
sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Anomalias craneofaciales y maxilares. Implicaciones y manejo anestésico

Anomalias craneofaciales y maxilares. Implicaciones y manejo anestésico

Craniofacial and maxillary anomalies: Anesthetic implications and management.
Bajwa SS, Kulshrestha A.
J Sci Soc [serial online] 2014 [cited 2014 May 20];41:73-8.
The advancement in the craniofacial surgery has imposed challenges on the attending anesthesiologist for the successful conduct reconstructive surgery. The anesthesiologist remains a key person in the multidisciplinary tasks involved in such surgery. Most of these patients belong to smaller age group and have difficult airway due to various syndromes associated with it. The other major problems faced by the anesthesiologist in such surgery are intra-operative hypothermia due to prolonged surgery and significant blood loss as well as fluid shifts associated with it. A well-equipped intensive care unit is a must for the post-operative care of such patients. Even the adult patients coming for maxillofacial trauma surgery require careful vigilance both intra-operatively as well as post-operatively due to frequent difficult airway associated with it. A careful pre-operative evaluation and discussion with the surgeons, proper planning for airway management, intra-operative care and post-operative intensive care backup is required for the successful outcome in these surgeries. The current review is an attempt to describe in short the important anesthesia aspects and challenges related to various cranio-maxillary lesions.



Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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