viernes, 5 de julio de 2013


Manejo perioperatorio de los pacientes para cirugía pituitaria transesfenoidal

Perioperative management of patients undergoing transsphenoidal pituitary surgery.
Zada G, Woodmansee WW, Iuliano S, Laws ER
Asian J Neurosurg [serial online] 2010 [cited 2013 Jun 9];5:1-6.
Background: The sellar and parasellar region is a confluence of several critical anatomical structures from various physiological systems located in close proximity to one another. Patients with pathology in this critical region of the central nervous system therefore make up a unique subset of neurosurgical patients that require careful preoperative and postoperative attention to numerous management details involving neurological, visual, and neuroendocrine function. A thorough understanding of the underlying anatomical and physiological principles of each of these systems, as well as the medical and surgical nuances involved in each case, is required to provide optimized management for patients with pituitary pathology. In this review, we discuss the major preoperative and postoperative considerations in patients undergoing resection for pituitary lesions in the modern era of transsphenoidal surgery.
Keywords: Transsphenoidal surgery, pituitary adenoma, endoscopy, sella turcica

Evolución endocrinológica de la cirugía endoscópica transesfenoidal:Experiencia en un centro de referencia en Croacia

Endocrinological outcomes of pure endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery: a Croatian Referral Pituitary Center experience.
Maric A, Kruljac I, Čerina V, Pecina HI, Sulentic P, Vrkljan M.
Referral Center for Clinical Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary Diseases, Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia.
Croat Med J. 2012 Jun;53(3):224-33.
AIM: To analyze early remission, complications, and pituitary function recovery after pure endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery (PEETS), a novel method in pituitary adenoma treatment. METHODS: Testing of all basal hormone values and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were performed preoperatively and postoperatively (postoperative MRI only in nonfunctioning adenomas) in 117 consecutive patients who underwent PEETS in the period between 2007 and 2010. The series consisted of 21 somatotroph adenomas, 61 prolactinomas, and 4 corticotroph and 31 nonfunctioning adenomas. Sixty-three were macroadenomas and 54 were microadenomas. Remission was defined as hormonal excess normalization on the seventh postoperative day in functioning adenomas and as normal MRI findings approximately four months postoperatively in nonfunctioning adenomas. The presence of hypogonadism, growth hormone deficiency, and hypothyroidism was assessed on the seventh postoperative day. Hypocortisolism was assessed through necessity for replacement therapy within 18 months postoperatively. RESULTS: Remission was achieved in 84% of patients: in 100% of microadenoma and 70% of macroadenoma patients (P<0.001, odds ratio [OR], 28.16, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.61-491.36), respectively. Endocrinological complications occurred in 17.1% of patients: in 9% of microadenoma and 24% of macroadenoma patients (P=0.049, OR, 3.06; 95% CI, 1.03-9.08). Duration of empirical hydrocortisone replacement therapy was significantly shorter in microadenoma patients (P<0.001). Thirty-five percent of preoperatively present hormonal deficiencies improved after the surgery. Between tumor types there were no significant differences in remission, complications, and normal pituitary function recovery.
CONCLUSION: Patients with microadenomas had higher remission and lower complication rates following PEETS, emphasizing the necessity for early detection and treatment of pituitary adenomas. PEETS is a discussion-worthy method for microprolactinoma treatment.

Comparación de propofol vs sevoflurano sobre la termorregulación en pacientes bajo cirugía hipofisaria transesfenoidal: estudio preliminar

