sábado, 8 de enero de 2011


The Grand plan for the Broad museum

The Grand plan for the Broad museum

The architectural design that Eli Broad is scheduled to reveal Thursday in a news conference at Walt Disney Concert Hall wraps the museum...
Critic's notebook: Broad museum design pointed in the right direction

Critic's notebook: Broad museum design pointed in the right direction

There is much to admire in the design, to be released Thursday, for the $130-million museum Eli Broad plans to build on Bunker Hill...
Critic's Notebook: Los Angeles needs a game plan

Critic's Notebook: Los Angeles needs a game plan

Is this any way to build a city?
There's nothing groundbreaking in downtown L.A. stadium design proposals

There's nothing groundbreaking in downtown L.A. stadium design proposals

If the three competing designs for a football stadium in downtown Los Angeles released Wednesday were an NFL division, they'd be the NFC...
Ann Goldstein takes her MOCA learning to Amsterdam

Ann Goldstein takes her MOCA learning to Amsterdam

The Stedelijk Museum has a long-standing reputation in the art world for innovation. That spirit was underscored with the 2009 choice of...
Exhibition Review: Architect Stephen Kanner, a quiet cosmopolitan

Exhibition Review: Architect Stephen Kanner, a quiet cosmopolitan

Stephen Kanner, who died earlier this year of pancreatic cancer at age 54, was something of an outlier among architects of his generation...
City walk

Downtown's new city walk

Usually the trajectory that neighborhoods go through as they gentrify is entirely predictable -- and more than a little depressing. First...
'Inception' dreams big, unlike its architect

'Inception' dreams big, unlike its architect

Everybody has an opinion about "Inception," and mine comes in the form of a question: Why are the movie's architectural settings, for the...
Critic's Notebook: 'Architecture of the Sun: Los Angeles Modernism 1900-1970'

Critic's Notebook: 'Architecture of the Sun: Los Angeles Modernism 1900-1970'

Thomas S. Hines, a professor emeritus at UCLA, is the dean of architectural historians in Los Angeles, the author of major studies of the...
L.A. Unified's faulty vision for schools on Ambassador site

L.A. Unified's faulty vision for schools on Ambassador site

Along one edge of the old Ambassador Hotel site, where the Los Angeles Unified School District has been building a controversial...
Critic’s Notebook: What L.A. might ask of Eli Broad

Critic’s Notebook: What L.A. might ask of Eli Broad

It's a familiar recipe for urban revitalization in downtown Los Angeles.
U.S. embassy: An outpost as a signpost

U.S. embassy: An outpost as a signpost

The two stories that have dominated the architectural press over the last few weeks -- the unveiling of a winning design for a new...
Bruce Graham dies at 84; architect of iconic Chicago skyscrapers

Bruce Graham dies at 84; architect of iconic Chicago skyscrapers

Bruce Graham, the hard-driving architect of the Willis Tower, once the world's tallest building, and the John Hancock Center, the X-braced...
Raimund Abraham dies at 76; Austrian-born architect, theorist and teacher

Raimund Abraham dies at 76; Austrian-born architect, theorist and teacher

Raimund Abraham, an Austrian-born architect known for his powerfully enigmatic drawings and fierce idealism, and whose narrow, blade-like...
Critic's Notebook: The void as muse

Critic's Notebook: The void as muse

Digital video runs a screen on the cityscape

Digital video runs a screen on the cityscape

Apple is expected to unveil its much-anticipated touch-screen tablet on Wednesday morning. A few journalists see the device as a possible...
Jeanne Gang brings feminine touch to Chicago's muscled skyline

Jeanne Gang brings feminine touch to Chicago's muscled skyline

Before we turn to an assessment of Aqua, a new residential skyscraper in Chicago, permit me a quick (and relevant!) detour to a sidewalk...
Architecture: Star architects emerge, but even they find limits

Architecture: Star architects emerge, but even they find limits

Architecture, arguably for the first time in its history, found itself at the very center of American cultural and political life in the...
Architectural follies at MOCA Pacific Design Center

Architectural follies at MOCA Pacific Design Center

After spending countless hours poring over images of architectural follies from around the world, L.A.-based architects Frank Escher and...
Frederick Fisher's radical vision

Frederick Fisher's radical vision

The Los Angeles architect Frederick Fisher, who turned 60 earlier this year, is anything but a doctrinaire designer or a dogmatic...
1960s architecture: L.A. and the paradox of preservation

1960s architecture: L.A. and the paradox of preservation

Modern architecture is growing old. The groundbreaking designers at Germany's Bauhaus began building nearly a century ago. Many landmarks of...
Kicking up the dust of change

Kicking up the dust of change

The news in the architecture profession has been dominated for much of the summer by a few guardians of homeland and propriety -- one of...
L.A. as filtered by love in '(500) Days of Summer'

L.A. as filtered by love in '(500) Days of Summer'

"(500) Days of Summer" is a movie about obsessions -- gentle, often charming and non-stalkerish obsessions, for the most part, but...