
miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

Cirugía plástica / Plastic surgery

Diciembre 21,  2016. No. 2545

Contorno del cuerpo y escultura
Body Contouring and Sculpting
Edited by Nikolay P. Serdev, ISBN 978-953-51-2830-4, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2829-8, 234 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published December 14, 2016 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/62515
Edited Volume
Over the past decades, surgical techniques have greatly progressed to improve and correct appearance. They are artistic procedures to give the highly demanded proportions. The growing public interest in aesthetic and plastic surgery interventions such as body contouring and sculpting requires clear description and differentiation of these highly sophisticated techniques, their results and combinations, as well as scientific information about the different instrumentation, devices and materials used. Such clarification will be hugely beneficial both for patients and doctors, having in mind the increasing number of such interventions and progressing interest for a better and healthy living including improved appearance in society. The book adds some scientific news to the understanding of body contouring treatments. Currently, the request for atraumatic, short downtime procedures predominates and demonstrates the importance of hi-tech and safe liposculpture and fat transfer, although they cannot totally replace surgical excision methods.
El papel de los cirujanos plásticos en el avance del desarrollo global
The Role of Plastic Surgeons in Advancing Development Global.
World J Plast Surg. 2016 May;5(2):109-13.
In September 2015, the international community came together to agree on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a plan of action for people, the planet, and prosperity. Ambitious and far-reaching as they are, they are built on three keystones: the elimination of extreme poverty, fighting climate change, and a commitment to fighting injustice and inequality. Critical to the achievement of the Agenda is the global realization of access to safe, affordable surgical and anesthesia care when needed. The landmark report by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery estimated that between 28 and 32 percent of the global burden of disease is amenable to surgical treatment. However, as many as five billion people lack access to safe, timely, and affordable surgical care, a burden felt most severely in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Surgery, and specifically plastic surgery, should be incorporated into the international development and humanitarian agenda. As a community of care providers dedicated to the restoration of the form and function of the human body, plastics surgeons have a collective opportunity to contribute to global development, making the world more equitable and helping to reduce extreme poverty. As surgical disease comprises a significant burden of disease and surgery can be delivered in a cost-effective manner, surgery must be considered a public health priority.
KEYWORDS: Capacity development; Global burden of disease; Global surgery; Plastic surgery; Sustainable development
Revisión de 2975 cirugías consecutivas por un cirujano en un centro quirúrgico ambulatorio acreditado. Experiencia canadiense
A review of 2975 consecutive operations by one surgeon in an accredited outpatient plastic surgicentre: A Canadian experience.
Can J Plast Surg. 2005 Winter;13(4):188-90.
The present paper constitutes a retrospective review of 2975 consecutive operations performed by the author, one of the three owners of the Saskatoon Plastic Surgicentre. The unit opened in 1987; therefore, the study spans 17 years. Patients are not kept overnight, and the Surgicentre is approved and equipped as a level C facility for general anesthesia. Only patients who score 1 or 2 according to the American Association of Anesthesiologists are treated. Only certified anesthesiologists are used. Of the patients with postoperative complications, only two required transfer to a hospital. One developed a pneumothorax, which was treated on arrival at the intensive care unit with no sequelae. The other collapsed following facelift surgery. She was transferred to University of Saskatchewan hospital and died later that evening with a massive pulmonary embolus. In a properly established outpatient centre, a large number of patients can be safely treated with very few complications. However, despite placing patient safety as the first consideration and adhering strictly to the highest standards, death can occur.
KEYWORDS: Ambulatory surgery; Retrospective review; Surgical complications
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