
viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Colapso materno

Octubre 19, 2016. No. 2483

Colapso materno: desafiando la regla de cuatro minutos
Maternal collapse: Challenging the four-minute rule.
EBioMedicine. 2016 Apr;6:253-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.02.042. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
INTRODUCTION: The current approach to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation of pregnant women in the third trimester has been to adhere to the "four-minute rule": If pulses have not returned within 4min of the start of resuscitation, perform a cesarean birth so that birth occurs in the next minute. This investigation sought to re-examine the evidence for the four-minute rule. METHODS: A literature review focused on perimortem cesarean birth was performed using the same key words that were used in formulating the "four-minute rule." Maternal and neonatal injury free survival rates as a function of arrest to birth intervals were determined, as well as actual incision to birth intervals. RESULTS: Both maternal and neonatal injury free survival rates diminished steadily as the time interval from maternal arrest to birth increased. There was no evidence for any specific survival threshold at 4min. Skin incision to birth intervals of 1min occurred in only 10% of women. CONCLUSION: Once a decision to deliver is made, care providers should proceed directly to Cesarean birth during maternal cardiac arrest in the third trimester rather than waiting for 4min for restoration of the maternal pulse. Birth within 1min from the start of the incision is uncommon in these circumstances.
KEYWORDS: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in pregnancy; Maternal cardiac arrest; Maternal mortality; Perimortem cesarean section; Postmortem cesarean section

Cesárea perimorten fuera del hospital como histerotomía de resucitación en paro cardiaco materno postraumático
Out-of-Hospital Perimortem Cesarean Section as Resuscitative Hysterotomy in Maternal Posttraumatic Cardiac Arrest.
Case Rep Emerg Med. 2014;2014:121562. doi: 10.1155/2014/121562. Epub 2014 Oct 30.
The optimal treatment of a severe hemodynamic instability from shock to cardiac arrest in late term pregnant women is subject to ongoing studies. However, there is an increasing evidence that early "separation" between the mother and the foetus may increase the restoration of the hemodynamic status and, in the cardiac arrest setting, it may raise the likelihood of a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in the mother. This treatment, called Perimortem Cesarean Section (PMCS), is now termed as Resuscitative Hysterotomy (RH) to better address the issue of an early Cesarean section (C-section). This strategy is in contrast with the traditional treatment of cardiac arrest characterized by the maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers without any emergent surgical intervention. We report the case of a prehospital perimortem delivery by Caesarean (C) section of a foetus at 36 weeks of gestation after the mother's traumatic cardiac arrest. Despite the negative outcome of the mother, the choice of performing a RH seems to represent up to date the most appropriate intervention to improve the outcome in both mother and foetus.

XIII Congreso Virtual Mexicano de Anestesiología
Inscripciones Abiertas
Octubre a Diciembre 2016

Información / Information
L Congreso Mexicano de Anestesiología
Noviembre 2-6, 2016
17h World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, WFSA
Sep 6-11, 2020
Prague, Czech Republic
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