sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

En la Feria Internacional del libro de Buenos Aires de este año, los lectores elegirán su favorito…

Los lectores elegirán su libro favorito en la Feria Internacional de este año. Se votará por Internet, entre libros editados en 2011. Vienen Eduardo Galeano, Pilar Sordo y David Grossman.
"Un futuro con libros” es el lema. Así, la 38 edición de la Feria Internacional del Librode Buenos Aires apuntará en 2012 a acercar las nuevas tecnologías a los lectores. También se buscará la participación del público a través de una votación en la que podrán elegir su libro del año.
Sí, esta vez los que premien serán los lectores: la Feria les pidió a los libreros una preselección de 20 títulos publicados en 2011, entre los que el público votará uno en la página web de la Fundación El Libro, durante marzo y abril. De esa votación saldrá el Premio del Lector .
Como todos los años, habrá escritores de otros países. Buena parte de las miradas estarán posadas en el uruguayo Eduardo Galeano. La organización prevé poner pantallas gigantes fuera de la sala para seguir su presentación.
También será convocante el israelí David Grossman. Durante la invasión de Israel al Líbano en 2006, Grossman dijo, en una conferencia de prensa, que “Por interés en el futuro de Israel y en nuestro lugar aquí, la lucha debe detenerse ahora, para dar lugar a las negociaciones”. Dos días después, su hijo Uri moría en combate.
En la agenda de autores extranjeros sobresale Daniel Pennac, que nació en Marruecos y es uno de los más importantes escritores franceses de la actualidad. Es el autor de los famosos “derechos del lector”, donde reclama, por ejemplo, la potestad de “no leer”, “saltarnos páginas”, “releer” y “hojear”.
Estará Norman Manea, un judío rumano nacido en 1936, que ahora vive en Estados Unidos y escribe sobre el Holocausto y la Rumania comunista. Y Federico Moccia, el best-seller italiano, autor dePerdona si te llamo amor.
Otra visitante destacada será Viola Di Grado, una siciliana de 23 años que fue un éxito el año pasado con Setenta acrílico, treinta lana, una novela sobre un caso de “anorexia verbal”.
Desde Chile, llegarán la chilena Lina Meruane –no se pierdan su libro Las infantas – y su compatriota, la psicóloga Pilar Sordo. La estadounidense Sandra Cisneros –representante destacada de la literatura “chicana”– también será de la partida.
Del plano local estarán Alejandro Dolina, Alberto Manguel, Felipe Pigna, Gabriel Rolón, Miguel Bonasso y José Pablo Feinmann, además de Cristian Alarcón, Lola Arias, Juan José Becerra, Oliverio Coelho, Pola Oloixarac, Romina Paula y Hernán Ronsino. Daniel Roncoli, con su biografía de Martín Karadagián, publicada recientemente, será otro de los atractivos.
Como en la vida, las nuevas tecnologías de lectura van ganando lugar en la Feria. Su directora Gabriela Adamo, detalla: “No sólo van a estar los libros digitales para que la gente los pueda usar, tocar, ver; la intención es que también que participen en debates y se vinculen con lo que tiene que ver con la lectura en el siglo XXI”. Algo nuevo aparece: “El cambio que veo este año en la Feria es que las editoriales tienen clarísima conciencia de las nuevas tecnologías y cada una, a su manera, está viendo la forma de reaccionar o liderar el proceso, según sus propias características”.
Pero, por más que avance la tecnología, sin humanos no hay lectores. Por eso, Adamo, no teme exagerar: “Vamos a cuidar al lector de todas las maneras posibles y vamos a tratar de que vea que leer es lo mejor que le puede pasar en la vida”.

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Papel del sugamadex en el desarrollo y modificación de la respuesta alérgica al rocuronio: evidencia de un modelo subcutáneo

Papel del sugamadex en el desarrollo y modificación de la respuesta alérgica al rocuronio: evidencia de un modelo subcutáneo
The role of sugammadex in the development and modification of an allergic response to rocuronium: evidence from a cutaneous model.
R. C. Clarke,P. H. M. Sadleir1 and P. R. Platt
Consultant Anaesthetist, Department of Anaesthesia, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Anaesthetic Allergy Referral Centre of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 266-273
The availability of sugammadex as a selective encapsulating agent for rocuronium has led to speculation that it may be useful in mitigating rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis. Off-label use of sugammadex for this indication has already been documented in case reports although there are theoretical objections to the likelihood of an allergen-binding agent's being able to attenuate the immunological cascade of anaphylaxis. Using a cutaneous model of anaphylaxis in rocuronium-sensitised patients, we were unable to demonstrate that sugammadex was effective in attenuating the type-1 hypersensitivity reaction after it has been triggered by rocuronium, but we were able to demonstrate that these patients are anergic to sugammadex-bound rocuronium. These findings demonstrate that a cyclodextrin can bind an allergen and exclude it from interacting with the immune system, and may potentially lead to novel applications in other allergic diseases. However, there is no evidence that sugammadex should be used for the treatment of rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis, and clinical management should follow established protocols.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


María Moliner, sinónimo de bibliotecaria y lexicógrafa
Noticias Castilla y León
La UNED ofrece una exposición sobre la figura y la obra de María Moliner, bibliotecaria y lexicógrafa comprometida con su profesión y autora del Diccionario de Uso del Español Se puede visitar desde el día 5 al 15 de marzo, en horario de mañana y tarde ...
Ver todos los artículos sobre este tema »
Web social para profesionales de la información: estar y saber estar ...
según Julian_Marquina
Conocer las principales iniciativas y casos destacables de bibliotecas y centros de información denominados Bibliotecas 2.0. Manejar las herramientas de la Web 2.0 y saber aplicarlas en la mejora y la creación de los servicios bibliotecarios.
RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios

México | RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios
Sólo una de cada diez bibliotecas escolares en México es coordinada por un maestro bibliotecariodesignado y capacitado para tal función; en tres cuartas ...

Info Bolivia - Estos sí que son voluntarios. Bibliotecarios en Bolivia ...
l►► Noticias Bolivia : Estos sí que son voluntarios. Bibliotecarios en Bolivia. ( Plataforma para la creación del Colegio Oficial de...) - Encuentra toda la ...

Digital.CSIC: Habilidades de los bibliotecarios: nuevos roles; diseño ...
Autor : Cárdenas García, Juan. Palabras clave : IHSM UMA-CSIC Memoria IHSM www IHSM Rolesbibliotecarios. Edición digital. Information management ...

Books Update

Books Update

On the Cover of Sunday's Book Review

'Gods Without Men'

In Hari Kunzru's fourth novel, an autistic boy disappears in the California desert and many lives intersect around a rock formation called the Pinnacles.

Also in the Book Review

King Kalakaua, circa 1882.

'Lost Kingdom: Hawaii's Last Queen, the Sugar Kings, and America's First Imperial Adventure'

Reviewed by MALIA BOYD
Julia Flynn Siler traces Hawaii's fraught history, from Captain Cook to American annexation.


Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL
In Kathryn Harrison's novel of late imperial Russia, Rasputin's sway doesn't end with his death.

'No Cheating, No Dying'

Reviewed by MAGGIE SCARF
A writer embarks on a project of marital enhancement.
Anthony Shadid reporting via satellite modem on a rooftop in Najaf, Iraq, in 2003.

'House of Stone'

Anthony Shadid rebuilt his ancestors' house in Lebanon.
The apprentice: Senator Barack Obama advised by Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, to the left of Obama in the photo, and Robert Rubin, former Treasury secretary, to the right, in September 2008.

'The Escape Artists: How Obama's Team Fumbled the Recovery'

Reviewed by PAUL M. BARRETT
Noam Scheiber takes us behind the scenes with President Obama's economic team.
Wallis Simpson

'That Woman: The Life of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor'

This new book looks at the life of Wallis Simpson, for whom Edward VIII abdicated.

'The Power of Habit'

A look at the science of how we form habits and how we can break them.
Paul Grüninger was jailed for helping Jewish refugees enter Switzerland.

'Beautiful Souls'

Eyal Press looks at ordinary people who resisted the status quo to follow their own convictions.

Strangers Abroad

In Chris Pavone's "The Expats," a burned-out C.I.A. operative moves to Luxembourg and begins investigating her husband's activities there.
Tomas Transtromer


The English versions of the Nobel Prize winner Tomas Transtromer's poems raise issues that go to the heart of the translator's function.
FRANK READE: Adventures in the Age of InventionBy Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett. 175 pp. Abrams Image. $24.95.The Reades were a family of inventors who once starred in a popular series of dime novels (a cover, above) with an air of Jules Verne. Here, they are treated as historical figures in a playful mock documentary.

Fiction Chronicle

New fiction by Richard Mason, Anna Funder, Alex George, Helen Simpson and Jonathan Odell.

Children's Books


Honest, Fair, Courageous and Strong

It's Women's History Month, and four picture books introduce children to some real-life heroines.

The Finer Points of the Game

By MATT de la PEÑA
Basketball, in these two novels, is a path to success and a means of escape.

