viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Bibliotecarios. Alerta

Notificaciones semanales ⋅ 29 de mayo de 2015

Jornada de formación para bibliotecarios, mañana jueves en la Biblioteca
La Dirección General de Cultura organiza el Programa de Formación Bibliotecaria 2015 en el marco de la Ley 3/2011, de 24 de febrero, de la Lectura ...

Bill Gates impulsará transformación tecnológica en bibliotecas colombianas
En los próximos tres años, al menos 1.000 bibliotecarios serán capacitados en alfabetización digital y sus espacios recibirán dotación de tabletas, ...

Radio Santa Fe

Bibliotecas públicas de Colombia se renuevan gracias a las TIC
Radio Santa Fe
En servicios bibliotecarios, buscamos fomentar a nivel nacional y local servicios bibliotecarios que con tecnología respondan a las necesidades e ...
Bibliotecas del Valle del Cauca recibirán dotación tecnológica - El Pais - Cali Colombia (Comunicado de prensa)
Cobertura total de la noticia

El Universal - Colombia

Bibliotecas públicas serán beneficiadas por Bill Gates
El Universal - Colombia
Se ofrece formación al personal bibliotecario para la apropiación de la tecnología y fomento de servicios bibliotecarios innovadores, que contribuya a ...

“La biblioteca es la suma de sueños que a diario se tejen”
El acto se realizó el sábado. Participaron directivos, bibliotecarios y autoridades municipales y provinciales. Los discursos pusieron de relieve la ...

Todo eReaders (blog)

10 cosas que todos odiamos que ocurran en una biblioteca
Todo eReaders (blog)
No se la razón pero en muchas bibliotecas los bibliotecarios son personas desagradables, antipáticas y otros muchos adjetivos nada positivos.

Artículos libres sobre dolor/Free articles on pain

Pain June 2015 - Volume 156 - Issue 6
Pain Physician May-June 2015 - Volume 18 Issue 3Revista/Journal
Molecular Pain 2015
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


El cannabidiol: promesas y engaños
Cannabidiol: promise and pitfalls.
Welty TE1, Luebke A2, Gidal BE3.
Epilepsy Curr. 2014 Sep;14(5):250-2. doi: 10.5698/1535-7597-14.5.250.
Over the past few years, increasing public and political pressure has supported legalization of medical marijuana. One of the main thrusts in this effort has related to the treatment of refractory epilepsy-especially in children with Dravet syndrome-using cannabidiol (CBD). Despite initiatives in numerous states to at least legalize possession of CBD oil for treating epilepsy, little published evidence is available to prove or disprove the efficacy and safety of CBD in patients with epilepsy. This review highlights some of the basic science theory behind the use of CBD, summarizes published data on clinical use of CBD for epilepsy, and highlights issues related to the use of currently available CBD products. Cannabidiol is the major nonpsychoactive component of Cannabis sativa. Over the centuries, a number of medicinal preparations derived from C. sativa have been employed for a variety of disorders, including gout, rheumatism, malaria, pain, and fever. These preparations were widely employed as analgesics by Western medical practitioners in the 19(th) century (1). More recently, there is clinical evidence suggesting efficacy in HIV-associated neuropathic pain, as well as spasms associated with multiple sclerosis (1).
El sistema cannabinoide, cannabinoides y dolor
The endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids, and pain.
Fine PG1, Rosenfeld MJ.
Rambam Maimonides Med J. 2013 Oct 29;4(4):e0022. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10129. eCollection 2013.
The endocannabinoid system is involved in a host of homeostatic and physiologic functions, including modulation of pain and inflammation. The specific roles of currently identified endocannabinoids that act as ligands at endogenous cannabinoid receptors within the central nervous system (primarily but not exclusively CB 1 receptors) and in the periphery (primarily but not exclusively CB 2 receptors) are only partially elucidated, but they do exert an influence on nociception. Exogenous plant-based cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids) and chemically related compounds, like the terpenes, commonly found in many foods, have been found to exert significant analgesic effects in various chronic pain conditions. Currently, the use of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol is limited by its psychoactive effects and predominant delivery route (smoking), as well as regulatory or legal constraints. However, other phytocannabinoids in combination, especially cannabidiol and β-caryophyllene, delivered by the oral route appear to be promising candidates for the treatment of chronic pain due to their high safety and low adverse effects profiles. This review will provide the reader with the foundational basic and clinical science linking the endocannabinoid system and the phytocannabinoids with their potentially therapeutic role in the management of chronic pain.
KEYWORDS: Cannabinoids; cannabinoid receptors; chronic pain; endocannabinoid system; phytocannabinoids
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Tratamiento del autismo en el hogar

