Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cannabis. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Cannabis. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023

El efecto del consumo de cannabis sobre las complicaciones postoperatorias en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de columna: un estudio de base de datos nacional

El efecto del consumo de cannabis sobre las complicaciones postoperatorias en pacientes sometidos a cirugía de columna: un estudio de base de datos nacional

Los pacientes que consumían tanto cannabis como tabaco tuvieron tasas de complicaciones significativamente mayores, lo que sugiere una posible relación sinérgica negativa entre los dos.

The effect of cannabis use on postoperative complications in patients undergoing spine surgery: A national database study – North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) (

The effect of cannabis use on postoperative complications in patients undergoing spine surgery: A national database study – PubMed (

The effect of cannabis use on postoperative complications in patients undergoing spine surgery: A national database study – PMC (

The effect of cannabis use on postoperative complications in patients undergoing spine surgery: A national database study – North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) (

Barkay G, Solomito MJ, Kostyun RO, Esmende S, Makanji H. The effect of cannabis use on postoperative complications in patients undergoing spine surgery: A national database study. N Am Spine Soc J. 2023 Aug 18;16:100265. doi: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2023.100265. PMID: 37745195; PMCID: PMC10514216.

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martes, 13 de febrero de 2018


Enero 31, 2018. No. 2980
¿Los cannabinoides confieren neuroprotección contra la epilepsia? Una descripción general.
Do Cannabinoids Confer Neuroprotection Against Epilepsy? An Overview.
Open Neurol J. 2017 Dec 18;11:61-73. doi: 10.2174/1874205X01711010061. eCollection 2017.
OBJECTIVE: Cannabinoid-based medications provide not only relief for specific symptoms, but also arrest or delay of disease progression in patients with pain, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions. Although they also seem to hold potential as anticonvulsant agents, evidence of their efficacy in epilepsy is supported by several evidences. METHOD: The data reviewed herein lend support to the notion that the endocannabinoid signalling system plays a key modulation role in the activities subserved by the hippocampus, which is directly or indirectly affected in epilepsy patients. CONCLUSION: The notion is supported by a variety of anatomical, electrophysiological, biochemical and pharmacological findings. These data suggest the need for developing novel treatments using compounds that selectively target individual elements of the endocannabinoid signalling system.
KEYWORDS: Antiepileptic; Cannabinoids; Cannabis sativa; Epilepsy; Neuroprotection
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