
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Opioides de acción corta/short-acting opioids

Consideraciones para el uso de opioides de acción breve en anestesia general

Considerations for the use of short-acting opioids in general anesthesia.
Mandel JE.
J Clin Anesth. 2014 Feb;26(1 Suppl):S1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2013.11.003. Epub 2014 Jan 29.
Anesthesiologists play a critical role in facilitating a positive perioperative experience and early recovery for patients. Depending on the kind of procedure or surgery, a wide variety of agents and techniques are currently available to anesthesiologists to administer safe and efficaciousanesthesia. Notably, the fast-track or ambulatory surgery environment requires the use of agents that enable rapid induction, maintenance, and emergence combined with minimal adverse effects. Short-acting opioids demonstrate a safe and rapid onset/offset of effect; that short effect is both predictable and precise. It also ensures easier titration and reduced or rapidly reversed side effects. Due to their distinct pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, and, in one case, rapid extra-hepatic clearance of remifentanil, these agents have several applications in general anesthesia.

Comparación entre el tiempo de recuperación de alfentanil y fenatanil en sedación balanceada con propofol en gastro y colonoscopia
Comparison between the recovery time of alfentanil and fentanyl in balanced propofol sedation for gastrointestinal and colonoscopy: a prospective, randomized study.
Ho WM1, Yen CM, Lan CH, Lin CY, Yong SB, Hwang KL, Chou MC.
BMC Gastroenterol. 2012 Nov 21;12:164. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-12-164.
BACKGROUND:There is increasing interest in balanced propofol sedation (BPS) titrated to moderate sedation (conscious sedation) for endoscopic procedures. However, few controlled studies on BPS targeted to deep sedation for diagnostic endoscopy were found. Alfentanil, a rapid and short-acting synthetic analog of fentanyl, appears to offer clinically significant advantages over fentanyl during outpatient anesthesia.It is reasonable to hypothesize that low dose of alfentanil used in BPS might also result in more rapid recovery as compared with fentanyl. METHODS:A prospective, randomized and double-blinded clinical trial of alfentanil, midazolam and propofol versus fentanyl, midazolam and propofol in 272 outpatients undergoing diagnostic esophagogastroduodenal endoscopy (EGD) and colonoscopy for health examination were enrolled. Randomization was achieved by using the computer-generated random sequence. Each combination regimen was titrated to deep sedation. The recovery time, patient satisfaction, safety and the efficacy and cost benefit between groups were compared.RESULTS:260 participants were analyzed, 129 in alfentanil group and 131 in fentanyl group. There is no significant difference in sex, age, body weight, BMI and ASA distribution between two groups. Also, there is no significant difference in recovery time, satisfaction score from patients, propofol consumption, awake time from sedation, and sedation-related cardiopulmonary complications between two groups. Though deep sedation was targeted, all cardiopulmonary complications were minor and transient (10.8%, 28/260). No serious adverse events including the use of flumazenil, assisted ventilation, permanent injury or death, and temporary or permanent interruption of procedure were found in both groups. However, fentanyl is New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) 103 (approximate US$ 4) cheaper than alfentanil, leading to a significant difference in total cost between two groups.CONCLUSIONS:This randomized, double-blinded clinical trial showed that there is no significant difference in the recovery time, satisfaction score from patients, propofol consumption, awake time from sedation, and sedation-related cardiopulmonary complications between the two most common sedation regimens for EGD and colonoscopy in our hospital. However, fentanyl is NT$103 (US$ 4) cheaper than alfentanil in each case.


Comparación de la mecánica respiratoria entre anestesia con sevorano y propofol-remifentanil para colectomía laparoscópica

Comparison of respiratory mechanics between sevoflurane and propofol-remifentanil anesthesia for laparoscopic colectomy.
Bang SR, Lee SE, Ahn HJ, Kim JA, Shin BS, Roe HJ, Sim WS.
Korean J Anesthesiol. 2014 Feb;66(2):131-5. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2014.66.2.131. Epub 2014 Feb 28.
BACKGROUND:The creation of pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg positioning during laparoscopic surgery are associated with respiratory changes. We aimed to compare respiratory mechanics while using intravenous propofol and remifentanil vs. sevoflurane during laparoscopic colectomy.METHODS: SIXTY PATIENTS UNDERGOING LAPAROSCOPIC COLECTOMY WERE RANDOMLY ALLOCATED TO ONE OF THE TWO GROUPS: group PR (propofol-remifentanil group; n = 30), and group S (sevoflurane group; n = 30). Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn), and respiratory resistance (Rrs) values at five different time points: 5 minutes after induction of anesthesia (supine position, T1), 3 minutes after pneumoperitoneum (lithotomy position, T2), 3 minutes after pneumoperitoneum while in the lithotomy-Trendelenburg position (T3), 30 minutes after pneumoperitoneum (T4), and 3 minutes after deflation of pneumoperitoneum (T5).RESULTS: In both groups, there were significant increases in PIP and Rrs while Cdyn decreased at times T2, T3, and T4 compared to T1 (P < 0.001). The Rrs of group PR for T2, T3, and T4 were significantly higher than those measured in group S for the corresponding time points (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory mechanics can be adversely affected during laparoscopic colectomy. Respiratory resistance was significantly higher during propofol-remifentanil anesthesia than sevoflurane anesthesia.
KEYWORDS:Laparoscopy, Propofol, Remifentanil, Respiratory mechanics, Sevoflurane


Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor

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