
domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Videolaringoscopía/Video Laryngoscopy

Impacto de la videolaringoscopía en el manejo avanzado de la vía aérea por paramédicos y enfermeras de transporte crítico cuando usan el monitor compacto CMAC
Impact of Video Laryngoscopy on Advanced Airway Management by Critical Care Transport Paramedics and Nurses Using the CMAC Pocket Monitor.
Boehringer B, Choate M, Hurwitz S, Tilney PV, Judge T.
Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:821302. doi: 10.1155/2015/821302. Epub 2015 Jun 17.

Accurate endotracheal intubation for patients in extremis or at risk of physiologic decompensationCMAC Pocket Monitoris the gold standard for emergency medicine. Field intubation is a complex process and time to intubation, number of attempts, and hypoxia have all been shown to correlate with increases in morbidity and mortality. Expanding laryngoscope technology which incorporates active video, in addition to direct laryngoscopy, offers providers improved and varied tools to employ in management of the advanced airway. Over a nine-year period a helicopter emergency medical services team, comprised of a flight paramedic and flight nurse, intended to intubate 790 patients. Comparative data analysis was performed and demonstrated that the introduction of the CMAC video laryngoscope improved nearly every measure of success in airway management. Overall intubation success increased from 94.9% to 99.0%, first pass success rates increased from 75.4% to 94.9%, combined first and second pass success rates increased from 89.2% to 97.4%, and mean number of intubation attempts decreased from 1.33 to 1.08.
Modulo CEEA Leon, Gto. 

Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor
52 664 6848905

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