
lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Más de gabapentina en DPO/More on gabapentin for POP

Comparación del efecto pre-emptivo de gabapentina y pregabalina orales en dolor agudo postoperatorio después de cirugía con anestesia espinal
A comparison of effect of preemptive use of oral gabapentin and pregabalin for acute post-operative pain after surgery under spinal anesthesia.
Bafna U1, Rajarajeshwaran K1, Khandelwal M1, Verma AP1.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Jul;30(3):373-7. doi: 10.4103/0970-9185.137270.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Preemptive analgesia is an antinociceptive treatment that prevents establishment of altered processing of afferent input. Pregabalin has been claimed to be more effective in preventing neuropathic component of acute nociceptive pain of surgery. We conducted a study to compare the effect of oral gabapentin and pregabalin with control group for post-operative analgesia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 90 ASA grade I and II patients posted for elective gynecological surgeries were randomized into 3 groups (group A, B and C of 30 patients each). One hour before entering into the operation theatre the blinded drug selected for the study was given with a sip of water. Group A- received identical placebo capsule, Group B- received 600mg of gabapentin capsule and Group C - received 150 mg of pregabalin capsule. Spinal anesthesia was performed at L3-L4 interspace and a volume of 3.5 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine heavy injected over 30sec through a 25 G spinal needle. VAS score at first rescue analgesia, mean time of onset of analgesia, level of sensory block at 5min and 10 min interval, onset of motor block, total duration of analgesia and total requirement of rescue analgesia were observed as primary outcome. Hemodynamics and side effects were recorded as secondary outcome in all patients. RESULTS: A significantly longer mean duration of effective analgesia in group C was observed compared with other groups (P < 0.001). The mean duration of effective analgesia in group C was 535.16 ± 32.86 min versus 151.83 ± 16.21 minutes in group A and 302.00 ± 24.26 minutes in group B. The mean numbers of doses of rescue analgesia in the first 24 hours in group A, B and C was 4.7 ± 0.65, 4.1 ±0.66 and 3.9±0.614. (P value <0.001). CONCLUSION: We conclude that preemptive use of gabapentin 600mg and pregabalin 150 mg orally significantly reduces the postoperative rescue analgesic requirement and increases the duration of postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing elective gynecological surgeries under spinal anesthesia.
KEYWORDS: Gabapentin; pregabalin; spinal anesthesia
Reanálisis de consumo de morfina a partir de dos ensayos controlados aleatorios de gabapentina utilizando métodos estadísticos longitudinales controlados.
Reanalysis of morphine consumption from two randomized controlled trials of gabapentin using longitudinal statistical methods.
Zhang S, Paul J, Nantha-Aree M, Buckley N, Shahzad U, Cheng J, DeBeer J, Winemaker M, Wismer D, Punthakee D, Avram V, Thabane L.
J Pain Res. 2015 Feb 9;8:79-85. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S56558. eCollection 2015.
BACKGROUND: Postoperative pain management in total joint replacement surgery remains ineffective in up to 50% of patients and has an overwhelming impact in terms of patient well-being and health care burden. We present here an empirical analysis of two randomized controlled trials assessing whether addition of gabapentin to a multimodal perioperative analgesia regimen can reduce morphine consumption or improve analgesia for patients following total joint arthroplasty (the MOBILE trials). METHODS: Morphine consumption, measured for four time periods in patients undergoing total hip or total knee arthroplasty, was analyzed using a linear mixed-effects model to provide a longitudinal estimate of the treatment effect. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and generalized estimating equations were used in a sensitivity analysis to compare the robustness of the methods. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference in morphine consumption between the treatment group and a control group (mean effect size estimate 1.0, 95% confidence interval -4.7, 6.7, P=0.73). The results remained robust across different longitudinal methods. CONCLUSION: The results of the current reanalysis of morphine consumption align with those of the MOBILE trials. Gabapentin did not significantly reduce morphine consumption in patients undergoing major replacement surgeries. The results remain consistent across longitudinal methods. More work in the area of postoperative pain is required to provide adequate management for this patient population.
KEYWORDS: gabapentin; postoperative morphine consumption; randomized controlled trials; reanalysis
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

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