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:
Tratamiento del autismo en el hogar
Todavía queda mucho por hacer para mejorar el tratamiento del autismo, aparte de encontrar una cura. El proyectoMICHELANGELO, que acabó en marzo, ha desarrollado un conjunto de tecnologías para el tratamiento personalizado y el control de los comportamientos de los pacientes en su propio hogar.

FUENTE | CORDIS: Servicio de Información en I+D Comunitario

Para un niño con autismo, un tratamiento que implique un ir y venir constante entre su hogar y el hospital puede resultar difícil de sobrellevar, pero no se trata ni mucho menos del único inconveniente de un tratamiento restringido a un entorno clínico: desaprovecha el papel que podrían cumplir los padres ayudando a sus hijos, los comportamientos observados no se corresponden con los de la vida real, no resulta lo suficientemente intensivo y desatiende las peculiaridades de cada paciente. Por último, cabe destacar que conlleva un pesado lastre económico para sociedad, ya que el número de niños con diagnóstico de autismo sube todos los años y no se conoce cura alguna.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Herpes zoster / Herpes Zoster

Mortalidad asociada a Herpes zoster en Europa. Revisión sistemática
Herpes zoster-associated mortality in Europe: a systematic review.
Bricout H, Haugh M, Olatunde O, Gil Prieto R.
BMC Public Health. 2015 May 5;15(1):466. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1753-y.
La carga humanística, económica y social del Herpes Zoster en Europa: una revisión crítica.
The humanistic, economic and societal burden of Herpes Zoster in Europe: a critical review.
Gater A, Uhart M, McCool R, Préaud E.
BMC Public Health. 2015 Feb 27;15:193. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1514-y.
Manifestaciones clínicas de Herpes zoster, sus comorbilidades y complicaciones en Iran del norte de 2007 a 2013
Clinical manifestations of herpes zoster, its comorbidities, and its complications in north of iran from 2007 to 2013.
Babamahmoodi F, Alikhani A, Ahangarkani F, Delavarian L, Barani H, Babamahmoodi A.
Neurol Res Int. 2015;2015:896098. doi: 10.1155/2015/896098. Epub 2015 Mar 29.
Revisión sistemática de la incidencia de complicaciones del Herpes zoster. Hacia una perspectiva global
Systematic review of incidence and complications of herpes zoster: towards a global perspective.
Kawai K, Gebremeskel BG, Acosta CJ.
BMJ Open. 2014 Jun 10;4(6):e004833. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004833.
Consideraciones prácticas del tratamiento farmacológico de la neuralgia postherpética para el médico de primer contacto
Practical considerations in the pharmacological treatment of postherpetic neuralgia for the primary care provider.
Massengill JS, Kittredge JL.
J Pain Res. 2014 Mar 10;7:125-32. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S57242. eCollection 2014.
Mecanismos moleculares de la patogénesis del virus varicela zoster.
Molecular mechanisms of varicella zoster virus pathogenesis.
Zerboni L, Sen N, Oliver SL, Arvin AM.
Nat Rev Microbiol. 2014 Mar;12(3):197-210. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro3215. Epub 2014 Feb 10.
El Herpes zoster como un marcador de enfermedad maligna subyacente
Herpes zoster as a marker of underlying malignancy.
Iglar K, Kopp A, Glazier RH.
Open Med. 2013 Jun 18;7(2):e68-73. eCollection 2013.
La epidemia global de Herpes zoster
The global epidemiology of herpes zoster.
Yawn BP, Gilden D.
Neurology. 2013 Sep 3;81(10):928-30. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182a3516e.
Imágenes gratuitas sobre Herpes zoster y neuropatía postherpética en Anestesia y Medicina del
Free images of acute Herpes zoster and postherpetic neuropathy in Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

La grasa ayudó a los humanos a conquistar el mundo

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La grasa ayudó a los humanos a conquistar el mundo

Los tejidos blandos de los bonobos dan pistas sobre la evolución humana.

