
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Book Review

Book News and Reviews
Erik Larson
Benjamin Benschneider
Erik Larson

‘In the Garden of Beasts’

A Berlin post in the 1930s was no plum, but William E. Dodd accepted the role of ambassador to Germany, and he and his family offer a glimpse into life as Hitler rose to power.

At Home on the Farm and in E-Books

Susan Orlean’s new book, a long essay called “Animalish,” about her love of animals, was written for Amazon’s Kindle Singles collection.
Teju Cole

‘Open City’

Teju Cole’s first novel follows a lugubrious narrator as he wanders around New York.

Newly Released Books

This month’s new releases include Will Allison’s “Long Drive Home,” Mark Watson’s “Eleven,” Danzy Senna’s “You Are Free,” Marcelo Figueras’s “Kamchatka” and Anna Gavalda’s “French Leave.”

Bedtime Books for Boys

Three new picture books lull children to sleep with a construction site going to bed, a boy in search of his lost bedtime bunny and the story of a little bear’s day told backwards.
Jon-Jon Goulian, author of “The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt.”

‘The Man in the Gray Flannel Skirt’

A loquacious, high-strung, daft and vaguely sad new memoir by Jon-Jon Goulian, a grandson of Sidney Hook’s.
A Gutenberg bible on display as part of the New York Public Library's 100th anniversary exhibition.

Oh, the Stuff Those Lions Guard

In “Celebrating 100 Years,” the New York Public Library shows its populist side in a millennium’s worth of artifacts.
Sugar Ray Leonard in 1979.

In Book, Sugar Ray Leonard Says Coach Sexually Abused Him

In his forthcoming autobiography, Sugar Ray Leonard says he was sexually abused by “a prominent Olympic boxing coach” as a young boxer.
Jon Ronson

The Psychopath Test

In “The Psychopath Test,” Jon Ronson takes his mistrust of psychiatry along on his expeditions, visiting people everywhere from prisons to the corridors of power.

Celebrity Memoirs

In their new memoirs, Shirley MacLaine and Rob Lowe treat the reader like a friend while making it clear that noncelebrities can never really understand the strangeness of celebrity life.
Annie Jacobsen

‘Area 51’

Annie Jacobsen’s exhaustively researched book asserts that its title subject was a cold war site, not a home to little green men.

‘Electric Eden’

Rob Young’s new book explores folk music during the 1960s and early ’70s in Britain.

At Google, the Book Tour Becomes Big Business

Many authors may be concerned over Google’s plan to make their books available free online, but a number of them are happy to promote their work at the company’s speakers series.

Picture Books About Family Photography

“Grandma’s Wedding Album” depicts an album within a book; “A Photo for Greta” is about a bunny whose father is a photographer.
Sunday Book Review

‘To End All Wars’

Members of the Women’s Peace Party arriving in the Netherlands from America in April 1915 for the International Congress of Women, a four-day antiwar protest held at The Hague.
Corbis (1915)
Members of the Women’s Peace Party arriving in the Netherlands from America in April 1915 for the International Congress of Women, a four-day antiwar protest held at The Hague.
Adam Hochschild’s stirring account of World War I concentrates on appalling losses in the ranks and the courage of dissenters.
The easy part: Kissinger, Nixon, John H. Holdridge of the National Security Council and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai in 1972.

‘On China’

China and America are mutually dependent economic giants, Henry Kissinger argues, but they need a design of partnership.
Stanley Ann Dunham with her son.

‘A Singular Woman’

This biography of Barack Obama’s mother presents a more complex picture than the president offered in his own books.
A protestor in Washington on Sept. 11, 2007.

‘Among the Truthers’

A journalist travels the world of conspiracy theories, about everything from President Obama’s birthplace to 9/11 to vaccines.
A Mary Delany collage of a Magnolia grandiflora.

‘The Paper Garden’

A biography of an 18th-century widow who, in her 70s, invented a new way to depict flowers.

‘Caleb’s Crossing’

In Geraldine Brooks’s historical novel, a missionary’s daughter forms a bond with a scholarly Indian.

‘The Sly Company of People Who Care’

The narrator of this novel journeys into Guyana’s interior to seek answers about the country’s past.

‘What’s Gotten Into Us?: Staying Healthy in a Toxic World’

An effort to come to terms with the unknown consequences that synthetic chemicals may hold for consumers.
Edna O'Brien

‘Saints and Sinners: Stories’

Some of the restless, searching people in Edna O’Brien’s stories confront political violence, others reflect on disappointing loves.
Lincoln Steffens, circa 1920.

‘I Have Seen the Future’

This biography of Lincoln Steffens traces the convictions and delusions of one of the original “muckrakers.”
Bernard Madoff entering court, 2009.

‘The Wizard of Lies’

A Times journalist explains how Bernard Madoff pulled off history’s greatest Ponzi scheme, and how he got away with it for so long.
Gilbert Gottfried

‘Rubber Balls and Liquor’

The sometimes controversial comedian Gilbert Gottfried looks back on the performances that brought him attention.
Children’s Books Special Section
Illustration by Elwood H. Smith
Jane Goodall living among the chimpanzees in “The Watcher.”

Picture Books About Jane Goodall

A pair of biographies connect a pre-eminent primatologist’s lifelong work to her childhood fascinations.


In Veronica Roth’s first novel, an urban dystopia is divided into five factions, each guided by a particular virtue.

‘Okay for Now’

Gary D. Schmidt tells a tale of an eighth grader’s healing and discovery through art.

‘Noah Barleywater Runs Away’

When an 8-year-old boy gets fed up and leaves home, he meets some strange characters.

‘Beauty Queens’

Beauty pageant contestants crash on an island, and defy expectations.
Dylan playing for Guthrie in “When Bob Met Woody.”

Picture Books About Folk Music

In these two picture books, an appreciation of folk music is passed from generation to generation.


In this supernatural romance inspired by the myth of Persephone, a girl flirts with a death deity.

Novels About Abusive Relationships

Two young adult novels explore abusive dating relationships.

‘Babymouse: Mad Scientist’ and ‘Squish’

A science project in the “Babymouse” graphic novel series takes on a life of its own in “Squish: Super Amoeba.”

‘Fallen Grace’

A Victorian orphan goes in search of her missing sister in Mary Hooper’s historical novel.

‘Ruby Red’

In this novel, a London schoolgirl inherits a time-travel gene.

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