lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

AINES - espondilitis anquilosante y mas

¿Cómo hay que administrar los AINE en la espondilitis anquilosante?

Publicado en Semin Fund Esp Reumatol. 2008;09:137-43. - vol.09 núm 03
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El tratamiento de la espondilitis anquilosante (EA) se ha basado en el uso de antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE), al no haberse conseguido fármacos con mayor capacidad terapéutica como en la artritis reumatoide. En los últimos años los inhibidores del factor de necrosis tumoral (TNF) han supuesto un gran avance terapéutico en esta entidad, con una gran mejora de la calidad de vida en muchos pacientes resistentes a los AINE. Recientemente un ensayo clínico ha demostrado cierta reducción de la progresión radiográfica mediante el tratamiento continuado con AINE en la EA sintomática. En este artículo se plantea cómo deben utilizarse los AINE. La revisión de la literatura sólo aporta 2 estudios de características muy distintas que sugieren un cierto efecto modificador (retardo en la progresión radiográfica) del uso continuado de AINE. Aunque las pruebas actuales sugieren un posible impacto de los AINE en la evolución de la enfermedad, la carga de la evidencia no es lo suficientemente importante como para recomendar un uso mantenido de AINE en los enfermos con EA, si se tienen en cuenta además los posibles efectos secundarios y los costes derivados de su uso. Nuestra recomendación es que los AINE se deben administrar como tratamiento sintomático con la dosis y tiempo que cada enfermo requiera, pero sin forzar su uso mantenido.
Palabras clave Antiinflamatorios no esteroideos. Espondilitis anquilosante. Tratamiento.

Terapéutica: Actualización del tratamiento con AINE en espondiloartritis

Publicado en Reumatol Clin. 2007;3:46-50. - vol.3 núm Extra.2
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La fusión espinal es la marca distintiva clínica y patológica de la espondilitis anquilosante (EA). Progresa lenta y uniformemente hasta producir los cambios posturales, pérdida de flexibilidad y limitación funcional típicos de EA avanzada. Los objetivos de la terapia dirigida a los pacientes con espondiloartritis son1: aliviar los síntomas (dolor, rigidez y fatiga), mantener la movilidad vertebral y periférica, prevenir la incapacidad física y reconocer y resolver las complicaciones articulares y extraarticulares. Los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE) producen un alivio rápido del dolor y la rigidez y facilitan la movilidad y la realización de los ejercicios físicos2,3, por lo que han sido la base del tratamiento desde 1950. Pero el objetivo ideal es conseguir detener la progresión del daño estructural. En esta década se han producido mejoras significativas en diversas áreas de conocimiento y en herramientas para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y valoración de la enfermedad. A pesar del desarrollo de los anti-TNF, que ha supuesto una revolución terapéutica, los pilares básicos del tratamiento de EA siguen siendo la educación del paciente, los programas continuados de ejercicios y los AINE. Así lo confirman las encuestas de población4, en las que el 80% de los pacientes con EA se encuentra tomando AINE durante los últimos 12 meses, en general con un grado elevado de satisfacción. Los AINE más frecuentemente usados son indometacina, diclofenaco y los inhibidores selectivos de la COX-2 (coxib), entre otros4,5. La revisión de los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados muestra la eficacia de los AINE para aliviar el dolor y mejorar la función en la EA comparados con placebo6-12, pero aquéllos no han podido establecer diferencias significativas de eficacia o seguridad entre los diferentes AINE6,13-35, incluida fenilbutazona. En general, los ensayos eran de muy corta duración, con una muestra muy pequeña y con escasa homogeneidad entre ellos. Dos coxib han demostrado ser superiores a placebo y, al menos, tan eficaces como los AINE en el tratamiento de los pacientes con EA36,37. Dos revisiones sistemáticas recientes38,39 confirman que existe evidencia de buena calidad de que AINE y coxib mejoran el dolor articular axial y periférico y la función de los pacientes con EA comparados con placebo, en un corto período, aunque el efecto en la afección axial es mayor. La clara respuesta de los pacientes con EA a los AINE (rápida, intensa y no mantenida tras la suspensión del fármaco) y sus conocidos efectos secundarios ha llevado, por un lado, a utilizar esta respuesta con fines diagnósticos y pronósticos y, por otro, al consumo, preferentemente a demanda, de los AINE en la práctica clínica.