FUENTE | El País Digital

Lea el artículo completo AQUÍ

Descubierto el mecanismo celular que origina las metástasis

Este artículo es originalmente publicado en:

Descubierto el mecanismo celular que origina las metástasis

Un equipo internacional de investigadores ha encontrado el mecanismo por el que las células tumorales logran 'escapar' de su lugar original (tumor primario) y provocar metástasis.

FUENTE | Público

Los resultados de este trabajo, dirigido por Manel Esteller, director del Programa de Epigenética y Biología del Cáncer del Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Bellvitge (Barcelona), se publican en la revista Nature Medicine. El estudio se ha hecho en melanoma, pero la investigación apunta a que este mecanismo se repite en cáncer de colon y de mama. La aparición de metástasis es responsable del 90% de muertes en pacientes con cáncer, por lo que entender los mecanismos responsables de este proceso es uno de los objetivos máximos de la investigación, ha señalado Esteller.

Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda/Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda. Implicaciones de estudios recientes 
Acute respiratory distress syndrome: Implications of recent studies
Cleve Clin J Med 2014; 81:683-690 doi:10.3949/ccjm.81a.140 

Síndrome de dificultad respìratoria aguda y neumotórax
Acute respiratory distress syndrome and pneumothorax.
Terzi E, Zarogoulidis K, Kougioumtzi I, Dryllis G, Kioumis I, Pitsiou G, Machairiotis N, Katsikogiannis N, Lampaki S, Papaiwannou A, Tsiouda T, Madesis A,Karaiskos T, Zaric B, Branislav P, Zarogoulidis P.
J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 4):S435-42. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.08.34.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can occur during the treatment of several diseases and in several interventional procedures as a complication. It is a difficult situation to handle and special care should be applied to the patients. Mechanical ventilation is used for these patients and several parameters are changed constantly until compliance is achieved. However, a complication that is observed during the application of positive airway pressure is pneumothorax. In our current work we will present definition and causes of pneumothorax in the setting of intensive care unit (ICU). We will identify differences and similarities of this situation and present treatment options.
KEYWORDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS); extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO); intensive care unit (ICU); mechanical ventilation; pneumothorax; recruitment


Las percepciones de diagnóstico y manejo de pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo: un estudio del Reino Unido con médicos de cuidados intensivos

Perceptions of diagnosis and management of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a survey of United Kingdom intensive care physicians.
Dushianthan A, Cusack R, Chee N, Dunn JO, Grocott MP.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2014 Oct 2;14:87. doi: 10.1186/1471-2253-14-87. eCollection 2014.
BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a potentially devastating refractory hypoxemic illness with multi-organ involvement. Although several randomised controlled trials into ventilator and fluid management strategies have provided level 1 evidence to guide supportive therapy, there are few, established guidelines on how to manage patients with ARDS. In addition, and despite their continued use, pharmacotherapies for ARDS disease modulation have no proven benefit in improving mortality. Little is known however about the variability in diagnostic and treatment practices across the United Kingdom (UK). The aim of this survey, therefore, was to assess the use of diagnostic criteria and treatment strategies for ARDS in critical care units across the UK. METHODS: The survey questionnaire was developed and internally piloted at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. Following ethical approval from University of Southampton Ethics and Research Committee, a link to an online survey engine (Survey Monkey) was then placed on the Intensive Care Society (UK) website. Fellows of The Intensive Care Society were subsequently personally approached via e-mail to encourage participation. The survey was conducted over a period of 3 months. RESULTS:The survey received 191 responses from 125 critical care units, accounting for 11% of all registered intensive care physicians at The Intensive Care Society. The majority of the responses were from physicians managing general intensive care units (82%) and 34% of respondents preferred the American European Consensus Criteria for ARDS. There was a perceived decline in both incidence and mortality in ARDS. Primary ventilation strategies were based on ARDSnet protocols, though frequent deviations from ARDSnet positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) recommendations (51%) were described. The majority of respondents set permissive blood gas targets (hypoxia (92%), hypercapnia (58%) and pH (90%)). The routine use of pharmacological agents is rare. Neuromuscular blockers and corticosteroids are considered occasionally and on a case-by-case basis. Routine (58%) or late (64%) tracheostomy was preferred to early tracheostomy insertion. Few centres offered routine follow-up or dedicated rehabilitation programmes following hospital discharge. CONCLUSIONS: There is substantial variation in the diagnostic and management strategies employed for patients with ARDS across the UK. National and/or international guidelines may help to improve standardisation in the management of ARDS.
KEYWORDS: Acute respiratory distress syndrome; Guidelines; Hypoxia; Survey

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas populares. Alerta

bibliotecas populares


Legislatura: bautizan a la biblioteca con el nombre de Amílcar Renna
... un fértil camino de enseñanzas y valores, es un modesto reconocimiento hacia quien supo crear más de 50 bibliotecas populares en la provincia y ...

