viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Condrosarcoma de la rótula: Un caso clínico Chondrosarcoma of the patella: A case report

Este artículo es publicado originalmente en:
2017 Sep;96(37):e8049. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008049.
Todos los derechos reservados para:
Received 2017 Jul 12; Revised 2017 Aug 16; Accepted 2017 Aug 21.
© 2017 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal.

Chondrosarcoma, characterized by the production of cartilage matrix, is a common bone tumor, accounting for 20% to 27% of all malignant bone tumors. It often occurs in the cartilage of the pelvis, femur, tibia, and humerus. However, chondrosarcoma of the patella is extremely rare.
The present study describes a case of chondrosarcoma affecting the right patella in a 68-year-old woman. The chief complaints were painful swelling and limitation of motion of the right knee for about half a year. The pain was a kind of dull ache. The skin around the right knee was red and hot. Moreover, she had a claudication gait due to the symptoms.
Irregular lytic lesions with ill-defined margins in the patella were determined through computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The diagnosis of primary grade II chondrosarcoma was finally confirmed on the basis of postoperative pathological examination.
The patient underwent an open surgery named extensive resection of patellar tumor to remove the tumor tissue completely.
The patient was discharged without any complications 1 week after the surgery. At the 3-month follow-up, the patient was completely free from pain during daily activities, and normal range of motion of the right knee was achieved. Her gait was normal. There was no evidence of recurrence.
We believe that an extensive resection is suitable for treating chondrosarcoma to avoid as far as possible local recurrence. An awareness of the potential for chondrosarcoma to present in the patella is crucial for both orthopedic surgeons and radiologists when confronted with similar cases. Besides, as reports of chondrosarcoma of the patella are rare, this study adds a better understanding of this rare condition to the medical literature.

El condrosarcoma, caracterizado por la producción de matriz de cartílago, es un tumor óseo común, que representa del 20% al 27% de todos los tumores óseos malignos. A menudo ocurre en el cartílago de la pelvis, el fémur, la tibia y el húmero. Sin embargo, el condrosarcoma de la rótula es extremadamente raro.
El presente estudio describe un caso de condrosarcoma que afecta a la rótula derecha en una mujer de 68 años de edad. Las principales quejas fueron hinchazón dolorosa y limitación del movimiento de la rodilla derecha durante aproximadamente la mitad de un año. El dolor era una especie de dolor sordo. La piel alrededor de la rodilla derecha estaba roja y caliente. Por otra parte, ella tenía un modo de claudicación debido a los síntomas.
Se determinaron lesiones líticas irregulares con márgenes mal definidos en la rótula mediante tomografía computarizada y resonancia magnética. El diagnóstico de condrosarcoma primaria de grado II se confirmó finalmente sobre la base del examen patológico postoperatorio.
El paciente se sometió a una cirugía abierta llamada resección extensa del tumor rotuliano para eliminar completamente el tejido tumoral.
El paciente fue dado de alta sin ninguna complicación una semana después de la cirugía. A los 3 meses de seguimiento, el paciente estaba completamente libre de dolor durante las actividades diarias, y el rango normal de movimiento de la rodilla derecha se logró. Su andar era normal. No hubo evidencia de recurrencia.
Creemos que una resección extensa es adecuada para tratar el condrosarcoma para evitar en la medida de lo posible la recurrencia local. Una conciencia del potencial de condrosarcoma para presentar en la rótula es crucial para los cirujanos ortopédicos y radiólogos cuando se enfrentan con casos similares. Además, como los informes de condrosarcoma de la rótula son raros, este estudio añade una mejor comprensión de esta rara condición a la literatura médica.
PMID:  28906396  PMCID:  PMC5604665   DOI:  .1097/MD.0000000000008049
[Indexed for MEDLINE]

Tópicos de obesidad / Topics on obesity Buzón

Octubre 4, 2017. No. 2831


CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
Determinación del volumen sanguíneo en embarazadas obesas y de peso normal: el método del almidón hidroxietilo.
Blood volume determination in obese and normal-weight gravidas: the hydroxyethyl starch method.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Sep;213(3):408.e1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2015.05.021. Epub 2015 May 14.
OBJECTIVE: The impact of obesity on maternal blood volume in pregnancy has not been reported. We compared the blood volumes of obese and normal-weight gravidas using a validated hydroxyethyl starch (HES) dilution technique for blood volume estimation. STUDY DESIGN: Blood volumes were estimated in 30 normal-weight (pregravid body mass index [BMI] <25 kg/m(2)) and 30 obese (pregravid BMI >35 kg/m(2)) gravidas >34 weeks' gestation using a modified HES dilution technique. Blood samples obtained before and 10 minutes after HES injection were analyzed for plasma glucose concentrations after acid hydrolysis of HES. Blood volume was calculated from the difference between glucose concentrations measured in hydrolyzed plasma. RESULTS: Obese gravidas had higher pregravid and visit BMI (mean [SD]): pregravid (41 [4] vs 22 [2] kg/m(2), P = .001); visit (42 [4] vs 27 [2] kg/m(2), P = .001), but lower weight gain (5 [7] vs 12 [4] kg, P = .001) than normal-weight women. Obese gravidas had similar estimated total blood volume to normal-weight women (8103 ± 2452 vs 6944 ± 2830 mL, P = .1), but lower blood volume per kilogram weight (73 ± 22 vs 95 ± 30 mL/kg, P = .007). CONCLUSION: Obese gravidas have similar circulating blood volume, but lower blood volume per kilogram body weight, than normal-weight gravidas near term.
KEYWORDS: blood volume; hydroxyethyl starch; obesity; obstetric anesthesia
Obesidad Mórbida y Anestesia: Problemas y Soluciones
 Drs. Fernando Altermatt, Verena Brandes
Diabetes y obesidad. ¿Hay una dieta ideal?
Diabetes with obesity-Is there an ideal diet?
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2017 July;84(suppl 1):S4-S14
For individuals who are overweight or obese, weight loss is effective in preventing and improving the management of type 2 diabetes. Together with other lifestyle factors like exercise and behavior modification, diet plays a central role in achieving weight loss. Diets vary based on the type and amount of carbohydrate, fat, and protein consumed to meet daily caloric intake goals. A number of popular diets are reviewed as well as studies evaluating the effect of various diets on weight loss, diabetes, and cardiovascular risk factors. Current trends favor the low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic index, Mediterranean, and very-low-calorie diets. However, no optimal dietary strategy exists for patients with obesity and diabetes, and more research is needed. Given the wide range of dietary choices, the best diet is one that achieves the best adherence based on the patient's dietary preferences, energy needs, and health status.

XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
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XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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Falla renal aguda postoperatoria / Postoperative acute kidney injury

Octubre 5, 2017. No. 2832

CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
Falla renal aguda postoperatoria
Postoperative acute kidney injury.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2017 Jun;70(3):258-266. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2017.70.3.258. Epub 2017 May 26.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery is a common and serious complication. Several definitions of AKI have been proposed recently, and include both increases in serum creatinine levels and decreases in urine output as diagnostic criteria. The pathophysiology of postoperative AKI is complex and involves both ischemic injury and systemic inflammation. Identifying risk factors, such as old age, underlying diabetes, heart failure, and obesity, may aid in the application of preventative methods for postoperative AKI. Additionally, recognizing different risks after different types of surgical procedures would be valuable. Novel biomarkers that could detect AKI more precisely at an earlier time point are being investigated. Several new biomarkers have been assessed in large multi-center studies and are believed to accommodate conventional clinical findings in diagnosing postoperative AKI. In high-risk patients, preventative measures, such as the maintenance of adequate hemodynamics and sufficient fluid resuscitation, could lower the incidence of postoperative AKI. Avoiding nephrotoxic agents and optimizing preoperative hemoglobin levels to avoid excessive transfusions would also be beneficial. In situations in which medical management fails to maintain sufficient urine output and acid-base and electrolyte homeostasis, early initiation of renal replacement therapy should be considered.
KEYWORDS: Acute kidney injury; Postoperative complications; Renal protection; Surgery
Factores de riesgo de insuficiencia renal aguda postoperatoria. Análisis en una cohorte de 2.378 pacientes de 59 hospitales S. Sabaté1 , C. Gomar2 , J. Canet3 , P. Sierra1 , J. Castillo4 en representación del grupo ARISCAT5 .
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim. 2011;58:548-555
Objetivos: Evaluar los factores de riesgo de la insuficiencia renal postoperatoria (IRP) en pacientes adultos con función renal normal sometidos a cirugía mayor con ingreso hospitalario, y analizar la mortalidad y la estancia hospitalaria de los pacientes que desarrollan IRP. Pacientes y métodos: Se analizan los datos del estudio multicéntrico de cohortes prospectivo ARISCAT realizado en 2006. La variable dependiente fue la IRP definida como un deterioro de la función renal demostrada por un aumento del doble de la creatinina plasmática basal, o descenso del 50% del filtrado glomerular estimado. Se realizó un análisis bivariable y multivariable para identificar los factores de riesgo pre e intraoperatorios. Resultados: Participaron 59 hospitales y fueron incluidos 2.378 pacientes, de los que 25 (1,1%) desarrollaron IRP. Se identificaron 5 factores de riesgo de IRP: edad, arteriopatía periférica, incisión quirúrgica, pérdidas hemáticas y la administración de coloides. El área bajo la curva ROC fue de 0,88 (IC 95%: 0,79-0,96). La estancia hospitalaria fue mayor en los pacientes que desarrollaron una IRP (21,8 frente 5,5 días, P=0,007). La mortalidad fue mayor a los 30 días (36% frente 0,9%) y a los tres meses (48 % frente 1,7%). Conclusiones: La tasa de la IRP fue ligeramente superior al 1%. La identificación de los factores de riesgo de la IRP puede ser útil para adecuar la planificación anestésica y quirúrgica, con el objeto de reducir la morbimortalidad postoperatoria y la estancia hospitalaria. Palabras clave: Estudio de cohortes. Estudio prospectivo. Fallo renal agudo, etiología, mortalidad. Complicaciones postoperatorias, etiología, mortalidad. Factores de riesgo. Evaluación del riesgo.
Co-morbilidades prequirúrgicas en pacientes con insuficiencia renal aguda en la terapia intensiva cardioquirúrgica
Sinay García Nidetz, Luis Miguel Morales Pérez, Abdel Pérez Navarro, Alipio Liván Gil Sosa, Julio Alberto Gómez Sardiñas, Francisco José Pérez Santos, Ana Margarita Jerez Castro, Eliezer San Román García
Rev Fed Arg Cardiol. 2012; 41(2): 109-113
Introducción: La insuficiencia renal aguda es una complicación de la cirugía cardiovascular que entorpece la evolución del paciente. Las comorbilidades prequirúrgicas pueden influir en la intensidad de la disfunción renal. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal con el objetivo de determinar la incidencia de Insuficiencia Renal Aguda en los pacientes operados de cirugía cardiovascular y estudiar variables como la edad, sexo, tipo de IRA según volumen urinario, necesidad de hemodiálisis y relacionar la intensidad de la misma con las comorbilidades preoperatorias. El estudio se realizó en Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras e Instituto de Cardiología, en el período comprendido entre el 1ro de Enero del 2009 al 31 de diciembre de 2010. Para el análisis de los datos se construyó una base de datos en Microsoft Excel. Posteriormente se aplicó la técnica estadística de distribución de frecuencia para el análisis descriptivo de las variables analizadas. Se usó la prueba no paramétrica Χ 2 para analizar la existencia de relación significativa entre las variables Intensidad de la IRA y comorbilidades preoperatorias. Resultados: De los 864 pacientes operados el 13% desarrolló una Insuficiencia Renal Aguda, Predominó en el sexo masculino y en los pacientes mayores de 40 años. La IRA no oligúrica estuvo representada por el 58.3%, mientras que la oligúrica por el 41.7%. El 2.08% de los pacientes operados requirieron tratamiento depurador con hemodiálisis y no se encontró relación entre las comorbilidades preoperatorias y la intensidad de la IRA. Conclusiones: La incidencia de IRA en el postoperatorio de cirugía cardiovascular fue 13%, con mayor incidencia en varones y en mayores de 40 años, con predominio de IRA no oligúrica (58.3%). Hubo necesidad de hemodiálisis en el 2.08%. No se estableció asociación entre co-morbilidades pre-operatorias y severidad de IRA. Palabras clave: Insuficiencia renal aguda. Cirugía cardiovascular.

XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Falla respiratoria y embarazo / Respiratory failure in pregnancy.

Octubre 6, 2017. No. 2833

CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
Falla respiratoria aguda en el embarazo
Acute respiratory failure in pregnancy.
Obstet Med. 2015 Sep;8(3):126-32. doi: 10.1177/1753495X15589223. Epub 2015 Jun 10.
Respiratory failure affects up to 0.2% of pregnancies, more commonly in the postpartum period. Altered maternal respiratory physiology affects the assessment and management of these patients. Respiratory failure may result from pregnancy-specific conditions such as preeclampsia, amniotic fluid embolism or peripartum cardiomyopathy. Pregnancy may increase the risk or severity of other conditions, including thromboembolism, asthma, viral pneumonitis, and gastric acid aspiration. Management during pregnancy is similar to the nonpregnant patient. Endotracheal intubation in pregnancy carries an increased risk, due to airway edema and rapid oxygen desaturation following apnea. Few data are available to direct prolonged mechanical ventilation in pregnancy. Chest wall compliance is reduced, perhaps permitting slightly higher airway pressures. Optimizing oxygenation is important, but data on the use of permissive hypercapnia are limited. Delivery of the fetus does not always improve maternal respiratory function, but should be considered if benefit to the fetus is anticipated.
Evolución materna y neonatal de la falla respiratoria durante el embarazo
Maternal and neonatal outcomes of respiratory failure during pregnancy.
J Formos Med Assoc. 2017 May 17. pii: S0929-6646(17)30143-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jfma.2017.04.023. [Epub ahead of print]
BACKGROUND: Obstetric patients comprise a limited portion of intensive care unit patients, but they often present with unfamiliar conditions and exhibit the potential for catastrophic deterioration. This study evaluated the maternal and neonatal outcomes of respiratory failure during pregnancy. METHODS: Information on 71 patients at >25 weeks gestation in the ICU with respiratory failure was recorded between 2009 and 2013. The characteristics and outcomes of mothers and fetuses were determined through a retrospective chart review and evaluated using Student's t test, chi-square test, and Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: The leading causes of respiratory failure were postpartum hemorrhage and severe preeclampsia in the obstetric causes group and pneumonia in the nonobstetric causes group during pregnancy and the peripartum period. The non-obstetric causes group exhibited a higher incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome and renal replacement therapy as well as requiring more ventilator days. The patients in the obstetric causes group showed significant improvement after delivery in the partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen and peak inspiratory pressure decrease. Both groups exhibited high incidences of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. Neonatal complications resulting from meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) and sepsis were more common in the non-obstetric causes group; however, neurological development impairment was more common in the obstetric causes group. CONCLUSION: Obstetric cause was associated with longer ventilator free days and fewer episodes of ARDS after delivery. Neonatal complications resulting from different etiologies of respiratory failure were found to differ.
KEYWORDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome; Neonatal; Obstetric; Outcome; Respiratory failure
Dr. Carlos Lovesio

XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
Información / Information
XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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