RECOMENDACIONES DE BUENA PRÁCTICA CLÍNICA: Gastropatía por antiinflamatorios no esteroideos

Publicado en Semergen. 2008;34:502-6. - vol.34 núm 10
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La gastropatía por antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE) es una patología frecuente que debemos tener en cuenta ante todo paciente que nos consulte por problemas de dispepsia o astenia de larga evolución. Actualmente se cifran en 16.500 las muertes anuales por complicaciones por el consumo de estos fármacos y en más de cien mil, los ingresos hospitalarios anuales, datos que pueden darnos una idea de la verdadera importancia del problema. Los factores de riesgo implicados más frecuentemente y que siempre debemos tener en cuenta son la edad (mayor de 65 años), la toma conjunta de más de un AINE, la toma de anticoagulantes o corticoides, ISRS o ISRNS, ulcus o gastropatía previos y la existencia de alguna enfermedad concomitante grave. Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta es la erradicación del Helicobacter (H.) pylori, lo que parece que es coste efectivo y reduce el riesgo de complicaciones gastrointestinales (GI). Ante un paciente con factores de riesgo en el que vayamos a iniciar un tratamiento con AINE o ya lo siguiera por cualquier causa, que tuviera un evento GI, debemos, siempre que se pueda, suspender el AINE y testar el H. pylori para erradicarlo si sale positivo y posteriormente reiniciar el tratamiento con AINE más conveniente (si se puede, siempre el menos gastrolesivo) teniendo en cuenta los factores de riesgo GI y cardiovasculares y asociando un protector gástrico. El papel actual de los COX-2, como AINE y con un riesgo de lesión GI menor que los AINE clásicos, debe tenerse también en cuenta, si bien debe barajarse el riesgo cardiovascular del paciente en la decisión de dicha alternativa terapéutica.
Palabras clave gastropatía, AINE, COX-2, Helicobacter pylori, factores de riesgo.

Administración de AINE por vía tópica

Publicado en Offarm. 2001;20:128-31. - vol.20 núm 02
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Dr.Máximo Cuadros Chávez

Actualización del uso de anticonceptivos en el tratamiento de la endometriosis

Actualización del uso de anticonceptivos en el tratamiento de la endometriosis

Publicado en Semergen.2012; 38 :95-101 - vol.38 núm 02
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La endometriosis es una enfermedad crónica y recurrente que afecta a mujeres en edad fértil, con una prevalencia estimada del 10% y que se beneficia del tratamiento con anticonceptivos hormonales. Se caracteriza por tejido endometrial ectópico y su clínica es: infertilidad, dolor y masas pélvicas. Los propósitos del tratamiento son el alivio de síntomas, la prevención del avance de la enfermedad y la promoción de fecundidad. Las opciones actuales terapéuticas son conducta expectante, analgésicos, terapia hormonal, cirugía y combinación de tratamientos.
Los anticonceptivos hormonales combinados están asociados a reducción de riesgo de desarrollo de endometriosis, son una buena elección en mujeres con mínimos o moderados síntomas y en aquellas que no desean embarazo. Asimismo, los progestágenos se utilizan en endometriosis sintomáticas y como adyuvantes a cirugía. Por todo esto los anticonceptivos hormonales combinados y progestágenos deberían ser considerados como primera línea de tratamiento.
Palabras clave Endometriosis. Anticonceptivos. Tratamiento. Atención primaria.
Dr.Máximo Cuadros Chávez


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Guía de buena práctica clínica. Recomendaciones de buena práctica clínica en artrosis

Giménez Basallote, S; Gimeno Marqués, A; Panero Hidalgo, P; Casals Sánchez, JL
Semergen. 2008;34:143-8.

Recomendaciones de buena práctica clínica. De la evidencia a la práctica clínica: manejo de la artrosis, II

Giménez Basallote, S; Gimeno Marqués, A; Panero Hidalgo, P; Casals Sánchez, JL
Semergen. 2008;34:193-7.
Dr.Máximo Cuadros Chávez

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The power of Twitter

The power of Twitter

How I became a convert to Twitter
• The teaching and education community on Twitter is truly inspirational
Reflection in an eye of logo from Twitter
When our blogger went back to Twitter he found a world of opportunities to collaborate with other teachers and beyond. Photograph: Iain Masterton / Alamy/Alamy
I signed up for Twitter several years ago but struggled to understand the point. What is it? What is it for? What information can I share in 140 characters? I did what millions of other people do: followed famous people, sportsmen, rappers, comedians and actors. Much of the time, it turned out, they didn't have anything that interesting to say and, after a few weeks, I gave up on it.
Then, as the site grew in popularity, I decided to give it another chance. I had about 30 followers, mostly my friends. Every few days I would tweet about what I was doing and share songs, music videos and news articles and now and again I would tweet one of the many musicians I followed. Good fun but not particularly productive.
As time went on I began to take tweeting more seriously, posting more about technology and educational issues. If I saw an interesting news article, I would tweet it. I followed people more relevant to my profession, mainly users tweeting about politics, education and technology. The more I read, the more I retweeted. I started to gain more followers, which encouraged me to tweet more.
I began to understand what Twitter was about and what a fantastic resource it was for a teacher.
In fact, Twitter is the reason I am writing this blog. Back in January, when the education secretary was, it seemed, washing his hands of ICT at BETT, I lost it on Twitter. I have never been a fan of Michael Gove - after all, he seems to be doing everything in his power to destroy the teaching profession as we know it with his badly-thought-through policies and ill-informed rhetoric.
But this was the straw that broke the camel's back. An hour or so after I tweeted my disapproval, though, some good news: @GuardianTeach got in touch and asked me to write a blog based on my tweets. I was hugely excited and spent that evening channelling my fury into a post on the subject. Then, the day after it was published, I received another message on Twitter, this time from Sky News. They wanted me to do a live interview.
All this from a few tweets? Yes - Twitter really is that powerful.
The teaching and education community on Twitter is truly inspirational. I have learnt so much from reading tweets posted by all kinds of people working across the sector. Many of the resources, ideas and technologies I have read about I have been able to use in my classroom and school. In turn, I share my ideas and resources.
Twitter is a fantastic collaborative tool. As teachers, how often do we get to visit other schools? In my experience, very rarely. Twitter has enabled me to collaborate with teachers in schools across the country. Combine this with cloud services such as DropBox and Google Docs and you can create and share resources and ideas quickly and easily.
The site is also a great place for discussion. It is amazing how creative you can be in 140 characters. Teachers, academics, technologists and other experts come together on Twitter to chat and discuss a whole range of topics – you can follow and contribute to these discussions by using hash tags.
When used responsibly Twitter can be incredibly useful to students, too. I held a senior assembly last month focusing on how students could benefit from using the site. It will be interesting to find out how many have started to do so.
There are some downsides. Twitter does have a problem with spam, which won't ruin your enjoyment or detract from the site's usefulness but can be a tad annoying. And every now and again you can be followed by a fake account. These are easy to spot most of the time as they will have posted very few tweets and won't have many followers, if any at all. Generally these accounts are accompanied by a photo of a scantily clad woman and are easily blocked - although they often disappear after a few days if you ignore them. The biggest downside for me, and this is very much a personal opinion, is how addictive I find the site.
If you are on Twitter already, I am sure you can think of many more ways the site could be used as an education resource. And if you haven't signed up yet, give it a go. You won't regret it.
• Matt Britland is head of ICT at Kingston Grammar School. He has been teaching for just over six years and taught in both state and independent schools. Follow him on Twitter @mattbritland.

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Do you have something you want to share with colleagues – a resource of your own and why it works well with your students, or perhaps a brilliant piece of good practice in teaching or whole school activity that you know about it? If so please get in touch. If you would like to blog on the Guardian Teacher Network please and please don't be shy about commenting on blogs on this page.

Obesidad materna y embarazo

Efecto del IMC materno sobre la evolución del embarazo y el peso del recién nacido
Effect of maternal body mass index on pregnancy outcome and newborn weight.
Yazdani S, Yosofniyapasha Y, Nasab BH, Mojaveri MH, Bouzari Z.
Department of Anesthesia, Babol University of Medical Sciences, Babol, Iran.
BMC Res Notes. 2012 Jan 17;5:34.
BACKGROUND: Maternal obesity has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, pre- and post-term delivery, induction of labor, macrosomia, increased rate of caesarean section, and post-partum hemorrhage. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of maternal Body Mass Index (BMI) on pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: 1000 pregnant women were enrolled in the study. In order to explore the relationship between maternal first trimester Body Mass Index and pregnancy outcomes, participants were categorized into five groups based on their first trimester Body Mass Index. The data were analyzed using Pearson Chi-square tests in SPSS 18. Differences were considered significant if p < 0.05. RESULTS: Women with an above-normal Body Mass Index had a higher incidence of pre-eclampsia, induction of labor, caesarean section, pre-term labor, and macrosomia than women with a normal Body Mass Index (controls). There was no significant difference in the incidence of post-term delivery between the control group and other groups. CONCLUSION: Increased BMI increases the incidence of induction of labor, caesarean section, pre-term labor and macrosomia. The BMI of women in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with the risk of adverse pregnancy outcome

Obesidad materna y complicaciones del parto después de la inducción del parto en embarazo prolongado
Maternal obesity and labour complications following induction of labour in prolonged pregnancy.
Arrowsmith S, Wray S, Quenby S.
Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, Crown Street, Liverpool,
BJOG. 2011 Apr;118(5):578-88. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02889.x. Epub 2011 Jan 26.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of maternal obesity on mode of delivery following induction of labour (IOL) for prolonged pregnancy and subsequent intrapartum and neonatal complications. DESIGN: Retrospective (historical) cohort study.SETTING: Liverpool Women's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK. POPULATION: A total of 29, 224 women with singleton pregnancies between 2004 and 2008 of whom 3076 had a prolonged pregnancy (defined as ≥290 days or 41(+3) weeks of gestation) and received IOL. METHODS: Kruskal-Wallis test, chi-square test and multivariable logistic regression. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mode of delivery and risk of delivery and neonatal complications in obese verses non-obese women following IOL. RESULTS: Obese women had a significantly higher rate of IOL ending in caesarean section compared with women of normal weight following IOL (38.7% versus 23.8% primiparous; 9.9% versus 7.9% multiparous women, respectively); however, length of labour, incidence of postpartum haemorrhage and third-degree tear, rate of low cord blood pH, low Apgar scores and shoulder dystocia were similar in all body mass index categories. Complications included a higher incidence of fetal macrosomia and second-degree, but not third-degree, tear in primiparous women. CONCLUSIONS: Higher maternal body mass index at booking is associated with an increased risk of prolonged pregnancy and increased rate of IOL. Despite this, more than 60% of obese primiparous and 90% of multiparous women with prolonged pregnancies who were induced achieved vaginal delivery and labour complications in the obese women with prolonged pregnancies were largely comparable to those of normal weight women with prolonged pregnancies. Our data suggest that IOL for prolonged pregnancy in obese women is a reasonable and safe management option.
 Obesidad materna y evolución del embarazo
Maternal obesity and pregnancy outcome.
Michlin R, Oettinger M, Odeh M, Khoury S, Ophir E, Barak M, Wolfson M, Strulov A.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Western Galilee Medical Center, Nahariya, Israel.
Isr Med Assoc J.2000 Jan;2(1):10-3.
BACKGROUND: Obesity, a common condition in developed countries, is recognized as a threat to health. OBJECTIVES: To describe the distribution of weight in pregnant women and evaluate the influence of obesity on pregnancy outcome in a high parity northern Israeli population.
METHODS: The study included 887 women who gave birth in the Western Galilee Medical Center during the period August to November 1995. The patients were classified as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese according to body mass index. Maternal demographic, obstetric, and perinatal variables were compared. A control group of 167 normal weight women were matched with the obese group for maternal age, parity, and gestational age. RESULTS: Obese mothers had a higher incidence of gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension compared to normal weight mothers (5.4% vs. 1.8%, and 7.2% vs. 0.6% respectively, P < 0.01), a higher rate of labor induction (20.4% vs. 10.2%, P < 0.01), and a higher cesarean section rate (19.6% vs. 10.8%, P < 0.05). There was also a significant difference in the prevalence of macrosomia in the offspring (16.8% vs. 8.4%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Obese pregnant women are at high risk for complications during delivery and therefore need careful pre-conception and prenatal counseling, as well as perinatal management. 
Examinando el efecto de la obesidad materna sobre la evolución de la inducción del parto en pacientes con pre eclampsia 
Examining the effect of maternal obesity on outcome of labor induction in patients with preeclampsia.
Robinson CJ, Hill EG, Alanis MC, Chang EY, Johnson DD, Almeida JS.
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 29425, USA.
Hypertens Pregnancy. 2010;29(4):446-56.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of maternal obesity, as measured by prepregnancy body mass index (BMI), on the mode of delivery in women undergoing indicated induction of labor for preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: Following Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, patients with preeclampsia who underwent an induction of labor from 1997 to 2007 were identified from a perinatal information database, which included historical and clinical information. Data analysis included bivariable and multivariable analyses of predictor variables by mode of delivery. An artificial neural network was trained and externally validated to independently examine predictors of mode of delivery among women with preeclampsia.RESULTS: Six hundred and eight women met eligibility criteria and were included in this investigation. Based on multivariable logistic regression (MLR) modeling, a 5-unit increase in BMI yields a 16% increase in the odds of cesarean delivery. An artificial neural network trained and externally validated confirmed the importance of obesity in the prediction of mode of delivery among women undergoing labor induction for preeclampsia.
CONCLUSION: Among patients who are affected by preeclampsia, obesity complicates labor induction. The risk of cesarean delivery is enhanced by obesity, even with small increases in BMI. Prediction of mode of delivery by an artificial neural network performs similar to MLR among patients undergoing labor induction for preeclampsia. 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor