jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

Propofol nausea y vomito/Propofol nausea and vomit

¿Es la infusión con dosis subhipnóticas de propofol tan efectiva como la dexametasona en la prevención de nausea y vomito postoperatorios en colecistectomía laparoscópica? Estudio randomizado controlado
Is infusion of subhypnotic propofol as effective as dexamethasone in prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting related to laparoscopic cholecystectomy? A randomized controlled trial.
Celik M1, Dostbil A, Aksoy M, Ince I, Ahiskalioglu A, Comez M, Erdem AF.
Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:349806. doi: 10.1155/2015/349806. Epub 2015 Jan 28.

Prevención de nausea y vomito con dosis subhipnóticas de propofol en pacientes con cirugía de abdomen bajo. Estudio prospectivo, randomizado y doble ciego.
Prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting with a subhypnotic dose of Propofol in patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery: A prospective, randomized, double-blind study.
Naghibi K, Kashefi P, Azarnoush H, Zabihi P. Adv Biomed Res 2015;4:35
Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a common complication after general anesthesia in patients undergoing elective lower abdominal surgery. We aimed to compare the effect of a sub hypnotic dose of Propofol in the prevention of PONV after lower abdominal surgery with that of the conventional antiemetic drug Metoclopramide. Materials and Methods: In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 104 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class I or II status, aged 18-65 years, and undergoing elective lower abdominal surgery were randomized to one of four groups (n = 26 each). The patients in the four groups were administered intravenously Propofol 20 mg (G1), Propofol 30 mg (G2), Metoclopramide 10 mg (G3), and placebo (G4), 15 min before skin closure. All episodes of PONV during the first 24 h after anesthesia were recorded by an investigator who was blinded to treatment assignment. Results: There were no significant differences between the treatment groups with regard to their gender, age, ASA class, duration of surgery, duration of recovery time and hospital stay, and also body mass index (BMI) (P > 0.05). The prevalence of PONV 0-6 h after anesthesia was 23.08% with Propofol 20 mg (P = 0.005), 15.38% with Propofol 30 mg (P = 0.016), 15.38% with Metoclopramide 10 mg (P= 0.016), compared to 30.77% with placebo (P = 0.005). Conclusions: Administration of a subhypnotic dose of Propofol (30 mg) was found to be as effective as 10 mg Metoclopramide in reducing the incidence and severity of PONV in adult patients undergoing elective lower abdominal surgeries under Isoflurane-based anesthesia in the early postoperative period.
Keywords: General anesthesia, lower abdominal surgery, metoclopramide, postoperative nausea and vomiting, Propofol
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015


Curso CEEA en Veracruzcurso CEEA Veracruz
Módulo II en Veracruz


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Del 17 al 19 de abril de 2015

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No. 707. Col. Flores Magón.
Tel. 01 (229) 932 6066 al 70

La ketamina es un viejo fármaco antagonista no competitivo del receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato. Se ha utilizado ampliamente en la anestesia y el tratamiento del dolor. Descubierta en los años 60, se ha administrado a través de la vías intramuscular, subcutánea, oral, rectal, sublingual, intranasal, epidural, espinal y caudales. La ketamina mejora el dolor postoperatorio y el dolor postraumático, reduce el consumo de opiáceos, previene el dolor crónico postoperatorio. Tiene indicación especial para pacientes con tolerancia a opioides, hiperalgesia aguda, y el dolor neuropático. También tiene un papel en el tratamiento del dolor crónico y la depresión. El uso recreativo ilegal de ketamina está aumentando a través de diferentes vías de administración como intranasal, inhalación, el tabaquismo o la inyección intravenosa. El uso prolongado de esta droga puede conducir a efectos secundarios perjudiciales. Le enviaremos algunos artículos interesantes sobre este fármaco.

The old drug ketamine is a noncompetitive antagonist of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. It has been extensively used in anesthesia and pain management. Discovered in the 60s, it has been administered via the intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, oral, rectal, topical, intranasal, sublingual, epidural, spinal, and caudal routes. Ketamine improves postoperative and posttrauma pain, reduces opioid consumption, prevent chronic postoperative pain. It has special indication for patients with opioid tolerance, acute hyperalgesia, and neuropathic pain. It also has a role in the management of chronic pain and depression. Illegal recreational use of ketamine is rising through different routes of administration like intranasal, inhalation, smoking, or intravenous injection. Prolonged use of this drug may conduct to deleterious side effects. You will get some interesting articles about this drug.
Morfina con ketamina como adyuvante versus dosis altas de morfina para dolor agudo. Meta-análisis
Morphine with adjuvant ketamine versus higher dose of morphine alone for acute pain: a meta-analysis. Ding X, Jin S, Niu X, Wang T, Zhao X, Ren H, Tong Y, Li Q. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014 Sep 15;7(9):2504-10. eCollection 2014.
PURPOSE: Ketamine is currently the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel blocker in clinical use. Morphine in pain management is usually limited by adverse effect such as nausea and vomiting. Adjuvant treatment with ketamine may be value in giving better analgesia with fewer adverse effects. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the differences when patients received morphine with adjuvant ketamine (MK) compared with higher dose of morphine (MO) for acute pain. METHODS: The PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library databases were searched (Last search performed on July 1, 2014) by two reviewers independently. Data were extracted independently by the same two individuals who searched the studies. RESULTS: A total of 7 trials involving 492 patients were included in the current analysis. We found pain scores were lower in the MK group compared to the MO group [MD 2.19, 95% CI (1.24, 3.13) P<0.00001]. And more patients in the MO required diclofenac [OR 1.97, 95% CI (1.06, 3.67) P=0.03]. Furthermore, morphine plus ketamine can reduced post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) [OR 3.71, 95% CI (2.37, 5.80) P<0.00001]. Importantly, the wakefulness scores for the MK group were consistently and significantly better than those for the MO group [MD -1.53, 95% CI (-2.67, -0.40) P=0.008]. CONCLUSION: The use of ketamine plus 1/4~2/3 the dose of morphine is better than higher dose of morphine alone in reducing pain scores, and rescuing analgesic requirement. It also improved PONV and wakefulness.
KEYWORDS: Morphine; acute pain; ketamine; meta-analysis
Efectos en dolor postoperatorio de la ketamina i.v. en analgesia controlada por pacientes adictos al opio
Effect of intravenous patient controlled ketamine analgesia on postoperative pain in opium abusers.
Dahi-Taleghani M1, Fazli B1, Ghasemi M1, Vosoughian M1, Dabbagh A1.
Anesth Pain Med. 2014 Feb 15;4(1):e14129. doi: 10.5812/aapm.14129. eCollection 2014.
BACKGROUND: Acutepostoperative pain is among the worst experience that patient scan undergo, and many analgesics have been used to suppress it; especially in chronic opium abusers. Ketamine is an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist analgesic, having both anesthetic and analgesic properties, which are not affected to the same extent in chronic opium abusers. OBJECTIVES: In this study, we assessed the analgesic effects of ketamine added to morphine as a patient-controlled analgesia method for acute pain management, compared with a placebo, inchronic maleopium abusers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: After institutional review board approval for ethical considerations, a randomized double-blinded placebo controlled clinical trial was conducted. A total of 140 male patients aged 18-65 years, undergoing orthopedic surgery, were entered into the study after matching inclusion and exclusion criteria. All patients received the same anesthesia method; while the first group received ketamine (1mg/mL) and morphine (0.5 mg/mL) as a patient-controlled analgesia (70 patients), the second group received morphine (0.5 mg/mL) plus normal saline (70 patients). P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The ketamine and morphine group of patients experienced less postoperative pain and required less postoperative rescue analgesia. However, the unwanted postoperative side effects were nearly the same; although increased levels of postoperative nausea and vomiting were observed in the ketamine and morphine group. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated improved analgesic effects after using intravenous patient controlled analgesia with ketamine on postoperative pain in opium abusers.
KEYWORDS: Acute Pain; Drug Users; Ketamine; Opium
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Alzhéimer, cuanto antes peor


Alzhéimer, cuanto antes peor

La interpretación de Julianne Moore en la película Siempre Alice, por el que recibió el Óscar, ha llamado la atención sobre los casos de alzhéimer más precoces. Pero, como señala la neuróloga, "hay que saber diferenciar entre alzhéimer de inicio precoz o temprano y alzhéimer familiar". En el primero se habla de personas que son diagnosticadas antes de los 65 años, pero en las que no hay un factor familiar o genético. "Se manejan unas cifras que sugieren que el 10% de los casos de esta enfermedad son esporádicos o de inicio temprano, pero en realidad hay poca casuística". Y en cuanto al alzhéimer familiar, afecta a menos del 1% de los casos de alzhéimer y en muchos está relacionado con alteraciones en tres genes: beta amiloide, preselinina 1 y 2.

Todos los diagnósticos de alzhéimer son como una 'bomba', pero si se hacen en personas menores de 65 años el impacto sobre la vida es mucho mayor. "Hablamos de personas en plena actividad laboral", señala. Además, cuando se presentan los primeros síntomas -disfunción ejecutiva, pérdida de memoria...- "el daño neuronal ya se ha producido", reconoce la neuróloga del Hospital Clinic de Barcelona. Los estudios estiman que el deterioro a nivel cerebral se ha producido al menos dos décadas antes de que aparezcan los primeros síntomas.

Al alzhéimer se le ha llamado la 'epidemia silenciosa' porque no produce síntomas o, mejor dicho, cuando aparecen los primeros signos ya se ha producido daño cognitivo. Aun así, señala la investigadora, hay que estar alerta. Algunos de estos síntomas, según la Asociación Americana de Alzhéimer, pueden ser:

- Cambios de memoria que dificultan la vida cotidiana
Una de las señales más comunes del alzhéimer, especialmente en las etapas tempranas, es olvidar información recién aprendida: se olvidan fechas o eventos importantes, se pide la misma información repetidamente, etc. Sin embargo, olvidarse de vez en cuando de nombres o citas pero acordándose de ellos después es algo propio de la edad.

- Dificultad para planificar o resolver problemas
Algunas personas experimentan cambios en su capacidad de desarrollar y seguir un plan o trabajar con números o pueden tener problemas en concentrarse.

- Problemas para desempeñar tareas habituales en la casa, en el trabajo o en su tiempo libre
Muy a menudo se les hace difícil completar tareas cotidianas. A veces pueden tener dificultad en llegar a un lugar conocido, administrar un presupuesto en el trabajo o recordar las reglas de un juego conocido.

- Desorientación de tiempo o lugar
Se olvidan las fechas, estaciones y el paso del tiempo. Pueden tener dificultad en comprender algo si no está en proceso en ese instante. Es posible que se les olvide a veces dónde están y cómo llegaron a ese lugar.

- Problemas con el uso de palabras en el habla o lo escrito
Problemas en seguir o participar en una conversación. Es posible, también, que paren en medio de una conversación no sepan cómo seguir o que repitan mucho lo que dicen. Puede ser que luchen por encontrar las palabras correctas o el vocabulario apropiado o que llamen cosas por un nombre incorrecto.

- Cambios en el humor o la personalidad
El humor y la personalidad de las personas con alzhéimer pueden cambiar. Pueden llegar a ser confundidas, sospechosas, deprimidas, temerosas o ansiosas. Se pueden enojar fácilmente en casa, en el trabajo, con amigos o en lugares donde están fuera de su ambiente. Es importante conocer algunos de los síntomas porque, como reconoce Raquel Sánchez, "al no ser habitual la enfermedad por debajo de los 65 años, en muchas ocasiones se retrasa el diagnóstico", y se pierde así un tiempo importante para iniciar el tratamiento. La experta recomienda que ante «un problema de memoria» se debe acudir al médico de atención primaria para descartar y, si los problemas cognitivos persisten, realizar una "valoración neurológica" a cargo de un especialista.

