miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Bibliotecas. Alerta

Bibliotecas familiares en la ladera de Cali, una iniciativa que cambia ... El Pais - Cali Colombia
Además del programa de Bibliotecas Familiares, la fundación tiene otras iniciativas, como una casa en la que reciben (a bajo costo) a artistas que vengan a la ...
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Bibliotecas electrónicas para “Coronel Oviedo Lee” ABC Color
Durante el acto protocolar entregaron las primeras tres bibliotecas electrónicas a las ... Pablo Burián explicó que las bibliotecas electrónicas son dispositivos ...
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Bibliotecas rodantes en Cajeme El debate
La entrega y banderazo de salida de estas dos bibliotecas, que forman parte de los programas y proyectos de PRONAPRED (Programa Nacional de ...
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El Universal

Subdirector de Bibliotecas cuestiona estudio de Cultura Latercera
El subdirector de Bibliotecas Públicas dice que no manejan los datos de los asistentes a la red, pero están en un proceso de automatización del conteo de ...
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La mayor biblioteca online brasileña difunde obras de la Miguel de ... Lainformacion.com
La biblioteca "online" brasileña Nuvem de Livros, la de mayor usuarios en Iberoamérica, incluirá en breve el catálogo de los contenidos editoriales de la ...
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Proyecto de bibliotecas familiares, el ganador de 'Por una Cali mejor' El Pais - Cali Colombia
La iniciativa de bibliotecas familiares de la Fundación La Guaca, ganadora. 'Teatro al barrio', de la corporación Casa Naranja quedó en segundo lugar.
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La biblioteca 'Gómez Jordana' cumple cincuenta años La Verdad
Este viernes se celebró en la biblioteca municipal 'Gómez Jordana' el acto institucional con el que se inició la celebración de su 50 aniversario. El acto estuvo ...
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PARAGUAY: Bibliotecas electrónicas para "Coronel Oviedo Lee" EntornoInteligente
Abc / CORONEL OVIEDO. El programa "Coronel Oviedo Lee" comenzó a funcionar este jueves, luego de que fuese firmado el convenio por el cual activan este ...
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Bibliotecas, universos de sueños y palabras La Patria.com
Jhon Héctor Gutiérrez, de 7 años, asiste a la biblioteca en el barrio Galán a diario, ... En el cuarto Festival de la Lectura, que realizó ayer la Red de bibliotecas ...
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Celebran a bibliotecas de Monsiváis y Martínez El Universal
El historiador Rodrigo Martínez y el periodista Javier Aranda hablaron en la Biblioteca de México sobre los Fondos Reservados de ambos intelectuales ...
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El Universal

Las diez bibliotecas más grandes del mundo | Pulso Diario de San ... marisol
MÉXICO, D.F., noviembre 27 (EL UNIVERSAL).- Las bibliotecas son esos recintos que se encargan de albergar obras literarias para su consulta y disfrute: sus ...
Pulso Online | Pulso Diario de San Luis

Entrevista a Pablo García Carballido, amante de los libros y las ... Eva
Qué podría decir de Pablo? Pues que a mucha gente le gustaría ser como él, me lo encontré de casualidad por la nube y hasta día de hoy no hay día que no ...

Dirección y gestión de proyectos en servicios de información - RecBib CMaite
Se trata de un curso eminentemente práctico, en el que el alumno va a trabajar sobre un caso propuesto por el tutor (ámbitos de archivos, bibliotecas y centros ...
RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios

Cómo plantear la labor de selección en las bibliotecas para niños y ... CMaite
El curso plantea la importancia que tiene la colección de la biblioteca, pública o escolar, como factor de éxito a la hora de satisfacer las necesidades de lectura ...
RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios

Oposiciones para Auxiliares de Bibliotecas | RecBib - Recursos ... CMaite
Curso Online para la preparación de las oposiciones de Técnico Auxiliar y Auxiliar de Bibliotecas, grupos C1 y C2. El temario está basado en el programa del ...
RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios

Préstamo de vacaciones de Navidad en Bibliotecas UPM | la silla de ... bibliotecaindustriales
Este año, el préstamo de vacaciones de Navidad comprenderá del 11 de diciembre del 2013 hasta el 8 de enero del 2014 (ambos inclusive). Recordaros que ...
la silla de parar las prisas

conflicto sindical bibliotecas municipales albacete - Paco Salud ... pacosalud1
“Desde CNT denunciamos la precaria situación en que se encuentran los centros pertenecientes a la Red de Bibliotecas Públicas de Castilla-La Mancha.

Concluirá en diciembre taller de fotografía en bibliotecas | EHUI Gil Reyes
taller fotografia Las diez bibliotecas a cargo del Ayuntamiento de Hermosillo, a través de Imcatur, concluirán el año con la experiencia de haber ofrecido una ...

En la nube TIC: Photopeach: presenta tus fotos de manera muuuuy ... @bibliotescolar
See on Scoop.it - Recursos TIC para educaciónSee on www.enlanubetic.com.es.
Bibliotecas escolares y recursos educativos

TISCAR :: Comunicación y Educación en la era digital » Mobile ... @bibliotescolar
See on Scoop.it - Recursos TIC para educaciónSee on tiscar.com.
Bibliotecas escolares y recursos educativos

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

DocuManía : ¿Que hay al otro lado?....La Herencia Digital

DocuManía : ¿Que hay al otro lado?....La Herencia Digital: DPA/Raimar Heber ¿Que pasa con toda la información que tienes en la nube cuando mueres? Esta pregunta, al igual que me la hago yo, es ...
¿Que hay al otro lado?....La Herencia Digital

DPA/Raimar Heber
¿Que pasa con toda la información que tienes en la nube cuando mueres? Esta pregunta, al igual que me la hago yo, es probable que os la halláis formulado vosotros en alguna ocasión, no os preocupéis, no sois raros, ni siniestros, ni pertenecientes a ninguna secta satánica, ni nada de eso, lamuerte es algo natural e inevitable, y es por eso que nos preguntemos que sucederá con toda nuestra información una vez hayamos pasado a mejor vida, es la denominada herencia digital, muy en boca últimamente, aunque no lo es tanto en otros países de nuestro entorno.

Nos guste o no, la muerte es el final de la carrera de nuestro cuerpo y de sus funciones. Es el fin como ciudadano y también el fin de nuestra identidad legal. Con la muerte dejan de tener validez nuestros carnet de identidad y de conducir, nuestros ahorros, nuestros bienes muebles e inmuebles, etc. ¿qué pasa con todo aquello que constituye nuestra identidad digital como cuentas de correo, perfiles en redes sociales, vídeos en Vimeo o Youtube, blogs, etc?

La identidad digital es parte integrante de nuestro día a día, utilizamos aplicaciones con naturalidad, enviamos correos, nos "relacionamos" en las redes sociales y pensamos que toda esa información es nuestra y que la controlamos...¿seguro? No es fácil dar una respuesta contundente a esto, pues en multitud de ocasiones la información que subimos a la nube, es en definitiva, propiedad del que las aloja. Pero esto es otro asunto.

Canales de sodio dependientes de voltaje: la biofísica, la farmacología, y canalopatías relacionadas

Canales de sodio dependientes de voltaje: la biofísica, la farmacología, y canalopatías relacionadas.

Voltage-gated sodium channels: biophysics, pharmacology, and related channelopathies.
Savio-Galimberti E, Gollob MH, Darbar D.
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN, USA.
Front Pharmacol. 2012 Jul 11;3:124. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2012.00124. eCollection 2012.
Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) are multi-molecular protein complexes expressed in both excitable and non-excitable cells. They are primarily formed by a pore-forming multi-spanning integral membrane glycoprotein (α-subunit) that can be associated with one or more regulatory β-subunits. The latter are single-span integral membrane proteins that modulate the sodium current (I(Na)) and can also function as cell adhesion molecules. In vitro some of the cell-adhesive functions of the β-subunits may play important physiological roles independently of the α-subunits. Other endogenous regulatory proteins named "channel partners" or "channel interacting proteins" (ChiPs) like caveolin-3 and calmodulin/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) can also interact and modulate the expression and/or function of VGSC. In addition to their physiological roles in cell excitability and cell adhesion, VGSC are the site of action of toxins (like tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin), and pharmacologic agents (like antiarrhythmic drugs, local anesthetics, antiepileptic drugs, and newly developed analgesics). Mutations in genes that encode α- and/or β-subunits as well as the ChiPs can affect the structure and biophysical properties of VGSC, leading to the development of diseases termed sodium channelopaties.
KEYWORDS: biophysics, channelopathies, electrophysiology, pharmacology, sodium channels, voltage-gated sodium channels

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Fracturas de condilo humeral en niños

domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Raquia/Spinal anesthesia

La anestesia espinal: una técnica de hoja perene

Spinal anesthesia: an evergreen technique.
Di Cianni S, Rossi M, Casati A, Cocco C, Fanelli G.
Department of Anesthesia and Pain Therapy, University Hospital, Parma, Italy.
Acta Biomed. 2008 Apr;79(1):9-17.
Spinal anesthesia is a simple technique that provides a deep and fast surgical block through the injection of small doses of local anesthetic solution into the subarachnoid space. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview on recent developments on local anesthetic drugs, side effects, and special techniques of intrathecal anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia can be considered adequately safe, and severe complications are reasonably rare. The cardiovascular effects associated with sympathetic block are more frequent, but successfully treated with volume expansion and administration of vasoactive drugs. It is clear that the total dose of local anesthetic injected into the subarachnoid space is the most important determinant of both therapeutic and unwanted effects of spinal anesthesia. Several studies have also demonstrated the efficacy and safety of using small doses of long acting agents, such as bupivacaine or ropivacaine, to produce an adequately short spinal block in outpatients. Levopivacaine, the pure S(-)-enantiomer of racemic bupivacaine showed a lower risk of cardiovascular and central nervous system (CNS) toxicity than bupivacaine. In the last years we have assisted important changes in the health care organization, with most of the surgical procedures performed on outpatients or on elderly patients with concomitant diseases. This forced us to change the indications and clinical use of intrathecal anesthesia techniques, which have been modified according to the changing needs of surgery. The development of new drugs and special techniques for spinal anesthesia will further improve the clinical use of this old but evergreen technique.

Colecistectomía laparóscopica con raquianestesia. Estudio prospectivo, randomizado

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anaesthesia: A prospective, randomised study.
Tiwari S, Chauhan A, Chaterjee P, Alam MT.
Department of Surgery, Military Hospital, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
J Minim Access Surg. 2013 Apr;9(2):65-71. doi: 10.4103/0972-9941.110965.
CONTEXT: Spinal anaesthesia has been reported as an alternative to general anaesthesia for performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). AIMS: Study aimed to evaluate efficacy, safety and cost benefit of conducting laparoscopic cholecystectomy under spinal anaesthesia (SA) in comparison to general anaesthesia(GA). SETTINGS AND DESIGN: A prospective, randomised study conducted over a two year period at an urban, non teaching hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients meeting inclusion criteria e randomised into two groups. Group A and Group B received general and spinal anaesthesia by standardised techniques. Both groups underwent standard four port laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Mean anaesthesia time, pneumoperitoneum time and surgery time defined primary outcome measures. Intraoperative events and post operative pain score were secondary outcome measure. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: The Student t test, Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher exact test. RESULTS: Out of 235 cases enrolled in the study, 114 cases in Group A and 110 in Group B analysed. Mean anaesthesia time appeared to be more in the GA group (49.45 vs. 40.64, P = 0.02) while pneumoperitoneum time and corresponding the total surgery time was slightly longer in the SA group. 27/117 cases who received SA experienced intraoperative events, four significant enough to convert to GA. No postoperative complications noted in either group. Pain relief significantly more in SA group in immediate post operative period (06 and 12 hours) but same as GA group at time of discharge (24 hours). No late postoperative complication or readmission noted in either group. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy done under spinal anaesthesia as a routine anaesthesia of choice is feasible and safe. Spinal anaesthesia can be recommended to be the anaesthesia technique of choice for conducting laparoscopic cholecystectomy in hospital setups in developing countries where cost factor is a major factor.
KEYWORDS: General anaesthesia, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, spinal anaesthesia



Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Hiperalgesia por opioides/Opioid-induced hyperalgesia

Una revisión exhaustiva de la hiperalgesia inducida por opioides

A comprehensive review of opioid-induced hyperalgesia.
Lee M, Silverman SM, Hansen H, Patel VB, Manchikanti L.
Centers for Pain Management, Tifton, GA 31794, USA. info@centersforpain.com
Pain Physician. 2011 Mar-Apr;14(2):145-61.
Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH) is defined as a state of nociceptive sensitization caused by exposure to opioids. The condition is characterized by a paradoxical response whereby a patient receiving opioids for the treatment of pain could actually become more sensitive to certain painful stimuli. The type of pain experienced might be the same as the underlying pain or might be different from the original underlying pain. OIH appears to be a distinct, definable, and characteristic phenomenon that could explain loss of opioid efficacy in some patients. Findings of the clinical prevalence of OIH are not available. However, several observational, cross-sectional, and prospective controlled trials have examined the expression and potential clinical significance of OIH in humans. Most studies have been conducted using several distinct cohorts and methodologies utilizing former opioid addicts on methadone maintenance therapy, perioperative exposure to opioids in patients undergoing surgery, and healthy human volunteers after acute opioid exposure using human experimental pain testing. The precise molecular mechanism of OIH, while not yet understood, varies substantially in the basic science literature, as well as clinical medicine. It is generally thought to result from neuroplastic changes in the peripheral and central nervous system (CNS) that lead to sensitization of pronociceptive pathways. While there are many proposed mechanisms for OIH, 5 mechanisms involving the central glutaminergic system, spinal dynorphins, descending facilitation, genetic mechanisms, and decreased reuptake and enhanced nociceptive response have been described as the important mechanisms. Of these, the central glutaminergic system is considered the most common possibility. Another is the hypothesis that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in OIH include activation, inhibition of the glutamate transporter system, facilitation of calcium regulated intracellular protein kinase C, and cross talk of neural mechanisms of pain and tolerance. Clinicians should suspect OIH when opioid treatment's effect seems to wane in the absence of disease progression, particularly if found in the context of unexplained pain reports or diffuse allodynia unassociated with the original pain, and increased levels of pain with increasing dosages. The treatment involves reducing the opioid dosage, tapering them off, or supplementation with NMDA receptor modulators. This comprehensive reviewaddresses terminology and definition, prevalence, the evidence for mechanism and physiology with analysis of various factors leading to OIH, and effective strategies for preventing, reversing, or managing OIH.


Hiperalgesia inducida por opioides: implicaciones clínicas para al algólogo.

Opioid induced hyperalgesia: clinical implications for the pain practitioner.

Silverman SM.

Comprehensive Pain Medicine, Pompano Beach, FL 33064, USA. silvpain1@bellsouth.net

Pain Physician. 2009 May-Jun;12(3):679-84.


Opioids have been and continue to be used for the treatment of chronic pain. Evidence supports the notion that opioids can be safely administered in patients with chronic pain without the development of addiction or chemical dependency. However, over the past several years, concerns have arisen with respect to administration of opioids for the treatment of chronic pain, particularly non-cancer pain. Many of these involve legal issues with respect to diversion and prescription opioid abuse. Amongst these, opioid induced hyperalgesia (OIH) is becoming more prevalent as the population receiving opioids for chronic pain increases. OIH is a recognized complication of opioid therapy. It is a pro-nocioceptive process which is related to, but different from, tolerance. This focused review will elaborate on the neurobiological mechanisms of OIH as well as summarize the pre-clinical and clinical studies supporting the existence of OIH. In particular, the role of the excitatory neurotransmitter, N-methyl-D-aspartate appears to play a central, but not the only, role in OIH. Other mechanisms of OIH include the role of spinal dynorphins and descending facilitation from the rostral ventromedial medulla. The links between pain, tolerance, and OIH will be discussed with respect to their common neurobiology. Practical considerations for diagnosis and treatment for OIH will be discussed. It is crucial for the pain specialist to differentiate amongst clinically worsening pain, tolerance, and OIH since the treatment of these conditions differ. Tolerance is a necessary condition for OIH but the converse is not necessarily true. Office-based detoxification, reduction of opioid dose, opioid rotation, and the use of specific NMDA receptor antagonists are all viable treatment options for OIH. The role of sublingual buprenorphine appears to be an attractive, simple option for the treatment of OIH and is particularly advantageous for a busy interventional pain practice.


