jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Bibliotecas. Alertas

Por las bibliotecas
Los Andes (Argentina)
La Biblioteca Popular “Escritores mendocinos” cumple 28 años. Para este segundo cuatrimestre del año está abierta la inscripción gratuita a los Talleres Culturales de la institución, que se dictan en su Salón Manos Mendocinas, en la sede de la ...
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Clausura Cirilo Vázquez Cursos de Verano “Mis Vacaciones en la ...
Con la finalidad de fomentar la lectura entre los niños y motivarlos para que ocupen su tiempo libre en talleres que despierten su creatividad a través de la lectura es que se llevaron a cabo dichos cursos de verano en las cuatro bibliotecas del ...
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Novacaixagalicia cierra en agosto la mayor biblioteca de la ciudad
La Voz de Galicia
Las bibliotecas de Novacaixagalicia en Vigo también se van de vacaciones. En julio permaneció cerrada la de O Calvario y en agosto la que no abre sus puertas ningún día es la del centro cultural, la mayor de la ciudad por puestos de lectura exceptuado ...
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Clausura Leopoldo Torres cursos de Mis Vacaciones en la ...
Mary Barrientos Minatitlán, Ver.- El Presidente Municipal Lic. Leopoldo Torres García, clausuró los cursos de verano “Mis vacaciones en la Biblioteca 2012, en donde niños y niñas pudieron aprender diversas manualidades y estudiar de manera divertida.
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Contas demanda "más transparencia" en la racionalización del ...
El Consello de Contas de Galicia detecta, en el informe entregado este viernes a la jefa del Legislativo, Pilar Rojo, significativas carencias de información por parte de los entes instrumentales de la Administración autonómica, en apartados relativos ...
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Delegaciones internacionales confirman participación en ...
El Nuevo Diario (República Dominicana)
La de México la integran Guadalupe Curiel Defossé, Presidenta a la Asociación de Estados Iberoamericanos para el Desarrollo de las Bibliotecas Nacionales de Iberoamérica (ABINIA); la Doctora Belem Clark de Lara, Coordinadora de la Biblioteca ...
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Telemedicina. Alerta

Telemedicina: hacia una realidad en Colombia - El Espectador
según cperez
telemedicina.jpg. Mejor comunicación entre médicos y pacientes, eficiencia en las instituciones médicas y acceso remoto a consultas y diagnósticos, son algunos de los beneficios de esta tecnología. La Telemedicina, un concepto de 'salud a ...

La telemedicina y el teléfono ahorraron 60.000 visitas en hospitales ...
Los hospitales gestionados por el Instituto Catalán de la Salud (ICS) han realizado durante 2011 alrededor de 60.000 visitas virtuales. Este dato supone un ...
Telemedicina salva vida de joven Pemón del estado Bolívar | Tele ...
Joven Pemón de 16 años salva su vida gracias al diagnóstico que, por vía de la Telemedicina, recibió en el ambulatorio Rural Tipo II ubicado en la población ...
Elementos esenciales de Telemedicina (Tele-Ments) para conectar ...
Image credit: ginasanders / 123RF Foto de archivoAcad Med. 2012;87:1032– 1040En este estudio se - Elementos esenciales de Telemedicina (Tele-Ments) ...

Atletas Paralímpicos

Las creencias de los entrenadores atléticos hacia el trabajo con atletas de Olimpiadas Especiales 
Athletic trainers' beliefs toward working with special olympics athletes.
Conatser P, Naugle K, Tillman M, Stopka C.
College of Education, Department of Health and Human Performance, Program Area of Adapted Physical Activity, University of Texas at Brownsville, Brownsville, TX 78520, USA. phillip.conatser@utb.edu
J Athl Train. 2009 May-Jun;44(3):279-85.
CONTEXT: Certified athletic trainers (ATs) are often the first health care providers to treat injured athletes. However, few researchers have studied ATs' beliefs concerning working with Special Olympics athletes. OBJECTIVES: To examine ATs' beliefs toward working with Special Olympics athletes by using the theory of planned behavior model and to examine the influence of moderator variables. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey.SETTING: Athletic Trainers' Beliefs Toward Special Olympics Athletes survey instruments were mailed to 147 directors of Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs-accredited athletic training education programs (ATEPDs) in 43 states and 120 cities. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: One hundred twenty ATEPDs (44 women, 76 men).MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): We used stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine whether attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control predicted intention and to determine which moderator variables predicted attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Pearson product moment correlations were used to determine ATEPDs' beliefs about how competent they felt working with Special Olympics athletes and whether they were currently working with these athletes. RESULTS: We found that subjective norm, attitude toward the behavior, and perceived behavioral control predicted intention (R = 0.697, R(2) = 0.486, F(3,112) = 35.3, P < .001) and that intention predicted ATEPDs' actual behaviors (R = 0.503, R(2) = 0.253, F(1,118) = 39.995, P < .001). Moderator variables that predicted attitude toward the behavior included more years of experience working with Special Olympics athletes, completion of 1 or more courses in adapted physical activity, ATEPDs' competence, completion of 1 or more special education courses, and sex (R = 0.589, R(2) = 0.347, F(5,111) = 11.780, P < .001). Moderator variables that predicted subjective norm included more experience working with Special Olympics athletes and more Special Olympics certifications (R = 0.472, R(2) = 0.222, F(2,112) = 16.009, P < .001). Moderator variables that predicted perceived behavioral control included ATEPDs' competence, more years of experience working with Special Olympics athletes, and a higher educational degree (R = 0.642, R(2) = 0.412, F(4,113) = 19.793, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Certified athletic trainers had favorable attitudes about the behavior beliefs toward working with Special Olympics athletes; however, their subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention beliefs were unfavorable. The ATEPDs reported they did not feel competent to work with Special Olympics athletes.
Condiciones médicas y ortopédicas de los atletas olímpicos especiales 
Medical and orthopaedic conditions in special olympics athletes.
Platt LS.
Rangos School of Health Sciences, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
J Athl Train. 2001 Jan-Mar;36(1):74-80.
OBJECTIVE: Many Special Olympics athletes experience hypokinetic diseases and comorbid conditions that may predispose them to serious injuries during physical activity. A clear understanding of these conditions and diseases may assist health care professionals in preventing further distress and managing the injuries sustained by these athletes. Such diseases and conditions include overweight and obesity, diabetes, vision problems, seizure disorders, and Down syndrome, which is often associated with atlantoaxial instability. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE, SPORT Discus, and Special Olympics information sources for the years 1990-2000 using the key terms Special Olympics, mental retardation, comorbidity, Down syndrome, hypokinetic diseases, and physical activity were searched. DATA SYNTHESIS: A basic review of hypokinetic diseases and comorbid conditions prepares health care professionals for working with people with mental retardation. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Health care volunteers at Special Olympics events treat athletes with mental retardation who may also have some of the comorbid conditions and hypokinetic diseases observed commonly in this population. Moreover, many of these conditions and diseases are typical in athletes without mental retardation. Athletic trainers should be familiar with these conditions and diseases but should review the unique conditions and prescription medications commonly found in the Special Olympics population before providing medical services for these athletes.
Equipo de atención de Kenia en los Juegos Olímpicos Especiales 
Kenyan team care at the Special Olympics--1991.
Wekesa M, Onsongo J.
Exercise and Sports Consultancy, Nairobi, Kenya.
Br J Sports Med. 1992 Sep;26(3):128-33.
The Kenyan team that competed at the International Summer Special Olympics comprised 38 athletes (both men and women) selected from all competitors at the national championships. The team was examined and a physiological fitness test carried out. The results enabled the organizers to arrange for treatment of prevailing illnesses, and the training programme was adjusted to the athletes' level. This team was voted the best team of the month of July, having won 33 gold, three silver and two bronze medals. Sound medical care of athletes should be taken before and during competition. Such management should aim at minimizing injuries and enabling athletes to perform at their best.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Curso de alta especialidad actualización en artroplastia de CADERA y RODILLA

Curso de alta especialidad actualización en artroplastia de CADERA y RODILLA


Colegio Mexicano de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C.
World Trade Center México, Montecito #38, piso 25,
oficinas 23-27 Col. Nápoles, CP. 03810, México, D.F.
Tels. + (55) 9000 2790 al 94
eventos@smo.edu.mx / smo@smo.edu.mx

Costo: 2,500.00 pesos mn

Orthopedic Surgery: Women on the Rise in a Male Dominated Field


Orthopedic Surgery: Women on the Rise in a Male-Dominated Field

Dr. Mary I. O'Connor

Orthopedic Surgery: Women on the Rise in a Male-Dominated Field

Men have always dominated orthopedic surgery. In fact, orthopedics has the lowest percentage of women in a surgical specialty, with only 4.3 percent of board-certified orthopedic surgeons being female. People used to attribute the field's gender disparityto the physical force required to maneuver fractured or dislocated bones and joints back into place. While the need for physical strength may have played a role decades ago, advances in modern-day medical equipment have shifted the primary requisites from brute strength to manual dexterity, mechanical ability and an aptitude in three-dimensional visualization. So why are there so few women orthopedic surgeons?

Subtle attitudes continue to discourage women from fulfilling careers in orthopedics. Per unpublished data from Dr. Charles Day's study, "The Perceptions of Orthopaedic Surgery Among Medical Students," both male and female Harvard medical students cited the "jock/ frat culture" as the greatest detractor from choosing an orthopedic surgical residency. Dr. Day's research of "Orthopaedic Residents' Perceptions of Gender Diversity in Orthopaedic Surgery," also pending publication, noted that male orthopedic residents reported that female medical students would more likely choose a residency in general surgery because it would be "less physically demanding" and "easier to match into." Both male and female respondents agreed that the lack of female role models in orthopedics is a barrier to women entering the field. And while residents of both genders identified the availability of a role model in the specialty as an important decision-making factor, females were twice as likely to cite the importance of a role model of the same gender or ethnicity. Women orthopedic residents were also twice as likely to cite a perceived lack of acceptance by senior faculty as a barrier to entering the field.
While the presence of women in orthopedic residency programs has increased nearly five-fold over the past 30 years, only 14 percent of today's orthopedic residents are female. While this is progress, women now account for almost half of medical school graduates. The rising proportion ofwomen in surgical specialties overall disproves the antiquated notion that women are simply not interested in surgery. Moreover, the greatest gains for women in surgery have been in those specialties with a higher percentage of women already in the field, such as ob/gyn and general surgery. As the population continues to age, the need for orthopedic surgeons will increase. In order to continue to attract the best and the brightest, orthopedics needs to become more attractive to women students.
Several organizations have been created to increase the number of women in orthopedic surgery.The Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society (RJOS), named after the first female orthopedic surgeon in the United States, was the first. Formed as a support and networking group for women orthopedic surgeons, it now includes both female and male orthopedic surgeons as well as orthopedists-in-training and interested medical students. It also offers a mentoring program and has published The RJOS Guide for Women in Orthopaedic Surgery to guide women all the way from medical school to residency, and throughout their careers.
The Perry Initiative is another organization named after a pioneering woman in orthopedics, Dr. Jacquelin Perry. Its mission is to inspire young women to be leaders in orthopedic surgery and engineering by sponsoring hands-on outreach to young women in high-schools and medical schools across the country. The organization was started in 2009 by two women -- an orthopedic surgeon and a mechanical engineer, on the basis of the necessity for partnerships between surgeons and engineers to develop and improve implants that are safe and effective to address patient needs. Like orthopedics, engineering programs have a very low percentage of female faculty, especially in mechanical engineering. The outreach program's curriculum improves young women's confidence in their abilities in the fields of medicine and science and, for some, provides their first exposure to power tools!
While women in orthopedics are few, minority orthopedic surgeons are even scarcer, at just 3 percent. Nth Dimensions is an organization that seeks to address health care disparities and improve cultural competency by increasing the presence of both women and minorities in orthopedic surgery. This educational non-profit provides mentorships, residency matching guidance and financial resources to female and minority medical students interested in orthopedics. A partnership with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has allowed the expansion of a summer internship program to provide additional enrichment activities.
Such dedicated groups are making a difference. Medical students should feel free to pursue any field of interest, regardless of gender, ethnicity, size or a desire to have a family. Role models for young women interested in orthopedics appear to be a critical factor in their decision to enter this male-dominated field and are slowly increasing in numbers. But most importantly, diversity of health care providers in each specialty helps to improve the delivery of care to individual patients. And at the end of the day, that is what matters the most.

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

XXVII Jornada Nacional de Ortopedia / Acapulco Gro. México

Los dilemas en tumores óseos


Los dilemas en tumores óseos


Rico MG, Delgado CE, Estrada VE, González GR, Flores PN
Los dilemas en tumores óseos
Acta Ortop Mex 2007; 21 (6)
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 11
Paginas: 349-353
Archivo PDF: 154.74 Kb.
Los tumores óseos son un grupo heterogéneo de lesiones que hasta hace algunos años representaron tierra de nadie, siendo un capítulo de la oncología que despertaba poco interés.
La ortopedia oncológica se consideraba como un terreno árido, con pacientes difíciles, con pocas posibilidades de tratamiento y malos resultados. Además las necesidades asistenciales estaban más enfocadas hacia lesiones que tienen su origen en los sistemas respiratorio, digestivo, endocrino, linfático, aparato reproductor y mama, que por su frecuencia y técnicas de manejo, mostraban una vía para su resolución más accesible.

Palabras clave:.

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>Revistas >Acta Ortopédica Mexicana >Año2007, No. 6





Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), fue un medico y alquimista alemán nacido en Dresde o Leipzig, durante el invierno de 1570, es muy probable que se inscribiera en la Universidad de Leipzig bajo el nombre de Henricus Conrad Lips, sin embargo está comprobado que se matriculo en mayo de 1588 en la Universidad de Basilea en Suiza, y obtiene su titulo de medico en el mismo año. Discípulo de Paracelso, practica la medicina en Dresde, Magdeburgo y Hamburgo, y pudo ocupar un puesto de profesor en Leipzig. En 1588 permanece un tiempo en la corte imperial de Rodolfo II en Praga. En 1591 se convierte en el médico personal del conde Rosemberk en Trebon y tiene contactos con Johann Thölde uno de los presuntos autores de los tratados alquímicos de “Basilio Valentin”.

Su obra más conocida es el Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae (Anfiteatro de la Sabiduría Eterna), publicada en Hamburgo en 1595, es un clásico de la literatura alquímica, que mezcla magia, filosofía natural y cristianismo. La historiadora Frances Yates la considera como el enlace entre la filosofía de John Dee y el Rosacrucismo.

La primera edición (con un título muy largo en latín), como se ha dicho data de 1595, está ilustrada con cuatro grabados circulares coloreados a mano y realzados con oro y plata que son símbolos alquímicos muy elaborados, estas planchas fueron realizadas por el grabador Paullus van der Doort y el dibujo del laboratorio alquímico es del pintor holandés Hans Vredeman de Vries, que utiliza para su realización la perspectiva lineal de la cual es uno de los pioneros. El portarretrato del autor que acompaña a la obra es de Jan Diricks van Campen. De esta primera edición no quedan más que tres ejemplares originales en las bibliotecas de las universidades de Bâle, Darmstadt y Wisconsin.

La obra se reedita en una versión más extendida en la cual trabajaba el autor en el momento de su muerte en 1605, y fue finalmente publicada en Hanau en 1609 por su discípulo Erasmus Wolfart. Esta reedición añade 5 grabados rectangulares mas representando escenas alegóricas al tema de la obra.

Khunrath representa las tensiones propias de finales del siglo XVI. Siguió las creencias de Paracelso en la iniciación divina a la sabiduría, trabajó para desarrollar la magia natural cristianizada, trató de encontrar el secreto de la materia principal que llevaría a la humanidad a la sabiduría eterna. Sin embargo, llevó a cabo la experiencia y la observación para la base de su trabajo como lo haría un filósofo de la naturaleza.

Su visión no fue compartida por la mayoría de los filósofos de la naturaleza de su tiempo. Él creía ser un adepto de la alquimia espiritual, y como tal, esperaba que el camino hacia la perfección espiritual fuera un proceso de múltiples etapas e intrincado. Sin duda el lenguaje que utilizo para describir el proceso suena extraño a los oídos modernos.

La edición de 1609 de la obra la encuentran en Internet Archives con el titulo Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae : solius verae, christiano-kabalisticvm, divino-magicvm, nec non physico-chymicvm, tertrivnvm, catholicon, publicada en Hanau como hemos dicho anteriormente, los grabados son en blanco y negro y el texto en latín. ENLACE .

La University of Wisconsin en su Special Collections da acceso en línea a la primera edición de 1595, con los grabados circulares coloreados a mano ENLACE , pulsen sobre las imágenes y de nuevo debajo donde dice “Click here for a 1750 pixel width image”, observen también que en la columna de la derecha del enlace anterior, a continuación de cada dos imágenes si pulsan donde dice “Text” tienen acceso al texto de los emblemas detallado (en latín) . Y un facsímil igualmente ampliable a muy buena resolución del texto de la obra ENLACE .

A continuación les expongo las 4 imágenes circulares de la edición mencionada en el párrafo anterior. Muy importante, para verlas bien picar sobre las laminas y una vez en el servidor acceder al tamaño original.

001- Laboratorio alquimico-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin Syste

002- Laboratorio alquimico detalle central-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of

003- Hermafrodita-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

004-- Hermafrodita detalle central-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wiscons

005- El cuatro el tres el dos y el uno-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wis

006- El cuatro el tres el dos y el uno detalle central-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the U

007- La rosa cosmica-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

008-- La rosa cosmica detalle central-Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae-1595- Heinrich Khunrath- © 1999-2000 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisc

Las imágenes tienen copyright a favor de la biblioteca fuente, y como siempre se exponen aquí a titulo pedagógico y para ningún otro uso sin autorización expresa de la University of Wisconsin.

Veamos ahora de la edición de 1609 que se encuentra en Internet Archives y cuyo enlace indique más arriba, algunas de las láminas que no figuran en la primera edición (salvo el portarretrato).

009- Portada-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

010- Portarretrato del autor-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

011- Primer grabado rectangular vertical-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

En la obra este grabado figura en dos páginas individuales, he intentado unirlas lo mejor posible.

012-Primer grabado rectangular horizontal-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

013-Segundo grabado rectangular horizontal-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

014-Tercer grabado rectangular horizontal- Tabla esmeraldina-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

015-Cuarto grabado rectangular horizontal-Amphitheatrvm sapientiae aeternae…-1609- Heinrich Khunrath

He corregido contraste y nitidez de los originales.


Los tumores óseos y la ortopedia

Ortopedia_Oncologica_Mexico: Los tumores óseos y la ortopedia:
Fuente:  http://www.medigraphic.com/pdfs/ortope/or-2010/or103a.pdf Acta Ortopédica Mexicana 2010; 24(3): May.-Jun: 137-138 Editorial ...
En muchas ocasiones el primer contacto médico para enfermos portadores de tumores óseos es el cirujano ortopedista, quien en ocasiones se enfrenta al problema de carecer de una infraestructura en esta materia y/o un servicio especializado, por lo cual tiene que afrontar diversos grados de dificultades para el adecuado tratamiento de estos pacientes; ya sea por limitaciones técnicas, diagnósticas, de recursos especializados, por insuficiencias en el conocimiento del tema, etc. También es frecuente que los ortopedistas especialistas en la materia reciban pacientes con diagnósticos tardíos, o peor aun, ya tratados quirúrgicamente sin los juicios oncológicos adecuados; a veces con fracturas en terreno tumoral, que sin percatarse de la presencia del tumor han sido tratados bajo criterios ortopédicos convencionales. En otras ocasiones, con toma de biopsias en localización inadecuada; con diseminación o siembras de neoplasias por tomar un injerto y no cambiar instrumental, guantes o el equipo quirúrgico; con resección incompleta de la lesión por limitación técnica, desconocimiento o temor; con biopsias demasiado grandes que inducen fracturas o complicadas con extensos hematomas; con selección inadecuada de materiales para la reconstrucción y exageración o minimización del tratamiento quirúrgico, que va desde no darle importancia a la lesión, hasta la amputación; con toma improvisada de biopsia que es enviada a patólogos no entrenados que dictan diagnósticos equivocados, y muchas equivocaciones más....

Talleres de intervencionismo en cadáveres, Conferencias y Curso de Actualización Interactivo dedicado al manejo de opioides.

La Cínica del Dolor del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán ubicado en la Ciudad de México organiza el Curso Anual, del 5 al 8 de Septiembre del 2012, con Talleres de intervencionismo en cadáveres, Conferencias y Curso de  Actualización Interactivo dedicado al manejo de  opioides.
El programa incluye temas de ciencias  básicas, farmacología, intervencionismo y cuidados paliativos impartido por selectos profesores nacionales e internacionales.
Para mayores informes siga este enlace http://www.dolorypaliativos.org/fimdp2012.asp o escriba al correo electrónico azaleap@hotmail.com o llame a los teléfonos (55) 5513 3782 ó (55) 5487 0900 Ext.  5020 y 5021 
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Más sobre drogas y atletas

Lesión, dolor y uso de opioides de prescripción entre ex futbolistas de la NFL 
Injury, pain, and prescription opioid use among former National Football League (NFL) players.
Cottler LB, Ben Abdallah A, Cummings SM, Barr J, Banks R, Forchheimer R.
Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA. cottler@epi.wustl.edu
Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Jul 1;116(1-3):188-94. Epub 2011 Jan 28.
BACKGROUND: Athletes with injury-related pain, especially National Football League (NFL) players, are at increased risk for opioid use and misuse which may result in medical, psychiatric and social problems. This is the first study to evaluate the intersection of sports pain and opioid use and misuse among former NFL players. METHODS: A telephone survey of 644 retired NFL players from the 2009 Retired Players Association Directory was conducted (53.4% completion rate) from March to August 2010. RESULTS: Over half (52%) used opioids during their NFL career with 71% reporting misuse. Additionally, 15% of NFL misusers currently misused vs. 5% among players who used just as prescribed during their NFL career. Prevalence of current opioid use was 7%-3 times the rate of the general population. Multivariate analyses indicated that significant NFL pain increased the adjusted odds (AOR) of any current opioid use vs. non-use (AOR 6.76, 95%CI 2.88-15.87), as did moderate to severe mental impairment (AOR 1.88, 95%CI 1.19-2.98) and heavy drinking in the past week (AOR 2.15, 95%CI 1.17-3.98). Undiagnosed concussions singly predicted current misuse vs. use just as prescribed (AOR 4.25, 95%CI 1.12-16.22). Three variables predicted current misuse vs. non-use: significant pain (AOR 8.33, 95%CI 1.98-35.04), undiagnosed concussions (AOR 3.51, 95%CI 1.98-35.04) and heavy drinking (AOR 3.48, 95%CI 1.63-7.41). CONCLUSIONS: Players who misused during their NFL career were most likely to misuse currently compared to others. Current misuse was associated with more NFL pain, undiagnosed concussions and heavy drinking. Longitudinal studies are needed to determine the long term effects of opioid misuse among athletes
Abuso de hormona de crecimiento entre levantadores de pesas masculinos 
Human growth hormone abuse in male weightlifters.
Brennan BP, Kanayama G, Hudson JI, Pope HG Jr.
Biological Psychiatry Laboratory, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts 02478, USA. bbrennan@partners.org
Am J Addict. 2011 Jan-Feb;20(1):9-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2010.00093.x. Epub 2010 Nov 12.
In a study of performance-enhancing substance use among 231 experienced young male weightlifters, we found that 27 (12%) reported illicit use of human growth hormone (HGH) or its bioactive derivative, insulin-like growth factor-1. All of these 27 men also reported use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and 22 (81%) met criteria for current or past AAS dependence. Fifteen (56%) also reported current or past dependence on opioids, cocaine, and/or ecstasy. These findings suggest that among young male weightlifters, illicit HGH use has become a common form of substance abuse, frequently associated with both AAS dependence and classical substance dependence.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Cursos de práctica quirúrgica en espécimen biológico cursos en el servicio médico forense de la ciudad de México