Bookshelf: Poetry

Five new picture books introduce children to the art of poetry.

'After the Snow'

In S. D. Crockett's dystopian novel, a teenager navigates frozen terrain in search of his family.

'The Glass Collector'

This novel's hero belongs to a group of trash scavengers who prowl Cairo's filthy streets.

sesión del CMO 7/III/2012

Transmisión enviada en vivo y ahora compartida, los por menores de sesión, nuestro principal problerma la velocidad de la conexión a internet.

El ABC de los tumores oseos




jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012


No hay mujer más inteligente, que la que sabe darse a respetar.
No hay mujer más bella, que la que tiene un gran corazon .
No hay mujer más fuerte, que la que cree en si misma.
No hay mujer más admirable, que la que tiene dignidad.
No hay mujer más elegante, que la que es una dama.
No hay mujer más sana, que la que realmente se conoce.
No hay mujer más feliz, que la que sabe valorar. 


Es el deseo de un amigo
con una pequeña muestra de las pinturas de Leonid Afremov



















programas de control malaria en la región Amazónica

Buen articulo sobre la valoración de los programas de control malaria en la región Amazónica, Incluye al Perú.
usa indicadores muy interesantes.


Estatinas y succinilcolina

Consecuencias de la administración de succinilcolina a pacientes usando estatinas
Consequences of succinylcholine administration to patients using statins.
Turan A, Mendoza ML, Gupta S, You J, Gottlieb A, Chu W, Saager L, Sessler DI.
Department of Outcomes Research, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.alparslanturan@yahoo.com
Anesthesiology. 2011 Jul;115(1):28-35.
BACKGROUND: Statins cause structural changes in myocytes and provoke myotoxicity, myopathy, and myalgias. Thus, patients taking statins may be especially susceptible to succinylcholine-induced muscle injury. The authors tested the hypothesis that succinylcholine increases plasma concentrations of myoglobin, potassium, and creatine kinase more in patients who take statins than in those who do not and that succinylcholine-induced postoperative muscle pain is aggravated in statin users. METHODS: Patients who took statins for at least 3 months and those who had never used statins were enrolled. General anesthesia was induced and included 1.5 mg/kg succinylcholine for intubation. The incidence and degree of fasciculation after succinylcholine administration were recorded. Blood samples were obtained before induction and 5 and 20 min and 24 h after succinylcholine administration. Patients were interviewed 2 and 24 h after surgery to determine the degree of myalgia. RESULTS: The authors enrolled 38 patients who used statins and 32 who did not. At 20 min, myoglobin was higher in statin users versus nonusers (ratio of medians 1.34 [95% CI: 1.1, 1.7], P = 0.018). Fasciculations in statin users were more intense than in nonusers (P = 0.047). However, plasma potassium and creatine kinase concentrations were similar in statin users and nonusers, as was muscle pain. CONCLUSIONS: The plasma myoglobin concentration at 20 min was significantly greater in statin users than nonusers, although the difference seems unlikely to be clinically important. The study results suggest that the effect of succinylcholine given to patients taking statins is likely to be small and probably of limited clinical consequence
La succinilcolina debe de evitarse en pacientes con terapia con estatinas
Succinylcholine should be avoided in patients on statin therapy.
Lee C.
Anesthesiology. 2011 Jul;115(1):6-7.
Miopatías inducidas por estatinas
Statin-induced myopathies.
Tomaszewski M, Stępień KM, Tomaszewska J, Czuczwar SJ.
Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Lublin, Jaczewskiego 8, PL 20-954 Lublin, Poland. mdtomaszewski@yahoo.com
Pharmacol Rep. 2011;63(4):859-66.
Statinsare considered to be safe, well tolerated and the most efficient drugs for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia, one of the main risk factor for atherosclerosis, and therefore they are frequently prescribed medications. The most severe adverse effect of statins is myotoxicity, in the form of myopathy, myalgia, myositis or rhabdomyolysis. Clinical trials commonly define statin toxicity as myalgia or muscle weakness with creatine kinase (CK) levels greater than 10 times the normal upper limit. Rhabdomyolysis is the most severe adverse effect of statins, which may result in acute renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation and death. The exact pathophysiology of statin-induced myopathyis not fully known. Multiple pathophysiological mechanisms may contribute to statin myotoxicity. This review focuses on a number of them. The prevention of statin-related myopathy involves using the lowest statin dose required to achieve therapeutic goals and avoiding polytherapy with drugs known to increase systemic exposure and myopathy risk. Currently, the only effective treatment of statin-induced myopathy is the discontinuation of statin use in patients affected by muscle aches, pains and elevated CK levels.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Sesión del colegio mexicano de ortopedia del 7 de marzo del 2012

Transmisión enviada en vivo y ahora compartida, los por menores de sesión, nuestro principal problerma la velocidad de la conexión a internet.