Crónica Digital

Con apoyo provincial, se construye nueva infraestructura para la Biblioteca Popular de Madryn
Crónica Digital
Con un aporte de 850.000 pesos por parte del Gobierno Provincial, avanza a ritmo acelerado la ejecución de nueva infraestructura para la biblioteca ...

El gobierno catalán declara 2015 como el Año de las Bibliotecas
... el Año de las Bibliotecas, coincidiendo con el primer centenario de la creación de la red de bibliotecas populares de la Mancomunitat de Catalunya ...

Diario NORTE

El nivel primario comenzará las clases el 2 de marzo
Diario NORTE
Del 27 al 30 está previsto el Encuentro Nacional de Bibliotecas Populares en Tecnópolis Buenos Aires; en tanto los días 27 y 28 la Feria del Libro ...

Blasting News

Un 2015 lleno de cultura en forma de bibliotecas
Blasting News
El 2015 será el Año de las Bibliotecas. La celebración coincide con el centenario de la Red deBibliotecas Populares de la Mancomunidad de ...

El Gobierno catalán declara 2015 Año de las Bibliotecas
El Gobierno catalán aprobó ayer declarar el 2015 Año de las Bibliotecas, ... de la creación de la Red de Bibliotecas Populares de la Mancomunitat.

Estudio prospectivo, comparativo de APACHE-IV y SAPS-II y el cálculo del rango estandarizado de mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y shock séptico

Estudio prospectivo, comparativo de APACHE-IV y SAPS-II y el cálculo del rango estandarizado de mortalidad en pacientes con sepsis severa y shock séptico
A Prospective Study of Comparison of APACHE-IV & SAPS-II Scoring Systems and Calculation of Standardised Mortality Rate in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients.
Dabhi AS, Khedekar SS, Mehalingam V.
J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Oct;8(10):MC09-13. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/9925.5052. Epub 2014 Oct 20
CONTEXT: Severe sepsis and septic shock are major causes of mortality in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Illness Scoring Systems can help in the prediction of outcome of these patients. AIM: To calculate and compare APACHE-IV and SAPS-II Scoring Systems along with calculation of Standardised Mortality Rate (SMR) in patients of severe sepsis and septic shock in the ICU. STUDY DESIGN: Observational-analytical prospective study.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on 84 patients with severe sepsis and septic shock admitted to the Medical ICU of a tertiary care teaching hospital. RESULTS:
Mean of Predicted Mortality Rate (PMR) for APACHE-IV was 37.85% and for SAPS-II, it was 72.36% which shows that APACHE-IV had under-predicted overall mortality while SAPS-II had over-predicted overall mortality of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Standardised Mortality Rate for APACHE-IV was 1.60 and for SAPS-II, it was 0.83. CONCLUSION: Predicted Mortality of APACHE-IV and SAPS-II Scoring Systems did not correlate with the observed mortality for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock.
KEYWORDS: APACHE-IV; SAPS-II; Septic shock; Severe sepsis; Standardised mortality rate
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor


El uso nocturno de eReaders emisores de luz afecta negativamente el sueño, el tiempo circadiano, y el estado de alerta de la siguiente mañana.
Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness
Chang AM, Aeschbach D, Duffy JF, Czeisler CA
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2014; doi: 10.1073/pnas.1418490112

La luz emitida por una tableta electrónica puede alterar el sueño si el dispositivo se usa en las horas previas a acostarse, según un nuevo estudio. También las personas que en esos momentos leían en un dispositivo electrónico se sentían menos somnolientas y necesitaron más tiempo para dormirse que las que leían en un libro impreso normal. En el estudio, 12 adultos jóvenes leyeron unas cuatro horas antes de acostarse durante cinco noches consecutivas, con una luz muy tenue en la habitación. La mitad leyeron libros electrónicos y el resto, libros impresos. Luego pasaron otras cinco noches leyendo, pero intercambiando los papeles. Los participantes que leyeron un libro electrónico necesitaron más tiempo (unos 10 minutos) para dormirse que los que leyeron los libros impresos. Evaluaron que sentían menos sueño. Cuando se durmieron, pasaron menos tiempo durmiendo en la fase REM, caracterizada por un sueño profundo y restaurador.
La sangre extraída a los participantes reveló que usar un dispositivo electrónico retrasó el aumento natural nocturno de los niveles de melatonina en más de una hora y media, en comparación con los que leyeron un libro impreso. Con las medidas se llegó a la conclusión que las pantallas electrónicas emiten dosis altas de luz con una longitud de onda azul que, según investigaciones previas, suprime la melatonina y aumenta el nivel de alerta. Sucede lo mismo con aparatos similares: ordenadores portátiles, teléfonos móviles, monitores LED y otros dispositivos electrónicos.

In the past 50 y, there has been a decline in average sleep duration and quality, with adverse consequences on general health. A representative survey of 1,508 American adults recently revealed that 90% of Americans used some type of electronics at least a few nights per week within 1 h before bedtime. Mounting evidence from countries around the world shows the negative impact of such technology use on sleep. This negative impact on sleep may be due to the short-wavelength-enriched light emitted by these electronic devices, given that artificial-light exposure has been shown experimentally to produce alerting effects, suppress melatonin, and phase-shift the biological clock. A few reports have shown that these devices suppress melatonin levels, but little is known about the effects on circadian phase or the following sleep episode, exposing a substantial gap in our knowledge of how this increasingly popular technology affects sleep. Here we compare the biological effects of reading an electronic book on alight-emitting device (LE-eBook) with reading a printed book in the hours before bedtime. Participants reading an LE-eBook took longer to fall asleep and had reduced evening sleepiness, reduced melatonin secretion, later timing of their circadian clock, and reduced next-morning alertness than when reading a printed book. These results demonstrate that evening exposure to an LE-eBook phase-delays the circadian clock, acutely suppresses melatonin, and has important implications for understanding the impact of such technologies on sleep, performance, health, and safety.
chronobiology; digital media; electronics; phase-shifting; sleep
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Sobrevida postoperatoria/Postoperative survival

Sobrevida después morbilidad postoperatoria: Estudio longitudinal, observacional de cohortes
Survival after postoperative morbidity: a longitudinal observational cohort study.
Moonesinghe SR, Harris S, Mythen MG, Rowan KM, Haddad FS, Emberton M, Grocott MP.
Br J Anaesth. 2014 Dec;113(6):977-84. doi: 10.1093/bja/aeu224. Epub 2014 Jul 10.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested that there may be long-term harm associated with postoperative complications. Uncertainty exists however, because of the need for risk adjustment and inconsistent definitions of postoperative morbidity. METHODS: We did a longitudinal observational cohort study of patients undergoing major surgery. Case-mix adjustment was applied and morbiditywas recorded using a validated outcome measure. Cox proportional hazards modelling using time-dependent covariates was used to measure the independent relationship between prolonged postoperative morbidity and longer term survival. RESULTS: Data were analysed for 1362 patients. The median length of stay was 9 days and the median follow-up time was 6.5 yr. Independent of perioperative risk, postoperative neurological morbidity (prevalence 2.9%) was associated with a relative hazard for long-term mortality of 2.00 [P=0.001; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32-3.04]. Prolonged postoperative morbidity (prevalence 15.6%) conferred a relative hazard for death in the first 12 months after surgery of 3.51 (P<0.001; 95% CI 2.28-5.42) and for the next 2 yr of 2.44 (P<0.001; 95% CI 1.62-3.65), returning to baseline thereafter. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged morbidity after surgery is associated with a risk of premature death for a longer duration than perhaps is commonly thought; however, this risk falls with time. We suggest that prolonged postoperative morbidity measured in this way may be a valid indicator of the quality of surgical healthcare. Our findings reinforce the importance of research and quality improvement initiatives aimed at reducing the duration and severity of postoperative complications.
KEYWORDS: complications; complications, morbidity; complications, neurological; surgery, non-cardiac
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor