
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

Libros sobre obesidad/Books on obesity

Obesidad infantil
Childhood Obesity
Edited by Sevil Ari Yuca, ISBN 978-953-51-0374-5, 248 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published March 28, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/1151
This book aims to provide readers with a general as well as an advanced overview of the key trends in childhood obesity. Obesity is an illness that occurs due to a combination of genetic, environmental, psychosocial, metabolic and hormonal factors. The prevalence of obesity has shown a great rise both in adults and children in the last 30 years. It is known that one third of children who are obese in childhood and 80% of adolescents who are obese in their adolescent years continue to be obese later in life. Obesity is an important risk factor in serious illnesses such as heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension and early atherosclerosis.
Cirugía bariátrica y metabólica avanzada
Advanced Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Edited by Chih-Kun Huang, ISBN 978-953-307-926-4, 336 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 29, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/1066
Bariatric surgery has gained importance in the last 20 years because of the high prevalence of global obesity, and the vast understating of the physiological and pathological aspects of obesity and associated metabolic syndromes. This book has been written by a number of highly outstanding authors and pioneering bariatric surgeons from all over the world. The intended audience for this book includes all medical professionals involved in caring for bariatric patients. The chapters cover the choice of operation, preoperative preparation including psychological aspect, postoperative care and management of complication. It also extends to concept and result of metabolic surgery and scarless bariatric surgery.
Fundamentos y controversias en cirugía bariátrica
Essentials and Controversies in Bariatric Surgery
Edited by Chih-Kun Huang, ISBN 978-953-51-1726-1, 152 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published October 01, 2014 under CC BY 3.0 license
DOI: 10.5772/57007
Bariatric surgery has been proved to be clinically effective and economically viable for obese people when compared to non-surgical interventions. Advancement of minimally invasive surgery in the last 20 years has made the safety and reliability widely accepted by the public and government systems. Bariatric surgery not only proves its efficacy in marked long-term weight loss, but also aids in achieving substantial improvement or remission of co-morbidities. In this book, we review the fundamental knowledge of bariatric surgery, including preoperative nutrition, selection, and surgical complication. In the second part, new emerging and novel procedures are thoroughly described and discussed. Unquestionably, this book will offer you essentials as well as the latest concepts of bariatric and metabolic surgery.
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

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