
jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

Orina verde / Green urine

Junio 13, 2017. No. 2718


Orina verde debida a infusión de propofol
Green urine due to propofol infusion.
Med Intensiva. 2016 Nov;40(8):524. doi: 10.1016/j.medin.2015.08.009. Epub 2015 Dec 1.
Orina verde. ¿Un motivo de preocupación?
Green urine: A cause for concern?
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Jan-Mar;33(1):128-130. doi: 10.4103/0970-9185.202190.
Orina verde
Green urine.
Clin Case Rep. 2017 Mar 8;5(4):549-550. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.891. eCollection 2017 Apr.
Methylene blue is used to assess the integrity of the bowel and may cause self-limiting bluish or greenish hue to the urine. Green urine is also caused by medications such as propofol and infections such as pseudomonas. Knowledge of the benign nature of this condition prevents unnecessary consultations and anxiety.
KEYWORDS: Green urine; methylene blue; propofol; pseudomonas
Orina verde y síntomas extrapiramidales
Green urine and extrapyramidal symptoms.
Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2016 Sep-Oct;27(5):1055-1056. doi: 10.4103/1319-2442.190888.
Coloración verde de la orina relacionada con infusión de propofol
M. Batllori Gastóna,1, A. Rivero Marcoteguia,2, M. Castañeda Pascuala,1, E. Murillo Jasob,
Rev. Esp. Anestesiol. Reanim. 2009; 56: 334
Orina verde secundaria a propofol
Sara Fernández, Pedro Castro, Santiago Nogué, Jose María Nicolás
Med Clin 2013;141:463  
Orina verde debida a propofol. Informe de caso y revisión de la literatura
Green Urine Due to Propofol: A Case Report with Review of Literature.
J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Nov;9(11):OD03-4. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/15681.6706. Epub 2015 Nov 1.Abstract
The change in the colour of urine is a known occurrence in an intensive care setting and is always a cause of concern to the clinicians who have to differentiate between benign and pathological causes. Herein, we present a case of 62-year-old postoperative lady, noticed to be passing green coloured urine believed to be due to intravenous Propofol administration for induction of general anaesthesia. The green colour of urine due to Propofol occurs when clearance of Propofol exceeds hepatic elimination, and extrahepatic elimination of Propofol occurs. This discolouration of urine is a rare (less than 1% cases) but a benign side effect of Propofol, which is non-nephrotoxic and gets reversed after discontinuation of the drug.
KEYWORDS: Anaesthesia; Drug side effect; Urine discoloration
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