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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta salud. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2011



El próximo 4 de Septiembre de 2011, la World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)/Asociación Mundial para la Salud Sexual, estará festejando el Segundo Día Mundial de la Salud Sexual con el tema: “La salud sexual de lo(a)s jóvenes: Derechos y responsabilidades compartido(a)s”.
De acuerdo al Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), hoy día más de mil 500 millones de personas tienen entre 10 y 25 años de edad. Es la generación de jóvenes más grande de la historia.
Los jóvenes pueden verse afectados por muchas problemáticas sexuales, pero también pueden convertirse en poderosos activistas de salud sexual, como sus acciones han demostrado en los últimos años.
Es por ello que recientemente la WAS estableció su propia Iniciativa Juvenil, desarrollada por Antón Castellanos Usigli, un joven mexicano de 22 años, y por Esther Corona Vargas, Coordinadora Ejecutiva de la WAS. En mayo de 2011, y tomando en cuenta criterios de representación geográfica y balance de género, el Comité Ejecutivo de la WAS promovió la integración del Comité de Iniciativa Juvenil formado por 10 jóvenes de 9 países, más Antón Castellanos Usigli y Esther Corona Vargas como los Co-Presidentes, para favorecer el trabajo y el intercambio de ideas y experiencias entre un joven y un adulto. Este Comité fue ratificado por la Asamblea General de la WAS en Glasgow, Junio de 2011.
En el contexto de la recién establecida Iniciativa Juvenil de la WAS, así como del Año Internacional de la Juventud decretado por Naciones Unidas (12 de agosto de 2010-11 de agosto de 2011), la WAS festeja el Segundo Día Mundial de la Salud Sexual con el tema: “La salud sexual de lo(a)s jóvenes: Derechos y responsabilidades compartido(a)s”.
Te invitamos a reflexionar con nosotros:
  • ¿Cuáles son algunos de los más grandes retos de salud sexual que la gente joven enfrenta hoy en día?

  • ¿Qué es lo que realmente se necesita para contrarrestar estos problemas?

  • ¿Cuáles son algunas de las responsabilidades que los jóvenes necesitan asumir para mejorar la salud sexual de la sociedad?

  • ¿A qué grado los jóvenes conocen y ejercen sus derechos sexuales?

  • ¿Cómo imaginas futuras generaciones de jóvenes en términos de salud sexual?

foro jovenes

Poor mental health and prenatal smoke exposure

2011-08-31 07:51
Updated: 2011-08-31 07:50

(China Daily)

Kids whose moms smoked while pregnant were more likely to end up on medications such as antidepressants, stimulants and drugs for addiction in a new study from Finland that hints at maternal smoking's effect on a baby's developing brain.
While the findings don't prove that cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes changes in kids' brains or behavior, they offer one more piece of evidence that should encourage women not to light up while pregnant, the researchers write in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
The new study is "entirely consistent with a large and still-growing research literature on the effects of prenatal and secondhand smoke exposure on the mental health of children", says Dr Michael Weitzman, who studies that topic at New York University Medical Center and was not involved in the new study.
"I found it very interesting and very important," Weitzman says.
The research, he adds, is the first he knows of that looks specifically at use of psychiatric medications in kids whose moms had smoked.
That is important, the authors note, because tracking medication prescriptions may pick up on more mild conditions than studies that only include kids who are hospitalized for mental illness, for example.
Mikael Ekblad of Turku University Hospital and colleagues used Finnish data for 175,000 kids born in the country between 1987 and 1989. At that time, midwives had asked all new mothers if they smoked during pregnancy.
The researchers then matched those birth records to a nationwide database of prescription drugs covered by insurance between 1994 and 2007 - when the children were between 5 and 20 years old.
One in 11 children was prescribed a psychiatric medication at some point during that period, including anti-anxiety drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants and drugs for addiction.
Of kids and teens whose moms didn't smoke during pregnancy, 8 percent were on at least one of those drugs during the study period.
That compared to 11 percent of those whose moms smoked less than 10 cigarettes a day, and close to 14 percent whose moms had lit up more than 10 times per day.
The link remained when researchers left out babies who were born early or very small - other factors that could affect future mental health.
It also stuck when they looked at each class of drugs on its own, and was strongest for stimulant drugs that target attention problems and hyperactivity and drugs for addiction.
Weitzman says the finding that depression medications were also linked to smoking was a "new and intriguing" one that would have to be examined in future research.
The study did have its limitations. For example, Ekblad and colleagues couldn't take into account whether moms had been on psychotropic medications themselves, or if they used alcohol or illicit drugs during pregnancy. 
Fumar afecta al tiroides de la madre y al bebé
They also didn't know which dads smoked while kids were in the womb - or if either moms or dads smoked after the babies were born, when their brains would have been still developing.
Weitzman says that it's "so hard to disentangle" the effects of parents' smoking during pregnancy from smoking when kids are growing up.
After all, he says, kids who are exposed to one kind of secondhand smoke are often exposed to both.
Exactly how smoking could change a growing baby or child's brain is unclear.
The researchers say it's possible that nicotine could affect brain development, or that access to oxygen during pregnancy might be reduced when moms smoke.
Either way, "At the very least, parents need to be educated that they might be doing brain damage to their children" if they smoke during key times in development, Weitzman says.

Obesidad infantil

Complicaciones metabólicas de la obesidad infantil
D. Yeste, y A. Carrascosa
Servicio de Pediatría, Unidades de Endocrinología y Obesidad Pediátrica, Hospital Universitario Vall d' Hebron, Barcelona,
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
An Pediatr (Barc). 2011;75(2):135.e1-135.e9
 La obesidad es el trastorno nutricional más frecuente durante la infancia y adolescencia. El incremento de su prevalencia y de la intensidad del exceso ponderal han puesto de manifiesto las numerosas e importantes comorbilidades asociadas a la misma. La hiperinsulinemia y la resistencia a la insulina son el eje central del desarrollo posterior de estados de intolerancia a la glucosa, diabetes tipo 2 y/o síndrome metabólico. El depósito de grasa en el espacio visceral abdominal y en el espacio miocelular, y no la obesidad per se, es el principal factor independiente de riesgo para desarrollar resistencia a la insulina y el síndrome metabólico. Otros elementos del síndrome metabólico, como la dislipemia y la hipertensión pueden también estar ya presentes en los ni˜nos y adolescentes obesos y están estrechamente relacionados con el grado de adiposidad y con la presencia de resistencia a la insulina. En el transcurso de los últimos año se ha comprobado que la persistencia de la obesidad y de sus alteraciones metabólicas en la edad adulta incrementa de forma significativa el riesgo de presentar enfermedad cardiovascular degenerativa precoz y determina una menor esperanza de vida.