8 de Marzo , día internacional de la mujer

Dra Mariana Meléndez Gámez
Hoy celebró una GRAN responsabilidad, la de ser mujer, porque de "sexo débil" no tenemos nada, tampoco somos frágiles y mucho menos somos menos capaces; y aunque aún tenemos que enfrentarnos a acosos, discriminación, humillaciones, burlas, y hasta violencia física, seguimos de pie, que placer es ser mujer!!! Un abrazo a todas las mujeres!! y un abrazo mas fuerte a todos los hombres que respetan, aman y valoran a las mujeres 

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

When is a Doubled Semitendinosus Tendon Autograft after ACL Reconstruction "Normal"?

When is a Doubled Semitendinosus Tendon Autograft after ACL Reconstruction "Normal"?

Biomechanical and histological evaluation of the doubled semitendinosus tendon autograft after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in sheep

Kondo E, Yasuda K, Katsura T, Hayashi R, Kotani Y, & Tohyama H. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012. 40(2):315-324.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction often involves the use of a graft to help restore the knee to a point of normalcy.  However, the graft may not actually be “normal” either mechanically or histologically.  Animal reconstruction models allow us to closely evaluate the reconstructed graft but few have investigated the semitendinosus graft.  The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical and histological properties of semitendinosus ACL autografts in a sheep model.  The surgically reconstructed semitendinosus ACL autograft of 36 sheep were used for biomechanical (i.e., translation, tensile strength; 20 sheep) and histological (looking for cell structure and fiber alignment; 16 sheep) evaluation in comparison to contralateral control ACLs.  Five sheep were biomechanically evaluated at each of the 4 time points, 0, 12, 24, and 52 weeks post-surgery.  For histological evaluation, 3 sheep were evaluated at 4 time points: 0, 2, 24, and 52 weeks post-surgery, and 2 were evaluated at 6 and 12 weeks post-surgery.  Anterior-posterior translation was significantly greater in the ACL reconstruction knee than the contralateral control knees at all time points (0, 12, 24, & 52 weeks post-surgery), and translation was significantly less at 52 weeks than at 12 weeks post-surgery.  All ACL autografts failed tensile strength tests with 3 out of 5 being midsubstance tears at 12 weeks, and all 5 samples at 24 as well as 52 weeks post-surgery being midsubstance tears.  Maximum load at failure was significantly greater at 52 weeks than 12 weeks post-surgical.  In contrast, the contralateral control ACLs failed by avulsing from the bone. Histological observation was near normal by 24 weeks with abnormalities at earlier time points (0 and 12 weeks post-surgery); including the presence of necrotic (dead) tissue at 12 weeks.  Cell density was significantly lower at 2 weeks than all other time points.

Clinically, it appears that up to 1-year post-injury the semitendinosus autograft may not fully reach “normal” ACL biomechanical properties, despite histological similarities around this time point.  The authors note that these findings are similar to other autografts (e.g., bone-patellar tendon-bone).  Abnormalities that exist up to 1 year post-surgery have major implications regarding rehabilitation and return-to-play expectations.  There may be activity modifications or changes in rehabilitation programs that are necessary to promote the long-term health of the knee.  Based on the data, the authors suggest that vigorous activity should be limited in earlier periods when the graft is necrotized and weakened.  Even later in the process, the autografts are failing with midsubstance tears indicating that they are not as strong as the contralateral ACL.  As clinicians, we may need to think about acting more conservatively.  Research has demonstrated within humans (Beynnon et al. 2005) that there are biochemical abnormalities in the knee still present at 1-year post ACL reconstruction regardless of ACL rehabilitation program (conservative versus accelerated programs).  Within our current treatment approaches, it appears that the surgery (or the injury) itself may immediately alter the biomechanics and biochemistry of the knee and it is unclear when the graft returns to normal (if it ever does).  So the question remains, does the knee ever fully return to “normal” or do we need to establish a newly accepted “normal?”  Also, thinking long-term knee health, do we think it is healthy to return someone to activity with abnormalities or are we are returning athletes to activity prematurely after ACL reconstruction?

Written by: Nicole Cattano

Kondo E, Yasuda K, Katsura T, Hayashi R, Kotani Y, & Tohyama H (2012). Biomechanical and histological evaluations of the doubled semitendinosus tendon autograft after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in sheep. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 40 (2), 315-24 PMID: 22088579