¿Y si el diagnóstico el positivo? "Una vez que se confirma el diagnóstico de alzhéimer hay que hablar del pronóstico y del tratamiento". Y en este caso, añade, debemos preparar a la "familia de lo que supone la enfermedad" y tratar, con los fármacos disponibles, que "la enfermedad no progrese". Para ello existen actualmente muy pocos medicamentos autorizados en España: inhibidores de la colinesterasa, como donepezilo (Aricept), rivastigmina (Exelon y Prometax), y galantamina (Reminyl), o, en los casos de alzhéimer de moderada a severa, la memantina (EBIXA), que trabaja regulando la actividad del glutamato, un mensajero químico diferente que juega un papel en el aprendizaje y la memoria.

En el horizonte, afirma la experta, se vislumbran nuevos medicamentos dirigidos hacía la vía de la proteína amiloide, de la proteína tau o hacia otros neurotransmisores, la inflamación o el estrés oxidativo, que tratan de "modificar el curso de la enfermedad", añade.

El alzhéimer familiar, el tipo de enfermedad que se representa en la películaSiempre Alice, puede afectar a 1 cada 500-1000 pacientes, aunque, según Raquel Sánchez del Valle, "no hay estudios bien hechos". A diferencia de los otros casos de alzhéimer, se presentan antes de los 30 o 35 años, lo que hace a la enfermedad todavía más devastadora. Por eso se investiga en tratar de "retrasar el deterioro en estas personas".

A pesar de que no hay tratamientos preventivos aprobados, algunos ensayos clínicos, como en el que participa el equipo de Sánchez del Valle del Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, tratan de "retrasar y, si es posible, evitar la enfermedad". Desarrollado con personas con antecedentes familiares de alzhéimer (padres, hermanos...) pero sin síntomas, los investigadores evalúan si una anticuerpos antiamiloide para eliminar la presencia de esta proteína en el cerebro de estas personas. En una segunda fase, "si funciona la primera", añade la neuróloga, "se valoraría si eliminar la proteína amiloide retrasa el inicio de la enfermedad".

Autor:   R.I.

Más de ketamina/More om ketamine

Quibell R, Prommer EE, Mihalyo M, Twycross R, Wilcock A.
J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011 Mar;41(3):640-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2011.01.001.

Ketamina en manejo del dolor
Ketamine in Pain Management
Jan Persson

Ketamina oral en manejo del dolor crónico. Una revisión
Use of oral ketamine in chronic pain management: A review
Maren I. Blonk, Brigitte G. Koder, Patricia M.L.A. van den Bemt, Frank J.P.M. Huygen

Ketamina: ?Nuevos usos de una vieja droga?
Ketamine: new uses for an old drug?
K. Hirota, D. G. Lambert

Dosis bajas de S-(+)Ketamina. Revisión
Low S(+) ketamine doses: a review
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015


Parámetros hemodinámicos con isoflurano o sevoflurano en anestesia con bajos flujos durante la ventilación controlada, con mascarilla laríngea.
Hemodynamic parameters of low-flow isoflurane and low-flow sevoflurane anesthesia during controlled ventilation with laryngeal mask airway.
Negargar S, Peirovifar A, Mahmoodpoor A, Parish M, Golzari SE, Molseqi H, Negargar S.
Anesth Pain Med. 2014 Dec 4;4(5):e20326. doi: 10.5812/aapm.20326. eCollection 2014.
BACKGROUND: Nowadays laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is popular as one of the best choices for airway management. Low-flow anesthesia has some advantages like lower pollution, hemodynamic stability and cost effectiveness. Volatile anesthetics are widely used for anesthesia maintenance during operations. Sevoflurane has more hemodynamic stability compared to isoflurane, but there are few studies comparing the hemodynamic stabilities of these two anesthetics during controlled low flow anesthesia with LMA. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of low-flow sevoflurane and low-flow isoflurane on hemodynamic parameters of patients through LMA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Eighty patients, scheduled for elective ophthalmic surgery, were randomly divided into two groups. After induction, an LMA with an appropriate size was inserted in all the patients and they were randomly allocated to two groups of low-flow sevoflurane (n = 40) and low-flow isoflurane (n = 40). Hemodynamic parameters (heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) were recorded at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes after the anesthesia induction. RESULTS: The mean heart rate values were significantly less in the sevoflurane group (P value < 0.05) at 25 minutes after the surgery. The mean Blood Pressure in the isoflurane group was significantly higher compared with the sevoflurane group in 10, 20 and 30 minutes after the surgery (P values = 0.0131, 0.0373 and 0.0028, respectively). These differences were clinically unimportant because heart rate and mean blood pressure were on normal ranges. CONCLUSIONS:
Seemingly, low-flow sevoflurane with LMA did not have any significant hemodynamic effect on clinical practice. Therefore, low-flow sevoflurane anesthesia with LMA might be considered in patients with short operations who need rapid recovery from anesthesia.
KEYWORDS: Anesthesia; Hemodynamics; Isoflurane; Laryngeal Mask Airways; Sevoflurane

Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

La mancha en la piel del niño

Estimado Ciberpediatra te invito al Seminario de Pediatría, Cirugía Pediátrica y Lactancia Materna. El día 18 de Marzo 2015 las 21hrs (Centro, México DF, Guadalajara y Lima Perú) a la Conferencia: “La mancha en la piel del niño” por la “Dra. Guadalupe Cira Ibarra Durán”, Dermatologo Pediatra de la Cd. Pachuca Hidalgo. La sesión inicia puntualmente las 21 hrs.
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jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015


Reacciones de la vía aérea y tiempo en despertar en anestesia general con ML. Meta-analisis
Airway reactions and emergence times in general laryngeal mask airway anaesthesia: a meta-analysis.
Stevanovic A, Rossaint R, Fritz HG, Froeba G, Heine J, Puehringer FK, Tonner PH, Coburn M.
Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2015 Feb;32(2):106-16.
Esquema 1-1-12 de lavado en un solo paso para desflurano en anestesia de flujos bajos
1-1-12 one-step wash-in scheme for desflurane low flow anesthesia: performance without nitrous oxide.
Sathitkarnmanee T, Tribuddharat S, Nonlhaopol D, Thananun M, Somdee W.
Drug Des Devel Ther. 2015 Feb 17;9:977-81. doi: 10.2147/DDDT.S78233. eCollection 2015.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Cirugía cardiaca en viejos / Cardiac surgery in geriatrics

Cirugía cardiaca en 260 octogenarios. Informe de casos
Cardiac surgery in 260 octogenarians: a case series.
Scandroglio AM, Finco G, Pieri M, Ascari R, Calabrò MG, Taddeo D, Isella F, Franco A, Musu M, Landoni G, Alfieri O, Zangrillo A.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 Jan 26;15(1):15. doi: 10.1186/1471-2253-15-15. eCollection 2015.
BACKGROUND: The elderly undergo cardiac surgery more and more frequently, often present multiple comorbidities, assume chronic therapies, and present a unique physiology. Aim of our study was to analyze the experience of a referral cardiac surgery center with all types of cardiac surgery interventions performed in patients ≥80 years old over a six years' period......  CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians should be aware that cardiac surgery can be safely performed at all ages, that risk stratification is mandatory and that hemodynamic treatment to avoid complications is expected.
KEYWORDS: Anesthesia; Cardiac surgery; Complications; Intensive care; Mortality; Octogenarian
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

Bibliotecas populares. Alerta

bibliotecas populares
Notificaciones semanales ⋅ 11 de marzo de 2015

lanacion.com (Argentina)

Proyecto Pulpería, al rescate de los pueblos olvidados
lanacion.com (Argentina)
Para lograrlo, se sumergen en la vida de las comunidades y crean bibliotecas populares, ayudan a los pobladores a potenciar el atractivo turístico de ...

Crónica Digital

Sigue la entrega de libros del Fondo Editorial Provincial
Crónica Digital
... colegios, institutos terciarios, universidades y bibliotecas populares; y el 50% a la Provincia, por intermedio de la Secretaría de Cultura, que puede ...

Reclamo por bibliotecas
Diario La Arena
Reclamo por bibliotecas ... (Utedyc), Gustavo Montenegro, advirtió por la situación de los empleados de las bibliotecas populares de la provincia, que ...

Toxicidad de gases halogenados / Halogenated anesthetics toxicity

Toxicidad hepática de los anestésicos halogenados
Hepatotoxicity of halogenated inhalational anesthetics.
Safari S1, Motavaf M2, Seyed Siamdoust SA1, Alavian SM3.
Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2014 Sep 5;16(9):e20153. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.20153. eCollection 2014.
CONTEXT: Halogenated inhalational anesthetics are currently the most common drugs used for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia. Postoperative hepatic injury has been reported after exposure to these agents. Based on much evidence, mechanism of liver toxicity is more likely to be immunoallergic. The objective of this review study was to assess available studies on hepatotoxicity of these anesthetics. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We searched PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Index Copernicus, EBSCO and the Cochrane Database using the following keywords: "inhalational Anesthetics" and "liver injury"; "inhalational anesthetics" and "hepatotoxicity"; "volatile anesthetics" and "liver injury"; "volatile anesthetics" and hepatotoxicity for the period of 1966 to 2013. Fifty two studies were included in this work. RESULTS: All halogenated inhalational anesthetics are associated with liver injury. Halothane, enflurane, isoflurane and desflurane are metabolized through the metabolic pathway involving cytochrome P-450 2E1 (CYP2E1) and produce trifluoroacetylated components; some of which may be immunogenic. The severity of hepatotoxicity is associated with the degree by which they undergo hepatic metabolism by this cytochrome. However, liver toxicity is highly unlikely from sevoflurane as is not metabolized to trifluoroacetyl compounds. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatotoxicity of halogenated inhalational anesthetics has been well documented in available literature. Halothane-induced liver injury was extensively acknowledged; however, the next generation halogenated anesthetics have different molecular structures and associated with less hepatotoxicity. Although anesthesia-induced hepatitis is not a common occurrence, we must consider the association between this disorder and the use of halogenated anesthetics.
KEYWORDS: Anesthesiology; Halothane; Inhalation Anesthesia; Liver Injury Drug-Induced; Sevoflurane
La exposición temprana a los anestésicos volátiles perjudica el aprendizaje asociativo a largo plazo y la memoria de reconocimiento.
Early exposure to volatile anesthetics impairs long-term associative learning and recognition memory. Lee BH1, Chan JT1, Hazarika O1, Vutskits L2, Sall JW1.
PLoS One. 2014 Aug 28;9(8):e105340. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105340. eCollection 2014.
BACKGROUND: Anesthetic exposure early in life affects neural development and long-term cognitive function, but our understanding of the types of memory that are altered is incomplete. Specific cognitive tests in rodents that isolate different memory processes provide a useful approach for gaining insight into this issue. METHODS: Postnatal day 7 (P7) rats were exposed to either desflurane or isoflurane at 1 Minimum Alveolar Concentration for 4 h. Acute neuronal death was assessed 12 h later in the thalamus, CA1-3 regions of hippocampus, and dentate gyrus. In separate behavioral experiments, beginning at P48, subjects were evaluated in a series of object recognition tests relying on associative learning, as well as social recognition. RESULTS: Exposure to either anesthetic led to a significant increase in neuroapoptosis in each brain region. The extent of neuronal death did not differ between groups. Subjects were unaffected in simple tasks of novel object and object-location recognition. However, anesthetized animals from both groups were impaired in allocentric object-location memory and a more complex task requiring subjects to associate an object with its location and contextual setting. Isoflurane exposure led to additional impairment in object-context association and social memory. CONCLUSION:
Isoflurane and desflurane exposure during development result in deficits in tasks relying on associative learning and recognition memory. Isoflurane may potentially cause worse impairment than desflurane.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor