jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Commuters Pedal to Work on Their Very Own Superhighway


Commuters Pedal to Work on Their Very Own Superhighway

A Green Light for Copenhagen's Cyclists: A new initiative in Copenhagen aims at building miles of bicycle highways that offer cyclists a safer and faster way to commute.
COPENHAGEN — Picture 11 miles of smoothly paved bike path meandering through the countryside. Largely uninterrupted by roads or intersections, it passes fields, backyards, chirping birds, a lake, some ducks and, at every mile, an air pump.


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Jan Grarup for The New York Times
An 11-mile-long path called a bicycle superhighway has opened between Copenhagen and Albertslund, a western suburb.
For some Danes, this is the morning commute.
Susan Nielsen, a 59-year-old schoolteacher, was one of a handful of people taking advantage of Denmark’s first “superhighway” for bicycles on a recent morning, about halfway between Copenhagen and Albertslund, a suburb, which is the highway’s endpoint. “I’m very glad because of the better pavement,” said Ms. Nielsen, who wore a rain jacket and carried a pair of pants in a backpack to put on after her 40-minute commute.
The cycle superhighway, which opened in April, is the first of 26 routes scheduled to be built to encourage more people to commute to and from Copenhagen by bicycle. More bike path than the Interstate its name suggests, it is the brainchild of city planners who were looking for ways to increase bicycle use in a place where half of the residents already bike to work or to school every day.
“We are very good, but we want to be better,” said Brian Hansen, the head of Copenhagen’s traffic planning section.
He and his team saw potential in suburban commuters, most of whom use cars or public transportation to reach the city. “A typical cyclist uses the bicycle within five kilometers,” or about three miles, said Mr. Hansen, whose office keeps a coat rack of ponchos that bicycling employees can borrow in case of rain. “We thought: How do we get people to take longer bicycle rides?”
They decided to make cycle paths look more like automobile freeways. While there is a good existing network of bicycle pathways around Copenhagen, standards across municipalities can be inconsistent, with some stretches having inadequate pavement, lighting or winter maintenance, as well as unsafe intersections and gaps.
“It doesn’t work if you have a good route, then a section in the middle is covered in snow,” said Lise Borgstrom Henriksen, spokeswoman for the cycle superhighway secretariat. “People won’t ride to work then.”
For the superhighway project, Copenhagen and 21 local governments teamed up to ensure that there were contiguous, standardized bike routes into the capital across distances of up to 14 miles. “We want people to perceive these routes as a serious alternative,” Mr. Hansen said, “like taking the bus, car or train.”
The plan has received widespread support in a country whose left- and right-leaning lawmakers both regularly bike to work (albeit on slightly different models of bicycle).
Riding on the first superhighway, which grew more crowded as it neared the city, Marianne Bagge-Petersen said she was heading to a support group for job seekers. “I think it’s very cool,” she said, noting that the path allowed her to avoid roads with more car traffic. “Taking the bike makes me feel good about myself. I’m looking for a job, and if I don’t get out, it’s going to be a very long day.”
The Capital Region of Denmark, a political body responsible for public hospitals as well as regional development, has provided $1.6 million for the superhighway project.
“When we look at public hospitals, we look very much at how to reduce cost,” said a regional councilor, Lars Gaardhoj, who had just picked up his three small children in a cargo bike decorated with elephants. “It’s a common saying among doctors that the best patient is the patient you never see. Anything we can do to get less pollution and less traffic is going to mean healthier, maybe happier, people.”
In Denmark, thanks to measures like the superhighway, commuters choose bicycles because they are the fastest and most convenient transportation option. “It’s not because the Danes are more environmentally friendly,” said Gil Penalosa, executive director of 8-80 Cities, a Canadian organization that works to make cities healthier. “It’s not because they eat something different at breakfast.”
Lars Gemzo, a partner at Gehl Architects, said that within Copenhagen, biking was already the best option for many kinds of trips. “If you want to drive a car for a medium distance, you know you are a fool,” he said. “You are going to waste time.”

