martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Estimulación diafragmática: Actualización de la técnica

Mayo 23, 2016. No. 2335


Estimulación diafragmática: Actualización de la técnica
Diaphragm pacing: the state of the art.
J Thorac Dis. 2016 Apr;8(Suppl 4):S376-86. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2016.03.97.
Diaphragm pacing (DP) is an orphan surgical procedure that may be proposed in strictly selected ventilator-dependent patients to get an active diaphragm contraction. The goal is to wean from mechanical ventilation (MV) and restore permanent efficient breathing. The two validated indications, despite the lack of randomised control trials, concern patients with high-level spinal cord injuries (SCI) and central hypoventilation syndromes (CHS). To date, two different techniques exist. The first, intrathoracic diaphragm pacing (IT-DP), based on a radiofrequency method, in which the electrodes are directly placed around the phrenic nerve. The second, intraperitoneal diaphragm pacing (IP-DP) uses intradiaphragmatic electrodes implanted through laparoscopy. In both techniques, the phrenic nerves must be intact and diaphragm reconditioning is always required after implantation. No perioperative mortality has been reported and ventilator-weaning rate is about 72% to 96% in both techniques. Improvement of quality of life, by restoring a more physiological breathing, has been almost constant in patients that could be weaned. Failure or delay in recovery of effective diaphragm contractions could be due to irreversible amyotrophy or chest wall damage. Recent works have evaluated the interest of IP-DP in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). After some short series were reported in the literature, the only multicentric randomized study including 74 ALS patients was prematurely stopped because of excessive mortality in paced patients. Then, another trial analysed the place of IP-DP in peripheral diaphragm dysfunction but, given the multiple biases, the published results cannot validate that indication. Reviewing all available literature as in our experience, shows that DP is an effective method to wean selected patients dependent on ventilator and improve their daily life. Other potential indications will have to be evaluated by randomised control trials.
KEYWORDS: Diaphragm; diaphragm pacing (DP); phrenic nerve stimulation; spinal cord injury
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Blog del Dr. Joaquín Oscar Izquierdo: Anatomía patológica del Hallux Valgus. Cirugía Min...

Blog del Dr. Joaquín Oscar Izquierdo: Anatomía patológica del Hallux Valgus. Cirugía Min...: El Hallux Valgus es una deformidad común del pie que puede aparecer en pacientes de cualquier edad. Puede existir una artritis degenera...

Bibliotecas. Noticias

Notificaciones diarias ⋅ 22 de mayo de 2016

Europa Press

Bibliotecas de la UMA tendrán desde este lunes horario especial durante el periodo de exámenes
Así, desde este lunes al 30 de junio, la Biblioteca General abrirá todos los días, incluidos fines de semana y festivos, hasta las 07.00 horas del día ...
Bibliotecas de la UMA tendrán desde el lunes horario especial en periodo de exámenes - Europa Press
Cobertura total de la noticia

El Heraldo (Colombia) (blog)

Bibliotecas en Colombia implementan servicios innovadores
El Heraldo (Colombia) (blog)
Tres servicios innovadores serán implementados en 504 bibliotecas del país, en una estrategia que busca dinamizar los procesos culturales y ...

Cadena SER

Las bibliotecas de municipios de más de 5.000 habitantes deben pagar derechos de autor
Cadena SER
El Tribunal Supremo establece que las bibliotecas públicas de municipios de más de 5.000 habitantes deben pagar derechos de autor. Es lo que se ...
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Diario UNO de Entre Ríos

Libros en tiempos del Internet
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Mi biblioteca
El Universo
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Un sueño de solidaridad cultural
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Quemas de libros
La Gaceta (Comunicado de prensa) (blog)
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Festival Internacional de Cine por los derechos Humanos
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia
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Biblioteca de México
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El Eco de Tandil
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Diario La Opinión Cúcuta

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Cobertura total de la noticia

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COLOMBIA: Bibliotecas en Colombia implementan servicios innovadores
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Azuqueca Television

Azuqueca tendrá que pagar por el préstamo de libros | Azuqueca Televisión. Eres tú
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... que las bibliotecas municipales de localidades de más de 5.000 habitantes ... en la que se rechazaba el préstamo de pago en bibliotecas públicas.


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Educación médica en Internet / Medical education and Internet

Mayo 24, 2016. No. 2336

La revolución de los medios sociales está cambiando la experiencia de las conferencias: análisis y tendencias de ocho reuniones internacionales.
The social media revolution is changing the conference experience: analytics and trends from eight international meetings.
Wilkinson SE1, Basto MY, Perovic G, Lawrentschuk N, Murphy DG.
BJU Int. 2015 May;115(5):839-46. doi: 10.1111/bju.12910. Epub 2015 Jan 26.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the use of Twitter at urology conferences to enhance the social media conference experience. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We prospectively registered the hash tags of eight international urology conferences taking place in 2013, using the social media metrics website, In addition, we prospectively registered the hash tag for the European Association of Urology (EAU) Annual Congress for 3 consecutive years (2012-2014) to analyse the trend in the use of Twitter at a particular meeting. Metrics including number of 'tweets', number of participants, tweet traffic per day, and overall digital impressions, which were captured for 5 days before each conference, the conference itself, and the following 2 days. We also measured corresponding social media activity at a very large non-urology meeting (the American Society of Clinical Oncology) for comparative purposes. RESULTS: Twitter activity was noted at all eight conferences in 2013. In all, 12,363 tweets were sent generating over 14 million impressions. The number of participants tweeting at each meeting varied from 80 (Congress of the Société Internationale d'Urologie, #SIU2013) to 573 (the American Urological Association, #AUA13). Overall, the AUA meeting (#AUA13) generated the most Twitter activity with >8.6 million impressions and a total of 4663 tweets over the peri-conference period. It also had the most impressions and tweets per day over this period, at 717,000 and 389, respectively. The EAU Annual Congress 2013 (#EAU13) generated 1.74 million impressions from a total of 1762 tweets from 236 participants. For trends in Twitter use, there was a very sharp rise in Twitter activity at the EAU Annual Congress between 2012 and 2014. Over this 3-year period, the number of participants increased almost 10-fold, leading to an increase in the number of tweets from 347 to almost 6000. At #EAU14, digital impressions reached 7.35 million with 5903 tweets sent by 797 participants. CONCLUSIONS: Urological conferences, to a varying extent, have adopted social media as a means of amplifying the conference experience to a wider audience, generating international engagement and global reach. Twitter is a very powerful tool that amplifies the content of scientific meetings, and conference organisers should put in place strategies to capitalise on this.

El mayor uso de Twitter en una conferencia médica: un informe y una revisión de las oportunidades educativas.
Increased use of Twitter at a medical conference: a report and a review of the educational opportunities.
McKendrick DR1, Cumming GP, Lee AJ.
J Med Internet Res. 2012 Dec 11;14(6):e176. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2144.
BACKGROUND: Most consider Twitter as a tool purely for social networking. However, it has been used extensively as a tool for online discussion at nonmedical and medical conferences, and the academic benefits of this tool have been reported. Most anesthetists still have yet to adopt this new educational tool. There is only one previously published report of the use of Twitter by anesthetists at an anesthetic conference. This paper extends that work. OBJECTIVE: We report the uptake and growth in the use of Twitter, a microblogging tool, at an anesthetic conference and review the potential use of Twitter as an educational tool for anesthetists. METHODS: A unique Twitter hashtag (#WSM12) was created and promoted by the organizers of the Winter Scientific Meeting held by The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) in London in January 2012. Twitter activity was compared with Twitter activity previously reported for the AAGBI Annual Conference (September 2011 in Edinburgh). All tweets posted were categorized according to the person making the tweet and the purpose for which they were being used. The categories were determined from a literature review. RESULTS: A total of 227 tweets were posted under the #WSM12 hashtag representing a 530% increase over the previously reported anesthetic conference. Sixteen people joined the Twitter stream by using this hashtag (300% increase). Excellent agreement (κ = 0.924) was seen in the classification of tweets across the 11 categories. Delegates primarily tweeted to create and disseminate notes and learning points (55%), describe which session was attended, undertake discussions, encourage speakers, and for social reasons. In addition, the conference organizers, trade exhibitors, speakers, and anesthetists who did not attend the conference all contributed to the Twitter stream. The combined total number of followers of those who actively tweeted represented a potential audience of 3603 people. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates an increase in uptake and growth in the use of Twitter at an anesthetic conference and the review illustrates the opportunities and benefits for medical education in the future.
Artículo / Article

La globalización del desarrollo profesional continuo de los clubes de revista a través de microblogging: una revisión sistemática.
Globalization of continuing professional development by journal clubs via microblogging: a systematic review.
Roberts MJ1, Perera M, Lawrentschuk N, Romanic D, Papa N, Bolton D.
J Med Internet Res. 2015 Apr 23;17(4):e103. doi: 10.2196/jmir.4194.
BACKGROUND: Journal clubs are an essential tool in promoting clinical evidence-based medical education to all medical and allied health professionals. Twitter represents a public, microblogging forum that can facilitate traditional journal club requirements, while also reaching a global audience, and participation for discussion with study authors and colleagues. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the current state of social media-facilitated journal clubs, specifically Twitter, as an example of continuing professional development. METHODS: A systematic review of literature databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, ERIC via ProQuest) was performed according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A systematic search of Twitter, the followers of identified journal clubs, and Symplur was also performed. Demographic and monthly tweet data were extracted from Twitter and Symplur. All manuscripts related to Twitter-based journal clubs were included. Statistical analyses were performed in MS Excel and STATA. RESULTS: From a total of 469 citations, 11 manuscripts were included and referred to five Twitter-based journal clubs (#ALiEMJC, #BlueJC, #ebnjc, #urojc, #meded). A Twitter-based journal club search yielded 34 potential hashtags/accounts, of which 24 were included in the final analysis. The median duration of activity was 11.75 (interquartile range [IQR] 19.9, SD 10.9) months, with 7 now inactive. The median number of followers and participants was 374 (IQR 574) and 157 (IQR 272), respectively. An overall increasing establishment of active Twitter-based journal clubs was observed, resulting in an exponential increase in total cumulative tweets (R(2)=.98), and tweets per month (R(2)=.72). Cumulative tweets for specific journal clubs increased linearly, with @ADC_JC, @EBNursingBMJ, @igsjc, @iurojc, and @NephJC, and showing greatest rate of change, as well as total impressions per month since establishment. An average of two tweets per month was estimated for the majority of participants, while the "Top 10" tweeters for @iurojc showed a significantly lower contribution to overall tweets for each month (P<.005). A linearly increasing impression:tweet ratio was observed for the top five journal clubs. CONCLUSIONS: Twitter-based journal clubs are free, time-efficient, and publicly accessible means to facilitate international discussions regarding clinically important evidence-based research.
KEYWORDS: continuing medical education; continuing professional development; journal club; social media; systematic review
Artículo / Article

Fuentes educativas: Sitios web y reseñas de libros
Educational resources: website and book review.
Stevenson C1.
Anaesthesia. 2007 Dec;62 Suppl 1:103-7.
Good quality educational material for anaesthesia providers in the developing world is limited in both quantity and availability. Traditionally, textbooks have been the main source of information but these are frequently expensive, easily damaged and rapidly become outdated. Many first world texts concentrate on the use of expensive drugs for an increasingly complex range of patients and procedures, making them less suitable for practitioners in resource-poor locations. Improved access to broadband internet connections will increasingly be a major portal for the delivery of up to date educational material.

VIII Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa

Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Junio 9-11, Ciudad de México
Dra. Argelia Lara Solares
Tel. 5513 3782




#slaot #F/SLAOT #educación #médica #congresos #ortopedia #traumatología
#Punta Cana #Dominicana

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Raquia lumbar para procedimientos torácicos / Lumbar spinal anesthesia for thoracic procedures

Mayo 21, 2016. No. 2333

 Anestesia espinal lumbar con bloqueo nociceptivo cervical. Revisión crítica de 1,330 procedimientos
Lumbar spinal anesthesia with cervical nociceptive blockade. Critical review of a series of 1,330 procedures.
Braz J Anesthesiol. 2016 Jan-Feb;66(1):86-93. doi: 10.1016/j.bjane.2014.05.016. Epub 2015 Nov 28.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The manufacture of minimally traumatic needles and synthesis of pharmacological adjuncts with safe and effective action on inhibitory and neuromodulatory synapses distributed along the nociceptive pathways were crucial for a new expansion phase of spinal anesthesia. The objectives of this paper are present our clinical experience with 1330 lumbar spinal anesthesia performed with purposeful nociceptive blockade of the thoracic and cervical spinal nerves corresponding to dermatomes C4 or C3; warn about the method pathophysiological risks, and emphasize preventive standards for the safe application of the technique. CONTENT: Review of the historical background and anatomical spinal anesthesia with cervical levels of analgesia. Description of the technique used in our institution; population anesthetized; and surgery performed with the described method. Critical exposition of the physiological, pathophysiological, and clinical effects occurred and registered during anesthesia-surgery and postoperative period. CONCLUSION: Spinal anesthesia with nociceptive blockade to dermatome C4, or C3, is an effective option for surgery on somatic structures distal to the metamer of the third cervical spinal nerve, lasting no more than four or five hours. The method safety depends on the unrestricted respect for the essential rules of proper anesthesia.
VIII Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa 
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Junio 9-11, Ciudad de México
Dra. Argelia Lara Solares
Tel. 5513 3782 
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