
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

En este día...


On This Day: May 20

On May 20, 1961, a white mob attacked a busload of "Freedom Riders" in Montgomery, Ala., prompting the federal government to send in United States marshals to restore order.
On May 20, 1908, James Stewart, the American movie actor, was born. Following his death on July 2, 1997, his obituary appeared in The Times.

On This Date

1861North Carolina voted to secede from the Union.
1861The capital of the Confederacy was moved from Montgomery, Ala., to Richmond, Va.
1902The United States ended its occupation of Cuba.
1927Charles Lindbergh took off for Paris from Roosevelt Field in Long Island, N.Y., aboard the Spirit of St. Louis on the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
1932Amelia Earhart took off from Newfoundland for Ireland to become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
1939Regular trans-Atlantic air service began as a Pan American Airways plane took off from Port Washington, N.Y., bound for Europe.
1969U.S. and South Vietnamese forces captured Apbia Mountain, referred to as Hamburger Hill by the Americans, following one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War.
1971The album "What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye was released.
1989Comedian Gilda Radner died of cancer at age 42.
1993The final first-run episode of "Cheers" aired on NBC.
1995President Bill Clinton announced that the two-block stretch of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House would be permanently closed to traffic as a security measure.
1996The Supreme Court struck down a Colorado measure banning laws that protect homosexuals from discrimination.
2002East Timor became an independent nation.
2006The FBI searched the Capitol Hill office of Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., as part of a bribery investigation. (Jefferson was convicted in 2009 and sentenced to 13 years in prison. He is free on appeal.)
2006San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds tied Babe Ruth for second place on the career list with his 714th home run.
2008Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. (He died in 2009.)
2009A commission published a damning report on decades of rapes, humiliation and beatings at Catholic Church-run reform schools in Ireland.
2009Suspended NFL star Michael Vick was released after 19 months in prison for running a dogfighting ring.
2010Under pressure following security lapses, retired Navy Adm. Dennis Blair resigned as national intelligence director.

Current Birthdays

Cher, Singer, actress
Singer-actress Cher turns 65 years old years old today.
AP Photo/Peter Kramer
Matt Czuchry, Actor (“The Good Wife”)
Actor Matt Czuchry ("The Good Wife") turns 34 years old today.
AP Photo/Evan Agostini
1927Bud Grant, Hall of Fame football coach, turns 84
1944Joe Cocker, Rock singer, turns 67
1949Dave Thomas, Actor, comedian (SCTV), turns 62
1951Michael Crapo, U.S. senator, R-Idaho, turns 60
1954David Paterson, Former governor of New York, turns 57
1958Ron Reagan, Son of former President Ronald Reagan, turns 53
1959Bronson Pinchot, Actor, turns 52
1961Nick Heyward, Rock singer (Haircut 100), turns 50
1963David Wells, Baseball player, turns 48
1966Mindy Cohn, Actress ("The Facts of Life"), turns 45
1968Timothy Olyphant, Actor ("Deadwood"), turns 43
1972Busta Rhymes, Rapper, turns 39

Historic Birthdays

81Dolley Madison 5/20/1768 - 7/12/1849
American wife of President James Madison
51Honore de Balzac 5/20/1799 - 8/18/1850
French novelist and short-story writer
66John Stuart Mill 5/20/1806 - 5/8/1873
English philosopher
63William George Fargo 5/20/1818 - 8/3/1881
American businessman; co-founded Wells, Fargo & Company
48Madeline Breckinridge 5/20/1872 - 11/25/1920
American social reformer
85John Jacob Astor 5/20/1886 - 7/19/1971
English journalist and chief proprietor of The London Times (1922-66)
82Earl Browder 5/20/1891 - 6/27/1973
American Communist Party leader (1930-44)
94Adela Rogers Saint Johns 5/20/1894 - 8/10/1988
American journalist, novelist and screenwriter
42R. J. Mitchell 5/20/1895 - 6/11/1937
English aircraft designer; developed the Spitfire fighter plane
72John Marshall Harlan 5/20/1899 - 12/29/1971
American Supreme Court justice (1955-71)
66Moshe Dayan 5/20/1915 - 10/16/1981
Israeli soldier and statesman

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