
jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

Reemplazo total de rodilla en pacientes con sinovitis villonodular difusa


Total knee replacement in patients with diffuse villonodular synovitis.

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Pinheiro Junior LFB1, Cenni MHF1, Leal RHS2, Teixeira LEM3.

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Rev Bras Ortop. 2017 Aug 14;52(5):616-620. doi: 10.1016/j.rboe.2017.08.002. eCollection 2017 Sep-Oct.

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Copyright © 2017 Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. on behalf of Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia.  This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


in English, Portuguese

This paper reports a case of diffuse pigmented villonodular synovitis (DPVNS), associated with advanced gonarthrosis, submitted to total knee replacement. The patient had progressive pain and swelling. She had two previous surgeries, firstly arthroscopic synovectomy and subsequently open synovectomy associated with radiotherapy, with recurrence of the disease. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed diffuse synovitis, advanced arthrosis, and bone cysts. The patient was submitted to a total knee replacement and synovectomy. There was a good postoperative clinical course, with improvement of pain, function, and joint edema on examination. The patient will be followed regarding the possibility of disease recurrence and implant survival.


Arthroscopy; Giant cell tumors; Knee; Villonodular pigmented synovitis


Este artículo informa un caso de sinovitis villonodular pigmentada difusa (DPVNS), asociada con gonartrosis avanzada, sometida a reemplazo total de rodilla. El paciente tenía dolor e hinchazón progresivos. Ella tuvo dos cirugías previas, primero una sinovectomía artroscópica y posteriormente una sinovectomía abierta asociada con radioterapia, con recurrencia de la enfermedad. La resonancia magnética reveló sinovitis difusa, artrosis avanzada y quistes óseos. El paciente fue sometido a un reemplazo total de rodilla y una sinovectomía. Hubo un buen curso clínico postoperatorio, con mejoría del dolor, la función y el edema articular en el examen. El paciente será seguido con respecto a la posibilidad de recurrencia de la enfermedad y la supervivencia del implante.


Artroscopia; Tumores de células gigantes; Rodilla; Sinovitis pigmentada villonodular

PMID: 29062829 PMCID: PMC5643900 DOI: 10.1016/j.rboe.2017.08.002

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