Comparison of propofol versus sevoflurane on thermoregulation in patients undergoing transsphenoidal pituitary surgery: A preliminary study.
Chowdhury T, Prabhakar H, Bharati SJ, Goyal K, Dube SK, Singh GP.
Department of Neuroanesthesiology, Neurosciences Center, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Saudi J Anaesth. 2012 Jan;6(1):12-5. doi: 10.4103/1658-354X.93046.
PURPOSE: General anesthesia causes inhibition of thermoregulatory mechanisms. Propofol has been reported to cause more temperature fall, but in case of deliberate mild hypothermia, both sevoflurane and propofol were comparable. Thermoregulation is found to be disturbed in cases of pituitary tumors. We aimed to investigate which of the two agents, sevoflurane or propofol, results in better preservation of thermoregulation in patients undergoing transsphenoidal excision of pituitary tumors. METHODS: Twenty-six patients scheduled to undergo transsphenoidal removal of pituitary adenomas were randomly allocated to receive propofol or sevoflurane anesthesia. Baseline esophageal temperature was noted. Times for temperature to fall by 1°C or 35°C and to return to baseline were also comparable (P>0.05). After that warmer was started at 43°C and time to rise to baseline was noted. Duration of surgery, total blood loss, and total fluid intake were also noted. If any, side effects such as delayed arousal and recovery from muscle relaxant were noted. RESULTS: The demographics of the patients were comparable. Duration of surgery and total blood loss were comparable in the two groups. The time for temperature to fall by 1°C or 35°C and time to return to baseline was also comparable (P>0.05). No side effects related to body temperature were noted. CONCLUSION: Both propofol and sevoflurane show similar effects in maintaining thermal homeostasis in patients undergoing transsphenoidal pituitary surgery;year=2012;volume=6;issue=1;spage=12;epage=15;aulast=


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Vía aérea difícil/Difficult airway

La comunicación en vía aérea difícil entre los anestesistas y médicos generales

Difficult airway communication between anaesthetists and general practitioners

M Wilkes, C Beattie, C Gardner and AF McNarry

Scott Med J 2013 58: 2

Background and aims. Advance warning of patients who are difficult to intubate may prevent an airway catastrophe but relies on effective communication between specialties. Anaesthetists aim to inform general practitioners whenever a difficult airway is encountered and expect general practitioners to include this information in subsequent referrals. We investigated how anaesthetists communicated with general practitioners, their knowledge of the Read Code (used by general practitioner computer systems) for difficult tracheal intubation, and how likely general practitioners were to pass the information on. Methods and results. We surveyed 631 consultant anaesthetists and 217 general practitioners. We found only 125 (20%) anaesthetists consistently wrote difficult airway letters to general practitioners. Only 20 (3%) knew the Read Code for difficult intubation (SP2y3), although 454 (72%) thought it to be useful. Most general practitioners (212, 98%) thought airway information to be important, but only half receiving a difficult airway communication forwarded it on. General practitioners recommended including the Read Code SP2y3 and labelling it 'high priority', ensuring that 'Difficult Tracheal Intubation' would be listed in the Emergency Care Summary generated for hospital referrals.

Conclusion Communication between anaesthetists and general practitioners is currently poor, but could be improved by simplifying difficult airway letters and including the SP2y3 code and a statement of priority.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

ebooks. Alerta

Doscientas mil licencias de ebooks para las bibliotecas públicas ...
El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha anunciado que a partir de principios de 2014 pondrá a disposición de los usuarios de las bibliotecas públicas 200.000 licencias de uso de libros electrónicos. El desarrollo de la edición electrónica ...
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SiDiM, una escupida sobre los eBooks
SiDiM- iniciativa del proyecto Fraunhofer con ayuda del gobierno alemán – es auspiciado como una solución antipiratería amigable para el lector dado que no impide la copia de los eBooks. Si no impide la copia de eBooks, ¿qué hace exactamente? SiDiM ...
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Telefónica y Círculo de Lectores impulsan los ebooks
Mallorca Confidencial
Telefónica España y Círculo de Lectores se han unido para desarrollar Nubico, la nueva plataforma de lectura digital en la nube que ofrecerá un amplio catálogo de ebooks de las principales editoriales del país bajo el modelo de suscripción. El anuncio ...
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Tablet o ebook reader. ¿Cuál es mejor para leer en verano?
Ahora tenemos más tiempo para leer libros: en la playa, el parque, en casa cuando aprieta el calor... Los ebooks son más baratos que la versión en papel. Ahorrarás mucho dinero. Tanto la tablet como elebook reader tienen sus ventajas e inconvenientes.
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Wert tan solo compra 'e-books' en castellano para las bibliotecas
El Periódico Extremadura
El Ministerio de Cultura ha practicado este año un ejercicio de prestidigitación con la compra de libros para bibliotecas públicas, que ha rematado con la convocatoria para adquirir 200.000 licencias de uso de libros electrónicos para su préstamo en ...
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El Gobierno concederá 200.000 licencias de eBooks a bibliotecas ...
Banca · TMT · Energía · Inmobiliario y Construcción · Transporte y Turismo · Automoción e Industria · Distribución · Bolsas · Economía. El Gobierno concederá 200.000 licencias de eBooks a bibliotecas públicas en 2014. Menéame · Tweet. Tags: empresas,tmt.
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Cultura ultima una plataforma de préstamo de e-books para ...
Mientras cae drásticamente la inversión de los fondos en papel de las bibliotecas y crecen las listas de espera de algunos megasellers, el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte anuncia el lanzamiento de una plataforma de préstamo de e-books para ...
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Cultura promoverá el préstamo de 'e-books' para bibliotecas ...
Noticias de Navarra
Cultura promoverá el préstamo de 'e-books' para bibliotecas públicas en 2014. Habrá 200.000 licencias de uso de libros electrónicos, a las que destinará un presupuesto de 2 millones. EFE - Martes, 2 de Julio de 2013 - Actualizado a las 11:41h.
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Cultura promoverá el préstamo de "e-books" para bibliotecas ...
Madrid, 2 jul (EFE).- El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha anunciado hoy que a principios de 2014 pondrá a disposición de 12 millones de ciudadanos, socios de las bibliotecas públicas, 200.000 licencias de uso de libros ...
Tecnología Noticias, vídeos...

EBLIDA puso en marcha en 2012 una campaña europea para los libros electrónicos en las bibliotecas,e-books in libraries. Su objetivo es llamar la atención de ...
Descarga y compra ebooks con Kindle y otros - OCU
Si te gusta leer a través de medios digitales, puedes hacerte con cientos de títulos en Internet. Comprar libros con Kindle es fácil e intuitivo y sólo necesitás un ...
Cultura promoverá el préstamo de 'e-books' para bibliotecas ...
El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha anunciado hoy que a principios de 2014 pondrá a disposición de 12 millones de ciudadanos, socios de las ...
Cultura promoverá el préstamo de "e-books" para ... - El Confidencial
Madrid, 2 jul (EFE). El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha anunciado hoy que a principios de 2014 pondrá a disposición de 12 millones de ...
La doctora Jomeini: Firma de ebooks
Firma de ebooks · Historia de una dedicatoria · Doña Despistes · La virgen del aceite · Segundas oportunidades · 8 de Junio II · El corazón roto. ▻ mayo (5).

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La biblioteca se apunta al sistema de autopréstamo por ...
Diario Vasco
Muestra de ello es la próxima incorporación al sistema de autopréstamo por radiofrecuencia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Se trata -según explican responsables de la biblioteca- de un nuevo sistema de identificación de objetos, en este caso ...
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Exhibe Biblioteca Vasconcelos el talento de becarios del Fonca
La Jornada en linea
Exhibe Biblioteca Vasconcelos el talento de becarios del Fonca. La muestra reúne un total de 359 obras de 185 artistas becarios de la generación 2010-2011, generadas en disciplinas como Arquitectura, Artes Visuales, Fotografía, Gráfica, Multimedia, ...
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La Biblioteca Pública sale a la calle los jueves de verano
La Biblioteca Pública de Segovia propone diversas actividades culturales para el mes de julio. Para empezar, mañana comienza la actividad 'Los jueves de la Patioteca' en la que se van a realizar diversos talleres y actuaciones teatrales durante los ...
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"Biblioteca: Gran Pantalla" arranca el próximo viernes con la ...
Noticias Castilla y León
El ciclo “Biblioteca: Gran Pantalla” arranca el próximo viernes con la proyección de la película “El viaje de Chihiro” a las 22,30 horas en la plaza exterior de la Biblioteca Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (Paseo de los Olivos, 10). El ciclo, que está ...
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'Yo me hice en una biblioteca': poeta Eduardo Carranza
A los 16 años fue director de la biblioteca de la Escuela Normal Central de Instituciones; escribió 'Lasbibliotecas escolares', su tesis de grado para optar a Maestro de Escuela Superior; se desempeñó como director de la Biblioteca Nacional desde 1948 ...
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Biblioteca Vasconcelos exhibe obra de becarios del Fonca
Periódico Correo
Distribuidas en la planta baja de la Biblioteca Vasconcelos, el visitante es testigo del gran talento de cada uno de los participantes involucrados, cuyas obras son resultado de los conocimientos y los trabajos realizados en cada una de las disciplinas ...
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Biblioteca Nacional de Uruguay rompe inercia de medio siglo
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, jul. 2 (UPI) -- La Biblioteca Nacional experimenta una etapa de permanente evolución, que implicó romper con "una inercia de 50 años", dijo a la Secretaría de Comunicación el director de la institución, Carlos Liscano. Entre las ...
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La biblioteca se llena de niños durante el verano
Hoy Digital
La sala infantil de la Biblioteca 'Francisco Valdés' de Don Benito retoma sus actividades diarias de verano, en la que se espera que participen más de 500 niños durante julio y agosto. En los primeros días de mes ya se ha podido comprobar el ajetreo de ...
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La Biblioteca de Verín sale a la calle con los libros más prestados
Faro de Vigo
Durante los días 3, 11 y 23 de julio, y 2, 12 y 23 de agosto, la Biblioteca Pública Municipal del Concello de Verín vuelve a salir a la calle con el objeto de acercar los libros lo más posible a los lectores e incentivar la importancia de la lectura ...
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Donan biblioteca de Alfredo Guevara a Universidad de Oriente
(AIN) Cerca de mil 300 libros de la colección personal de Alfredo Guevara fueron donados a labiblioteca central Francisco Martínez Anaya, de la Universidad de Oriente en Santiago de Cuba. La entrega se inscribe como parte del cumplimiento póstumo de ...
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Blogs 1 resultado nuevo de Biblioteca

Bunita anochi dedica na Dr .Ellis Juliana na Biblioteca - Diario Online
según felix
ORANJESTAD(AAN) Den un conferencia teni na Biblioteca Nacional Sr Mirto Lacle a declara cu dia 4 di Juli 2013 e lo organiza Un anochi cu lo duna tributo y homenahe na Dr Ellis Juliana. E programa lo cuminsa pa 730 di anochi y e lo ta ...
Diario Online


Estudio sobre clonidina como premedicación y sus efectos hemodinámicos perioperatorios en pacientes normotensos

A study on clonidine as a premedicant and its effects on perioperative hemodynamic in normotensive patients.
Singh N R, Rajkumar G, Singh S S, Jamatia P, Singh T H, Singh T.
J Med Soc [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Jun 10];26:180-3.
Background: Hemodynamic instability is one of the most imminent conditions during general anesthesia (GA), especially, during laryngoscopy and intubation. The aim of the study was to study the perioperative hemodynamic effect of clonidine in normotensive patients undergoing elective surgery under GA. Materials and Methods: A randomized double blinded placebo controlled study was conducted in the department of Anesthesiology, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal on 150 normotensive adult patients of either sex aged 18-60 years (American Society of Anesthesiologist I and II) undergoing elective surgery under GA. The patients were allocated into three groups viz.: Group 1-2 μg/kg clonidine; group II-3 μg/kg clonidine; and group III - placebo/normal saline. The test drug was administered 30 min before the induction of anesthesia. Upon arrival at theatre, the following data were recorded viz.: (1) Visual analogue score of anxiety, (2) loss of consciousness, and (3) dryness of mouth. Pre-induction heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were recorded 5 min after resting on the operating table. HR and BP were recorded during the time of intubation every 8 min and ½ h after intubation during the intraoperative period (post-intubation). Postoperative BP and HR on arrival at the post-anesthetic care unit and then every ½ h for 3 h were recorded. Any episodes of nausea and vomiting, shivering and analgesic requirements were noted. Results: Clonidine 2 μg/kg and 3 μg/kg both significantly controlled the perioperative hemodynamics. The hemodynamic changes were statistically significant at all times intervals except at preoperative, at 8 min post-intubation to 1 h post-intubation period. Conclusion: Clonidine is useful as a premedicant in controlling the perioperative hemodynamics changes in normotensive patients undergoing operative procedures under GA.
Keywords: Clonidine, General anesthesia, Hemodynamics, Premedicant

Disminución de la respuesta presora a la laringoscopía directa e intubación traqueal: clonidina oral vs. gabapentina en la premedicación