Danish statistics show that every 6 miles biked instead of driven saves 3 1/2 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions and 9 cents in health care costs. But many cite happiness among the chief benefits of bicycle commuting.
“When you have been biking for 30 minutes, you have a really good feeling about yourself,” said Henrik Dam Kristensen, the minister for transport, who supports the superhighways. “You really enjoy a glass of wine because you’ve earned it.”
Frits Bredal, the head of communications at the Danish Cyclists’ Federation, cautioned that the superhighways were not perfect. “Ideally, there would be no red lights, there would be a perfect pavement, no holes, no obstacles, a real highway,” Mr. Bredal said.
Several biking innovations are being tested in Copenhagen. Some, like footrests and “green wave” technology, which times traffic lights at rush hour to suit bikers, have already been put into place on the superhighway. Others, like garbage cans tilted at an angle for easy access and “conversation” lanes, where two people can ride side by side and talk, might show up on long-distance routes in the future.
Superhighway users can also look forward to some variation on the “karma campaign,” now under way in Copenhagen, in which city employees take to the streets with boxes of chocolate to reward cyclists who adhere to the five rules of cycling: be nice, signal, stay to the right, overtake carefully and, rather than let bicycle bells irritate you, do your best to appreciate them.
The next superhighway will link Copenhagen with the municipality of Fureso, to the northwest. There, the existing bike path takes riders through a beautiful forest that is, unfortunately, very dark at night.
Last winter, to comply with superhighway standards, Fureso tested solar-powered lighting. “People were so happy about it,” said Lene Hartmann, Fureso’s climate project leader. “One rider said, ‘We feel like the trolls are taking care of us.’ ”
Several years ago, a Fureso resident, Karsten Bruun Hansen, started a “bike bus,” in which cyclists meet and commute together, taking turns blocking the wind. (Inspired by Mr. Hansen’s idea, the municipality also created a bike bus for children to ride to school together.)
Mr. Hansen, who estimates that he personally saves a ton of carbon dioxide every year, hopes that the superhighway will encourage more people to ride their bikes. “It’s unavoidable to commute to work,” Mr. Hansen said. “This way, you are using the time doing something fun.”
Ole Bondo Christensen, Fureso’s mayor, is also looking forward to the improvements that the superhighway will bring. Mr. Christensen, who does not own a car, bikes nearly four miles to work every day. “It’s my way to clear my brain,” he said. “Sometimes I get new ideas.”
This summer, after the rest of the solar-powered lights are installed, Fureso’s section of the road will be superhighway-ready.
“Now, the wind should always be at your back,” Mr. Christensen said with a smile. “We are working on that.”

El futuro de la telemedicina cardiaca ya llega a los teléfonos móviles.


El futuro de la telemedicina cardiaca ya llega a los teléfonos móviles.

Un electrocardiograma (ECG/EKG) es la representación gráfica de la actividad eléctrica del corazón, que se obtiene con un electrocardiógrafo en forma de cinta continua. Es el instrumento principal de la electro fisiología cardíaca y tiene una función relevante en el diagnóstico de las enfermedades cardio vasculares, alteraciones metabólicas y la predisposición a una muerte súbita cardíaca. También es útil para saber la duración del ciclo cardíaco. La empresa israelí Smartheart, presentará pronto se última innovación en materia de medicina cardíaca que transformará iPhones, Blackberries y Androids en instrumentos ECG de grado hospitalario.
La tecnología smartheart probada en campo, se dirige al factor mas critico relacionado con ataques al corazón: “el tiempo”.
En solamente 30 segundos, cualquier usuario final es capaz de crear un ECG y transmitirlo a su médico o cardiólogo, subirlo a su Registro Personal de Salud, o enviarlo a su hospital y obtener el diagnóstico médico en tiempo real.
Smartheart puede ser utilizado por cualquier persona, dondequiera y en cualquier momento, en la casa, en la oficina o en la ruta. Lo mejor de todo es que puede ser utilizado por un usuario no profesional en temas médicos, y es un poco más grande que un iPhone 4, y pesa un poco menos que un iPhone 4.
Telemedicina significa medicina practicada a distancia, incluye tanto diagnóstico y tratamiento, como también la educación médica. Es un recurso tecnológico que posibilita la optimización de los servicios de atención en salud, ahorrando tiempo y dinero y facilitando el acceso a zonas distantes para tener atención de especialistas.
En temas de telemedicina el futuro de la atención médica y la medicina individualizada, ya cuentan con un instrumento que ofrece independencia geográfica. Este dispositivo abrirá una puerta mas a la convergencia de tecnologías médicas innovadoras.
latam israel
Telediagnóstico o diagnóstico a distancia o diagnóstico remoto, es la técnica que mayor impacto causa, dadas las múltiples ventajas con que se presenta y el amplio aprovechamiento de la tecnología. Consiste en evaluar o asistir en la evaluación médica de un paciente desde un centro hospitalario que se encuentre distante, haciendo uso de las telecomunicaciones para llevar a cabo esta acción.
Sin dudas estamos frente a una enorme mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente y aumenta la capacidad de seguimiento activo de un paciente en cualquier parte del mundo, 24 horas,7 días a la semana y 365 días al año.

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Síndrome antifosfolípido

Síndrome antifosfolípido durante el embarazo: estado actual 
Antiphospholipid Syndrome during pregnancy: the state of the art.
Di Prima FA, Valenti O, Hyseni E, Giorgio E, Faraci M, Renda E, De Domenico R, Monte S.
Policlinico Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Catania, Italy.
J Prenat Med. 2011 Apr;5(2):41-53.
Obstetric complications are the hallmark of antiphospholipid syndrome. Recurrent miscarriage, early delivery, oligohydramnios, prematurity, intrauterine growth restriction, fetal distress, fetal or neonatal thrombosis, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, arterial or venous thrombosis and placental insufficiency are the most severe APS-related complication for pregnant women. Antiphospholipid antibodies promote activation of endothelial cells, monocytes and platelets, causing an overproduction of tissue factor and thromboxane A2. Complement activation might have a central pathogenetic role. These factors, associated with the typical changes in the hemostatic system during normal pregnancy, result in a hypercoagulable state. This is responsible of thrombosis that is presumed to provoke many of the pregnancy complications associated with APS. Obstetric care is based on combined medical-obstetric high-risk management and treatment with the association between aspirin and heparin. This review aims to deter- mine the current state of the art of APS by investigating the knowledge achievements of recent years, to provide the most appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic management for pregnant women suffering from this syndrome.

 Libro sobre Síndrome antifosfolípidos
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Edited by Alena Bulikova, ISBN 978-953-51-0526-8, Hard cover, 232 pages, Publisher: InTech, Published: April 20, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license, in subject Immunology, Allergology and Rheumatology
The antiphospholipid syndrome has been described for the first time by Graham Hughes in 1983 as a condition connected with thromboses or foetal losses and antiphospholipid antibodies presence. Form that time there has been a great progress in knowledge, including antiphospholipid antibodies characterisation, their probable and also possible action, clinical manifestations, laboratory detection and treatment possibilities . This book provides a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations through Chapters written by well known researchers and clinicians with a great practical experience in management of diagnostics or treatment of antiphospholipid antibodies' presence.
Dr. Benito Cortes-Blanco
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

Tijera y papel

Fuente: Roxana Brand

Prevención Trombosis Venosa Profunda


Plática impartida por el Dr. Luis Fernando García-Frade Ruiz, en los días Académicos del Servicio de Ortopedia Mixta, del Hospital de Ortopedia Dr. Victorio de la Fuente Narváez (antes Magdalena de las Salinas) el 18 de julio 2012, Ciudad de México D.F.


Fuente : http://marcoantonio-rivera.blogspot.mx/



En base al listado de bibliotecas publicado por la página "En la red", Literatura hoy hace un ranking de las catorce mejores bibliotecas digitales:

1. Biblioteca Digital Mundial  
Todo tipo de libros históricos, artículos y mapas de todos los países. Biblioteca virtual que cuenta con el apoyo de Naciones Unidas

2. Biblioteca digital europea - Europeana   http://www.europeana.eu/portal/
Europeana.eu trata de ideas y de inspiración, con enlaces a 2 millones objetos ditigales
Imágenes - pinturas, dibujos, mapas, fotos y pinturas de museos
Textos - libros, periódicos, cartas, diarios y papeles de archivo
Sonido - música y palabra hablada en cilindros, cintas, discos y emisiones de radio
Vídeos - películas, telediarios y programas de TV

3. Biblioteca Digital Hispánica - Biblioteca Nacional de España http://bibliotecadigitalhispanica.bne.es/R/
Acceso libre a más de 10.000 obras de la biblioteca nacional. Rigurosa selección de documentos singulares que conserva la Biblioteca Nacional, cuyo contenido es esencial para el conocimiento de la cultura hispánica.

4. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes    http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/
La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., de libre acceso. Incluye trabajos de investigación, catálogo en otras lenguas y bibliotecas del mundo.

5. Biblioteca Americana                   http://bib.cervantesvirtual.com/seccion/ba/
El usuario de esta Biblioteca Americana encontrará en ella una gran cantidad de documentos textuales y audiovisuales que le permitirán acercarse, entre otros, a espacios tan diversos como la literatura gauchesca, la cultura hispana en Estados Unidos o la creación brasileña; al mundo barroco de sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o a la realidad más contemporánea en la poesía de Mario Benedetti; a destacados acervos como la Biblioteca José Toribio Medina de Chile, los Fondos reservados de la Biblioteca Nacional de México o los Manuscritos de América en las Colecciones Reales; al pensamiento del libertador Bolívar o al de los grandes nombres del exilio español en América.

6. Biblioteca de literatura infantil y juvenil      http://bib.cervantesvirtual.com/seccion/bibinfantil/
La Biblioteca de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil contiene un catálogo virtual de autores españoles e hispanoamericanos de obras infantiles y juveniles, revistas, cuentos, bibliotecas de autor, fonoteca de obras clásicas, talleres, enlaces institucionales... dirigido al mundo de la educación, edición, formación e investigación.

7.Ciberoteca : La Biblioteca virtual más grande del mundo             http://www.ciberoteca.com/homecas.asp
La biblioteca virtual más grande del mundo. Desde la Ciberoteca tendrá acceso gratuito a miles de textos literarios, científicos y técnicos, y a cientos de bibliotecas virtuales disponibles en Internet.

8. Wikisource Wikisource es una biblioteca en línea de textos originales que se encuentran en dominio público o que hayan sido publicados con una licencia GFDL.  http://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Portada

9. La Biblio                http://www.labiblio.com/
Una recopilación de textos electrónicos repartidos en la red y estructurados por áreas curriculares, que pretende servir de apoyo a estudiantes y profesores.

10.Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva              http://www.ciudadseva.com/bdcs/bdcs.htm
Miles de cuentos clásicos para leer en pantalla, descargar o imprimir.

11. Biblioteca Virtual Biblopía            http://www.neotake.com/
Biblioteca virtual gratuita con libros en español e inglés.

12. Bibliotecas Virtuales                     http://www.bibliotecasvirtuales.com/
Los textos completos de las obras mas importantes de la literatura iberoamericana y universal. Novelas, cuentos, poesia, leyendas. Incluye foros y listas de correo. Permite a los autores publicar en forma gratuita y comercial en línea o en forma impresa.

13.Cibera Cibera es una biblioteca interdisciplinaria para científicos especialistas y estudiantes de cultura, historia, política, economía y sociedad de los países de habla española o portuguesa y también del Caribe.              http://www.cibera.de/es/index.html

14. Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC                http://bibliotecas.csic.es/bibliotecas/areas.html
Servicio de Información de la Red de Bibliotecas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC, Bibliotecas de Ciencia e Investigacón

"Prevención de Trombosis Venosa Profunda"

sesión extramuros con el Dr. Luis Fernando García-Prade Ruiz con el tema: "Prevención de Trombosis Venosa Profunda"


Watch live streaming video from ortopediamixta at livestream.com

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

Video conferencias del mes de Julio en en Hospital General de México

Congreso "Envejecimiento Saludable en Comunidad"

Buenos días,  me da mucho gusto saludarlo y aprovecho este medio para informarle que el Congreso "Envejecimiento Saludable en Comunidad" se celebrará los días 26 y 27 de Julio del presente, en el Hotel Villa Bejar de esta ciudad de Cuernavaca, Mor.

 Por tal motivo, me complace en hacerle una atenta invitación para asistir al
 Programa Especial
 Adultos Mayores  y Familiares
que dentro de este congreso se llevará a cabo el día 26 de Julio  de las 9:00 a las 14:30 horas.
Cuota de recuperación:     $200.00  c/u
Incluye:  Desayuno, dos conferencias de auto-cuidado, material y área de entretenimiento
Las inscripciones ya están abiertas.  Habrá cupo limitado
Depósito en Banamex
Voluntades Emprendedoras, A.C.
Cuenta:  7002 5134212
Clabe:  002540700251342126
Me dará mucho gusto verlos el día 26 de julio del 2012, en este programa hecho especialmente pensando en usted.
Reciba un cordial saludo.
Dra. María Teresa Jarillo Soto
Tel.  777  312 9815

domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

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Cannabinoides y dolor

Canabinoides como farmacoterapia para el dolor neuropático: desde el laboratorio a la clínica 
Cannabinoids as pharmacotherapies for neuropathic pain: from the bench to the bedside.
Rahn EJ, Hohmann AG.
Neuroscience and Behavior Program, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA.
Neurotherapeutics. 2009 Oct;6(4):713-37.
Neuropathic pain is a debilitating form of chronic pain resulting from nerve injury, disease states, or toxic insults. Neuropathic pain is often refractory to conventional pharmacotherapies, necessitating validation of novel analgesics. Cannabinoids, drugs that share the same target as Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, have the potential to address this unmet need. Here, we review studies evaluating cannabinoids for neuropathic pain management in the clinical and preclinical literature. Neuropathic pain associated with nerve injury, diabetes, chemotherapeutic treatment, human immunodeficiency virus, multiple sclerosis, and herpes zoster infection is considered. In animals, cannabinoids attenuate neuropathic nociception produced by traumatic nerve injury, disease, and toxic insults. Effects of mixed cannabinoid CB(1)/CB(2) agonists, CB(2) selective agonists, and modulators of the endocannabinoid system (i.e., inhibitors of transport or degradation) are compared. Effects of genetic disruption of cannabinoid receptors or enzymes controlling endocannabinoid degradation on neuropathic nociception are described. Specific forms of allodynia and hyperalgesia modulated by cannabinoids are also considered. In humans, effects of smoked marijuana, synthetic Delta(9)-THC analogs (e.g., Marinol, Cesamet) and medicinal cannabis preparations containing both Delta(9)-THC and cannabidiol (e.g., Sativex, Cannador) in neuropathic pain states are reviewed. Clinical studies largely affirm that neuropathic pain patients derive benefits from cannabinoid treatment. Subjective (i.e., rating scales) and objective (i.e., stimulus-evoked) measures of pain and quality of life are considered. Finally, limitations of cannabinoid pharmacotherapies are discussed together with directions for future research.

Canabinoides en el dolor de difícil manejo
Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain.
Russo EB.
GW Pharmaceuticals Vashon, WA, USA.
Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2008 Feb;4(1):245-59.
This article reviews recent research on cannabinoid analgesia via the endocannabinoid system and non-receptor mechanisms, as well as randomized clinical trials employing cannabinoids in pain treatment. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, Marinol((R))) and nabilone (Cesamet((R))) are currently approved in the United States and other countries, but not for pain indications. Other synthetic cannabinoids, such as ajulemic acid, are in development. Crude herbal cannabis remains illegal in most jurisdictions but is also under investigation. Sativex((R)), a cannabis derived oromucosal spray containing equal proportions of THC (partial CB(1) receptor agonist ) and cannabidiol (CBD, a non-euphoriant, anti-inflammatory analgesic with CB(1) receptor antagonist and endocannabinoid modulating effects) was approved in Canada in 2005 for treatment of central neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, and in 2007 for intractable cancer pain. Numerous randomized clinical trials have demonstrated safety and efficacy for Sativex in central and peripheral neuropathic pain, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer pain. An Investigational New Drug application to conduct advanced clinical trials for cancer pain was approved by the US FDA in January 2006. Cannabinoid analgesics have generally been well tolerated in clinical trials with acceptable adverse event profiles. Their adjunctive addition to the pharmacological armamentarium for treatment of pain shows great promise.

Papel del sistema canabinoide en el tratamiento e implicaciones para el manejo de los episodios de dolor agudo y crónico 
Role of the cannabinoid system in pain control and therapeutic implications for the management of acute and chronic pain episodes.
Manzanares J, Julian M, Carrascosa A.
Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, Universidad Miguel Hernandez-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Apartado de correos 18, 03550 Sant Joan d'Alacant, Spain. jmanzanares@umh.es
Curr Neuropharmacol. 2006 Jul;4(3):239-57.
Cannabis extracts and synthetic cannabinoids are still widely considered illegal substances. Preclinical and clinical studies have suggested that they may result useful to treat diverse diseases, including those related with acute or chronic pain. The discovery of cannabinoid receptors, their endogenous ligands, and the machinery for the synthesis, transport, and degradation of these retrograde messengers, has equipped us with neurochemical tools for novel drug design. Agonist-activated cannabinoid receptors, modulate nociceptive thresholds, inhibit release of pro-inflammatory molecules, and display synergistic effects with other systems that influence analgesia, especially the endogenous opioid system. Cannabinoid receptor agonists have shown therapeutic value against inflammatory and neuropathic pains, conditions that are often refractory to therapy. Although the psychoactive effects of these substances have limited clinical progress to study cannabinoid actions in pain mechanisms, preclinical research is progressing rapidly. For example, CB(1)mediated suppression of mast cell activation responses, CB(2)-mediated indirect stimulation of opioid receptors located in primary afferent pathways, and the discovery of inhibitors for either the transporters or the enzymes degrading endocannabinoids, are recent findings that suggest new therapeutic approaches to avoid central nervous system side effects. In this review, we will examine promising indications of cannabinoid receptor agonists to alleviate acute and chronic pain episodes. Recently, Cannabis sativa extracts, containing known doses of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, have granted approval in Canada for the relief of neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis. Further double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials are needed to evaluate the potential therapeutic effectiveness of various cannabinoid agonists-based medications for controlling different types of pain.

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor