
miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

Enfermedades graves y embarazo / Critical illness and pregnancy

Revisión clínica. Población especial. Enfermedades graves en el embarazo 

Clinical review: Special populations--critical illness and pregnancy.
Neligan PJ, Laffey JG.
Crit Care. 2011 Aug 12;15(4):227. doi: 10.1186/cc10256.
Critical illness is an uncommon but potentially devastating complication of pregnancy. The majority of pregnancy-related critical care admissions occur postpartum. Antenatally, the pregnant patient is more likely to be admitted with diseases non-specific to pregnancy, such as pneumonia.Pregnancy-specific diseases resulting in ICU admission include obstetric hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liverenzymes, and low platelet count) syndrome, amniotic fluid embolus syndrome, acute fatty liver of pregnancy, and peripartum cardiomyopathy. Alternatively, critical illness may result from pregnancy-induced worsening of pre-existing diseases (for example, valvular heart disease, myasthenia gravis, and kidney disease). Pregnancy can also predispose women to diseases seen in the non-pregnant population, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (for example, pneumonia and aspiration), sepsis (for example, chorioamnionitis and pyelonephritis) or pulmonary embolism. The pregnant patient may also develop conditions co-incidental to pregnancy such as trauma or appendicitis. Hemorrhage, particularly postpartum, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy remain the most frequent indications for ICU admission. This review focuses on pregnancy-specific causes of critical illness. Management of the critically ill mother poses special challenges. The physiologic changes in pregnancy and the presence of a second, dependent, patient may necessitate adjustments to therapeutic and supportive strategies. The fetus is generally robust despite maternal illness, and therapeutically what is good for the mother is generally good for the fetus. For pregnancy-induced critical illnesses, delivery of the fetus helps resolve the disease process. Prognosis following pregnancy-related critical illness is generally better than for age-matched non-pregnant critically ill patients.

Evaluación prospectiva de la morbilidad y mortalidad materna en pacientes post-cesárea admitidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos post-anestesia.

Prospective evaluation of maternal morbidity and mortality in post-cesarean section patients admitted to postanesthesia intensive care unit.
Harde M, Dave S, Wagh S, Gujjar P, Bhadade R, Bapat A.
J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Oct;30(4):508-513.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Critical illness may complicate any pregnancy. Timely intensive care management of critically ill obstetric patients has better outcomes than expected from the initial severity of illness. The aim was to study the indications of transfer of post-cesarean section patients to post-anesthesia intensive care unit (PACU). (PACU transfer indicated that the patient required intensive care). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective observational study carried out in the PACU of a tertiary care teaching public hospital over a period of 2 years. Sixty-one postoperative lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) females admitted consecutively in PACU were studied. The study included obstetric PACU utilization rate, intensive care unit interventions, outcome of mother, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE II) score, and its correlation with mortality. RESULTS: Postanesthesia intensive care unit admission rate was 2.8% and obstetric PACU utilization rate was 3.22%. Of 61 patients, four had expired. Obstetric indications (67.2%) were the most common cause of admission to PACU. Among the obstetric indications hemorrhage (36.1%) was found to be a statistically significant indication for PACU admission followed by hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (29.5%). Cardiovascular disease (16.4%) was the most common nonobstetric indication for PACU transfer and was associated with high mortality. The observed mortality was 6.557%, which was lower than predicted mortality by APACHE II Score. CONCLUSION: Obstetric hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of PACU admission in post LSCS patients. Prompt provision of intensive care to critically ill obstetric patients can lead to a significant drop in maternal morbidity and mortality.
KEYWORDS: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; caesarean section; postanesthesia intensive care unit.


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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