domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Education review

Michael Crosno, chairman and chief executive of MyEdu, is working to reduce the time it takes to earn a college degree.
Todd Wiseman for The Texas Tribune
Michael Crosno, chairman and chief executive of MyEdu, is working to reduce the time it takes to earn a college degree.
Michael Crosno and MyEdu, the Web company of which he is chief executive, are working to reduce the costs of college and lower the average time for getting a degree.
Ariana Salazar, an UNO adviser, talks with eighth-grade math students about high school applications.

Expanding Hispanic Students’ Academic Horizons

The United Neighborhood Organization, or UNO, steps in to guide Hispanic elementary school students in applying to high schools with favorable graduation and college-enrollment rates.
Visitors entering the Supreme Court in April 2003 passed pro-affirmative-action demonstrators.

Court Overturns Michigan Affirmative-Action Ban

Decision by federal appeals court is the latest round of the decade-long fight over the University of Michigan’s affirmative action policies.
Stephanie J. Hull, who resigned as head of Brearley.

Quick Exit of Private School’s Leader Puzzles Parents

The quick resignation of Stephanie J. Hull from Manhattan’s Brearley School stands in contrast to the elaborate farewell that accompanied her predecessor’s departure.

A New Type of Student Loan, but Still a Risk

Fixed-rate student loans from banks are a welcome innovation, but they should serve as a reminder of the hazards of this kind of debt.
When Lilli DeBode, from Summit, N.J., attended Camp Start-Up in Massachusetts, she said that she found herself not wanting to do anything but work on a business plan.

Making a Portfolio, and More, at Money Camp

Summer camps where children learn skills like investing and developing a business plan are one way to increase young people’s financial literacy.

What’s the Most Expensive College? The Least? Education Dept. Puts It All Online

The new Web site lists tuition costs for public and private colleges and also notes which ones have the fastest-rising costs.
Dennis M. Walcott at the graduation ceremony for Francis Lewis High School in Queens, his alma mater, which was held at Hoftstra University this month. Mr. Walcott recognized James Saez, left, for his achievements.

For New Schools Chief, a Policy Statement in Tones of Harmony

Three months after his sudden ascension, Dennis M. Walcott has been smoothing feathers, promoting stability and nurturing relationships amid continuing challenges.
 Dennis M. Walcott, New York City's schools chancellor, speaking on Saturday before the first graduation class at the Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science in the Bronx.

Pomp, Diplomas and Words of Inspiration

Dennis M. Walcott, who became New York schools chancellor in April, has spoken at 14 commencement ceremonies this season, far more than his predecessors.
Mary Gloster, left, evaluated Emily Strzelecki, a first-year science teacher at a low-performing high school in Washington.

Teacher Grades: Pass or Be Fired

A job evaluation system that places significant emphasis on classroom observations is disliked by unionized teachers but has become a model for many educators.

Even Without Teacher Layoffs, City Schools Will Still Feel Pain

Several other city agencies are still bracing for cuts totaling more than 1,000 jobs.
Cindy Robinson teaching her kindergarten students how to tell time at Central Elementary in San Diego. Her class size could soon jump to 30 from 17.

For San Diego Schools, a Fear That Larger Classes Will Hinder Learning

Class size is a priority for the district, but all around California districts are preparing worst-case budget plans.
Leo Martinez, 15, on the Hudson. He is earning math credit at the Manhattan Business Academy, for completing an after-school program at Hudson River Community Sailing that lasts about six hours a week

Taking a Spin on the Hudson, and Earning Course Credit, Too

In an era of budget cuts, more and more students are earning some credits in unconventional ways by taking classes online, on Saturdays and through independent study.
Sister Nora McArt, right, principal of St. Martin of Tours, and Lydia Cruiz, the secretary, with kindergarten students on graduation day.

School’s Out, Forever

The closing of St. Martin of Tours in the Bronx reflects a crisis facing the Roman Catholic educational system in New York.
Natalie Butler works with groups focused on how best to address education.

Third-Party Groups Take Up Challenge of How Best to Improve Public Universities

Various education constituents in Texas are preparing for a protracted public discussion about how to best address problems like rising tuition and ballooning student debt.
From the Book Review

‘Nothing Daunted’

Dorothy Wickenden tells the story of her grandmother’s stint as a teacher on the frontier.
Anthony Edwards, left, and Robert Carradine in “Revenge of the Nerds” (1984).

‘The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth’

Alexandra Robbins argues that many of the traits attributed to “losers” in high school contribute to success later in life.
Education Life
The Global Campus
Articles on study abroad, majoring in business, blogging scholars, the fastest growing fields for students to consider and more.
New York School Test Scores
A complete summary of demographics and student performance over the past decade for every school in New York.
Timeline: Dennis M. Walcott
The life and career of the new chancellor for New York City schools.
From Opinion

Are School Librarians Expendable?

With states and cities under severe budget constraints, they are looking for savings in the library.

Michael Winerip

“On Education” looks beyond the discourse to the teachers, principals and students at the heart of learning.

The Motherlode

Lisa Belkin writes about homework, friends, grades, bullying, baby sitters, the work-family balance and much more.

En este día...


On This Day: July 3

On July 3, 1863, the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania ended after three days in a major victory for the North as Confederate troops retreated.
On July 3, 1878, George M. Cohan, the great song and dance man of Broadway, was born. Following his death on Nov. 5, 1942, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1608The city of Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain.
1775Gen. George Washington took command of the Continental Army at Cambridge, Mass.
1878Broadway song-and-dance man George M. Cohan was born in Providence, R.I. (Cohan claimed to have been - as he wrote in one of his patriotic songs - "born on the Fourth of July.")
1890Idaho became the 43rd state.
1898The U.S. Navy defeated a Spanish fleet in the harbor at Santiago, Cuba, during the Spanish-American War.
1930Congress created the Veterans Administration.
1962Algeria became independent after 132 years of French rule.
1971Rock singer Jim Morrison of The Doors died in Paris at age 27.
1985The time-travel comedy "Back to the Future," starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, was released in movie theaters.
1986President Ronald Reagan presided over a ceremony in New York Harbor that saw the relighting of the renovated Statue of Liberty.
1988The USS Vincennes shot down an Iran Air jetliner over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people aboard.
2001Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic refused to enter a plea on war crimes charges in his first appearance before a U.N. tribunal at The Hague.
2005A NASA space probe, Deep Impact, hit its comet target as planned in a mission to learn how the solar system formed.
2009Sarah Palin announced she would resign as Alaska governor with 16 months left in her term.

Current Birthdays

Tom Cruise, Actor
Actor Tom Cruise turns 49 years old today.
AP Photo/Chris Pizzello
Patrick Wilson, Actor
Actor Patrick Wilson turns 38 years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
1916John Kundla, Basketball Hall of Famer, turns 95
1930Pete Fountain, Jazz clarinetist, turns 81
1937Tom Stoppard, Playwright, turns 74
1939Jay Tarses, Writer, producer, turns 72
1940Lamar Alexander, U.S. senator, R-Tenn., turns 71
1940Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, turns 71
1943Kurtwood Smith, Actor ("That 70s Show"), turns 68
1945Michael Cole, Actor ("The Mod Squad"), turns 66
1947Dave Barry, Humor writer, turns 64
1947Betty Buckley, Actress ("Eight is Enough," "Cats"), turns 64
1949Jan Smithers, Actress ("WKRP In Cincinnati"), turns 62
1956Montel Williams, Talk show host, turns 55
1962Thomas Gibson, Actor ("Dharma and Greg"), turns 49
1962Hunter Tylo, Actress ("The Bold and the Beautiful"), turns 49
1964Yeardley Smith, Actress ("The Simpsons"), turns 47
1966Moises Alou, Baseball player, turns 45
1970Audra McDonald, Singer, actress, turns 41
1980Shoshannah Stern, Actress, turns 31

Historic Birthdays

63Robert Adam 7/3/1728 - 3/3/1792
Scottish architect and designer
64Samuel Huntington 7/3/1731 - 1/5/1796
American colonial leader; signed the Declaration of Independence
77John Singleton Copley 7/3/1738 - 9/9/1815
American painter
55Dankmar Adler 7/3/1844 - 4/16/1900
German-born American architect and engineer
75Charlotte Gilman 7/3/1860 - 8/17/1935
American writer and women's rights advocate
40Franz Kafka 7/3/1883 - 6/3/1924
Czech-born German author
83M. F. K. Fisher 7/3/1908 - 6/22/1992
American food essayist and novelist
86Stavros Spyros Niarchos 7/3/1909 - 4/15/1996
Greek shipping magnate and art collector
52Dorothy Kilgallen 7/3/1913 - 11/8/1965
American columnist, journalist and panelist

Smoke Free! music video Intermountain Healthcare



Posted: 02 Jul 2011 11:07 PM PDT
Seguro que vos no sabias que: 1- Coca Cola daña tu salud y la de tus hijos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud en este momento está trabajando cada vez más sobre el tema de la obesidad y la diabetes. Un informe reciente publicado por la OMS aconseja restringir la venta y la publicidad de gaseosas. Las autoras y autores del informe suponen que hay una relación entre el incremento de
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 11:07 PM PDT
Ejercicios contra las contracturas en la espalda Las contracturas son las responsables del dolor de espalda y cuello. Las contracturas son acortamientos involuntarios y persistentes de las fibras musculares, en los que se acercan sus puntos de inserción y se verifica un estado de resistencia a cualquier situación de estiramiento. Pueden ser fisiológicas o miotáticas. La
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 11:07 PM PDT
¿Qué es la Ozonoterapia? La historia de la ozonoterapia comienza en Alemania. El precursor del uso del ozono, fue Werner von Siemens, quien en 1857 construyó el primer tubo de inducción para la destrucción de microorganismos. En la segunda década del siglo XX, otro alemán, el químico Justus Baron von Liebig fue el primero en estudiar las aplicaciones del ozono para uso humano.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
Arterias| venas Diferencia entre arterias y venas. Forman parte del sistema circulatorio que transporta la sangre hacia o desde el corazón y otras partes de cuerpo. Las arterias y venas son fundamentales para nuestra supervivencia. ¿qué tienen en común y en qué se diferencian? En Demedicina os contamos más sobre las diferencias entre arterias y venas. Todos hemos oído hablar de la
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
Efecto del tratamiento con bloqueantes ß en pacientes con EPOC Los bloqueantes ß pueden reducir la mortalidad, las exacerbaciones y las hospitalizaciones de los pacientes con EPOC, además de agregar beneficios atribuibles a la disminución del riesgo cardiovascular. Introducción Las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) están entrelazadas
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
OMS propone cinco reglas alimentarias para prevenir enfermedades. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) emitió cinco recomendaciones para una correcta preparación de los alimentos. Las pautas están dirigidas a evitar patologías y así salvar miles de vidas. Cada día, millones de personas se enferman y millares mueren por enfermedades de origen alimentario que son prevenibles. - Las
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
La toxina botulínica puede convertirse en un posible tratamiento para el asma. Actuaría sobre los espasmos de laringe. Investigadores del Centro Médico de la Universidad de Monash, en Melbourne (Australia), aseguran que la tóxina botulínica o bótox que se utiliza habitualmente para las operaciones estéticas faciales puede convertirse en un posible tratamiento para el asma, ayudando a
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
Tratar mal el asma puede afectar los pulmones de por vida Especialistas aseguran que la utilización errónea de medicamentos para controlar esta enfermedad es común en los pacientes. Agregaron que no es normal que el enfermo se agite al realizar alguna actividad. El uso incorrecto de la terapia aumenta los casos de ausentismo laboral y escolar Muchos pacientes con asma creen que usar
Posted: 02 Jul 2011 10:57 PM PDT
Los mayores, entre la obesidad y la desnutrición Las cifras difundidas por especialistas aseguran que mientras que casi el 50% de los adultos de la tercera edad tiene un peso mayor al aconsejado, otro 30% no alcanza el umbral de alimentación básica. Cómo combatir los malos hábitos y mejorar su salud De acuerdo a datos censales de 2010, el 14% de los argentinos es mayor de 60 años,