 Sobrepeso/obesidad y características del fluido gástrico en cirugía pediátrica del mismo día: implicaciones para las guías de ayuno y riesgo de aspiración pulmonar
Overweight/obesity and gastric fluid characteristics in pediatric day surgery: implications for fasting guidelines and pulmonary aspiration risk.
Cook-Sather SD, Gallagher PR, Kruge LE, Beus JM, Ciampa BP, Welch KC, Shah-Hosseini S, Choi JS, Pachikara R, Minger K, Litman RS, Schreiner MS.
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4399, USA.
Anesth Analg. 2009 Sep;109(3):727-36.
BACKGROUND: The safety of 2-h preoperative clear liquid fasts has not been established for overweight/obese pediatric day surgical patients. Healthy children and obese adults who fasted 2 h have small residual gastric fluid volumes (GFVs), which are thought to reflect low pulmonary aspiration risk. We sought to measure the prevalence of overweight/obesity in our day surgery population. We hypothesized that neither body mass index (BMI) percentile nor fasting duration would significantly affect GFV or gastric fluid pH. In children who were allowed clear liquids up until 2 h before surgery, we hypothesized that overweight/obese subjects would not have increased GFV over lean/normal subjects and that emesis/pulmonary aspiration events would be rare. METHODS: Demographics, medical history, height, and weight were recorded for 1000 consecutive day surgery patients aged 2-12 yr. In addition, 1000 day surgery patients (age 2-12 yr) undergoing general endotracheal anesthesia were enrolled. After tracheal intubation, a 14-18F orogastric tube was inserted and gastric contents evacuated. Medications, fasting interval, GFV, pH, and emetic episodes were documented. Age- and gender-specific Center for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts (2000) were used to determine ideal body weight (IBW = 50th percentile) and to classify patients as lean/normal (BMI 25th-75th percentile), overweight (BMI > or = 85th to <95th percentile), or obese (BMI > or = 95th percentile). RESULTS: Of all day surgery patients, 14.0% were overweight and 13.3% were obese. Obese children had lower GFV per total body weight (P < 0.001). When corrected for IBW, however, volumes GFV(IBW) were identical across all BMI categories (mean 0.96 mL/kg, sd 0.71; median 0.86 mL/kg, IQR 0.96). Preoperative acetaminophen and midazolam contributed to increased GFV(IBW) (P = 0.025 and P = 0.001). Lower GFV(IBW) was associated with ASA physical status III (P = 0.024), male gender (P = 0.012), gastroesophageal reflux disease (P = 0.049), and proton pump inhibitor administration (P = 0.018). GFV(IBW) did not correlate with fasting duration or age. Decreased gastric fluid acidity was associated with younger age (P = 0.005), increased BMI percentile (P = 0.036), and African American race (P = 0.033). Emesis on induction occurred in eight patients (50% of whom were obese, P = 0.052, and 75% of whom had obstructive sleep apnea, P = 0.061). Emesis was associated with increased ASA physical status (P = 0.006) but not with fasting duration. There were no pulmonary aspiration events. CONCLUSIONS: Twenty-seven percent of pediatric day surgery patients are overweight/obese. These children may be allowed clear liquids 2 h before surgery as GFV(IBW) averages 1 mL/kg regardless of BMI and fasting interval. Rare emetic episodes were not associated with shortened fasting intervals in this population 
 ¿Influencia el IMC elevado los gastos de niños a los que se les realiza adenoamigdalectomía?
Does high BMI influence hospital charges in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy?
Nafiu OO, Chimbira WT, Woolford SJ, Tremper KK, Reynolds PI, Green GE.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Jul;16(7):1667-71. Epub 2008 Apr 17.
BACKGROUND: Obesity is a highly prevalent chronic problem with health and fiscal consequences. Data from adults and nonsurgical pediatric patients suggest that obesity has serious implications for the US economy. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to describe the impact of BMI on hospital charges in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy (AT). METHODS AND PROCEDURES: We carried out a retrospective comparative analysis of the electronic anesthesia record and the charges from billing data from a large tertiary institution on children aged 3-18 years who had AT during the year 2005-2007. The main outcome measures were mean total hospital charges, likelihood of admission, and length of hospital stay (LOS). RESULTS: Of 1,643 children, 68.9% were aged <10 years, 76% were whites, and 74.1% had private commercial insurance. Most (75.3%) children were discharged on the day of surgery. Obese and overweight children were more likely to be admitted than their normal-weight peers (X(2)=26.3, P<0.001). Among those admitted, BMI showed a positive correlation with LOS (r=0.20, P<0.001). Obese and overweight patients had significantly higher total hospital charges than their healthy-weight counterparts (P=0.001). Anesthesia, postanesthesia care unit (PACU), and pharmacy and laboratory charges were also higher for obese than normal-weight children (P<0.05). DISCUSSION: Overweight and obese children undergoing AT accrued higher hospital charges and had longer postoperative LOS than their healthy-weight peers. If these findings are extendable to other surgical procedures, they could have far-reaching implications for the US economy.

Anestesia para pacientes pediátricos con síndrome de Prader-Willi: informe de dos casos
Anesthesia for pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome: report of two cases.
Tseng CH, Chen C, Wong CH, Wong SY, Wong KM.
Department of Anesthesiology, Chang Gung Children's Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Chang Gung Med J. 2003 Jun;26(6):453-7.
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a sporadic disorder of chromosome abnormalities with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 15,000. It mainly affects the central nervous system, and often involves the hypothalamus. Both general and regional anesthesia for these patients is difficult mainly due to morbid obesity. Other common problems include hypotonia, disturbance in thermoregulation, arrhythmia, cor pulmonale, diabetes mellitus, behavior problems, and convulsions. We report on 2 pediatric patients with PWS receiving general anesthesia. The first patient experienced life-threatening episodes of severe hypoxemia in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) as well as in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was suggested by the pediatric pulmonary medicine specialist, and thereafter the patient's condition improved. The clinical course of the second patient was uneventful except for transient intermittent episodes of bronchospasms during emergence. In addition, we discuss differences between these 2 cases and our strategy for the prevention of perioperative complications for PWS patients in the future. 
Dr. Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2011

Aceite de oliva y ajo

PROPIEDADES DEL GENGIBRE O KIÓN.-Para los dolores musculares.20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina
: Agregue por lo menos 1 cucharadita de jengibre seco o 2 cucharaditas de jengibre picado de las comidas diarias.

Curar un dolor de muelas con clavos de olor

¿Tiene un dolor de muelas y no puede ir al dentista? Suavemente masticar un diente puede aliviar el dolor dental y la inflamación de las encías durante dos horas seguidas, según los investigadores de la UCLA. Los expertos apuntan a un compuesto natural llamado eugenol en el clavo, un poderoso anestésico, natural. Bono: Aspersión un ¼ de cucharadita de clavo de olor molido en las comidas diarias también puede proteger a su cotización. Los científicos dicen que esta simple acción ayuda a estabilizar el azúcar en la sangre, además de frenar la producción de colesterol que obstruye las arterias en tan sólo tres semanas.
20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina
Curar el ardor de estómago con vinagre de sidra
Sip 1 cucharada de vinagre de manzana mezclado con 8 onzas de agua antes de cada comida, y los expertos dicen que podría acabar con episodios dolorosos de la acidez en tan sólo 24 horas. "El vinagre de sidra es rica en ácidos málico y tartárico, ayudas digestivas poderosas que la velocidad de la descomposición de las grasas y las proteínas para que su estómago se vacía rápidamente, antes de comer se lava hacia el esófago, provocando dolor de la acidez", explica Joseph Brasco, MD, un gastroenterólogo en el Centro de Enfermedades Digestivas y de colon en Huntsville, Alabama.
20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina

Dolor de oídos borrar con ajo

Dolorosas infecciones del oído conducen a millones de estadounidenses a consultorios médicos cada año. Para una cura rápida, basta con colocar dos gotas de aceite de ajo caliente en el oído adolorido dos veces al día durante cinco días. Este tratamiento sencillo puede aclarar las infecciones del oído más rápido que medicamentos con receta, dicen los expertos de la Universidad de Nuevo México, la Facultad de Medicina. Los científicos dicen que los principios activos del ajo (germanio, selenio y los compuestos de azufre) son por naturaleza tóxica de decenas de diferentes bacterias que causan dolor. Para avivar su propio aceite de ajo a fuego lento suavemente tres dientes de ajo picado en una media taza de aceite extra virgen de oliva durante dos minutos, la tensión, y luego refrigere por hasta dos semanas, indica Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., co-autor de la obra, mejores opciones de Farmacia del Pueblo . Para una experiencia óptima, caliente esta mezcla un poco antes de que el líquido se siente suave en su canal auditivo.
20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina

20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina

Ahuyentar el dolor a las  articulaciones y el dolor de cabeza con cerezas

na de cada cuatro mujeres está luchando con los dolores de cabeza ,la artritis, la gota  crónica. Si eres una de ellas, un tazón de cerezas al día podrían aliviar tu dolor, sin malestar estomacal que a menudo son  causadas por los analgésicos de hoy, según investigadores de la Universidad de Michigan en East Lansing del Estado. Su investigación revela que las antocianinas, los compuestos que dan su color rojo cereza brillante, son anti-inflamatorios 10 veces más fuerte que el ibuprofeno y la aspirina. "Las antocianinas ayudan a cerrar las enzimas de gran alcance que ponen en marcha la inflamación del tejido, por lo que se puede prevenir, así como el tratamiento de muchos tipos diferentes de dolor", explica Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., profesor de ciencias de los alimentos en la Michigan State University. Su consejo: Disfruta de 20 cerezas (frescas, congeladas o secas) al día, y luego continuar hasta que el dolor desaparezca.

Prevenir trastornos digestivos con piña

Tienes  gases? Una taza de piña fresca a diario puede reducir la hinchazón dolorosa en las primeras 72 horas, dicen los investigadores de Stanford de California University. Eso es porque la piña es natually lleno de enzimas proteolíticas, ayuda digestiva que coadyuban a acelerar la descomposición de las proteínas que causan el dolor en el estómago y el intestino delgado, dicen los investigadores del USDA.
20 Cura el dolor que puede encontrar en su cocina

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

7 motivos por los que se debe tomar vino

agosto 6, 2011 7:44 pm
52  34  966
Probablemente ya sabes que tomar una copa de vino al día es bueno para tu salud. ¿Pero sabes exactamente por qué y de qué manera es que beneficia a tu cuerpo?
A continuación, siete motivos por los que tomar vino, siempre con moderación, resulta ser un hábito positivo.
“Estudios han demostrado que aquellas personas que beben moderadas cantidades de vino diariamente (esto es entre una y dos copas de aproximadamente 113 ml) tienen menos riesgo de sufrir de demencia y Alzheimer”, señala ‘The Daily MaIl’. Esto es porque esta bebida alcohólica promueve la producción del colesterol bueno, el que ayuda a reducir la inflamación y obstrucción de las arterias.
Este es uno de los beneficios más populares: evitar un ataque cardíaco o alguna enfermedad al corazón. Esta protección es gracias al resveratrol, una fitoalexina que se encuentra en la piel de las uvas y que se ha relacionado a la prevención de daños a los vasos sanguíneos, a la reducción de la inflamación del corazón y al bloqueo de moléculas que se pueden convertir en grasa.
“De acuerdo a un estudio, las mujeres que beben una o dos copas de vino al día tienen 30% menos posibilidades de tener sobrepeso que aquellas que no lo toman. ¿La explicación? Básicamente tiene que ver con la cantidad de energía que se utiliza al crear las encimas necesarias para digerir la bebida. Otra teoría es que el alcohol eleva tu temperatura corporal, lo que te hace quemar calorías”, explica el artículo.
Los polifenoles que están presentes en el vino tinto pueden regular los niveles de azúcar en la sangre y reducir la resistencia a la insulina en las personas que sufren de diabetes. Sin embargo, el artículo señala que estos beneficios están basados en la presunción de que todas las personas llevan una vida saludable promedio.
Este es uno de los pro de beber vino blanco. Un estudio realizado en el 2002 por la Universidad de Buffalo (Estados Unidos) encontró que los antioxidantes en este tipo de vinos pueden ayudar a detener a los radicales libres, los que dañan los tejidos pulmonares.
Cáncer a los ovarios, la próstata o el colon. Estos son algunos tipos de esta enfermedad que cuya prevención ha sido relacionada al consumo de vino. “Un estudio que data del 2005, por ejemplo, halló que beber vino tinto con moderación reduce el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer al colon en un 45%”, dice el artículo.
El vino también puede reducir el riesgo de sufrir de osteoporosis, de acuerdo a los resultados de un reciente estudio publicado en el “European Journal of Clinical Nutrition”. En esta investigación se dedujo que el vino tinto puede ayudar a mejorar la densidad ósea en hombres mayores. “Una vez más, se cree que los polifenoles de las cáscaras de las uvas son las responsables”, finaliza el artículo.

sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Health review


N.F.L. Falls Short of a Leap on H.G.H.

Some antidoping experts say that the true effectiveness and legitimacy of the league’s H.G.H. program will be known only when the league and the players’ union reveal the details.
Activists urged full financing for AIDS treatment during a demonstration in New York in June.

New H.I.V. Cases Steady Despite Better Treatment

The number of new infections has remained around 50,000 a year for a decade in the United States, but the epidemic is growing rapidly worse among young gay black men.

Medtronic Giving Yale Grant to Review Bone Growth Data

Medtronic said that it was giving $2.5 million to Yale to oversee a review of the study data that examined a bone growth product’s safety and effectiveness.
WITHINGS BP MONITOR This $130 machine sends blood-pressure readings to your phone, and saves them for analysis.

A Dashboard for Your Body

Testing new health-related gadgets that track physical activity, measure blood pressure, and more.

Peach Vanilla Smoothie

Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times
This smoothie tastes a bit like peach ice cream, with a hint of vanilla.

Pfizer Is Said to Pursue Nonprescription Lipitor

Pfizer hopes to have an over-the-counter version of the world’s best-selling drug after it loses patent protection.

Cargill Recalls Ground Turkey Linked to Outbreak

Almost 36 million pounds of ground turkey were linked to salmonella that killed one person and sickened at least 76.
A U.S. Marine waited to take psychological tests at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif., in 2009.

Drugs Found Ineffective for Veterans’ Stress

Drugs prescribed to treat severe post-traumatic stress are no more effective than placebos, researchers reported.
Jennifer Hudson revealed her weight loss in her Weight Watchers campaign last year.

When Dieting Becomes a Role to Play

Diet companies want to incorporate celebrities in their marketing, but those who lose weight in public can regain it in the spotlight, too.
Ahmed Ahmed Swaid, 50, sells qat (a stimulating plant leaf that is chewed) in Sanaa, Yemen, pictured here with dishes of fava beans, minced meat, lamb and saltah (a stew with beef and eggplant). Estimated calories pictured: 3,300.

Breaking Bread Everywhere, Plentifully or Pitifully

A photo exhibit in Boston is an anthropological exploration of the culture of eating that is both mouthwatering, repulsive and surprising.
DEPENDENT Amy Winehouse struggled with substance abuse.

Who Falls to Addiction, and Who Is Unscathed?

Genes, environment and psychology affect who uses drugs uneventfully and who is undone by them.
From The Magazine
A pediatric resident naps in an on-call room during an overnight shift. The TV is often left on for white noise.

The Phantom Menace of Sleep Deprived Doctors

Young doctors are no longer working long, stupor-inducing hours. So why aren’t hospitals any safer?
The Weekly Health Quiz
In the news: Amy Winehouse, chocolate and Oreos. Test your knowledge of this week’s health news.
FASTER THAN AN OPERATION The triangular forearm support may relieve shoulder pain in those with injured rotator cuffs.

Ancient Moves for Orthopedic Problems

It pays to know about methods of prevention and treatment for orthopedic problems that are low-cost and rely almost entirely on self-care.

The Claim: A Normal Heart Rate Is 60 to 100 Beats a Minute

Some researchers believe that an increased risk of stroke and heart disease at the upper end of that range may mean it's time to re-examine what's considered normal.
Podcast: Science Times
Science Times Podcast
This week: A race to the bottom of the ocean, an extinct marsupial comes to life and the psychology of addiction.
A Family Risk for Macular Degeneration
Dr. Stephen Rose of the Foundation Fighting Blindness responds to readers’ questions about the genetics of macular degeneration.
Money & Policy »

Sales of Pain Drugs Help Pfizer’s Profit Beat Forecasts

Sales of the company’s Lyrica pain pill and its Enbrel arthritis medicine topped analysts’ predictions.
Research »

Study Sheds Light on Auditory Role in Dyslexia

Scientists have come to believe that the reading difficulties of dyslexia are part of a larger puzzle: a problem with how the brain processes speech and puts together words from smaller units of sound.

Times Essentials
Giovanna Poli is living with sickle cell disease.

Making Sickle Cell Disease a Manageable Illness

On most days Giovanna Poli acts like a typical 12-year-old, but she is living with sickle cell disease.

The Radiation Boom

Articles in this series examine issues arising from the increasing use of medical radiation and the new technologies that deliver it.
From the Book Review
Ned Zeman

‘The Rules of the Tunnel’

A depressed writer searches for answers to his problems in the lives of kindred sufferers.