
martes, 5 de enero de 2016

Anafilaxia al látex / Latex anaphylaxis

Prevalencia de los signos de sensibilidad al látex en pacientes con múltiples cirugías por mielomengocele
Prevalence of sensitivity signals to latex in meningomyelocele patients undergoing multiple surgical procedures.
Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2012 Jan-Feb;62(1):56-62. doi: 10.1016/S0034-7094(12)70103-4.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The number of patients allergic to latex has increased significantly. It is crucial to recognize the cases in order to prevent and apply adequate treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of allergy to latex in meningomyelocele patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective evaluation of medical records of patients with meningomyelocele diagnosis from January 2002 to December 2007 was conducted. Patients were grouped into allergics and non-allergics. The comparison of groups for gender was made by the Chi-Squared test, the Student's t test was used to compare age, and Mann-Whitney test was used to compare groups for clinical manifestations of allergy, number of procedures under anesthesia, hospital admissions and vesical catheterizations. RESULTS: The mean number of procedures under anesthesia was 7 in the group with allergy and 4 in the group without allergy; this difference was statistically significant (p=0.028). The mean number of hospital admissions was 4.5 in the group with allergy and 3.4 in group without allergy and mean vesical catheterization was 24.5 in allergic patients and 21.7 in non allergic ones. CONCLUSIONS: Meningomyelocele patients undergoing multiple procedures under anesthesia have high risk of developing clinical signals of allergy to latex. It is necessary that patients with meningomyelocele diagnosis should undergo exclusively latex-free procedures, avoiding high risk of sensitization and its complications. Specific tests to evaluate sensitization, genetic markers and latex-fruit relationship may contribute to a better understanding of risk factors related to allergy to latex and ways to prevent it.
Perfil molecular de sensibilización en personas con exposición ocupacional breve al látex
Molecular profile of sensitization in subjects with short occupational exposure to latex.
Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2015;28(5):841-8. doi: 10.13075/ijomeh.1896.00413.
OBJECTIVES: We examined the prevalence of latex allergy in subjects with occupational exposure to latex allergens for less than 5 years, determining the disease spectrum in symptomatic workers. We identified the most frequent molecular allergens by Immuno- CAP (ICAP), correlating the findings with skin prick test (SPT) results. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven hundred twenty-three healthcare students using latex gloves on a regular basis were invited to participate in a baseline questionnaire screening. An ICAP serum test was performed only when a possible latex allergy was indicated by the questionnaire. RESULTS: The total number of participants responding to the baseline survey was 619. Glove-related symptoms were indicated by 4% (N = 25) of the students. The most common symptom was contact dermatitis (N = 18, 72%). In 12 subjects, ICAP revealed a real sensitization to latex, with a recombinant latex allergen profile showing a high frequency for rHev b 6.01 specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) (N = 9, 67%). In these individuals, skin symptoms were more prevalent than other types (88%). CONCLUSIONS: The combined positivity for rHev b 6.01, rHev 8 and rHev b 5 determined by ICAP identified 92% of latex-allergic subjects with short-term exposure to latex.
La alergia al látex en anestesiólogos : son los trabajadores de salud pacientes de alto riesgo?
Latex allergy on anaesthesiologist and anaesthesia managements: are the health workers high risk patients?
J Pak Med Assoc. 2014 Apr;64(4):453-6.
Anaphylaxis is defined as a severe, life threating, generalized or systemic hypersensitivity reaction. The most common agent involved in intraoperative anaphylactic reactions is muscle relaxant (61-70%); natural rubber latex (NRL) is the second most implicated agent and the incidence of latex-related anaphylactic reactions is increasing despite increasing awareness and preventive measures taken. Latex is a ubiquitous part of life today. Medical products which contain latex are present in our environment, especially in the hospital setting. This study focuses on our experience with two different anaesthetic techniques performed on the same patient who had latex hypersensitivity reaction and underwent surgery for myomectomy twice in 5 years. This case report aims to point out to latex hypersensitivity on health workers. The patient described had latex allergy and strategy of management during perioperative period is detailed.
Alergia al latex
Dres. Claudio A. Parisi, Beatrice Biló, Floriano Bonifazzi, Sergio Bonini, José F. Máspero
Arch Argent Pediatr 2006; 104(6):520-529

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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