
jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

Litigios relacionadas a anestesia / Anesthesia-related Disputes

No.1887                                                                                   19 de Febrero 2015
Diplomado en Terapia respiratoria
Diplomado en Terapia Respiratoria
24 Enero - 25 Julio 2015  

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Asociación Mexicana de Terapia Respiratoria
Medicina Respiratoria Hospital Ángeles Mocel México, DF
Mayores informes en: cuidadosneurocriticos.com
Análisis de litigios médicos relacionadas a anestesia en el período 2009-2014 utilizando la base de datos de la Sociedad Coreana de Anestesiólogos.
Analysis of Anesthesia-related Medical Disputes in the 2009-2014 Period Using the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists Database.
Roh WS, Kim DK, Jeon YH, Kim SH, Lee SC, Ko YK, Lee YC7, Lee GH.
J Korean Med Sci. 2015 Feb;30(2):207-13. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.2.207. Epub 2015 Jan 21.
Using the Korean Society of Anesthesiologists database of anesthesia-related medical disputes (July 2009-June 2014), causative mechanisms and injury patterns were analyzed. In total, 105 cases were analyzed. Most patients were aged < 60 yr (82.9%) and were classified as American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status ≤ II (90.5%). In 42.9% of all cases, the injuries were determined to be 'avoidable' if the appropriate standard of care had been applied. Sedation was the sec most common type of anesthesia (37.1% of all cases), following by general anesthesia. Most sedation cases (27/39, 69.2%) showed a common lack of vigilance: no pre-procedural testing (82.1%), absence of anesthesia record (89.7%), and non-use of intra-procedural monitoring (15.4%). Most sedation (92.3%) was provided simultaneously by the non-anesthesiologists who performed the procedures. After the resulting injuries were grouped into four categories (temporary, permanent/minor, permanent/major, and death), their causative mechanisms were analyzed in cases with permanent injuries (n=20) and death (n=82). A 'respiratory events' was the leading causative mechanism (56/102, 54.9%). Of these, the most common specific mechanism was hypoxia secondary to airway obstruction or respiratory depression (n=31). The sec most common damaging event was a 'cardiovascular events' (26/102, 25.5%), in which myocardial infarction was the most common specific mechanism (n=12). Our database analysis demonstrated several typical injury profiles (a lack of vigilance in seemingly safe procedures or sedation, non-compliance with the airway management guidelines, and the prevalence of myocardial infarction) and can be helpful to improve patient safety.
KEYWORDS: Adverse Effects; Injuries; Legislation; Malpractice
Anestesia y Medicina del Dolor

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