Más sobre vía aérea y deportistas

Disfunción de la vía aérea en nadadores 
Airway dysfunction in swimmers.
Bougault V, Boulet LP.
Université Droit et Santé de Lille, Lille, France. valerie.bougault@univ-lille2.fr
Br J Sports Med. 2012 May;46(6):402-6. doi: 10.1136/402 bjsports-2011-090821. Epub 2012 Jan 12
Elite competitive swimmers are particularly affected by airway disorders that are probably related to regular and intense training sessions in a chlorinated environment. Upper and lower airway respiratory symptoms, rhinitis, airway hyper-responsiveness, and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction are highly prevalent in these athletes, but their influence on athletic performance is still unclear. The authors reviewed the main upper and lower respiratory ailments observed in competitive swimmers who train in indoor swimming pools, their pathophysiology, clinical significance and possible effects on performance. Issues regarding the screening of these disorders, their management and preventive measures are addressed
La salud respiratoria de los deportistas de élite - la prevención de lesiones las vías respiratorias: una revisión crítica
Respiratory health of elite athletes - preventing airway injury: a critical review.
Kippelen P, Fitch KD, Anderson SD, Bougault V, Boulet LP, Rundell KW, Sue-Chu M, McKenzie DC.
Brunel University, Centre for Sports Medicine & Human Performance, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK. pascale.kippelen@brunel.ac.uk
Br J Sports Med. 2012 Jun;46(7):471-6. Epub 2012 Apr 20.
Elite athletes, particularly those engaged in endurance sports and those exposed chronically to airborne pollutants/irritants or allergens, are at increased risk for upper and lower airway dysfunction. Airway epithelial injury may be caused by dehydration and physical stress applied to the airways during severe exercise hyperpnoea and/or by inhalation of noxious agents. This is thought to initiate an inflammatory cascade/repair process that, ultimately, could lead to airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and asthma in susceptible athletes. The authors review the evidence relating to prevention or reduction of the risk of AHR/asthma development. Appropriate measures should be implemented when athletes exercise strenuously in an attempt to attenuate the dehydration stress and reduce the exposure to noxious airborne agents. Environmental interventions are the most important. Non-pharmacological strategies can assist, but currently, pharmacological measures have not been demonstrated to be effective. Whether early prevention of airway injury in elite athletes can prevent or reduce progression to AHR/asthma remains to be established.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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