
jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

Video conferencing with patients: Is your hospital doing it?

Video conferencing with patients: Is your hospital doing it?

Find out how it can be an asset to your hospital.
By Nicola Ziady | Posted: June 15, 2011
Seven percent of American physicians use video conferencing to communicate with patients, according to a new study by Manhattan Research.
"Taking the Pulse" surveyed 2,000 physicians to understand digital adoption trends. The study focused on how doctors are using technology in their practice.
As video chat has become more affordable, this type of communication is emerging as a great way for physicians to consult with patients about non-urgent health concerns, especially for follow-up questions about an appointment. The Manhattan Research study also found that specific specialties, such as oncology, are more likely to use video to communicate directly with patients.
However, the research also found that concerns over reimbursement, liability, and HIPAA are still major barriers to communicating online with patients.
Do your doctors communicate with patients through chat?

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