martes, 13 de marzo de 2012

En este día


On This Day: March 13

Updated March 13, 2012, 2:28 PM
On March 13, 1868, the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson began in the United States Senate.
On March 13, 1855, Percival Lowell, the American astronomer who helped discover Pluto and believed that there was life on Mars, was born. Following his death on Nov. 12, 1916, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1639New College was renamed Harvard College for clergyman John Harvard.
1781The planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel.
1852"Uncle Sam" made his debut as a cartoon character in the New York Lantern.
1868The impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson began in the U.S. Senate.
1884Standard Time was adopted throughout the United States.
1901Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd president of the United States, died in Indianaoplis at age 67.
1938Defense attorney Clarence S. Darrow died at age 80.
1964Kitty Genovese, 28, was stabbed to death near her Queens, New York, home. The case came to be a symbol of urban apathy, though initial reports that 38 neighbors ignored Genovese's calls for help have been disputed.
1969Apollo 9 returned to Earth after a mission to test the lunar module.
1996A gunman opened fire on a class of kindergarteners at an elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, killing 16 children and one teacher before killing himself.

Current Birthdays

William H. Macy, Actor
Actor William H. Macy turns 62 years old today.
AP Photo/Jeff Christensen
Dana Delany, Actress (“Body of Proof,” “China Beach”)
Actress Dana Delany ("Body of Proof," "China Beach") turns 56 years old today.
AP Photo/Katy Winn
1933Mike Stoller, Songwriter, turns 79
1939Neil Sedaka, Singer, songwriter, turns 73
1957John Hoeven, U.S. senator, R-N.D., turns 55
1960Adam Clayton, Rock musician (U2), turns 52
1962Terrence Blanchard, Jazz trumpeter, turns 50
1971Annabeth Gish, Actress, turns 41
1972Common, Rapper, actor, turns 40
1976Danny Masterson, Actor ("That 70s Show"), turns 36
1985Emile Hirsch, Actor, turns 27

Historic Birthdays

59Montdory 3/13/1594 - 11/10/1653
French actor
73Charles Bonnet 3/13/1720 - 5/20/1793
Swiss naturalist and philosophical writer
81Charles Grey 3/13/1764 - 7/17/1845
English Whig party leader and prime minister (1830-34)
60Karl Schinkel 3/13/1781 - 10/9/1841
German architect and painter
68William Glackens 3/13/1870 - 5/22/1938
American artist
63Albert Stevens 3/13/1886 - 3/26/1949
American army officer, balloonist and aerial photographer
86Janet Flanner 3/13/1892 - 11/7/1978
American writer and Paris correspondent for The New Yorker
71George Seferis 3/13/1900 - 9/20/1971
Greek Nobel Prize-winning poet, essayist and diplomat
74William J. Casey 3/13/1913 - 5/6/1987
American director of the C.I.A. (1981-87)


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Frank Sherwood Rowland, el Nobel que avisó al mundo

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Blog del día. El Agua. El Cambio Climático y su Impacto en los Valores Extremos

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Los trastornos depresivos y su alcance

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La Vanguardia
La conclusión del trabajo de catalogación de la biblioteca donada por el pensador y rector que fue de la Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) Miguel de Unamuno a la institución académica salmantina ha descubierto valiosos libros que figuraban en este fondo, ...
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Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education 

MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012

Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education

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Editor's note:  This is a cross post from College Online  where "The Innovative Educator" is named in the top ten ed tech blogs list. I'm thrilled to be mentioned with all these other wonderful bloggers. I know and follow most of them and look forward to getting to know better those I don't.

Education, as with all aspects of culture, is greatly impacted by the forward progress of technology. Several blogs are maintained by well-known individuals in the field of education. These top 10 technology blogs address technological developments as these innovations relate to education. Many of the top 10 blogs are maintained by those who specialize in integrating technology with education. Most bloggers on the list are renown in the educational field and all offer great ideas and insights for teachers and others interested in using technology to enhance traditional educational methods.

Check out our picks here:
1. The Innovative Educator
The Innovative Educator is a blog created and maintained by author Lisa Neilsen. Lisa promotes ideas on her blog concerning passion-based learning and embracing technology in curricula of the 21st century. Lisa is a proponent of integrating technologies, such as cell phones, into the education process, rather than “blaming and banning” these devices. A recent post on Ms. Nielsen’s blog is entitled “Twitter for Administrators, Teachers and Students.”
2. Free Technology 4Teachers
Free Technology 4 Teachers is a blog that introduces teachers to free web-based applications, such as YouTube. The site provides a wealth of information about how to best utilize free web apps to enhance the educational process. One method mentioned in a post by Richard Byrne on his highly recognized and award-winning blog is how to use YouTube to enable students to produce video montage book reports as an alternative the the traditional written summary.

3. The Pursuit of Technology Integration Happiness
Michael Zimmer, a specialist in the field of technology integration in secondary education, produces this blog. If you like “Top 10“ lists, Zimmer posts several on this blog. Zimmer examines the use of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the high school classroom.
4. Bit by Bit
Bit by Bit is a blog created and maintained by Elementary School Technology Integrator, Bob Sprankle. Sprankle discusses the use of LiveScribe and other new technology recording devices in the classroom, as well as posts about the iPhone’s usefulness with regards to parent-teacher communication. Sprankle also discusses how to use Google to teach critical thinking and perform accurate and compelling research.
5. Around the Corner
For those teachers who utilize Moodle for creating interactive tests and material for the classroom, Around the Corner is a useful blog resource. Miguel Guhlin, veteran educator and currently in a director’s position, discusses issues such as those surrounding students’ digital privacy and teaching students social networking etiquette.
6. Learning with “e’s”
Noted e-learning expert, Steve Wheeler, maintains the Learning with “e’s” blog. Dr. Wheeler is an associate professor, past e-Learning conference chair and educational board member who advocates the use of blogging to produce students into writers, as well as the use of blogging as a means for teachers to communicate with students and parents.
7. 2 Cents Worth
Former educator and author David Warlick blogs on his site about the use of new technology in education. Taking more of a generalist’s approach to topics of technology in education, this blog provides many of Warlick’s insights from his 35 years as a teacher.
8.  Teach the Cloud
Teach the Cloud is a blog that examines the use of cloud computing in teaching, with screencast and podcast tutorials about how to utilize Google Apps for classroom application. Created and maintained by Instructional Tech Support Specialist, Derrick Waddell explains how cloud computing may be used to enhance the student experience in the classroom.
9. The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom
The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom is a blog that provides a wealth of external resources for utilizing Web 2.0 technologies and blogging to enhance the teaching experience. Steven Anderson, noted educator and technology specialist educates the reader regarding Web 2.0 connectivity. Interestingly, Anderson is a proponent of the “digital fast,” unplugging from technology for a week-long period to reconnect with life minus the technology on which we have become so reliant.
10. Doug-Off The Record
In his blog, Doug Peterson, renown technology integration specialist and veteran teacher, discusses concerns about students’ privacy on Facebook. utilizing e-books and other relevant topics.

Revisión de la disfunción cognocitiva postoperatoria y la neuroinflamación asociada con cirugía cardiaca y anestesia

Revisión de la disfunción cognocitiva postoperatoria y la neuroinflamación asociada con cirugía cardiaca y anestesia
A review of postoperative cognitive dysfunction and neuroinflammation associated with cardiac surgery and anaesthesia
A. E. van Harten,1 T. W. L. Scheeren2 and A. R. Absalom2
1 Research Fellow, 2 Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre Groningen, University of
Groningen, The Netherlands
Anaesthesia 2012, 66, 280-293 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.07008.x
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is receiving increasing attention, particularly as it mainly affects the (growing) elderly population. Until recently, cognitive deficits after cardiac surgery were thought to be caused by physiological disturbances associated with the cardiopulmonary bypass technique. Although the technique of 'off-pump' coronary revascularisation may potentially be associated with improved outcome, long-term follow-up studies have failed to demonstrate a significant reduction in the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction. The focus of research is thus shifting from cardiopulmonary bypass to other factors common to both techniques, such as surgery, anaesthesia and patient-related predisposing factors. Priming of the immune system by ageing and atherosclerosis may result in an exaggerated systemic and cerebral inflammatory response to cardiac surgery and anaesthesia, causing neuronal loss or dysfunction resulting in cognitive dysfunction. We briefly discuss the evidence for cardiopulmonary bypass-related neuronal injuries in adult cardiac surgery patients, and review the evidence that immune priming is a key factor in the pathogenesis of cognitive dysfunction after cardiac surgery. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor


Estimad@ Químic@: 

De forma adjunta le enviamos la invitación a la sesión mensual el día lunes 26 de Marzo a las 16:00 Hrs.,en el Aula No. 4 del Hospital de Especialidades de CMN SIGLO XXI, de la misma forma le enviamos los requisitos para poder formar parte del Colegio.

Sin más por el momento quedo a sus órdenes y aprovecho la ocasión para enviarle un cordial saludo. Atentamente.

2012 Año Internacional de la Energía Sustentable para todos.
"Por el avance de la ciencia química en beneficio de la salud"


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Telefono: (55) 56-96-25-71,
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