domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Una vida sustentable

A Sustainable Life

Heads of State
It’s the day after New Year’s— broken your resolutions yet? No guilt necessary. After all, it’s hard enough to make it through a day, never mind a year, of good intentions. The problem is often with the resolutions themselves: Stay financially upright. Be loving to your spouse. Eat better. Recycle. Easy to say, but hard to do. So here, a guide on making those resolutions stick — and keeping the guilt at bay.

The Happy Marriage Is the ‘Me’ Marriage

For a long, fulfilling partnership: give your partner a chance to e-x-p-a-n-d.

Why a Budget Is Like a Diet — Ineffective

The battle, financial experts say, is finding ways to close the gap between good intentions and human nature.

Chop, Fry, Boil: Eating for One, or 6 Billion

Three basic recipes to help change the way we eat and live.

A Diet for an Invaded Planet: Invasive Species

On the menu, pests we can’t get rid of: kudzu, lionfish and Asian carp.

Getting Over Our Two-Year Itch

That cellphone you loved in 2009 suddenly seems so yesterday. But is the trash bin the only answer?

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