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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Politica. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

El Victor Ravens Diario Lunes, May. 16, 2011

Demasiado tiempo conectados: Esta es la principal conclusión que Miguel Ángel Mañez (Salud Con Cosas) y yo hemos sacado tras analizar las 454 supuestas de la encuesta sobre Tiempo y Web 2.0 que hem...

A veces, la educación en temas sanitarios debería ir dirigida a los políticos y a los aspirantes a serlo para que no confundan a su electorado o usen un arma arrojadiza tan sencilla para captar vot...

Today two action films invaded the stately art house that is the Cannes Film Festival. In line with the Festival's policy of keeping the slate of pictures competing for the Palme d'Or pure and rigo...

Fovea Exhibitions, a non-profit whose primary mission is to educate audiences through its gallery shows of photojournalistic work, is marking its fourth anniversary with a new show called JAPAN/now...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Last summer, Google showcased the capabilities of HTML5 and the Chrome browser with an interactive short film "The Wilderness Downtown." Based on the Arcade Fire Song "We Used to Wait," the project...
Cultura y Espectáculos

(Reuters) - Kenyan Olympic marathon champion Samuel Wanjiru was killed when he jumped off the balcony of his home late on Sunday, police said on Monday.Police said they were trying to ascertain whe...

It's been more than two decades since Microsoft's now-ubiquitous suite of office productivity software was released. Although we've seen numerous free or low-cost alternatives arrive on the scene s...

GUATEMALA CITY — Assailants killed at least 29 people – decapitating most of the victims – on a ranch in a part of northern Guatemala plagued by drug cartels, national police said Sunday.The massac...

Uma artrodese é uma cirurgia que fixa vértebras vizinhas com uma ponte de osso, mantendo-as alinhadas, estáveis e fortes.A dor é originada em segmentos da coluna onde existe instabilidade, degenera...

WASHINGTON — It is an oddity of American health care: Many nursing homes and home care agencies do not provide health insurance to their workers, or they pay wages so low that employees cannot affo...

Posted on behalf of Nicola Jones.Acidification has been called the 'evil twin' of warming waters when it comes to climate change's impacts on the ocean. The ocean has become 30% more acidic since t...
Medio ambiente

With Republicans pushing to rein in Medicaid costs, an experiment in Rhode Island is drawing the attention of some conservatives who say it has led to substantial savings without reducing care for ...

February 2011 DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-126d Year: 2011Total running time: 17:33Audience: fishermen, marine safety trainers Safety Training DVD NIOSH, in cooperation with AMSEA and Alask...

The official Canne-inesAmid the legions of those who want to preen and be seen in this wealthy coastal town, trotting along in the midst all the big stars, filmmaker wannabes and over-the-top fashi...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Bildu ha irrumpido en la campaña como argumento electoral y está en condiciones de polarizar la noche del 22-M, representando a cerca del 18,5% de los vascos, según una encuesta de Metroscopia para...

La Prensa investigated corruption during the presidency of Ernesto Pérez Balladares. Photo by Scott Dalton/The Associated Press.La Prensa was able to publish a series of articles on casino licenses...

President Drew Faust has announced the appointment of a search advisory committee for the next minister of the Memorial Church. “This is an important moment of transition for the church,” said Faus...

CANNES, France — There may not have been consensus by Day 4 of the Cannes Film Festival — no movie has yet been universally loved, loathed or violently debated — but the critics have staked out the...

"El futuro de la escena audiovisual se aleja de las tradicionales pantallas de proyección para abrazar una conectividad más interactiva y menos estática, basada en sensores y equipos móviles contro...
Cultura y Espectáculos

Extensive budget cutbacks being rolled out in New York State’s courts are expected to add new delays to practically every facet of the judicial process, from the moment a suspect is brought in to b...