lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017

Resultados Clínicos y Complicaciones de Alargamiento de Miembros Inferiores para Hemimelia Fibular: Un Informe de Ocho Casos.

Clinical Results and Complications of Lower Limb Lengthening for Fibular Hemimelia: A Report of Eight Cases.

Este artículo es publicado originalmente en:
2016 May;95(21):e3787. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003787.
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© 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Fibular hemimelia is a rare but the most common congenital long bone deficiency, encompassing a broad range of anomalies from isolated fibular hypoplasia up to substantial femoral and tibial shortening with ankle deformity and foot deficiency. Most cases of fibular hemimeliamanifest clinically significant leg length discrepancy (LLD) with time that requires adequate correction by bone lengthening for stable walking. Bone lengthening procedures, especially those for pathological bones, are sometimes associated with severe complications, such as delayed consolidation, fractures, and deformities of the lengthened bones, leading to prolonged healing time and residual LLD at skeletal maturity. The purpose of this study was to review our clinical results of lower limb lengthening for fibular hemimelia.This study included 8 Japanese patients who diagnosed with fibular hemimelia from physical and radiological findings characteristic of fibular hemimelia and underwent single or staged femoral and/or tibial lengthening during growth or after skeletal maturity. LLD, state of the lengthened callus, and bone alignment were evaluated with full-length radiographs of the lower limb. Previous interventions, associated congenital anomalies, regenerate fractures were recorded with reference to medical charts and confirmed on appropriate radiographs. Successful lengthening was defined as the healing index <50 days/cm without regenerate fractures.A significant difference was observed in age at surgery between successful and unsuccessful lengthening. The incidence of regenerate fractures was significantly correlated with callus maturity before frame removal. LLD was corrected within 11 mm, whereas mechanical axis deviated laterally.Particular attention should be paid to the status of callus maturation and the mechanical axis deviation during the treatment period in fibular hemimelia.
La hemimelia fibular es una deficiencia congénita de huesos largos rara, pero la más común, que abarca una amplia gama de anomalías desde la hipoplasia fibular aislada hasta un acortamiento femoral y tibial sustancial con deformidad de tobillo y deficiencia de pie. La mayoría de los casos de hemimelia manifesta fibular clínicamente significativa discrepancia longitud de la pierna (LLD) con el tiempo que requiere una corrección adecuada por el alargamiento óseo para caminar estable. Los procedimientos de alargamiento óseo, especialmente los de huesos patológicos, se asocian a veces con complicaciones graves, como consolidación tardía, fracturas y deformidades de los huesos alargados, lo que lleva a un tiempo prolongado de cicatrización y LLD residual a la madurez ósea. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar nuestros resultados clínicos de alargamiento de extremidades inferiores para hemimelia fibular.Este estudio incluyó a 8 pacientes japoneses que diagnosticaron hemimelia fibular a partir de hallazgos físicos y radiológicos característicos de hemimelia fibular y se sometieron a un alargamiento femoral y / o tibial durante el crecimiento o después de la madurez esquelética. LLD, estado del callo alargado y alineación ósea se evaluaron con radiografías de longitud completa del miembro inferior. Las intervenciones anteriores, las anomalías congénitas asociadas, las fracturas regeneradas se registraron con referencia a los prontuarios y se confirmaron en radiografías apropiadas. El alargamiento exitoso se definió como el índice de curación <50 días / cm sin fracturas regeneradas. Se observó una diferencia significativa en la edad en la cirugía entre el alargamiento exitoso y el no exitoso. La incidencia de fracturas regeneradas se correlacionó significativamente con la madurez del callo antes de la eliminación del marco. LLD se corrigió dentro de 11 mm, mientras que el eje mecánico se desvió lateralmente. Debe prestarse atención especial al estado de maduración del callo y la desviación del eje mecánico durante el período de tratamiento en hemimelia fibular.
PMID:   27227952   PMCID:  PMC4902376    DOI:   10.1097/MD.0000000000003787
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

domingo, 3 de septiembre de 2017

Anatomía de los espacios en el hombro

Anatomy of Shoulder spaces
Este artículo y/o video es originalmente publicado en:
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Courtesy: Harry Benjamin Laing,MRCS, Ortho M8, FRCS(Tr and Orth) Tutorials
Publicado el 15 dic. 2016
Shoulder spaces and their contents, frcs orth revision

Medicamentos y Lactancia ¿ que hay de nuevo?

Estimado Ciberpediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. Continuamos el Programa 2017, el día 6 septiembre las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara Liima Perú) a la Conferencia: “Medicamentos y Lactancia ¿ que hay de nuevo?”, por el “Dr. Leoardo Landa“ Pediatra de España”. La sesión inicia puntualmente a las 21 hrs.
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Opioides / Opioids

Septiembre 3, 2017. No. 2800

Riesgo comparativo de delirio con diferentes opioides. Una revisión sistemática
The Comparative Risk of Delirium with Different Opioids: A Systematic Review.
Drugs Aging. 2017 Jun;34(6):437-443. doi: 10.1007/s40266-017-0455-9.
There is substantial evidence that the use of opioids increases the risk of adverse outcomes such as delirium, but whether this risk differs between the various opioids remains controversial. In this systematic review, we evaluate and discuss possible differences in the risk of delirium from the use of various types of opioids in older patients. METHODS: We performed a search in MEDLINE by combining search terms on delirium and opioids. A specific search filter for use in geriatric medicine was used. Quality was scored according to the quality assessment for cohort studies of the Dutch Cochrane Institute. RESULTS: Six studies were included, all performed in surgical departments and all observational. No study was rated high quality, one was rated moderate quality, and five were rated low quality. Information about dose, route, and timing of administration of the opioid was frequently missing. Pain and other important risk factors of delirium were often not taken into account. Use of tramadol or meperidine was associated with an increased risk of delirium, whereas the use of morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, and codeine were not, when compared with no opioid. Meperidine was also associated with an increased risk of delirium compared with other opioids, whereas tramadol was not. The risk of delirium appeared to be lower with hydromorphone or fentanyl, compared with other opioids. Numbers used for comparisons were small. CONCLUSION: Some data suggest that meperidine may lead to a higher perioperative risk for delirium; however, high-quality studies that compare different opioids are lacking. Further comparative research is needed.
Tendencias de la prevalencia y la incidencia de diagnósticos de las alteraciones por  uso de opiáceos recetados en el Reino Unido.
Prevalence and Incidence Trends for Diagnosed Prescription Opioid Use Disorders in the United Kingdom.
Pain Ther. 2017 Jun;6(1):73-84. doi: 10.1007/s40122-017-0070-9. Epub 2017 Apr 27.
INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of prescription opioid use disorders in the US has increased markedly in parallel with increases in opioid prescribing. Whilst an increase in opioid prescribing has also occurred in the UK, it remains unknown if there have been concurrent increases in opioid use disorders. The aim of this study was to examine national trends in the prevalence and incidence of physician-diagnosed opioid use disorders in the UK. METHODS: In a retrospective electronic health care database analysis using data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD), we identified persons receiving a first opioid prescription between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2012. Persons with an opioid use disorder were identified by Read codes assigned by patients' physicians within 6 months following an opioid prescription. We calculated prevalence and incidence rates by dividing the analysis population by the total number of patients exposed (prevalence) or the total patient-years of exposure (incidence) using the 'exact' Clopper-Pearson Binomial method. RESULTS: Our analysis included 714,699 person-years of prescription opioid exposure. The 5-year period prevalence of opioid use disorders was 4.61 (95% CI 4.28-4.96) per 10,000 individuals, or 0.05%. The incidence rate of opioid use disorders was of 6.51 (95% CI 5.93-7.13) patients per 10,000 patient-years exposed. When examined by study year, there was no clear suggestion of a changing trend over time. When stratified by opioid drug, trends in the incidence rate during the study were either stable (i.e., codeine and tramadol), increasing (i.e., morphine) or decreasing (i.e., dihydrocodeine). CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that despite the marked increase in overall opioid prescribing in the UK in the past decade, there has not been an increase in the incidence of physician-diagnosed opioid use disorders.
KEYWORDS: Abuse; Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD); Dependence; Incidence; Misuse; Opioid use disorders; Opioids; Prescription; Prevalence; UK

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