lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

Daño miocárdico y cirugía no cardiaca / Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery

Junio 6, 2016. No. 2349

Etiología de la lesión miocárdica después de cirugía no cardiaca
The aetiology of myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery.
Neth Heart J. 2013 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Recognition of myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery is difficult, since strong analgesics (e.g. opioids) can mask anginal symptoms, and ECG abnormalities are subtle or transient. Thorough knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms is therefore essential. These mechanisms can be subdivided into four groups: type I myocardial infraction (MI), type II MI, non-ischaemic cardiac pathology, and non-cardiac pathology. The incidence of type I MI in patients with a clinical suspicion of perioperative acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is 45-57 %. This percentage is higher in patients with a high likelihood of MI such as patients with ST-elevation ACS. Of note, the generalisability of this statement is limited due to significant study limitations. Non-ischaemic cardiac pathology and non-cardiac pathology should not be overlooked as a cause of perioperative myocardial injury (PMI). Especially pulmonary embolism and dysrhythmias are a common phenomenon, and may convey important prognostic value. Implementation of routine postoperative troponin assessment and accessible use of minimally invasive imaging should be considered to provide adequate individualised therapy. Also, addition of preoperative imaging may improve the stratification of high-risk patients who may benefit from preoperative or perioperative interventions.
Infarto perioperatorio en cirugía no-cardíaca y dexmedetomidina
Mauricio Ibacache, Zully Pedroz, Carolina Fernández, Gina Sánchez, Sergio Lavandero
Rev Chil Cardiol 2010; 29: 100-116

Troponina-I después de cirugía mayor no cardiaca y su asociación con mortalidad a largo plazo
Troponin-I Level After Major Noncardiac Surgery and Its Association With Long-Term Mortality.
Int Heart J. 2016 May 25;57(3):278-84. doi: 10.1536/ihj.15-352. Epub 2016 Apr 28.
Individuals with intermediate to high cardiac risk for major noncardiac surgery suffer from perioperative myocardial ischemic injury. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term impact of postoperative cardiac troponin elevation on clinical outcome after major noncardiac surgery.Patients (n = 750) aged ≥ 50 years who underwent major noncardiac surgery were eligible for the study. Postoperative cardiac troponin-I data were collected retrospectively and consecutively. The primary outcome measure was allcause mortality. The median follow-up period was 1727 days in all patients.Among 750 patients, 92 (12.2%) showed elevated postoperative troponin-I above 0.10 ng/mL. Operative mortality was 4.1% (31 subjects), and patients with troponin-I elevation showed a higher operative mortality rate (RR: 4.23, 95% CI: 2.67-11.31, P < 0.001). In multivariate Cox regression analysis, a troponin-I concentration above 0.10 ng/mL was associated with all-cause mortality (RR: 1.73, 95% CI: 1.27-2.36, P < 0.001). It should be noted that there was a significant difference between patients with elevated and non-elevated troponin-I in the rate of mortality until 6 months. However, these differences disappeared after 6 months.An elevated troponin-I level conferred an increase in mortality during the 7 year follow-up period after major noncardiac surgery. This difference in mortality was mainly derived from the result within the first 6 months.

VIII Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa 
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Junio 9-11, Ciudad de México
Dra. Argelia Lara Solares
Tel. 5513 3782 
Cursos de Anestesiología en Chile, 2016
Facultad de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

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Reflejo trigémino-cardiaco / Ttrigemino-cardiac reflex

Junio 13, 2016. No. 2356

Influencia de la anestesia en la incidencia y manejo del reflejo trigémino-cardiaco. Revisión sistemática de la literatura
Anesthetic influence on occurrence and treatment of the trigemino-cardiac reflex: a systematic literature review.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 May;94(18):e807. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000000807.
Trigeminocardiac reflex (TCR) is defined as sudden onset of parasympathetic dysrhythmia including hypotension, apnea, and gastric hypermotility during stimulation of any branches of the trigeminal nerve. Previous publications imply a relation between TCR and depth of anesthesia. To gain more detailed insights into this hypothesis, we performed a systematic literature review.Literature about occurrence of TCR was systematically identified through searching in Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed (MEDLINE), EMBASE (Ovid SP), and the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI Web of Sciences) databases until June 2013, as well as reference lists of articles for risk calculation. 
Our work is the first systematic review about TCR and demonstrates clear evidence for TCR occurrence and a more severe course of the TCR in slight anesthesia underlying the importance of skills in anesthesia management during skull base surgery. Furthermore, we have introduced a new standard method to calculate the depth of anesthesia.

16th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists
28 August - 2 September 2016 
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
Cursos de Anestesiología en Chile, 2016
Facultad de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Copyright © 2015

Bibliotecas. Noticias

Notificaciones diarias ⋅ 12 de junio de 2016

El Cine Movil Federal realizará cuatro visitas a bibliotecas locales
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Desde la Dirección de Gestión Territorial se ha impulsado el ciclo "Cine y trabajo" organizado conjuntamente entre el Cine Móvil INCAA "Leonardo ...

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Con el rigor de un erudito y el pulso narrativo de un escritor, Barbier reconstruye la historia de las bibliotecas de manera cronológica –con el paso del ...

Reunión para reformular ley bibliotecaria popular
Diario San Rafael
El jueves se realizó una reunión de bibliotecas populares para reformular la ley 6971 que respalda con un fondo anual a todas las bibliotecas de la ...

Freno a las ejecuciones de clubes e instituciones
Diario Democracia
Cabe recordar que la ley que crea un nuevo Sistema Provincial de Bibliotecas, impulsada por la propia diputada y aprobada por unanimidad el 16 de ...

NTR Guadalajara

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La Voz Digital (Cádiz)

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El Canto Ostinato
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Cuando uno deambula entre los anaqueles de cualquiera de las muchas bibliotecas históricas en las que casi nunca nadie lee, deteniendo la mirada ...

Biblioteca Valenciana se suma a movimiento internacional #ColorOurCollections
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Una biblioteca de Cádiz guarda volúmenes de la revista literaria de Dickens
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domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Más de anestesia e IAM / More on perioperative myocardial infarction

Junio 7, 2016. No. 2350

Infarto/lesión miocárdica perioperatoria después de cirugía no cardiaca
Perioperative myocardial infarction/injury after noncardiac surgery.
Swiss Med Wkly. 2015 Nov 24;145:w14219. doi: 10.4414/smw.2015.14219. eCollection 2015.
Cardiovascular complications, particularly perioperative myocardial infarction/injury, seem to be major contributors to mortality after noncardiac surgery. With surgical procedures being very frequent (900 000/year in Switzerland), perioperative myocardial injury is common in everyday clinical practice. Over 80% of patients experiencing perioperative myocardial injury do not report symptoms. Therefore perioperative myocardialinjury remains undiagnosed and untreated. Moreover, its silent presentation results in limited awareness among both clinicians and the public. Despite being largely asymptomatic, perioperative myocardial injury increases 30-day mortality nearly 10-fold. This review aims to increase the awareness of perioperative myocardial injury/infarction and give an overview of the emerging evidence, including pathophysiology, clinical presentation, prevention, and potential future treatments.

Anestesia para cirugía no cardíaca en el paciente cardiópata. Anestesia y cardiopatía isquémica
Dr. Bernardo Javier Fernández-Rivera, Dra. Felipa Acosta-Garduño
Rev Mex Anestesisología Vol. 38. Supl. 1 Abril-Junio 2015 pp S81-S89

VIII Foro Internacional de Medicina del Dolor y Paliativa 
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Junio 9-11, Ciudad de México
Dra. Argelia Lara Solares
Tel. 5513 3782 
Cursos de Anestesiología en Chile, 2016
Facultad de Medicina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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