viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

The E-learning Daily Viernes, Abr. 29, 2011

 compartido por 53 personas de la lista de Ian Huckabee en Twitter

by Loreal Lynch | April 27, 2011 It's a known fact that students are Facebook-obsessed. But a new survey shows that teachers might rival their younger counterparts when it comes to social media use...

“And now, well,  I’m just a nobody.” Tears welled up in her eyes as a coaching client uttered those sad words. As with so many business people, her personal identity had been inextricably linked to...

The Web is going social. And now it seems that plagiarism might be heading that way, too. A new study found that social and user-generated Web sites are the most popular sources for student copying...

April 28, 2011 Visual Learning Webinar: Develop Student Thinking Skills with VariQuest and Inspiration   Time:              12 p.m. ET/11 a.m. CST/9 a.m. PT       Register Here > 4 p.m. ET/3 p.m. C...

Two weeks ago I ran a webinar under this title for Citrix. At the start I posed the question “when you think about one great learning experience you’ve had, can you remember where it occurred? Wa...

Published Online: April 28, 2011The proportion of schools failing to make adequate yearly progress under the No Child Left Behind Act last school year rose to 38 percent, up 5 percentage points fro...

CDW-G just released its third annual 2011 Unified Communications Tracking Poll, which found that the percentage of organizations that have fully implemented unified communications (UC) has at least...

by Tom Vander ArkApril 16, 2011Todd Hitchcock & Bill Zobris wrote an article called Learning on the Run for SIIA.  It’s worth a read.  Here’s the intro: Seems strange, but less than a decade ago, s...

(Photo by Michele Richinick)By Michele Richinick, Globe CorrespondentJillian York’s humble personality prevents her from boastfully speaking about her global impact as a digital activist. With the ...

8:04 AM Tuesday February 15, 2011 by Peter Guber  | Comments (View) In uncertain times, if leaders don't tell and sell a purposeful story that incites their employees, partners, investors, boards o...

Mechanisms are used to convert between one type of motion and another. Any machine can be looked on as a group of interconnected mechanisms which convert one type of motion to a variety of other mo...

Research and ongoing learning are in our bones. We're doing it nearly every day whether we're fact-finding for an article we're writing or creating content for a development or training session or ...

APRIL 26, 2011   |    9:47 AM ET   |    By Jeanette Mulvey, BusinessNewsDaily Managing Editor Small business owners and managers spend lots of time and money trying to change the way their employee...

Submitted By: INVIGILATOR | less than a minute ago Anarchist threat to the royal wedding? They'd rather be down the pub Anarchists don't see the royals as a symbol of government or corporations but...

I just went to the iTunes App Store, and in one impulsive click, downloaded Al Gore's companion app to his book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis." It's an immersive learning environm...

by Katherine Vander ArkApril 28, 2011The iLearn Project has helped many students in Washington State through online learning. Sandeep Thomas came from a broken home in Bangalore, India but was adop...

  Simple 21C is focused on effective personalized learning that prepares all children for success in the 21C.  Simple introduces to education, new pedagogy in a blended school model of education ca...

by Katherine Vander ArkApril 28, 2011Yesterday, edReformer attended the Florida School Choice Day in Tallahassee, FL, organized by the Florida Coalition for Public School Options. The day started o...

I attended a very interesting workshop discussing successful schools and the “Four Paths” that they take in leadership.  As Ken Leithwood discusses these in “School Leaders’ Influences on Student L...

April 6, 2011 About a year ago, a link that read "the status update that got a highschool student REJECTED from Harvard!" swept through Facebook. While the link ended up being a hoax—those who clic...

Identificación de la parturienta con abuso de múltiples substancias; Reducción de la duración de analgesia con sufentanil intratecal en parturientas que usan cocaína; Madres adictas a cocaína: efectos potenciales en el cuidado materno y el desarrollo infantil; Sexo por comercio y el uso reciente de drogas inyectables entre mujeres embarazadas dependiente de opiáceos y cocaína bajo tratamiento: el significado de comorbilidad psiquiátrica.

Identificación de la parturienta con abuso de múltiples substancias
Identification of polysubstance abuse in the parturient.
Birnbach DJ, Browne IM, Kim A, Stein DJ, Thys DM.
Department of Anesthesiology and Obstetrics and Gynecology, St Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, 1000 Tenth Ave., New York, NY 10019, USA.
Br J Anaesth. 2001 Sep;87(3):488-90.
Illicit drugs are widely used by inner city patients and their use by pregnant women has increased in recent years. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of polysubstance abuse among parturients at our institution who received no prenatal care ('unbooked') and to determine the accuracy of the Ontrak TesTcup an in vitro immunodiagnostic assay. We prospectively analysed urine from 50 'unbooked' parturients and found that 26 (52%) tested positive for cocaine. Of these, six patients (23%) were also positive for morphine. All TesTcup results were confirmed by the hospital laboratory using alternate chemical methods. When comparing TesTcup to the hospital laboratory, there were no false positive or negative results. Given the high frequency of concomitant opioid abuse in cocaine-abusing parturients, anyone suspected of cocaine abuse should be tested for other illicit substances. TesTcup is a clinically accurate test that allows the rapid assessment of several drugs of abuse, which may impact on anaesthetic care  
Reducción de la duración de analgesia con sufentanil intratecal en parturientas que usan cocaína
Reduced duration of intrathecal sufentanil analgesia in laboring cocaine users.
Ross VH, Moore CH, Pan PH, Fragneto RY, James RL, Justis GB.
Department of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Anesth Analg. 2003 Nov;97(5):1504-8.
On the basis of our previous clinical experience, we hypothesized in this study that the duration and/or quality of labor analgesia produced by intrathecal sufentanil was less in cocaine-abusing parturients compared with nonabusing parturients. Ten micro g of sufentanil was given intrathecally as part of a combined spinal-epidural (CSE) technique to two groups of laboring parturients: 1). those whose urine tested positive for cocaine (cocaine group), and 2). those whose urine tested negative for cocaine (control group). The epidural catheter was not injected with local anesthetic until the patient requested additional pain relief. The time from injection of intrathecal sufentanil until patient request for additional pain relief was defined as duration of analgesia. Baseline visual analog pain score (VAPS) and cervical dilation were measured before the CSE was performed. After injection of intrathecal sufentanil, VAPS was recorded at specific intervals. Cervical dilation was again documented when the patient requested additional analgesia. We found that both groups reported high baseline VAPS and a marked decrease in VAPS after injection of sufentanil that did not differ between groups. Geometric mean duration of pain relief with adjustment for cervical dilation was 87 min in the cocaine group compared with 139 min in the control group (P = 0.019). All patients experienced itching. We conclude that intrathecal sufentanil produces a similar quality but shorter duration of analgesia in cocaine-abusing parturients compared with nonabusing parturients. IMPLICATIONS: Intrathecal sufentanil administered as part of a combined spinal-epidural technique produces similar quality but reduced duration of labor analgesia in cocaine-abusing parturients compared with nonabusing parturients.

Madres adictas a cocaína: efectos potenciales en el cuidado materno y el desarrollo infantil
Cocaine addiction in mothers: potential effects on maternal care and infant development.
Strathearn L, Mayes LC.
The Meyer Center for Developmental Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas 77030-2399, USA.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010 Feb;1187:172-83.
Maternal cocaine addiction is a significant public health issue particularly affecting children, with high rates of reported abuse, neglect, and foster care placement. This review examines both preclinical and clinical evidence for how cocaine abuse may affect maternal care and infant development, exploring brain, behavioral, and neuroendocrine mechanisms. There is evidence that cocaine affects infant development both directly, via in utero exposure, and indirectly via alterations in maternal care. Two neural systems known to play an important role in both maternal care and cocaine addiction are the oxytocin and dopamine systems, mediating social and reward-related behaviors and stress reactivity. These same neural mechanisms may also be involved in the infant's development of vulnerability to addiction. Understanding the neuroendocrine pathways involved in maternal behavior and addiction may help facilitate earlier, more effective interventions to help substance-abusing mothers provide adequate care for their infant and perhaps prevent the intergenerational transmission of risk.

Sexo por comercio y el uso reciente de drogas inyectables entre mujeres embarazadas dependiente de opiáceos y cocaína bajo tratamiento: el significado de comorbilidad psiquiátrica.
Recent sex trade and injection drug use among pregnant opiate and cocaine dependent women in treatment: The significance of psychiatric comorbidity.
Cavanaugh CE, Latimer WW.
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Addict Disord Their Treat. 2010 Mar;9(1):32-40.
OBJECTIVES: This study examined whether opioid and cocaine dependent pregnant women with psychiatric comorbidity were at elevated risk for infectious disease by virtue of recent sex trade and injection drug use that overlapped with pregnancy. We hypothesized that opioid and cocaine dependent women with psychiatric comorbidity would have greater odds for engaging in recent sex trade and injection drug use. METHODS: Eighty-one, HIV-seronegative pregnant women (59.3% African-American, 37% white, and 3.7% other) who were enrolled in drug treatment in Baltimore, Maryland were recruited into an HIV prevention intervention study, provided informed consent, and attended an in-person, baseline assessment administered by trained clinicians. Assessments included the The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders, the HIV Risk Behavior Interview, and a demographic questionnaire. The majority of women had lifetime histories of opioid and/or cocaine dependence (93.8%) and those with an additional lifetime non-substance-related Axis I disorder comprised the psychiatric comorbidity group. RESULTS: Thirty-percent reported recent sex trade and/or injection drug use that overlapped with pregnancy. While psychiatric comorbidity was associated with 6 times the odds of opioid and cocaine dependent pregnant women having recently traded sex it was not associated with recent injection drug use. CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the need to (1) treat comorbid psychiatric disorders among pregnant women in treatment for cocaine and opioid dependence and (2) integrate HIV prevention interventions into drug dependence treatment for pregnant women, particularly those with psychiatric comorbidity given their elevated risk for infectious disease. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor