
jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Opioides neuroaxiales en obstetricia / Neuraxial opioids in obstetrics

Abril 27, 2017. No. 2672

Analgesia con opioides neuroaxiales en trabajo de parto y en el postoperatorio de cesárea y de histerectomía. Una encuesta de cuestionario en Suecia.
Neuraxial opioids as analgesia in labour and postoperative after caesarean section and hysterectomy: A questionnaire survey in Sweden.
F1000Res. 2017 Feb 13;6:133. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.10705.1. eCollection 2017.
Background: Neuraxial opioids improve labour analgesia and analgesia after caesarean section (CS) and hysterectomy. Undesirable side effects and difficulties in arranging postoperative monitoring might influence the use of these opioids. The aim of the present survey was to assess the use of intrathecal and epidural morphine in gynaecology and obstetrics in Sweden. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to 47 anaesthesiologists at obstetric units in Sweden concerning the use and postoperative monitoring of morphine, sufentanil and fentanyl in spinal/epidural anaesthesia. Results: A total of 32 units responded representing 83% of annual CS in Sweden. In CS spinal anaesthesia, 20/32 units use intrathecal morphine, the most common dose of which was 100 μg (17/21). Intrathecal fentanyl (10-20 μg) was used by 21 units and sufentanil (2.5 -10 μg) by 9/32 of the responding units. In CS epidural anaesthesia, epidural fentanyl (50-100 μg) or sufentanil (5-25 μg) were commonly used (25/32), and 12/32 clinics used epidural morphine, the majority of units used a 2 mg dose. Intrathecal morphine for hysterectomy was used by 20/30 units, with 200 μg as the most common dose (9/32). Postoperative monitoring was organized in adherence to the National Guidelines; the patient is in postoperative care or an obstetrical ward over 2-6 hours and up-to 12 hours in an ordinary surgical ward. Risk of respiratory depression/difficult to monitor was a reason for not using intrathecal opioids. Conclusions: Neuraxial morphine is used widely in Sweden in CS and hysterectomy, but is still restricted in some units because of the concern for respiratory depression and difficulties in monitoring.
Caesarean Section; epidural morphine; fentanyl; hysterectomy; intrathecal morphine; labour pain; postoperative pain; sufentanil

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