lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

Día Mundial de la Anestesiología / World Anesthesia Day

Octubre 16, 2017. No. 2843

Sin lugar a duda, la anestesiología es una profesión plena de retos, de incógnitas, de éxitos y de fracasos. Una ciencia milenaria que ha logrado conquistar al dolor, un conocimiento profundo de la fisiopatología, de los fármacos, y de la vida misma. Conocimientos y destrezas son características de esta profesión, actividad que cuando se adereza de amor por nuestros pacientes hace de los anestesiólogos seres humanos especiales.
Es una forma de vivir con plenitud, de satisfacer a nuestros seres más queridos y a nosotros mismos, a la vez que aseguramos que la inmensa mayoría de nuestros enfermos regresen sanos y salvos a su lecho familiar. Cuando nos toca confrontar nuestros errores o la muerte de alguno de nuestros pacientes no podemos dormir satisfechos, la duda nos lleva más allá de la tristeza en búsqueda de una explicación razonable que nos haga superar nuestro fracaso. Es nuestra forma de transitar por la vida, una manera por nosotros elegida, un modus vivendi que en realidad amamos.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor se complace en desearle un feliz inicio de semana celebrando el Día Mundial de la Anestesiología. Disfrútelo con plenitud en compañía de su Familia, amigos, colegas y pacientes.

Undoubtedly, anesthesiology is a profession full of challenges, mysteries, successes and failures. A millenary science that has managed to conquer pain, a deep knowledge of the pathophysiology, drugs, and life itself. Knowledge and skills are characteristics of this profession, an activity that, when it is dressed in love for our patients, makes anesthesiologists special human beings.
It is a way of fully living, of satisfying our loved ones and ourselves, while ensuring that the majority of our patients return safely to their family. When confronting our mistakes or the death of one of our patients we can not sleep satisfied, doubt takes us beyond sadness in search of a reasonable explanation that makes us overcome our failure. It is our way of life, a way chosen by us, a modus vivendi that we really love.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor is pleased to wish you a happy week celebrating World Anesthesiology Day. Enjoy it fully in the company of your Family, friends, colleagues and patients.
Indubitavelmente, a anestesiologia é uma profissão repleta de desafios, incógnitas, sucessos e falhas. Uma ciência milenar que conseguiu conquistar a dor, um profundo conhecimento da fisiopatologia, das drogas e da própria vida. O conhecimento e as habilidades são características desta profissão, uma atividade que, quando está vestida de amor por nossos pacientes, faz anestesiologistas seres humanos especiais.
É uma maneira de viver plenamente, de satisfazer nossos entes queridos e de nós mesmos, assegurando que a grande maioria de nossos pacientes retornem com segurança ao leito da família. Ao enfrentar nossos erros ou a morte de alguns de nossos pacientes, não podemos dormir satisfeitos, a dúvida nos leva além da tristeza em busca de uma explicação razoável que nos faz superar nosso fracasso. É o nosso modo de vida, um caminho escolhido por nós, um modus vivendi que realmente amamos.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor tem o prazer de desejar-lhe um feliz começo da semana comemorando o Dia Mundial da Anestesiologia. Aproveite totalmente na companhia de sua Família, amigos, colegas e pacientes.

Sans aucun doute, l'anesthésiologie est une profession pleine de défis, d'inconnus, de réussites et d'échecs. Une science millénaire qui a réussi à vaincre la douleur, une connaissance approfondie de la physiopathologie, de la drogue et de la vie elle-même. Les connaissances et les compétences sont les caractéristiques de cette profession, une activité qui, lorsqu'elle est amoureuse de nos patients, fait des anesthésiologistes des êtres humains spéciaux.
C'est une façon de vivre pleinement, de satisfaire nos proches et nous-mêmes, tout en veillant à ce que la grande majorité de nos patients reviennent en toute sécurité dans leur lit familial. Face à nos erreurs ou à la mort de certains de nos patients, nous ne pouvons pas dormir satisfaits, le doute nous emmène au-delà de la tristesse à la recherche d'une explication raisonnable qui nous fait surmonter notre échec. C'est notre mode de vie, une façon choisie par nous, un modus vivendi que nous aimons vraiment.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor est heureux de vous souhaiter un bon début de la semaine pour célébrer la Journée mondiale de l'anesthésiologie. Profitez-en pleinement en compagnie de votre famille, vos amis, vos collègues et vos patients.
بدون شک، بیهوشی حرفه ای است که از چالش ها، ناشناخته ها، موفقیت ها و شکست ها پر شده است. یک علم هزار ساله است که موفق به تسخیر درد، دانش عمیق از پاتوفیزیولوژی، مواد مخدر و زندگی خود است. دانش و مهارت ها ویژگی های این حرفه است، فعالیت هایی که، زمانی که در عشق به بیماران ما قرار می گیرد، بیهوشی را انسان های خاص می سازد.
این یک روش کامل زندگی است، برای رضایت عزیزان و خودمان، در حالی که اطمینان حاصل کنیم که اکثریت بیماران ما با خیال راحت به تختخواب خانواده خود می روند. در مواجهه با اشتباهات ما و یا مرگ یکی از بیماران ما نمی توانیم راضی نشویم، شكی ما را فراتر از غم و اندوه در جستجوی توضیح معقول می سازد كه ما را از غلبه بر شکست ما جلوگیری می كند. این شیوه زندگی ما است، راهی که ما انتخاب کردیم، مدیسویودی است که ما واقعا دوست داریم.
بیهوشی و درد پزشکی خوشحال است که به شما آرزوی خوشبختی را برای هفته جشن روز جهانی بیهوشی اختصاص
La historia de la anestesiología
The History of Anaesthesia.
J Natl Med Assoc. 1932 Jan;24(1):6-9.
Historia de la anestesia intravenosa con seis años de experiencia con pentotal sódico
History of Intravenous Anæsthesia with Six Years' Experience in the use of Pentothal Sodium.
Postgrad Med J. 1941 May;17(186):70-80.
Historia de la anestesia quirúrgica; una exhibición conmemorativa del centenario de la primera demostración pública de anestesia con éter de William Thomas Green Morton.
History of surgical anaesthesia; an exhibit commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of William Thomas Green Morton's first public demonstration of ether anaesthesia.
Q Bull Northwest Univ Med Sch. 1946;20(4):449-63.
Anestesia con éter, 1842-1900
Ether anaesthesia, 1842-1900.
Postgrad Med J. 1946 Oct;22(252):280-90.
Patrick Black (1813-1879); primer administrador de cloroformo en el Hospital de St. Bartholomew, Londres.
Patrick Black (1813-1879); first administrator of chloroform at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London.
Anaesthesia. 1955 Jan;10(1):70-3.
Anestesia regional para procedimientos de oficina.
Regional anesthesia for office procedures.
Calif Med. 1953 Mar;78(3):213-5.
Pacientes de la realeza y popularización de la anestesia.
Royal patients and the popularisation of anaesthesia.
Anaesthesia. 1953 Jul;8(3):146-50.
Edward D. Churchill y la anestesia en Harvard
Ann Surg. 1963 Nov;158:872-6.
La conquista del dolor
The conquest of pain.
Ulster Med J. 1959 Nov 1;28:101-17.
Dr. John Snow; 1813-1858
John Snow, M. D.; 1813-1858.
Anaesthesia. 1959 Apr;14(2):113-26.
Breve historia de la anestesia
Mayor M.C. Antonio Moreno-Guzmán
Rev Sanid Milit Mex 2012; 66(4) Jun -Ago: 189-194
17h World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, WFSA
Sep 6-11, 2020
Prague, Czech Republic
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Copyright © 2015

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Anestesia en cirugía laparoscópica / Anesthesia in laparoscopic surgery

Septiembre 27, 2017. No. 2824

CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
Complicaciones relacionadas con la anestesia, en cirugía laparoscópica
Anaesthesia-related complications in laparoscopic surgery
Dr. Juan Bautista Olivé González
Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación . 2013;12(1):57-69
Anestesia en la cirugía laparoscópica abdominal
Anesthesia in abdominal laparoscopic surgery
Jorge Enciso Nano
An Fac med. 2013;74(1):63-70
Anestesia en Cirugía Laparoscópica: implicancias
Anesthesia in Laparoscopic Surgery: Implications
Jorge Enciso Nano
Anestesia en cirugía laparoscópica
Gerardo Murga Velázquez, Pedro Casanovas Catot
Actas Peru Anestesiología
Consideraciones anestésicas en cirugía laparoscópica en el paciente pediátrico
Dr. David Ángel P García-Arreola, Dra. Liliana Ramírez-Aldana, Dra. Deoselina Hernández-Gutiérrez
Rev Mex Anestesiología Vol. 35. Supl. 1 Abril-Junio 2012 pp S164-S167
Anestesia en cirugia laparoscópica
Dr. Diosdado Pelegrí Grau
Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII

XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
Información / Information
XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905

Más de obesidad / More on obesity

Octubre 3, 2017. No. 2830


CTCT-20170914_102711 a.m.
El fenotipo metabólico en obesidad: Masa magra, distribución corporal de grasa, y función del tejido adiposo
The Metabolic Phenotype in Obesity: Fat Mass, Body Fat Distribution, and Adipose Tissue Function.
Obes Facts. 2017;10(3):207-215. doi: 10.1159/000471488. Epub 2017 Jun 1.
The current obesity epidemic poses a major public health issue since obesity predisposes towards several chronic diseases. BMI and total adiposity are positively correlated with cardiometabolic disease risk at the population level. However, body fat distribution and an impaired adipose tissue function, rather than total fat mass, better predict insulin resistance and related complications at the individual level. Adipose tissue dysfunction is determined by an impaired adipose tissue expandability, adipocyte hypertrophy, altered lipid metabolism, and local inflammation. Recent human studies suggest that adipose tissue oxygenation may be a key factor herein. A subgroup of obese individuals - the 'metabolically healthy obese' (MHO) - have a better adipose tissue function, less ectopic fat storage, and are more insulin sensitive than obese metabolically unhealthy persons, emphasizing the central role of adipose tissue function in metabolic health. However, controversy has surrounded the idea that metabolically healthy obesity may be considered really healthy since MHO individuals are at increased (cardio)metabolic disease risk and may have a lower quality of life than normal weight subjects due to other comorbidities. Detailed metabolic phenotyping of obese persons will be invaluable in understanding the pathophysiology of metabolic disturbances, and is needed to identify high-risk individuals or subgroups, thereby paving the way for optimization of prevention and treatment strategies to combat cardiometabolic diseases.
KEYWORDS: Adipose tissue function; Body fat; Metabolic health; Obesity; Oxygen
Obesidad: cambios fisiológicos sus implicaciones en el manejo preoperatorio
Obesity: physiologic changes and implications for preoperative management.
BMC Anesthesiol. 2015 Jul 4;15:97. doi: 10.1186/s12871-015-0079-8.
The proportion of patients defined as obese continues to grow in many westernized nations, particularly the United States (USA). This trend has shifted the perioperative management of obese patients into the realm of routine care. As obese patients present for all types of procedures, it is crucial for anesthesiologists, surgeons, internists, and perioperative health care providers alike to have a firm understanding of their altered multi-organ physiology in order to safely prepare the obese patient for an operation. A careful preoperative evaluation may also serve to identify risk factors for postoperative adverse events. Subsequently, preoperative measures may be implemented to mitigate these complications. In this manuscript we address the major considerations for the preoperative evaluation of the severely obese patient.

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XIV Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología 2017
Octubre 1-Diciembre 31, 2017
Información / Information
XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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Libro y revistas sobre cuidados paliativos / Book and journals on palliative care

Octubre 8, 2017. No. 2835

Aspectos destacados de varios temas subestimados en cuidados paliativos
Highlights on Several Underestimated Topics in Palliative Care
Edited by Marco Cascella, ISBN 978-953-51-3566-1, Print ISBN 978-953-51-3565-4, 154 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published October 04, 2017 under CC BY 3.0 license
Edited Volume
This book focuses on several underestimated topics in palliative care. 
Seven chapters have been divided into four sections: Ethical Issues, Volunteers in Palliative Care, Special Circumstances, and Prognostic Models in Palliative Care. The underestimated topics concern several ethical themes such as the Balance sheets of suffering, Good Death, Euthanasia, Assisted suicide, and the question of the 'Do not attempt resuscitation'. In addition, the role of volunteers, the approach to non-malignant diseases such as diabetes and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis are also addressed. Finally, the features and utility of different tools in order to facilitate optimal decision making for both physicians and patients, are given in details. This book will aid several figures facing the daily challenges of palliative care. Clinicians, nurses, volunteers, students and resident trainees, and other professionals can find this volume useful in their very difficult but extraordinarily fascinating mission
Indian Journal of Palliative Care
October-December 2017; Volume 23 | Issue 4 
Volume 17, Issue 1, December 2018
Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine
2017¸ Volume 7, Issue 5
Arch Palliat Care
Volume 1, Issue 1
Revista / Journal
Palliat Med Hosp Care Open J. 
Revista / Journal

XXVII Congreso Peruano de Anestesiología
Lima, Noviembre 2-4, 2017
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Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

52 664 6848905