans Affairs clinic in Ann Arbor, he found that only one-third had a diagnosis that justified the drugs. The others seemed to have been given the medications “just in case.”
“We put people on P.P.I.’s, and we ignore the fact that we were designed to have acid in our stomach,” said Dr. Greg Plotnikoff, a physician who specializes in integrative therapy at the Penny George Institute for Health and Healing in Minneapolis.
Stomach acid is needed to break down food and absorb nutrients, he said, as well as for proper functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas. Long-term of use of P.P.I.’s may interfere with these processes, he noted. And suppression of stomach acid, which kills bacteria and other microbes, may make people more susceptible to infections, like C. difficile.
Taking P.P.I.’s, Dr. Plotnikoff said, “changes the ecology of the gut and actually allows overgrowth of some things that normally would be kept under control.”
Stomach acid also stimulates coughing, which helps clear the lungs. Some experts think this is why some patients, especially those who are frail and elderly, face an increased risk of pneumonia if they take P.P.I.’s.
But many leading gastroenterologists are convinced that the benefits of the drugs outweigh their risks. They say the drugs prevent serious complications of GERD, like esophageal and stomach ulcers and peptic strictures, which occur when inflammations causes the lower end of the esophagus to narrow.
The studies that detected higher risks among patients on P.P.I.’s “are statistical analyses of very large patient populations. But how does that relate to you, as one person taking the drug?” said Dr. Donald O. Castell, director of esophageal disorders at the Medical University of South Carolina and an author of the American College of Gastroenterology’s practice guidelines for GERD, who has financial relationships with drug companies that make P.P.I.’s. He added, “You don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.”
Most physicians think that GERD is a side effect of the obesity epidemic, and that lifestyle changes could ameliorate heartburn for many.
“If we took 100 people with reflux and got them to rigidly follow the lifestyle recommendations, 90 wouldn’t need any medication,” Dr. Castell said. “But good luck getting them to do that.”

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Anestesia en pelirrojos

Los requerimientos de anestesia son elevados en los pelirrojos 
Anesthetic requirement is increased in redheads.
Liem EB, Lin CM, Suleman MI, Doufas AG, Gregg RG, Veauthier JM, Loyd G, Sessler DI.
Outcomes Research Institute, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky. USA
Anesthesiology. 2004 Aug;101(2):279-83.
BACKGROUND: Age and body temperature alter inhalational anesthetic requirement; however, no human genotype is associated with inhalational anesthetic requirement. There is an anecdotal impression that anesthetic requirement is increased in redheads. Furthermore, red hair results from distinct mutations of the melanocortin-1 receptor. Therefore, the authors tested the hypothesis that the requirement for the volatile anesthetic desflurane is greater in natural redheaded than in dark-haired women. METHODS: The authors studied healthy women with bright red (n = 10) or dark (n = 10) hair. Blood was sampled for subsequent analyses of melanocortin-1 receptor alleles. Anesthesia was induced with sevoflurane and maintained with desflurane randomly set at an end-tidal concentration between 5.5 and 7.5%. After an equilibration period, a noxious electrical stimulation (100 Hz, 70 mA) was transmitted through bilateral intradermal needles. If the volunteer moved in response to stimulation, desflurane was increased by 0.5%; otherwise, it was decreased by 0.5%. This was continued until volunteers "crossed over" from movement to nonmovement (or vice versa) four times. Individual logistic regression curves were used to determine desflurane requirement (P50). Desflurane requirements in the two groups were compared using Mann-Whitney nonparametric two-sample test; P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The desflurane requirement in redheads (6.2 vol% [95% CI, 5.9-6.5]) was significantly greater than in dark-haired women (5.2 vol% [4.9-5.5]; P = 0.0004). Nine of 10 redheads were either homozygous or compound heterozygotes for mutations on the melanocortin-1 receptor gene. CONCLUSIONS: Red hair seems to be a distinct phenotype linked to anesthetic requirement in humans that can also be traced to a specific genotype.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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Complicaciones nasales y orbitarias secundarias al abuso de cocaína inhalada

Complicaciones nasales y orbitarias secundarias al abuso de cocaína inhalada

Publicado en Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2012;63:233-6. - vol.63 núm 03


El abuso de cocaína por vía intranasal provoca una sinusopatía química por destrucción y necrosis mediofacial secundaria. Cuando esta necrosis mediofacial ya está establecida, pueden aparecer otras complicaciones relacionadas con la proximidad de estructuras como la órbita o el nervio óptico. Presentamos la evolución de un joven cocainómano con destrucción mediofacial, que en el trascurso de los años ha padecido un absceso subperióstico y una neuritis óptica. Planteamos el diagnóstico diferencial y el manejo de estas complicaciones.
Palabras clave Necrosis mediofacial. Abuso de cocaína. Absceso subperióstico. Neuritis óptica.
Dr.Máximo Cuadros Chávez

[Identidad Bibliotecaria] [Marcas tipográficas] MUJERES IMPRESORAS

La Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid acaba de hacer público un micrositio dedicado íntegramente a las impresoras españolas desde el siglo XVI hasta el XIX. Como ya es sabido el papel de la mujer en la historia de la imprenta es importante. Se hicieron cargo como herederas, viudas o hijas, del establecimiento de imprenta familar y, aunque aún quedan muchos documentos por descubrir sobre sus labores exactas, ya sabemos que algunas de ellas fueron auténticas empresarias que supieron llevar el negocio de forma sobresaliente. En el trabajo puramente tipográfico su presencia debió ser muy escasa -algunas eran analfabetas- pero también hay algún caso de mujer metida de lleno en la fabricación de los impresos. Como digo queda mucho por investigar. En los últimos años se está destacando la presencia femenina en la imprenta antigua española y se han organizado exposiciones como la de "Muses de la imprenta", la de la biblioteca José María Lafragua de México o la habida en Málaga sobre las impresoras de esa ciudad, con sus respectivos catálogos publicados. Los blogs especializados en libro antiguo y bibliofilia también están siendo fuente de información; vean por ejemplo las entradas dedicadas a mujeres impresoras publicadas en Folio complutense
El micrositio que nos ocupa está organizado por siglos: XVI y XVII unidos, XVIII y XIX. En cada uno de ellos se da una introducción histórica, una selección de impresoras por ciudades con sus datos básicos sobre su vida y su trabajo profesional con imágenes de portadas, un PDF con la relación alfabética de las impresoras conocidas y, por último, una bibliografía muy completa en la que al lado de obras conocidas y trabajos muchas veces citados encuentro también artículos menos frecuentados por los especialistas. 

Publicado por Carlos Fernández para Marcas tipográficas el 6/26/2012 01:22:00 AM

Apps Moviles...impresionante

Apps Moviles


Aplicación de la red de bibliotecas de la Universidad de Salamanca que permite consultar el catálogo de su sistema bibliotecario, así como conocer su oferta de servicios, localizar las bibliotecas de área y facultades y mantenerse informado a través de los diferentes medios de difusión de noticias.


Aplicación de acceso al catálogo de la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Permite la descarga de más de 17.000 obras en formato PDF


El navegador Layar de realidad aumentada cuenta con una capa, creada por el Ministerio de Cultura, con más de 8.000 bibliotecas, junto con los datos de contacto y localización, es capaz de averiguar cuáles son las bibliotecas más cercanas.


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Biblion es gratuita y permite explorar y buscar más de 700 artículos de la biblioteca disponibles en la actualidad. En esta aplicación encontrarás documentos, imágenes, películas, audio y ensayos. Se ha previsto mejoras para una próxima edición


La aplicación de LibraryThing localiza diferentes ubicaciones relacionadas con el ámbito del libro: bibliotecas, librerías y ferias del libro.


La biblioteca ofrece una versión de su catálogo, AirPAC, que permite acceder y utilizar las principales funciones del catálogo a cualquier hora y desde cualquier lugar con teléfonos inteligentes y demás dispositivos inalámbricos.


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La aplicación de la Biblioteca Nacional de Gran Bretaña, con un coste es de 2,99€. Incluye cien documentos de relevancia histórica organizados en varios grupos: literatura, historia, música, mapas, religión, manuscritos iluminados y ciencia, así como una exposición sobre manuscritos reales. Cada uno se presenta con imágenes, un texto y un vídeo explicativos


Se trata de una de las más completas aplicaciones creadas y dedicadas a los servicios de una biblioteca. A través de una usabilidad y navegabilidad muy logradas incluyen: acceso al catálogo, novedades, información sobre las múltiples sedes de la NYPL, posibilidad de reservas, etcétera


La Biblioteca del Congreso es la biblioteca más grande del mundo y el más grande acervo de conocimientos bajo un mismo techo. Esta aplicación da la opción de un tour virtual

domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Nervios craneales


Enfermedades Autoinmunes

P I Sindrome Fatiga Cronica

Artritis reumatoide