sábado, 16 de abril de 2011


nytimes.com - Half of the meat and poultry sold in supermarkets may be tainted with Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that can make people sick, a new report suggests. The estimate, by the nonprofit Translationa...

cdc.gov - April 2011 DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-160 Other reference material can be found on the Docket 033 page. The purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (Public Law 91–596)...

virtualmentor.ama-assn.org - Opinion 9.067 - Physician Obligation in Disaster Preparedness and Response National, regional, and local responses to epidemics, terrorist attacks, and other disasters require extensive involvement...

worldcongress.com - Special Offer!Register by April 29th and SAVE $100 off* the current rate! Mention PROMO CODE: PKH599*(Not valid for gov’t/webcast rates.) The World Congress 3rd Annual Leadership Summit on mHealt...

online.wsj.com - BY JACOB GERSHMAN The New York Inspector General's office is investigating the leak of a state audit of a $1 billion home-care company, according to individuals familiar with the probe. Investigato...

reuters.com - By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA | Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:23am EDT GENEVA (Reuters) - Virus samples will be shared globally in exchange for vaccines produced from them under a landmark deal to improve prepa...



fisioenap.com -   El pasado 23 de Febrero se celebró la I Jornada de Fisioterapia en Atención Primaria, ya os hablé en su momento de mi participación en una de las mesas de la jornada con el fin de unificar los in...

cdc.gov - Más del 19% de los niños de 2-19 años tienen caries sin tratar; un programa completo de prevención dental para niños debería incluir tratamientos con flúor, el cepillado dos veces al día, la elecci...

health2news.com - PatientsLikeMe is re-opening the doors to the chocolate factory but this time everyone’s invited. This week, the free online health data-sharing website announced the public opening of it’s latest ...

reuters.com - By Stephanie Nebehay GENEVA | Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:23am EDT GENEVA (Reuters) - Virus samples will be shared globally in exchange for vaccines produced from them under a landmark deal to improve prepa...



ama-assn.org - The Florida House on March 31 easily approved legislation that would change the state's Medicaid program from its hybrid of HMOs, fee-for-service payment and health professional networks to a syste...

cdc.gov - El Día Mundial de la Tuberculosis se celebra el 24 de marzo. Este evento anual conmemora la fecha en 1882, cuando el Dr. Robert Koch anunció su descubrimiento de M. tuberculosis, la bacteria que ca...

cdc.gov - ¿Es un viajero preparado? Mientras calcula su presupuesto, anote las cosas para hacer y empaque, no olvide controlar también si ha recibido todas las vacunas necesarias. En los viajes, tanto dentro...

nytimes.com - On May 26, 2009, Robert Lustig gave a lecture called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” which was posted on YouTube the following July. Since then, it has been viewed well over 800,000 times, gaining new v...

healthfinder.gov - Los investigadores exhortan el uso generalizado en el hogar de cubiertas para tomacorrientes, candados para armarios y otros JUEVES, 14 de abril (HealthDay/HolaDoctor) -- Un estudio reciente sugier...
