sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Science. NYT

In the Nine Mile Canyon area, which is known for petroglyphs, a natural gas company is installing a pipeline despite concerns of archaeologists.
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
In the Nine Mile Canyon area, which is known for petroglyphs, a natural gas company is installing a pipeline despite concerns of archaeologists.
An obscure branch of the Bureau of Land Management wields great influence on local land-use decisions in the state, usually to the benefit of the energy industry.
Matthew Olearczyk with a drone his institute is evaluating for helping to assess storm damage.

In Blackouts, Drones and iPads May Come to Rescue

Utility companies are experimenting with iPad apps and aerial robots to help get the lights back on faster after storms by providing information and logistical support.

Genetic Data and Fossil Evidence Tell Differing Tales of Human Origins

Geneticists’ new finding that a previously unknown archaic species of human mingled with early modern humans in Africa has been met with skepticism because no fossil evidence exists.

Storms Threaten Ozone Layer Over U.S., Study Says

The risk of damage may increase as the climate warms and storms grow more intense and more frequent, the study said.
Sponges protruding from the reef.

Leaving the Reefs of Carrie Bow

As scientists prepare to leave Belize, they discuss reasons for the disappearance of eusocial shrimp in Caribbean reefs.

Aging Termites That Go Out With a Bang

In one species of termites, aging workers develop a unique defense mechanism: external structures on their backs that are toxic to an attacker.
Mr. Kukielski has removed rose varieties that fail a 10-point test for toughness.

Leading the Search for a Self-Reliant Bloom

Peter E. Kukielski, of the New York Botanical Garden, is part of a movement to identify and promote rose varieties that will thrive without chemical intervention.
Restoring power in Bethesda. Md., after a wave of powerful storms on June 29.

Weather Extremes Leave Parts of U.S. Grid Buckling

From highways to power plants, the concrete, steel and engineering that undergird the nation’s infrastructure are being dangerously taxed by heat, drought and storms.

Rare Burst of Melting Seen in Greenland’s Ice Sheet

The extent expanded from about 40 percent to 97 percent over four days, a first in 30 years of satellite observations but in line with a historical pattern.
SALLY RIDE | 1951-2012
Sally Ride communicating with ground controllers during the six-day space mission of the Challenger in 1983.

American Woman Who Shattered Space Ceiling

Dr. Ride was the first American woman in space, flying on two missions on the shuttle Challenger.
Science Times: July 24, 2012
NOT SO PERMANENT A pool of permafrost meltwater has formed along the Alaska Highway near Beaver Creek, Yukon.
Guy Dore/Laval University
NOT SO PERMANENT A pool of permafrost meltwater has formed along the Alaska Highway near Beaver Creek, Yukon.
The Alaska Highway, built in haste during World War II, is facing big challenges, including the effects of climate change on the underlying permafrost.
ANCIENT A new study extends the origin of polar bears back to 5 million years instead of 600,000.

How Brown and Polar Bears Split Up, but Continued Coupling

Comparing the DNA of related species can work as a kind of microscope to see how the species separated — events that are otherwise lost in deep time.
SPAWNING An Acropora tenuis coral releasing sperm, an annual event. Scientists are freezing coral eggs and sperm that may be used to restore reefs.

Frozen Sperm Offer a Lifeline for Coral

Scientists hope that building what is essentially a coral sperm bank will someday help restore damaged reefs.

Mystery Tug on Spacecraft Is Einstein’s ‘I Told You So’

A new explanation for the mysterious force that slowed down the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes in the 1980s indicates that the old sage was doubly right.
Health News

Too Much Medical Care?

The United States spends an estimated $210 billion annually on unnecessary medical services. For patients, this often means getting pulled into a cycle of repeated lab work, scans and other medical tests.
Robert S. Ledley, who invented the whole-body CT scanner, with the first such device, at Georgetown University in 1974.

Robert S. Ledley, Who Revolutionized Radiology, Is Dead at 86

A dentist turned biomedical researcher, Dr. Ledley invented the first CT scanner capable of producing cross-sectional images of any part of the human body.
Young elephants playing in the mud.

The Darker Side of Elephant Country

Scientists find that elephants, normally known for their gentle nature, sometimes turn against members of their own family in times of limited resources and duress.

A Climate and Energy Stalemate

Attuned to the public’s ambivalence, both political parties and their presidential candidates are playing down the climate issue.
Science Columns
A new study shows that bats eavesdrop on fly sex to find their prey.

Mating Leaves Flies Most Vulnerable to Bats

Bats depend on flies for much of their diet, and a new study of a European bat suggests that the flies betray themselves while they mate.
Mosses produce a scent to attract arthropods known as springtails.

Tiny Outsider Seems to Help Mosses Reproduce

A new study shows that mosses appear to emit smelly compounds to attract tiny arthropods that carry sperm from plant to plant.

Birds Switch Gears to Stay on Course

A new study suggests that hummingbird keep flying through a downpour by adjusting their posture and increasing the frequency of their wing beats.
Q & A

Vaccine vs. Virus

Why didn’t viruses like polio and other diseases mutate to become immune to vaccines?
Science Times

Podcast: Science Times

The permafrost challenge; diving the coral reefs; and treatment options for prostate cancer.
  Science Times Podcast
Health Columns
The Ideal and the Real of Breast-Feeding

The Ideal and the Real of Breast-Feeding

Some dispute the message that "breast is best" and cite concerns for the pressure and guilt it heaps on working mothers.
The Claim: In a Heat Wave, an Electric Fan Can Cool You Off

The Claim: In a Heat Wave, an Electric Fan Can Cool You Off

Some experts have questioned whether electric fans might actually hamper efforts to cool down.

Can Universities Credibly Probe Gas Impacts When Industry Foots the Bill?

A foe of fracking sees big problems if hidden conflicts of interest in energy analysis become the norm.

Numberplay: Three Containers

How can you pour water between three glasses to end up with two equal amounts?

Telemedicina. Alerta

Telemedicina en la Cirugía de Feminización Facial | FACIAL ...
Facial Team ofrece a pacientes interesadas en la Cirugía de Feminización Facial en soluciones deTelemedicina para consultas, pre y post-operatorio, etc.
InTouch y iRobot desarrollan dispositivos de telemedicina para la ...
InTouch Health, un nombre importante entre los dispositivos de telemedicina y iRobot , el famoso fabricante de la aspiradora robótica Roomba y de los.

RP-VITA, un robot para la telemedicina de los creadores de Roomba


RP-VITA, un robot para la telemedicina de los creadores de Roomba

RP Vita
La telemedicina se ha convertido en un campo de investigación bastante interesante a la hora de desarrollar soluciones y aplicaciones de todo tipo. Todavía está un poco verde y es que las limitaciones que supone la distancia a veces son muy grandes. Sin embargo eso no quita que para ciertos casos cumpla con su cometido y sea útil.
En este mundillo existen muchos proyectos entre ellos uno que está llevando a cabo los creadores de Roomba. Con el nombre de RP-Vita, y seis millones de dólares de inversión, nace un robot para hospitales que permitirá a los médicos comunicarse con sus pacientes y poder realizar algunas pruebas y análisis sin necesidad de estar en la sala.
En la parte más visual nos encontramos con una pantalla a través de la cual el paciente podrá ver al médico a través de una videoconferencia. Debajo de esta se podrá acoplar un tablet o un ordenador para realizar diferentes acciones. La intención de este robot no es sólo ser un televisor andante sino realmente ser útil.
Para ello, será equipado con diferentes equipos que permitirá hacer diferentes pruebas y análisis para enviar la información al doctor, a la vez que esta se archiva en el historial del paciente. Eso sí, de momento no es completamente independiente y para algunas tareas necesitaremos a un asistente al lado del paciente para poder utilizar el robot.
Su autonomía de cinco horas nos hace pensar que este robot de momento sólo se utilizará para casos puntuales y no de forma más intensa. Aun así es un caso bastante interesante ya que además cuando vaya a terminarse la carga, como ocurre con las aspiradoras robóticas, volverá automáticamente a su base a conectarle a la alimentación.
De momento no hay planes para integrar este equipo en los hospitales así que tendremos que esperar para cruzarnos con este robot en el pasillo de nuestro centro médico más cercano. Lo cierto es que como solución para poblaciones pequeñas puede ser útil o cuando no hay un médico en la zona. Sin embargo, habrá que ver hasta que punto puede ser eficaz y si realmente es capaz de diagnosticar algo más que catarros.
Vía | Mashable

Bibliotecas. Alerta

EEUU: Donan un millón de dólares para biblioteca digital
Terra Argentina
Un esfuerzo sin fines de lucro para digitalizar las bibliotecas del país y crear una Biblioteca Pública Digital recibió el jueves un millón de dólares del Fondo Nacional para las Humanidades. La subvención ayudará a crear una nueva organización sin fines de ...
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En la Biblioteca Popular: Muestra del grupo “Tinta Mayo”
LaHoradeJujuy (blog)
S. S. de Jujuy - El grupo de escultores “Tinta Mayo” presentan una muestra de dibujos y esculturas denominada “Profunda identidad”, en la sala de arte de la Biblioteca Popular, con la apertura hoy viernes 27 de julio a las 20,30. La muestra esta integrada ...
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Agenda de vacaciones
La Nueva Provincia
A las 17.30, en la sede de la Biblioteca Popular, continuará el ciclo de cine para niños con la película Superman contra La Elite (entrada libre y gratuita). A esa misma hora, se proyectará La era de hielo 4 en el Centro Cultural. En tanto, siguen a la venta las ...
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Donan un millón de dólares para biblioteca digital
La Opinion
La subvención ayudará a crear una nueva organización sin fines de lucro y generar la plataforma técnica para compartir contenido digital en muchas de las bibliotecas públicas y archivos del país. Sin embargo, la digitalización de libros y la creación del ...
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Entregan mil 82 libros a biblioteca B. Tijerina
/Matamoros • Autoridades del Consulado General de Estados Unidos en Matamoros, entregaron una colección de más de mil 82 textos de la literatura inglesa a la bibliotecapública de Matamoros “Juan B. Tijerina”. El cónsul Michael Barkin informó que la ...
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Biblioteca Popular/ Tercera fecha del Circuito de Ajedrez
AIM Digital
La Escuela de Ajedrez de la Biblioteca Popular del Paraná invita a la comunidad a participar de la tercera edición del Circuito de Torneos 2012, el sábado 28 de julio. Características del torneo. Organiza: Escuela de Ajedrez Biblioteca Popular Del Paraná ...
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Amurrio suprime las bibliotecas de verano del parque Juan Urrutia y ...
El Correo
Las dos instalaciones se ubicaban en módulos prefabricados en los que se podía encontrar una selección de obras de la biblioteca. En las piscinas, había además de la prensa diaria, tebeos y revistas. Su sistema de funcionamiento era similar al de las ...
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Alcalá de Henares dispondrá de una biblioteca abierta en agosto
La Biblioteca Municipal Cardenal Cisneros de Alcalá de Henares abrirá en agosto por la tarde, en cumplimiento de la moción que el Ayuntamiento aprobó por unanimidad en el pleno municipal celebrado a principios de julio. La necesidad de mantener ...
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Disertación en la biblioteca Mons. Piedrabuena
Diario C
El Obispado de Catamarca, la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (SADE), seccional Catamarca, y la Municipalidad de la Capital invitan a la cuarta jornada del Ciclo de Disertaciones 2012 “Del pueblo y su identidad”, a realizarse el día viernes 3 de agosto, ...
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Siguen las propuestas para estas vacaciones de invierno
La Nueva Provincia
La Municipalidad, mediante el Instituto Cultural, diseñó una amplia agenda para el receso de invierno, con actividades en bibliotecas populares, sociedades de fomento, centros comunitarios, clubes, teatros, cines, museos y parques. Esta es la programación ...
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Caá Catí logró recuperar una biblioteca fundada en 1912 | Diario El ...
Por iniciativa de vecinos y del entonces presidente del Concejo, Gervasio Blanco , se creó la entidad que funcionó sin inconvenientes hasta los '60. Después ...
¿5 ejemplos de responsabilidad en : biblioteca,en mi casa,en el ...
Biblioteca : Respeto, Cumplimiento de normas, Asistencia En la Casa: Limpiar, Ordenar. En el Aula: Dicilplina, Formacion Integral, Honor. Con un Amigo: Respeto ...
Rosario Más Joven | Noticias | Centenario Biblioteca Argentina 'Dr ...
Actividades de la Dirección en Agosto! Enterate qué actividades podés realizar! Acá te pasamos la AGENDA de ACTIVIDADES de AGOSTO de la DIRECCIÓN ...

Obesidad y serotoninérgicos

Uso de fármacos serotoninérgicos para tratar la obesidad. ¿Existe alguna esperanza?
The use of serotonergic drugs to treat obesity--is there any hope?
Bello NT, Liang NC.
Department of Animal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA. ntbello@rci.rutgers.edu
Drug Des Devel Ther. 2011 Feb 10;5:95-109.
Surgical interventional strategies for the treatment of obesity are being implemented at an increasing rate. The safety and feasibility of these procedures are questionable for most overweight or obese individuals. The use of long-term pharmacotherapy options, on the other hand, can target a greater portion of the obese population and provide early intervention to help individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle to promote weight loss. Medications that act on the central serotonergic pathways have been a relative mainstay for the treatment of obesity for the last 35 years. The clinical efficacy of these drugs, however, has been encumbered by the potential for drug-associated complications. Two drugs that act, albeit by different mechanisms, on the central serotonergic system to reduce food intake and decrease body weight are sibutramine and lorcaserin. Sibutramine is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, whereas lorcaserin is a selective 5HT(2C) receptor agonist. The recent worldwide withdrawal of sibutramine and FDA rejection of lorcaserin has changed the landscape not only for serotonin-based therapeutics specifically, but for obesity pharmacotherapy in general. The purpose of this review is to focus on the importance of the serotonergic system in the control of feeding and its potential as a target for obesity pharmacotherapy. Advances in refining and screening more selective receptor agonists and a better understanding of the potential off-target effects of serotonergic drugs are needed to produce beneficial pharmacotherapy.

Uso de lorcaserin en el tratamiento de la obesidad: evaluación crítica 
The use of lorcaserin in the management of obesity: a critical appraisal.
Bai B, Wang Y.
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, University of Hong Kong, People's Republic of China.
Drug Des Devel Ther. 2010 Dec 20;5:1-7.
Obesity is a chronic disease with a high prevalence in both developed and developing countries. Effective management of this worldwide epidemic will have a significant impact on the health care system globally. Lifestyle interventions, such as restricting calorie consumption and increasing physical activity, remain a major component of weight-reduction programs. The development of pharmacotherapy for the management of obesity is still at the infancy stage. Side effects have been the key issue for anti-obesity drugs previously withdrawn from the market. The focus of this review, lorcaserin, is a selective serotonin receptor agonist that is currently undergoing Phase III evaluations. The efficacy of this drug in reducing body weight and improving metabolic parameters of obese patients has been demonstrated in two recent clinical trials. The available evidence indicates that this drug does not show unwanted effects on heart valves or pulmonary artery pressure, and the treatment improves the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Despite these promising results, additional experimental and clinical studies are critical for the approval of lorcaserin as a new anti-obesity monodrug therapy by the US Food and Drug Administration.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor