
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

Dolor neonatal / Neonatal pain

Noviembre 27, 2016. No. 2521

Manejo del dolor neonatal. Aún en busca del Santo Grial.
Neonatal pain management: still in search for the Holy Grail.
Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Jul;54(7):514-23. doi: 10.5414/CP202561.
Inadequate pain management but also inappropriate use of analgesics in early infancy has negative effects on neurodevelopmental outcome. As a consequence, neonatal pain management is still in search for the Holy Grail. At best, effective pain management is based on prevention, assessment, and treatment followed by a re-assessment of the pain to determine if additional treatment is still necessary. Unfortunately, epidemiological observations suggest that neonates are undergoing painful procedures very frequently, unveiling the need for effective preventive, non-pharmacological strategies. In addition, assessment is still based on validated, multimodal, but subjective pain assessment tools. Finally, in neonatal intensive care units, there is a shift in clinical practices (e.g., shorter intubation and ventilation), and this necessitates the development and validation of new pharmacological treatment modalities. To illustrate this, a shift in the use of opioids to paracetamol has occurred and short-acting agents (remifentanil, propofol) are more commonly administered to neonates. In addition to these new modalities and as part of a more advanced approach of the developmental pharmacology of analgesics, pharmacogenetics also emerged as a tool for precision medicine in neonates. To assure further improvement of neonatal pain management the integration of pharmacogenetics with the usual covariates like weight, age and/or disease characteristics is needed.
Tratamiento farmacológico del dolor neonatal: en busca de un nuevo equilibrio.
Pharmacological treatment of neonatal pain: in search of a new equipoise.
Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013 Feb;18(1):42-7. doi: 10.1016/j.siny.2012.10.001. Epub 2012 Oct 27.
Inadequate management of pain in early human life contributes to impaired neurodevelopmental outcome and alters pain thresholds, pain or stress-related behavior and physiological responses. However, there are also emerging animal experimental data on the impact of exposure to analgo-sedatives on the incidence and extent of neuro-apoptosis. Since this association has also been suggested in humans, the pharmacological treatment of neonatal pain is in search of a new equipoise since these 'conflicting' observations are the main drivers to further reconsider our current treatment regimens. This review focuses on new data concerning clinical pharmacology of morphine, followed by data on more recently introduced opioids like remifentanil and tramadol, locoregional anesthesia and minimally invasive techniques in neonates, and finally with data on intravenous paracetamol. Since the available data are still incomplete, priorities for both clinical management and future research will be proposed.
Segundo Curso-Taller de Anestesia y Dolor
Zapopan Jalisco, México
Dic 1-2, 2016
California Society of Anesthesiologists
Annual Meeting April 27-30, 2017
San Francisco California
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