Attenuation of the pressor response to direct laryngoscopy and tracheal Intubation: oral clonidine vs. oral gabapentin premedication.
Montazeri K, Kashefi P, Honarmand A, Safavi M, Hirmanpour A.
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology and Critical Care Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
J Res Med Sci. 2011 Mar;16 Suppl 1:S377-86.
BACKGROUND: We carried out this study to compare the efficacy of oral gabapentin and clonidine premedication for controlling the pressor responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. METHODS: In this double-blind clinical trial, ninety-six patients were randomly allocated to one of three groups according to the agents to be used before the induction of anaesthesia: Group P (n = 32) received oral placebo, Group G (n = 32) received 800 mg of gabapentin, and Group C (n = 32) received 0.3 mg of clonidine 90 minutes prior to surgery. Systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and rate pressure product (RPP) were measured at baseline (3 min before induction), just before laryngoscopy, and postintubation (at 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 min after starting laryngoscopy). Statistical analysis of data was done with repeated measure ANOVA and chi-square test. RESULTS: HR and RPP significantly decreased in Group G and Group C at 5, 10, and 15 minutes after tracheal intubation compared with those just before laryngoscopy (p < 0.05). No significant difference was noted between Group G and Group C considering these variables. SAP, DAP, MAP and RPP at 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after intubation were significantly lower in Group G compared with Group P (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between Group C and Group P in this regard. CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated that premedication with oral gabapentin 800 mg or clonidine 0.3 mg similarly blunted the hyperdynamic response after laryngoscopy and intubation.
KEYWORDS: Premedication, intubation, laryngoscopy, oral clonidine, oral gabapentin, pressor response

Respuesta hemodinámica durante la colecistectomía laparoscópica: Efecto de dos dosis diferentes de clonidina intravenosa en la premedicación

Hemodynamic stress response during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Effect of two different doses of intravenous clonidine premedication.
Tripathi DC, Shah KS, Dubey SR, Doshi SM, Raval PV.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Government Medical College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2011 Oct;27(4):475-80. doi: 10.4103/0970-9185.86586.
BACKGROUND: Clonidine has emerged as an attractive premedication desirable in laparoscopic surgery wherein significant hemodynamic stress response is seen. The minimum safe and effective dose of intravenous clonidine to attenuate the hemodynamic stress response during laparoscopic surgery has however not yet been determined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, randomized, double-blind controlled study was conducted on 90 adults of ASA physical status I and II, scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia. Patients were randomized to one of the three groups (n= 30). Group I received 100 ml of normal saline, while groups II and III received 1 μg/ kg and 2 μg/ kg of clonidine respectively, intravenous, in 100 ml of normal saline along. All patients received glycopyrrolate 0.004 mg/kg and tramadol 1.5 mg/kg intravenously, 30 min before induction. Hemodynamic variables (heart rate, systolic, diastolic, mean arterial pressure), SpO2, and sedation score were recorded at specific timings. MAP above 20% from baseline was considered significant and treated with nitroglycerine. RESULTS: In group I, there was a significant increase in hemodynamic variables during intubation pneumoperitoneum and extubation (P<0.001). Clonidine given 1 μg/kg intravenous attenuated hemodynamic stress response to pneumoperitoneum (P<0.05), but not that associated with intubation and extubation. Clonidine 2 μg/kg intravenous prevented hemodynamic stress response to pneumoperitoneum and that associated with intubation and extubation (P<0.05). As against 14 and 2 patients in groups I and II respectively, no patient required nitroglycerine infusion in group III. CONCLUSIONS: Clonidine, 2 μg/ kg intravenously, 30 min before induction is safe and effective in preventing the hemodynamic stress response during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


2012 – 2013

El Capítulo de Especialización en Ortopedia Pediátrica del Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C., le invita a su sesión mensual que tendrá lugar el martes 9 de julio del 2013 a las 20:00 horas en el WTC México, Montecito 38, piso 25, Oficinas 23 a 27,  Col. Nápoles, C.P. 03810 México, D.F. bajo la siguiente orden del día:


Lectura del acta de la sesión anterior

Panel foro: La medicina es la ciencia de la incertidumbre y el arte de la probabilidad

M.C. Dr. Jorge Aníbal Daniel Corzo Pineda

Interpretación de pruebas estadísticas
M.C. Chiharu Murata

Abordaje de rodilla en el niño
Dr. Aramiz López Durán

Dr. Jose Cortes Gómez


Dr. Raúl Frías Austria
Titular del Capítulo
Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C.
World Trade Center México, Montecito #38, col. Nápoles, piso 25, oficinas 23 a 27, C.P. 03810, México, D.F.
Tel y Fax ( ) (55) 9000 2790 al 94's Books Update newsletter

July 5, 2013
Books Update

'Lost Girls'
Reviewed by MIMI SWARTZ

The stories of troubled young women who engaged in Internet prostitution and turned up dead on Long Island.

Also in the Book Review

Christopher Buckley: By the Book

The author, most recently, of "They Eat Puppies, Don't They?" says his favorite writer is Evelyn Waugh, "even though he so despised Americans that, if he were alive to hear this compliment, he would swat it back across the net."
By the Book: Archive

Reviewed by JOSHUA COHEN

A novel of love, narcissism and ailing cattle.

'I Wear the Black Hat'
Reviewed by JAMES PARKER

In these essays, Chuck Klosterman considers public perceptions of villainy and his affection for con men.


Slowly progressive diseases have led writers to document their long, medicalized ends.

'Blood and Beauty: The Borgias'

The Renaissance Borgias and their Machiavellian magnetism.

'The Skies Belong to Us'

A chronicle of the 1972 hijacking of Western Airlines Flight 701.
ArtsBeat Q. & A.: Brendan I. Koerner

'The Joker: A Memoir'
Reviewed by BEN GREENMAN

Early on, Andrew Hudgins found a comic way to explore taboos.

'Kerrigan in Copenhagen'
Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL

A dipsomaniac writes a bar guide in Thomas Kennedy's novel.

'Amy Falls Down'
Reviewed by KIT REED

Jincy Willett's heroine, a reclusive novelist, gets her 15 minutes.

Missing in Motown

In Lori Roy's novel "Until She Comes Home," a murder shakes up life in a working-class Detroit neighborhood in 1958.

'My Fathers' Ghost Is Climbing in the Rain'

In this novel, an Argentine born in the 1970s attempts to "solve the puzzle" of his father's life.

'The Silence of Animals: On Progress and Other Modern Myths'
Reviewed by THOMAS NAGEL

John Gray reimagines our place in the world.

Fiction Chronicle

New books by Anna Stothard, James Kelman, Sarah Pemberton Strong and Tara Ison.


Combined Print & E-Book Fiction

Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction

Hardcover Fiction

Hardcover Nonfiction

Paperback Trade Fiction

Paperback Mass-Market Fiction

Paperback Nonfiction

All the Lists

Interview With a Hijacker

Brendan I. Koerner sat down with one of the two hijackers from a 1972 incident at the heart of his new book, "The Skies Belong to Us."

'Kafka: The Years of Insight'
Reviewed by JOY WILLIAMS

Franz Kafka's life was complex and surreal, this second volume of a scholarly biography shows.

Back Page


In the wrong hands, a sturdy, aerodynamic book can do as much harm as good.

Inside the List

It's wedding season, and Elin Hilderbrand's "Beautiful Day," No. 7 on the hardcover fiction list, features a bunch of cynics at a Nantucket Island ceremony.

Paperback Row

Paperback books of particular interest.

Editors' Choice

Recently reviewed books of particular interest.

Inside The New York Times Book Review Podcast

This week, Robert Kolker talks about "Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery"; Julie Bosman has notes from the field; Chuck Klosterman discusses "I Wear the Black Hat"; Meghan O'Rourke on her essay about authors "recording their own deaths as they happen"; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Pamela Paul is the host.

Book Review Podcast: 'Lost Girls'

Founding Fathers Go Electric

A Year's Worth of Verse at Poets House

Love's Labors, Published

The writer David Rakoff raced to complete his last work, a novel written in rhyme, before succumbing to cancer. With the help of friends, he beat the clock.


'Ready for a Brand New Beat'

'Bodies of Subversion' by Margot Mifflin

'For a Song and a Hundred Songs'

'Revolutionary Summer' by Joseph J. Ellis

'Crazy Rich Asians' by Kevin Kwan


Crime Columns

Children's Books

The New York Times Book Review: Back Issues

Editor's Note

Thanks for taking the time to read this e-mail. Feel free to send feedback; I enjoy hearing your opinions and will do my best to respond.

John Williams
Senior Staff Editor
The New York Times on the Web

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