
martes, 5 de enero de 2016

Mortalidad pediátrica en anestesia/Paediatric anaesthetic-related mortalit

Revisión de mortalidad pediátrica relacionada con anestesia. Eventos adversos severos y incidentes críticos
A review of paediatric anaesthetic-related mortality, serious adverse events and critical incidents
Larissa Cronje
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2015; DOI: 10.1080/22201181.2015.1119503
Anaesthetists increasingly face questions from parents on the long-term outcomes of anaesthesia, and yet more immediate anaesthetic risks are not understood, nor explained to families. This review focused on paediatric anaesthetic-related mortality, cardiac arrest and anaesthetic-related serious adverse events and critical incidents during general anaesthesia, and within 24 hours of anaesthesia ending. Anaesthetic-related mortality is rare in the developed world, and is approximately 1 per 10 000 anaesthetics, but increases in high-risk children. Serious anaesthetic-related adverse events occur in 1.4 per 1 000 anaesthetics in the developed world. Data are lacking from the developing world but anaesthetic mortality is 2-3 times higher in middle-income countries and may be up to 100-fold greater in low-income countries. A critical incident occurs in 3-8% of anaesthetics and this figure is double that in low-income countries. Anaesthetic-related events are predominantly preventable. Brief recommendations on preventative strategies are made and research goals outlined.
Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor
52 664 6848905

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