Opioid-induced hyperalgesia
Hiperalgesia inducida por opioides (HIO)
Dr. Guillermo Aréchiga-Ornelas, Dr. José Emilio Mille-Loera, Dr. Alfonso Ramírez-Guerrero
Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología Volumen 33, Suplemento 1, abril-junio 2010


Hiperalgesia inducida por opioides (HIO)

Plínio da Cunha Leal, Jefferson Clivatti, João Batista Santos Garcia, Rioko Kimiko Sakata
Rev Bras Anestesiol 2010; 60: 6: 355-359


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Pie de atleta

Bibliotecas. Alerta

La mayor biblioteca online brasileña difunde obras de la Miguel de ... Terra Argentina
La biblioteca "online" brasileña Nuvem de Livros, la de mayor usuarios en Iberoamérica, incluirá en breve el catálogo de los contenidos editoriales de la ...
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La biblioteca de la UCLM anulará la sanción a los usuarios a ... ABC.es
La biblioteca de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha anulará o reducirá las sanciones a sus usuarios a cambio de comida que destinará a fines solidarios.
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El CRisol de Ciudad Real

Estrenó edificio la biblioteca pionera de la Patagonia rionegro.com.ar
NEUQUÉN (AN).- Un moderno edificio ubicado en la esquina de la Avenida Argentina y República de Italia alberga desde ayer a los más de 55.000 libros de ...
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La Mañana Neuquén

La Biblioteca Municipal Ceuta cierra sus puertas después de 25 ... Terra España
La Biblioteca Municipal de Ceuta cerrará mañana oficialmente sus puertas al paralizarse su actividad después de 25 años para ceder el inmueble al Ministerio ...
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La Biblioteca Nacional abre por primera vez al público su sede en ... ABC.es
Coincidiendo con el aniversario de la declaración de la ciudad de Alcalá de Henares como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, la Biblioteca Nacional celebrará el ...
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La Biblioteca Viviente celebra mañana, viernes 29 de noviembre, su ... el periodic
Estará situada en la Plaza de las Escuelas, en la zona Norte -junto a la Biblioteca Virgen del Remedio-, de 11 a 14 horas para grupos de escolares e institutos y ...
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Biblioteca Pública - Pablo Gacía Casado agrupa sus renovadores ... RTVE
Biblioteca Pública - Pablo Gacía Casado agrupa sus renovadores tres primeros libros en "Fuera de campo. Poesía reunida". 28 nov 2013. Su primer poemario ...
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La nueva Biblioteca Insular abre sus puertas La Provincia - Diario de Las Palmas
La Biblioteca Insular ha inaugurado este miércoles sus nuevas instalaciones tras las obras de ampliación y rehabilitación llevadas a cabo por el Cabildo de ...
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Una escuela taller construirá la biblioteca en Beniaján La Verdad
Poco después de la rueda de prensa en la que los representantes vecinales se quejaban, entre otras carencias de infraestructuras, de una biblioteca en ...
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Inauguran una biblioteca en Florencio Varela DiarioPopular.com.ar
La biblioteca popular Alfonsina Storni fue inaugurada en las instalaciones del Colegio San Martín, ubicado en lslas Orcadas del Sur 1570, Florencio Varela, con ...
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La mayor biblioteca online brasileña difunde obras de la Miguel de ... JulianMarquina
La biblioteca "online" brasileña Nuvem de Livros, la de mayor usuarios en Iberoamérica, incluirá en breve el catálogo de los contenidos editoriales de la ...
RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios

Las diez bibliotecas más grandes del mundo | Pulso Diario de San ... marisol
MÉXICO, D.F., noviembre 27 (EL UNIVERSAL).- Las bibliotecas son esos recintos que se encargan de albergar obras literarias para su consulta y disfrute: sus ...
Pulso Online | Pulso Diario de San Luis

Palabras de Mujer en la Biblioteca de Ingenio | Triángulo Digital admin
El Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Ingenio está organizando, a través de la Biblioteca Municipal de Ingenio y en colaboración con la Concejalía de Igualdad, una.
Triángulo Digital

una señora de san diego se pierde yendo a la biblioteca y acaba Francesc Puigcarbó
Anne Terhune, una mujer de 60 años que vive en San Diego (California, Estados Unidos) salió tranquilamente de su casa rumbo a la biblioteca pero lo que se ...

Enfermedad de Alzheimer y anestesia/Alzheimer's disease and anesthesia

Pérdida de memoria, enfermedad de Alzheimer y anestesia general. Una preocupación preoperatoria

Memory Loss, Alzheimer's Disease and General Anesthesia: A Preoperative Concern.
Thaler A, Siry R, Cai L, García PS, Chen L, Liu R.
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
J Anesth Clin Res. 2012 Feb 20;3(2). pii: 1000192.
BACKGROUND:The long-term cognitive effects of general anesthesia are under intense scrutiny. Here we present 5 cases from 2 academic institutions to analyze some common features where the patient's or the patient family member has made a request to address their concern on memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and general anesthesia before surgery. METHODS:Records of anesthesia consultation separate from standard preoperative evaluation were retrieved to identify consultations related to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease from the patient and/or patient family members. The identified cases were extensively reviewed for features in common. We used Google® (http://www. google.com/) to identify available online information using "anesthesia memory loss" as a search phrase. RESULTS: Five cases were collected as a specific preoperative consultation related to memory loss, Alzheimer's disease and general anesthesiafrom two institutions. All of the individuals either had perceived memory impairment after a prior surgical procedure with general anesthesia or had a family member with Alzheimer's disease. They all accessed public media sources to find articles related to anesthesia and memory loss. On May 2nd, 2011, searching "anesthesia memory loss" in Google yielded 764,000 hits. Only 3 of the 50 Google top hits were from peer-reviewed journals. Some of the lay media postings made a causal association between general anesthesia and memory loss and/or Alzheimer's disease without conclusive scientific literature support. CONCLUSION: The potential link between memory loss and Alzheimer's disease with general anesthesia is an important preoperative concern from patients and their family members. This concern arises from individuals who have had history of cognitive impairment or have had a family member with Alzheimer disease and have tried to obtain information from public media. Proper preoperative consultation with the awareness of the lay literature can be useful in reducing patient and patient family member's preoperative anxiety related to this concern.

Exposición a la anestesia general y riesgo de enfermedad de Alzheimer. Revisión sistemática y meta-análisis
Exposure to general anesthesia and risk of Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Seitz DP, Shah PS, Herrmann N, Beyene J, Siddiqui N.

Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. seitzd@providencecare.ca

BMC Geriatr. 2011 Dec 14;11:83. doi: 10.1186/1471-2318-11-83.


BACKGROUND:Alzheimer's disease (AD) is common among older adults and leads to significant disability. Volatile anesthetic gases administered during general anesthesia (GA) have been hypothesized to be a risk factor for the development of AD. The objective of this study is to systematically review the association between exposure to GA and risk of AD. METHODS: We searched electronic databases including MEDLINE, Embase, and Google scholar for observational studies examining the association between exposure to GA and risk of AD. We examined study quality using a modified version of the Newcastle-Ottawa risk of bias assessment for observational studies. We used standard meta-analytic techniques to estimate pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Subgroup and sensitivity analyses were undertaken to evaluate the robustness of the findings. RESULTS: A total of 15 case-control studies were included in the review. No cohort studies were identified that met inclusion criteria. There was variation in the methodological quality of included studies. There was no significant association between any exposure to GA and risk of AD (pooled OR: 1.05; 95% CI: 0.93 - 1.19, Z = 0.80, p = 0.43). There was also no significant association between GA and risk of AD in several subgroup and sensitivity analyses. CONCLUSIONS: A history of exposure to GA is not associated with an increased risk of AD although there are few high-quality studies in this area. Prospective cohort studies with long-term follow-up or randomized controlled trials are required to further understand the association between GA and AD.


Modulación anestésica de la neuroinflamación en la enfermedad de Alzheimer

Anesthetic modulation of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer's disease.

Tang JX, Eckenhoff MF, Eckenhoff RG.

Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.

Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2011 Aug;24(4):389-94. doi: 10.1097/ACO.0b013e32834871c5.


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To summarize key studies and recent thought on the role of neuroinflammation in chronic neurodegeneration, and whether it can be modulated by anesthesia and surgery. RECENT FINDINGS: A large and growing body of evidence shows that neuroinflammation participates in the development of neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer's disease. Modulation may be possible early in the pathogenesis, and less so when cognitive symptoms appear. A dysfunctional hypoinflammatory response may permit accelerated damage due to other mechanisms in late disease. The peripheral inflammatory response elicited by surgery itself appears to provoke a muted neuroinflammatory response, which enhances ongoing neurodegeneration in some models. Anesthetics have both anti-inflammatory and proinflammatory effects depending on the drug and concentration, but in general, appear to play a small role in neuroinflammation. Human studies at the intersection of chronic neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation, and surgery/anesthesia are rare. SUMMARY: The perioperative period has the potential to modulate the progression of chronic neurodegenerative diseases. The growing number of elderly having surgery, combined with the expanding life expectancy, indicates the potential for this interaction to have considerable public health implications, and call for further research, especially in humans.

Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

WHO brings health to life: We promote healthy diet to prevent diabetes, cancer, heart disease

Toxicidad de los anestésicos/Toxicity of anaesthesia

¿Son los anestésicos tóxicos para el cerebro?

Are anaesthetics toxic to the brain?
Hudson AE, Hemmings HC Jr.
Department of Anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10065, USA.
Br J Anaesth. 2011 Jul;107(1):30-7. doi: 10.1093/bja/aer122. Epub 2011 May 26.
It has been assumed that anaesthetics have minimal or no persistent effects after emergence from anaesthesia. However, general anaesthetics act on multiple ion channels, receptors, and cell signalling systems in the central nervous system to produce anaesthesia, so it should come as no surprise that they also have non-anaesthetic actions that range from beneficial to detrimental. Accumulating evidence is forcing the anaesthesiacommunity to question the safety of general anaesthesia at the extremes of age. Preclinical data suggest that inhaled anaesthetics can have profound and long-lasting effects during key neurodevelopmental periods in neonatal animals by increasing neuronal cell death (apoptosis) and reducing neurogenesis. Clinical data remain conflicting on the significance of these laboratory data to the paediatric population. At the opposite extreme in age, elderly patients are recognized to be at an increased risk of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) with a well-recognized decline in cognitive function after surgery. The underlying mechanisms and the contribution of anaesthesia in particular to POCD remain unclear. Laboratory models suggest anaesthetic interactions with neurodegenerative mechanisms, such as those linked to the onset and progression ofAlzheimer's disease, but their clinical relevance remains inconclusive. Prospective randomized clinical trials are underway to address the clinical significance of these findings, but there are major challenges in designing, executing, and interpreting such trials. It is unlikely that definitive clinical studies absolving general anaesthetics of neurotoxicity will become available in the near future, requiring clinicians to use careful judgement when using these profound neurodepressants in vulnerable patients.

Los anestésicos interfieren con la polarización de las neuronas corticales en desarrollo.

Anesthetics interfere with the polarization of developing cortical neurons.

Mintz CD, Smith SC, Barrett KM, Benson DL.

Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, USA. cdm2134@columbia.edu

J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2012 Oct;24(4):368-75. doi: 10.1097/ANA.0b013e31826a03a6.


Numerous studies from the clinical and preclinical literature indicate that general anesthetic agents have toxic effects on the developing brain, but the mechanism of this toxicity is still unknown. Previous studies have focused on the effects of anesthetics on cell survival, dendrite elaboration, and synapse formation, but little attention has been paid to possible effects of anesthetics on the developing axon. Using dissociated mouse cortical neurons in culture, we found that isoflurane delays the acquisition of neuronal polarity by interfering with axon specification. The magnitude of this effect is dependent on isoflurane concentration and exposure time over clinically relevant ranges, and it is neither a precursor to nor the result of neuronal cell death. Propofol also seems to interfere with the acquisition of neuronal polarity, but the mechanism does not require activity at GABAA receptors. Rather, the delay in axon specification likely results from a slowing of the extension of prepolarized neurites. The effect is not unique to isoflurane as propofol also seems to interfere with the acquisition of neuronal polarity. These findings demonstrate that anesthetics may interfere withbrain development through effects on axon growth and specification, thus introducing a new potential target in the search for mechanisms of pediatric anesthetic neurotoxicity.



Dr. Juan C. Flores-Carrillo
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Burnout en médicos hospitalarios: ¿los de consulta externa registran mayores índices?


Burnout en médicos hospitalarios: ¿los de consulta externa registran mayores índices?
Una reciente revisión y meta-análisis compara la incidencia de agotamiento entre los galenos hospitalarios.

A pesar de las preocupaciones de larga data acerca del burnout en la medicina hospitalaria, poca literatura científica se ha publicado sobre las diferencias de este síndrome entre los médicos de hospital. Pero ahora una revisión y meta-análisis, titulada "Burnout in Inpatient-Based Versus Outpatient-Based Physicians: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis" y difundida en la última edición de Journal of Hospital Medicine, determinó cuáles son los médicos hospitalarios que experimentan más agotamiento: si los de pacientes hospitalizados o los de consulta externa.

Los cuatro investigadores de Medicina Interna Hospitalaria y Ciencias de la Salud de la Clínica de Mayo de los Estados Unidos, autores de esta revisión, incluyeron 54 estudios de todo el mundo sobre comparaciones de burnout entre médicos hospitalarios, publicados entre 1974 y septiembre de 2012. Los resultados son sorprendentes: a pesar de que la creencia generalizada parece ser la contraria, los médicos hospitalarios que atienden pacientes ambulatorios registraron mayor agotamiento emocional que los médicos de pacientes hospitalizados.

De acuerdo estos autores, hay varias razones por las cuales los médicos de consulta externa pueden ser más propensos al agotamiento emocional que sus colegas de hospitalización. Según varias encuestas realizadas, los médicos ambulatorios aducen que el elevado volumen de pacientes para atender, el papeleo, las preocupaciones médico-legales, y la falta de apoyo de la comunidad son importantes desencadenantes de burnout. En el caso de los profesionales de pacientes hospitalizados, habría dos motivos que reducirían el agotamiento emocional: más oportunidades de trabajo en equipo, y mayor disponibilidad de trabajo por turnos que les posibilita un mejor equilibrio entre su vida profesional y personal.

J Hosp Med. 2013 Nov;8(11):653-64. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2093. Epub 2013 Oct 25.
Burnout in inpatient-based versus outpatient-based physicians: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Roberts DL, Cannon KJ, Wellik KE, Wu Q, Budavari AI.


Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona.



Burnout is a syndrome affecting the entirety of work life and characterized by cynicism, detachment, and inefficacy. Despite longstanding concerns about burnout in hospital medicine, few data about burnout in hospitalists have been published.

A systematic review of the literature on burnout in inpatient-based and outpatient-based physicians worldwide was undertaken to determine whether inpatient physicians experience more burnout than outpatient physicians.

Five medical databases were searched for relevant terms with no language restrictions. Authors were contacted for unpublished data and clarification of the practice location of study subjects.

Two investigators independently reviewed each article. Included studies provided a measure of burnout in inpatient and/or outpatient nontrainee physicians.

Fifty-four studies met inclusion criteria, 15 of which provided direct comparisons of inpatient and outpatient physicians. Twenty-eight studies used the same burnout measure and therefore were amenable to statistical analysis.

Outpatient physicians reported more emotional exhaustion than inpatient physicians. No statistically significant differences in depersonalization or personal accomplishment were found. Further comparisons were limited by the heterogeneity of instruments used to measure burnout and the lack of available information about practice location in many studies.

The existing literature does not support the widely held belief that burnout is more frequent in hospitalists than outpatient physicians. Better comparative studies of hospitalist burnout are needed. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2013;8:653-664. © 2013 Society of Hospital Medicine.

© 2013 Society of Hospital Medicine.

viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Prurito por opioides espinales/Neuraxial opioid-induced pruritus

Prurito inducido por opioides neuroaxiales: una actualización

Neuraxial opioid-induced pruritus: An update.
Kumar K, Singh SI.
Department of Anesthesia, Schulich School of Medicine, London Health Sciences, Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario, Canada.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Jul;29(3):303-307.
Pruritus is a troublesome side-effect of neuraxial (epidural and intrathecal) opioids. Sometimes it may be more unpleasant than pain itself. The prevention and treatment still remains a challenge. A variety of medications with different mechanisms of action have been used for the prevention and treatment of opioid-induced pruritus, with mixed results. The aim of this article is to review the current body of literature and summarize the current understanding of the mechanisms and the pharmacological therapies available to manage opioid-induced pruritus. The literature source of this review was obtained via PubMed, Medline and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews until 2012. The search results were limited to the randomized controlled trials, systemic reviews and non-systemic reviews.
KEYWORDS: Complications, epidural, itching, neuraxial opioids, post-operative, pruritus, spinal



Efecto profiláctico de los antagonistas del receptor 5-HT3 sobre el prurito inducido por opioides neuroaxiales: una revisión cuantitativa sistemática

Effect of prophylactic 5-HT3 receptor antagonists on pruritus induced by neuraxial opioids: a quantitative systematic review.

Bonnet MP, Marret E, Josserand J, Mercier FJ.

Département d'Anesthésie-Réanimation, Groupe Hospitalier Paris Sud, Hôpital Antoine Béclère, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Paris-Sud, Clamart, France. marie-pierre.bonnet@abc.aphp.fr

Br J Anaesth. 2008 Sep;101(3):311-9. doi: 10.1093/bja/aen202. Epub 2008 Jul 7.


Pruritus is a frequent adverse event observed after neuraxial administration of opioids. Central 5-hydroxytryptamine subtype 3 (5-HT3) receptors may be activated in this process. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the efficacy of prophylactic 5-HT3 receptor antagonists on neuraxial opioid-induced pruritus. We searched Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Collaboration Library databases. Studies were evaluated with the Oxford Validity Scale. Studies with a score of 3 or more and reporting prophylactic administration of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists vs placebo were included. Fifteen randomized double-blind controlled trials (n=1337) were selected. 5-HT3 antagonists (n=775) significantly reduced pruritus [odds ratio (OR) 0.44 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 0.29-0.68), P=0.0002, number-needed-to-treat (NNT) 6 (95% CI, 4-14)], the treatment request for pruritus [OR 0.58 (95% CI, 0.43-0.78), P=0.0003, NNT 10 (95% CI, 7-20)], the intensity of pruritus [weighted mean difference (WMD) -0.35 (95% CI, -0.59 to -0.10), P=0.007], the incidence and the intensity of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), and the need of rescue treatment [respectively, Peto odds ratio (Peto OR) 0.43 (95% CI, 0.31-0.58), P<0.00001, NNT 7 (95% CI, 6-10); WMD -0.12 (95% CI, -0.24 to 0.00), P=0.05 and OR 0.42 (95% CI, 0.20-0.86), P=0.02, NNT 8 (95% CI, 5-35)]. However, the funnel plot was asymmetric, suggesting a risk of publication bias. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists may be an effective strategy in preventing neuraxial opioid-induced pruritus and PONV. Further large randomized controlled trials are required to confirm these findings.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013


Duración prolongada de anestesia local con toxicidad mínima

Prolonged duration local anesthesia with minimal toxicity.
Epstein-Barash H, Shichor I, Kwon AH, Hall S, Lawlor MW, Langer R, Kohane DS.
Laboratory for Biomaterials and Drug Delivery, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Erratum in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Mar 8;108(10):4264.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Apr 28;106(17):7125-30. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0900598106. Epub 2009 Apr 13.
Injectable local anesthetics that would last for many days could have a marked impact on periprocedural care and pain management. Formulations have often been limited in duration of action, or by systemic toxicity, local tissue toxicity from local anesthetics, and inflammation. To address those issues, we developed liposomal formulations of saxitoxin (STX), a compound with ultrapotent local anesthetic properties but little or no cytotoxicity. In vitro, the release of bupivacaine and STX from liposomes depended on the lipid composition and on whether dexamethasone was incorporated. In cell culture, bupivacaine, but not STX, was myotoxic (to C2C12 cells) and neurotoxic (to PC12 cells) in a concentration- and time-dependent manner.Liposomal formulations containing combinations of the above compounds produced sciatic nerve blockade lasting up to 7.5 days (with STX + dexamethasone liposomes) in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Systemic toxicity only occurred where high loadings of dexamethasone increased the release of liposomal STX. Mild myotoxicity was only seen in formulations containing bupivacaine. There was no nerve injury on Epon-embedded sections, and these liposomes did not up-regulate the expression of 4 genes associated with nerve injury in the dorsal root ganglia. These results suggest that controlled release of STX and similar compounds can provide very prolonged nerve blocks with minimal systemic and local toxicity.

Una visión general de la neurotoxina marina, saxitoxina: la genética, dianas moleculares, métodos de detección y funciones ecológicas
An overview on the marine neurotoxin, saxitoxin: genetics, molecular targets, methods of detection and ecological functions.

Cusick KD, Sayler GS.

The University of Tennessee Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA. kdaumer@utk.edu

Mar Drugs. 2013 Mar 27;11(4):991-1018. doi: 10.3390/md11040991.


Marine neurotoxins are natural products produced by phytoplankton and select species of invertebrates and fish. These compounds interact with voltage-gated sodium, potassium and calcium channels and modulate the flux of these ions into various cell types. This review provides a summary of marine neurotoxins, including their structures, molecular targets and pharmacologies. Saxitoxin and its derivatives, collectively referred to as paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs), are unique among neurotoxins in that they are found in both marine and freshwater environments by organisms inhabiting two kingdoms of life. Prokaryotic cyanobacteria are responsible for PST production in freshwater systems, while eukaryotic dinoflagellates are the main producers in marine waters. Bioaccumulation by filter-feeding bivalves and fish and subsequent transfer through the food web results in the potentially fatal human illnesses, paralytic shellfish poisoning and saxitoxin pufferfish poisoning. These illnesses are a result of saxitoxin's ability to bind to the voltage-gated sodium channel, blocking the passage of nerve impulses and leading to death via respiratory paralysis. Recent advances in saxitoxinresearch are discussed, including the molecular biology of toxin synthesis, new protein targets, association with metal-binding motifs and methods of detection. The eco-evolutionary role(s) PSTs may serve for phytoplankton species that produce them are also discussed.


Bloqueo nervioso prolongado retrasa el inicio de dolor neuropático
Prolonged nerve blockade delays the onset of neuropathic pain.
Shankarappa SA, Tsui JH, Kim KN, Reznor G, Dohlman JC, Langer R, Kohane DS.
Laboratory for Biomaterials and Drug Delivery, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Erratum in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 7;110(19):7958.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 23;109(43):17555-60. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214634109. Epub 2012 Oct 8.
Aberrant neuronal activity in injured peripheral nerves is believed to be an important factor in the development of neuropathic pain. Pharmacological blockade of that activity has been shown to mitigate the onset of associated molecular events in the nervous system. However, results in preventing onset of pain behaviors by providing prolonged nerve blockade have been mixed. Furthermore, the experimental techniques used to date to provide that blockade were limited in clinical potential in that they would require surgical implantation. To address these issues, we have used liposomes (SDLs) containing saxitoxin (STX), a site 1 sodium channel blocker, and the glucocorticoid agonist dexamethasone to provide nerve blocks lasting ~1 wk from a single injection. This formulation is easily injected percutaneously. Animals undergoing spared nerve injury (SNI) developed mechanical allodynia in 1 wk; nerve blockade with a single dose of SDLs (duration of block 6.9 ± 1.2 d) delayed the onset of allodynia by 2 d. Treatment with three sequential SDL injections resulting in a nerve block duration of 18.1 ± 3.4 d delayed the onset of allodynia by 1 mo. This very prolonged blockade decreased activation of astrocytes in the lumbar dorsal horn of the spinal cord due to SNI. Changes in expression of injury-related genes due to SNI in the dorsal root ganglia were not affected by SDLs. These findings suggest that formulations of this kind, which could be easy to apply clinically, can mitigate the development of neuropathic pain.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Prueba de caminata de 6 minutos/Six-minute walk test

La prueba preoperatoria de caminar 6 minutos no predice complicaciones pulmonares en cirugía de abdomen alto

Preoperative 6-min walking distance does not predict pulmonary complications in upper abdominal surgery.
Paisani DM, Fiore JF Jr, Lunardi AC, Colluci DB, Santoro IL, Carvalho CR, Chiavegato LD, Faresin SM.
Respiratory Department, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. denipaisani@yahoo.com.br
Respirology. 2012 Aug;17(6):1013-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2012.02202.x.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE:Field exercise tests have been increasingly used for pulmonary risk assessment. The 6-min walking distance (6MWD) is a field test commonly employed in clinical practice; however, there is limited evidence supporting its use as a risk assessment method in abdominal surgery. The aim was to assess if the 6MWD can predict the development of post-operative pulmonary complications (PPCs) in patients having upper abdominal surgery (UAS)......CONCLUSIONS:The results of the present study suggest that the 6-min walking test is not a useful tool to identify subjects with increased risk of developing PPC following UAS.

Validez de la prueba de caminata de 6 minutos en la predicción del umbral anaeróbico antes de la cirugía mayor no cardíaca.

Validity of the 6 min walk test in prediction of the anaerobic threshold before major non-cardiac surgery.

Sinclair RC, Batterham AM, Davies S, Cawthorn L, Danjoux GR.

Department of Anaesthesia, The James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough, UK. rhona.sinclair@ncl.ac.uk

Br J Anaesth. 2012 Jan;108(1):30-5. doi: 10.1093/bja/aer322. Epub 2011 Oct 5.


BACKGROUND:For perioperative risk stratification, a robust, practical test could be used where cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is unavailable. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of the 6 min walk test (6MWT) distance to discriminate between low and high anaerobic threshold (AT) in patients awaiting major non-cardiac surgery. METHODS:In 110 participants, we obtained oxygen consumption at the AT from CPET and recorded the distance walked (in m) during a 6MWT. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to derive two different cut-points for 6MWT distance in predicting an AT of <11 ml O(2) kg(-1) min(-1); one using the highest sum of sensitivity and specificity (conventional method) and the other adopting a 2:1 weighting in favour of sensitivity. In addition, using a novel linear regression-based technique, we obtained lower and upper cut-points for 6MWT distance that are predictive of an AT that is likely to be (P≥0.75) <11 or >11 ml O(2) kg(-1) min(-1). RESULTS:The ROC curve analysis revealed an area under the curve of 0.85 (95% confidence interval, 0.77-0.91). The optimum cut-points were <440 m (conventional method) and <502 m (sensitivity-weighted approach). The regression-based lower and upper 6MWT distance cut-points were <427 and >563 m, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Patients walking >563 m in the 6MWT do not routinely require CPET; those walking <427 m should be referred for further evaluation. In situations of 'clinical uncertainty' (≥427 but ≤563 m), the number of clinical risk factors and magnitude of surgery should be incorporated into the decision-making process. The 6MWT is a useful clinical tool to screen and risk stratify patients in departments where CPET is unavailable.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor